Sooooo I bought a new and exciting blend of coffee the other
day. The name sounded sooooo good that I
couldn’t resist it. Sooooo the next
morning I get the coffee out with high expectations only to find out that it
was whole bean and not ground. Man-O-man!
No problem, we have a grinder somewhere soooo I spend time digging
around and found it. I fill the grinder
full as I want to grind all the coffee and be done with it. I ground and ground, but it didn’t grind very
well (i.e. I think I went over the top I think). Then the grinder started to smell, and smoke
came out of it. I killed the
grinder. Sooooo now I still have whole
coffee beans and a dead grinder. And
there’s more to the story, I took some of the partially ground coffee and
brewed some coffee. I didn’t care for
the blend! Man-O-Man! And the coffee was expensive coffee tooooo yet! I had a good laugh! What more could I do?
says—"Many folks aren’t as important as they think they are; I have learned
firsthand how fleeting influence and prestige can be. Without even a moment’s
notice, it can be stripped away.” I
would guess we are not indispensable. For this reason, I assume it is crucial
that we guard our hearts against pride (i.e. try to give ourselves pats on the
back), especially when we have experienced some success in life (i.e.
whatever that is). I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Make
a conscious effort to show deference to others. Numerous studies have
shown that the most effective leaders, the ones that succeed in motivating and
inspire those they lead, are those who exhibit humility and genuine concern for
other people. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in
humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not
only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Do you
believe that, or do you think pride makes a person more successful? That is what I thought. It’s our choice for sure.
MyFriendFromEastOfTown told me this at breakfast yesterday--The best way to preach is to tell the truth using kindness and grace. BUT not be condescending; that never works.
MyFriendFromEastOfTown told me this at breakfast yesterday--The best way to preach is to tell the truth using kindness and grace. BUT not be condescending; that never works.
AverageJoe (i.e. who is good as gold) says—It appears that
folks who have over the top thinking a.k.a. those who think they know
everything, seem to poison the well that we all drink from. BigPictureEric
says—It seems that they can really cause an ugly monster. I had my monthly breakfast with The Professor
the other day. We didn’t talk about
sports or money. No no! We talked about family dynamics, life
struggles and then The Professor brought up hermeneutics. What in the world is
that? I never heard of that before. I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile
and fourth south of Roseland, MN. I
think he was a little over the top for me.
I think I have noticed a change in the type, or maybe they
have been coached to change, in sports announcers. Why?
‘cause the majority of the audience doesn’t like the announcers who
think they know everything. The ones who
criticize the coaches and the officials as they think they knew all the answers
(i.e. way over the top) who irritate the listeners.
I think many listeners did what I did—I muted them (i.e. they were a big
turn off). The new type of announcers is
much easier to listen tooooo as they don’t, or have been coached, to not to think
they know all the answers (i.e. much more audience friendly). I listen to numerous speakers; it’s exactly
the same with them. Don’t kid yourself
folks. Some folks think they know stuff
that only God knows. Da! ItchieBitchie says--Folks might be flying at
41,000 feet but there is turbulence sooooo they have to pull the stick aft and goooo
higher, like way higher to get rid of the turbulence. Did you get it? That is what I thought.
Saturday questions--Why do you think State Farm uses Patrick Mahomes and Aaron
Rodgers in their ads? Da! Why do some gals get to be homecoming queens?

read in the paper, sooooo it must be right, that the Secretary of Agriculture,
Perdue, said in Wisconsin that small dairy farmers are toast. FarmerJoe
says—Change is a regularly reoccurring situation! Where did all the buffalo
go—they shot them all as they didn’t fit into the new culture. Is Secretary
Perdue over the top or just telling the truth? How do you think that went over with the small dairy
farmers? Is it reality? Well, money usually drives everything; if you
can’t make money, change will happen.
History sorta kinda shows that.
BUT usually in change, some folks will be the losers. Maybe we should be more proactive to change;
get ahead of it instead digging in our heels.
I don’t know. What do you think?
Winston Churchill said—Those who never change
their mind, never change anything. Was Winston serious? I think he is referring to the way I think,
my opinions, and my thought pattern. I
am wrong sometimes and I need to admit it when I am. Folks seem to accept folks much better when
they admit they are wrong instead of trying to still ”beat the drum very loud
of wrongness” (i.e. we need to eat crow when we are wrong). BUT how do I know
when I am wrong? Well, I think sometimes
we just know we are wrong. I am struggling with how a new form of marriage is
being used (i.e. I never heard of it before).
