Schmit was our chemistry teacher in good ol’ Danube High. I liked the lab the best when we could make
explosions (i.e. flash points). The rest
I didn’t care for tooooo much. ChemistSarah says—Study without desire spoils
the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in. I knew at that point I
wasn’t going to be a chemist, but I didn’t have a clue what I was going to be or
wanted to be. You remember all those
assembly programs we had at school? You
know when everyone gathered in the gym and had a program of some sort. Some of those were really good. One thing I remember of one of those
assemblies was a guy who threw up some fine saw dust in the air and ignited it
with a torch; it was a huge massive explosion, well, huge massive for me as I
didn’t expect it (i.e. a flash point).
It really impressed me obviously.
But I can’t remember many symbols of the elements!
My parents, Chester and Anna, influenced my life even though
they only lived to their mid-50s. Yes,
they did. Did I retain and believe
everything they said or tried to teach me? No way! My opinion is that parenting is sooooo
important. Many times we can look at the
parents and their children and they are just carbon copies (i.e. and sometimes
not so much—and sometimes not even partial carbon copies). BUT (i.e. my opinion) it’s a lot better to
teach children good stuff than bad stuff.
What do you think? That is what I
thought. You as parents are leaders if you like it or not. A nephew-in-law shared some “big picture” themes
about leadership. I am trying to keep
them to a minimum or you won’t read them.
I know folks like you; I’m one! ha-ha
These are only reminders. I was
telling a business leader about this and he said—Most everyone knows them but
if folks don’t implement them, they are useless. He sorta kinda thinks that basic leaders are
born with skills. What do you
think? That is what I thought. WorldClassLarry says—There are folks in
leadership positions but are not leaders and there are folks who are not in
leadership positions but are leaders.
WorldClassLarry, I think we all know both kind of folks. Yes we do.
here are the reminders of great leadership qualities a.k.a. “big picture”
themes that he shared with me (i.e. he sent me 20 pages of notes from the
Global Leadership Summit he attended)—#1 reason why organizations loose quality
people is from poor leadership. Leaders lead with profound humility. When leaders get better, everyone gets
better. A humble leader can learn from anyone.
Respected leaders are trusted—respected leaders make you feel valued;
Make you feel inspired; Make you feel empowered. I realize your flash point is here; you have
had enough! Boooom, this is over! Such
is life.
The guy from north of town says--Life on this earth and even eternity
are both pretty much a mystery; we cannot really fully predict what will
happen; it’s somewhat an exciting realty (i.e. reality can be both good and
bad). LuckieEddie says—I’m pretty much in control of everything; he’s not
folks; he just thinks he is. He will
learn that; no question. There could be many flash points. Saturday question—Have you experienced any
flash points in your life in which you said “holy cow?” A friend gave me the book Wooden A Lifetime of Observations And Reflections On And Off The Court by John Wooden in 1997. I have read it many times and think it makes
sense. I don’t know if the current
culture buys into it as much as my generation, but Mr. Wooden is still quoted a
lot sooooo maybe it still makes sense (i.e. he is considered a great leader by
many). I was by the post office the
other day and I ran into a friend (i.e. he was our manager on our hs basketball
team that I coached maybe 45 years ago).
He told me that he has cancer. He
is a good guy and takes very good care of himself. Yes, the mystery of life.
While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on
it, I read this by Dr.J--We can never improve ourselves in any lasting,
significant way without the grace of God. We need for Him to begin a good work
in us, and then we need to remember that the One who started His work will
finish it. Be patient. God is not finished with you yet. This part is my
opinion--when we can understand some of that, it’s a flash point. It’s a goodie goodie, like a Nut Goodie bar
from MN (i.e. my Daddy, Chester’s favorite candy bar)! “Every human being is under construction from
conception to death.”--Billy Graham
A friend told us recently that he used to work in a place
that he met and engaged with many customers.
It has been some time ago but now when he sees them, it seems like they
don’t pay any attention to him. He was
wondering why that was. Well,
relationships surely do change for thousands and thousands of reasons. And time is one of them. Some relationships reach flash points and disintegrate;
they just blow up for some reason (e.g. one person in the relationship thinks
it’s all one sided). SusieQ says—As we
grow older, move around, develop different interests, get in contact with
different folks, etc., relationships are bound to change and even
disappear. SocialBetty says—I want to be
friends with everyone. But SocialBetty,
not everyone wants to be friends with you or everyone else (i.e. some folks
prefer not to have close friends). Some
of my friends will always be my friends even if we don’t see each other as much
as we used tooooo; you are just that type of friends (i.e. you guys are the
best; you know who you are). Sooooo my
friend—I don’t think folks ignore you because you have bad body odor. But to be
on the save side, have your wife smell you before you go out next time! Such is life.
says—Sometimes when we are in a hard place, we have a tendency to pray more
(e.g. like looking death in the face—a flash point). You believe that? That is what I
thought. Someone asked a friend if he
prays much. He said—No, not very much; I
pray some but I don’t know if my “not very much” is a lot (i.e. compared tooooo
others). I think prayer is good and is very uplifting and assuring. It might not be to you for whatever reason.
It is what it is. BUT, try it, you might
like it. I know the price is in your
budget. haha PrayingJoe said--As you pray, ask God to give
you “a spirit . . . of power and love and self-control.” CrazyMarvin
says—Yikes, I could sure use a dose of those qualities (i.e. now can’t we all). Such is life.
