read this in a book that is fiction—And fate would sort itself out. Saturday
question—Where do you fit into that statement?
I know for sure that some of you believe in total predestination and on
the other end, I know for sure that some of you believe that everything is just
luck. How do I know that? Well, some of
you told me what you believe. And I know
for sure that some of you believe in the middle somewhere. Some of you tell me that you are going to
heaven or hell when you die and some of you tell me you are going to die like a
pig. In those two scenarios, someone has
to be wrong I would guess. Before
Christmas I was talking to our daughter, Heather, about how I put up some
Christmas decorations in our house. When
our super cleaning gal/friend came to clean, I asked her if she could rearrange
the decorations a little which she did.
I think it really looks great; I really like it and it makes me feel
good (i.e. probably no one will see the decorations but me). Sooooo what, if it works for me, who cares;
they uplift me. A friend called and told
me that one of the family did not handle a death in their family very well. She
thinks that maybe she doesn’t have much faith in God and that is a big
difference. Seeee, we all think
differently; we are all singin’ our own belief.
Sooooo is there a God or isn’t there a God? One has to be right and one has to be wrong!
WorldClassLarry says—Now that is black and white; some day when the gonger
gongs (i.e. as a friend says), we will all know for sure! This is really
interesting to me.
Football Hall of Famer Brian Dawkins has been open about his
mental health struggles, including bouts with depression. He sought medical
help, but he also turned to Christ. “That is my No. 1 pillar,” Dawkins said.
“That’s just the pinnacle of me, my faith, my belief in the Lord…. Everything
else may move. My emotions may go up and down. People around me disappoint me.
But that’s something that will never disappoint me.” I was invited by a friend some years ago to
go to several AA meetings with him. I
was very impressed with AA’s structure and belief. They believe in a higher power which is very
important to their recovering process. I
have been told that if folks don’t buy into that believe, the success rate is
about nil. Huh, interesting.
There is sooooo much that I don’t know; a whole lot. Some things I just accept. JoeBlow (i.e. who
runs the speed route very well) says—erv, if you try to figure everything out,
you are going to be a mess; it’s impossible to figure everything out; it’s
beyond the human mind (i.e. both what we consider good and what we consider bad). CadillacJack says—erv, folks have been
struggling with this thinking forever; nuttin has changed; you are not going to
be the one to figure it out. I’m not
into the 70s funk music but Coach used the song Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts in
one of his YouTube inspirationals. I like the lyrics. One of the lines says—Free your mind and your
a___ will follow. I do believe when I
spend time cultivating my mind, my life is a lot better. It’s not that I necessarily know more answers,
but I think I understand one of my favorite lines better which is—His
understanding I cannot fathom.
A very senior friend sits at the same table at the local
restaurant seemly like every day I’m there.
I have known him for probably 45 years.
He is a very nice, good guy and he invites me to sit with him many
days. I usually am eating with a friend
soooo don’t but do usually always talk to him.
Recently a buddy of his was there with him and they expressed sympathy
to me about Arlene’s Alzheimer’s. I said
something to the effect to him that both of you guys have gone through a lot of
tough stuff in your lives (i.e. both have experienced a lot of tough stuff but
outwardly seemed to have handled it well); you know all about it. They went off like a firecracker singin’ how
life is just unfair as it seems like some folks have no tough issues and some
have sooooo many. I said—Ya, it seems
that way, but you have tooooo remember the only thing that is fair is the
Butler County Fair and that is in June.
They laughed, outwardly anyway. They
still have some deep scares, for sure. Do any of you relate to any of this
conversation? That is what I thought.
might just be singin’ along but others are looking to you for guidance and you
are their example. You are their “go-to.”
In some cases, you might not even know it and other cases, you don’t really
want to be. Yikes! Recently I told this to a couple who I think
are “go to” folks. I think they sensed
it before I told them. I do. JoeBlow says--Now that can be a lot of
responsibility. To some yes, to them not
really; all they have to do is be themselves and they will. They are good, real folks with good hearts—my
kind of folks, just like many of you guys (i.e. the type of folks I like to be
around). Thanksamillion for your
friendship you “go to” folks. ItchieBitchie says this—If you see good in
others, they start to see the good in themselves toooo maybe; I don’t think we
need to spell it out, well, tooooo some maybe but they still won’t get it (i.e.
some folks are more intuitive than others).
Such is life.
I recently had conversations with friends that were very
interesting. These friends were singin’
their opinions alright (i.e. everyone has an opinion about everything). Don’t kid yourself; if some folks’ opinions
are not the same as your opinion, it really doesn’t matter! haha Most folks don’t agree on most everything or
anything; you ever notice that. ANYWAY, many folks say they are open minded;
they are not! Most folks are hilarious! Soooo I tried to start a conversation with a
friend sorta kinda generically but pointed; they started acting almost crazy at
first. They claim to be open minded
(i.e. but only if everyone agrees with them).