Probably 98% of the younger generations could care less. They say—Folks can do whatever they want;
whatever makes them happy (i.e. it’s a new scheme). erv, it’s none of your business or concern;
it’s a change in culture. Part of me agrees but its all new to me; I'm confused. Again, probably 98% of the younger generations would say to me—erv, rub
some dirt on it and move on; change your mind set, your opinion and your
thought pattern; you are not in charge of other folks or the world! I'm not going to judge anyone as I have no idea what I would do in the same situation. BUT I do know its time for me to change my coffee cup for sure and I did!
My dental hygienist told me that at their family
Thanksgiving get-to-gather, there were more dogs than kids! She made me laugh. Yes, our culture is changing.
But some traditions just hang on.
Our granddaughter, Erin who is 13, wanted to make Anna’s cranberry salad for
Thanksgiving. She touched my heart. It’s fun when the younger generations touch
our hearts. Very special.
In looking back at my life and thinking about my current
life situation, I have had a lot of disappointments a.k.a. bad gum; I would
guess you did tooooo. I have a tendency
when I first discover a disappointment to have a knee jerk reaction to the
disappointment (i.e. it feels like I just got sand kicked in my face). BUT, I also have a tendency after adjusting
and thinking it over, to become proactive and accepting. I have these reactions with the progression
of Arlene’s Alzheimer’s disease. It’s
ugly but it seems like after each new digression, after some time I become
proactive and accepting (i.e. spit more bad gum out). I guess that is good. Probably better than if I don't. To keep chewing that bad gum that is
an over the top negative reaction, is probably not good.
That’s my opinion. You guys have
any advice for me?
I went and saw the old client I talked about a few weeks
ago. We havn’t seen each other for many
years. When he greeted me, he became
very emotional and gave me a hug (i.e. he was never emotional when we did
business—times change folks). We reminisced
about old days and our business dealings and our relationship (i.e. even though
he has two hearing aids and still can’t hear worth a darn). His wife passed on a couple of months ago soooooo
maybe the timing was really good. But
anyway, I debated if I should do this, but I think it was really a win-win
situation (i.e. it would have been easier to sit on the couch and eat chips). I suggest you do something like this (i.e.
throw those chips away and get your butts off the couch). Some of you might think that doing something
like this is a little over the top! It could be but I think it’s better than
sending a card for their funeral (i.e. but not as easy for sure).
How dumb can I get? WorldClassLarry says—A person begins cutting their wisdom
teeth the first time they bite off more than they can chew. GeorgeTheCrook
says--Many times folks think they know more than they really do. I can do some really dumb stuff at times that
is way over the top (i.e. way out of good reason and judgment). I would think I would learn; many times I do
after stubbing my toe for the 100th time.

I found out the other day, AGAIN, that I’m really not very
important. Now that is humbling! I need to be reminded of that occasionally.
Maybe I can get over the top at times. I
was listening to a person speak recently and thought about what a couple of
friends told me. One said—If you read
self-help books, most authors say what they need to say in the first one or two
chapters and the rest is just filler.
The other one said—I don’t read self-help books as I never apply what
they say. I guess we need to be careful
when we speak and write; those opinions might apply there also. MissPerfect says--Maybe many folks think they
are more important than what they are; have the “over the top” thought of
themselves. Just maybe. TheGuyDownTheStreet says—Thank God I don’t have that thinking but
my mother-in-law surely does.
I also read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana
on it--No man ever repented of being a Christian on his death bed. And tooooo
top it off, Billy Graham made this observation, “No one can outrun death. It
will catch up to all of us eventually.” A friend emailed me this--"I know about
things that interest me....but I'm not interested in everything." Are these
communications over the top for some of you?
Well suck it up cupcake and let’s get going, we’re burning daylight!
think about this (i.e. it might be over the top for some of you)—Are we the
problem or the solution to the problem.
Could it be that we misinterpret our self-evaluation of ourselves? We might think we are right, but we are not
really right. Could be folks! I think I’m both sometimes (i.e. not
pretty). A friend text me—High emotions
is not a good recipe for harmony.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—When the root is deep, there is no reason
to fear the wind.
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