I had the privilege to attend the
funeral of our daughter-in-law, Jessica’s, mother. The families of both sides were well
represented in supporting and sharing the grief with her husband and children, and
husbands and grand kids. I think a lot
of flash points probably. I know I had many.
I had a couple of unique flash points. One was when a close friend of
Missy came and sat by me and talked. I
asked her what she really remembered about Missy. She told me straight out and we laughed (i.e.
she was soooo real). The other one was
the burial of her ashes at the small, beautiful, old rural cemetery on a little
hill overlooking the rolling farm ground of NW IL about 12 miles east of the
Mississippi (i.e. one of the brothers, Berry, said to me—it’s in the middle of
nowhere). It was this area where Tom and
Missy met at school, where their families lived and now where her ashes are
being buried (i.e. just a couple of miles from the Free family farm). It was like Americana. I think the inurnment experience was very
touching for all (i.e. another flash point). It was very real. Talk about being
real. I got this email from a golf buddy/friend--erv..... Had a dog fight going
on recently....5 years ago I lost 25 #...over the years 12 came back....do I
want to bother taking them off or not "dieting is a
pain" I'm down about 9 and hungry. If a person is a know
it all..prideful....old age will trim their sails. You find you don't know half
of what you thought you did.
says--Some folks like to learn by different methods. Some folks like lectures, some prefer studies,
and some prefer discussions. Some are
better teachers using these different methods as well. Some folks prefer lecturing soooo they don’t
have to participate or even pay attention (e.g. go to church and hear a
preacher preach; if they get bored or don’t agree, they can daydream). Some
lecturers have better methods of keeping folks engaged than others. No
question. Some folks are better
discussion leaders than others. No question.
Okay, here is my idea a.k.a. an opinion.
I think small rural churches should consider simulcasting a speaking
pastor who is really good at speaking and hiring a part-time parish pastor who
is really good at this form of nurturing (i.e. who is dynamic) to do the local
pastoring (i.e. even share this pastor with another church). Large churches are
sorta kinda using this method now and it seems to be working. I’m just throwing it out there. Here is a cute story told me by a
friend—They, when visiting some family, attend this certain large church. They
use technology in many ways. The pastor
did a recorded message that morning. He
told his wife that it was a recording after the service. She said no way, I saw him walk out
there. They use a large screen that looks
soooo real that she was fooled the whole service. Something else—church is different than
business, church will share stuff at a fraction of the cost as they want to
promote the Good News. And digital
equipment is relatively inexpensive.
Talk about digital equipment. A friend who is involved with advertising
(i.e. maybe she and her two other marketing friends are the ones who came up
with idea of sending 88 year old GrandpaJim all those calenders—explain later—it’s a teaser), told
me that she can find out anything about anyone who ever put anything on social
media no matter how they think they have deleted it. Sooooo think about that when posting
something. You might think you are funny
or smart or whatever, but they can find who you really are (i.e. your
character). Sooooo it’s not good to use
social media folks for many things (i.e. my opinion). It could really haunt you. I ask what good is it?
This time of the year I have sorta kinda a flash point when
we have to decide where we are going to give toooo. We get many invites in the mail and other
places (i.e. 88 year old Grandpa Jim told us he has got 30 calenders soooo far this year asking for
donations—maybe those pretty 3 marketing girls came up with this idea haha). I’m sure you have also. Sooooo here is how I somewhat decide—It comes
from the philosophy of Marie Curie who said—“You cannot hope to build a better
world without improving the individuals.
To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the
same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty
being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.” I must also admit
that we have some pet organizations that have really helped us or someone we
know personally in the past and we will always give to them because of our
appreciation. And some not soooo much,
particularly if we wonder if they don’t manage the gifts very well (i.e. we don’t
get much bang for our buck).
Last Sunday afternoon, I was going to jog on the golf course but there
was a tournament out there soooo I ran on the street. I ran into two neat, spicial gals/friends who gave me
such good advice (i.e. I really needed it—perfect timing). Happenstance, na I don’t think sooooo. They both really affected me—a flash point.
I’m in CO and getting a good dose of Erin and Jimmer (i.e. a lot of
flash points—plum opportunities). No
school for Erin yesterday sooooo I had some quality one-on-one with Erin. She
seems different when alone with me than when her parents are with us. Why is that do you think? Maybe if she was
around me all the time, she might act different or is it differently or either one (i.e. I didn't like English class either). It’s like a honeymoon in marriage, work, or
any relationship. It seems that it takes
about a year and then you find out who that “masked person” really is. I seem
to be learning not to expose myself all the time to certain folks as it might
come back and haunt me (i.e. used against me, bite me in the butt—better to maybe just lay in the
weeds—there will always be another day). And maybe that’s not a good idea. I don’t know! There are pros and cons! Such
is life.
and I walked down to the Corner Store soooo I could buy a Denver Post. We walked past a neighbor’s van which had
this on the back window. I asked Erin about
it and she said—It’s a bit weird. I
laughed but had a flash point and wondered if she thinks that of me
sometimes. ANYWAY, I know how to make
Erin even sweeter, even happier and maybe even a little hyper. Oh ya!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—No matter how serious your life requires
you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
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