In some ways that is a put down to me; I feel they are saying they know
everything and I don’t know anything. Another friend said to me—erv, I think I
have become more liberal as I got older—why do you think that—well, I am on
different committees and speak with folks from all over the state who have
different ideas; I have learned to listen to the other side (i.e. I want to
know where they are coming from); my husband isn’t that way; he has coffee
every morning with his same old cronies who all think the same! Another friend told me that he thinks their
church has become more liberal—why—I think we have become more kind and loving
and accepting; not as much legalistic and traditional! Oh!
Great conversations, my opinion.
Our 7-year old Rookie told us at his birthday that he didn’t
want any more socks, he wanted something fun! Well, you got most of the
Christmas gifts opened and some of you are signin’ the blues ‘cause you didn’t
get what you wanted; you expected something different; something bigger (i.e.
even if you won’t admit it). Well, that
ain’t nutting new! Baby Jesus was
rejected by most of his own folks. Why? One
reason for this rejection is that he didn’t meet their expectations of what the
Messiah a.k.a. Savior should be. They wanted a king to slay their foes and lift
them up. They didn’t want a little baby.
WildWillie says—Yabut, sometimes great presents come in little packages! The
older I get, the more I like the Christmas story (i.e. maybe because of lot of
This pic was on a college friend’s
Facebook. It was from a local school
that a teacher put up. It applies to all
of us. Soooo correct (i.e. my
opinion). If you don’t get it, well, you
won’t get it. Life has a lot of
decisions and guess who gets to make all those decisions. Aren’t we fortunate to form much of our own
life (i.e. my opinion)! What an
opportunity. I really like
opportunities. I pray for opportunities,
I pray that I recognize them and I pray that I have the courage to act on
them. If you don’t get it, well, you
won’t get it.
If you are a DuaneTheWorm person, you won’t
want to read this; just skip to the next paragraph. Martin Luther King Jr. said—The most
persistent and urgent question in life is, what are you doing for others. DuaneTheWorms are never concerned about
others but only themselves; even if they act like they are, they are not; they
only do things to self-glorify themselves (i.e. that is always there real
motive). Don’t kid yourself. And you know what, there is a good chance
that we are all DuaneTheWorms to some degree (i.e. my opinion). We like to sit on the couch eating chips
telling ourselves how great we are (i.e. some folks more than others for
sure). You guys are not much DuaneTheWorms
except for maybe one of you; you know who you are! haha
JoeSmart (i.e. he is a one person special interest group) says—Many
folks like to show off their make believe self!
WorldClassLarry says this about 2020—Just remember, you
can’t unring the bell! So be careful
about what your signin’ in 2020!
This “It’s Saturday” could turn into a
party; a real ruckus! It’s time to turn
out the lights. It’s a new year. Oh well then, let the party begin! I like
parties! I had a new party experience
Christmas eve; we went to the Red Rock at 5 (i.e. that is a church in
Littleton, CO folks) and then dinner with James, Heather, Erin and Jimmer and
then to the speedway for a light show. Now that was a different Christmas Eve
for sure. I sooooo much loved to be with
them for Christmas Eve. Great
Talk about change in 202O—The RedRockChurchAt5Service was
their 8th Christmas program on 5 campuses including one in TX and
one in Belgium. Wow! Not many gray hairs at the service; very high
energy service. How about this—Tomorrow
they are not having services at their campuses—they call it their
HangOverService; an on-line service in your pajamas. Many folks in Butler County might think this
is crazy. They worship about 6,000 folks
each Sunday (i.e. started about 15 years ago).
The service’s message was about being patient which will
give us peace in a high anxiety, stressful life we live (i.e. a real serious
problem in our culture)—patience gives us peace—peace is a practice, a path and
not a destination—Peace is already given to us—we can have Peace in any and all
situations—peace is a fruit of the Spirit—what you think about is your future—what
are you thinking about?--the Christmas story gives us Peace on Earth and peace
in our hearts. Heather said the gal
sitting next to her cried most of the service.
Why? Heather had no idea!
day after Christmas we went skiing at Copper Mt. to get rid of some
stress. haha Actually it’s a lot of work to ski with two
children (i.e. not a lot of peace; can create a lot of stress haha). James and Heather have their skiing
organization down to a science but it’s still tiring and that isn’t even the
skiing part. And then they also had to
put up with me!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—How much did Santa have to pay for parking
his sleigh—nothing; it was on the house!