December 26, 2020

enough is enough

Don’t take this “It’s Saturday” the wrong way!  But you probably won’t maybe like it the right way either!  Maybe you just won’t like it! ANYWAY, I will pass you the left over Christmas cookies and the fudge; I know you will like them!

MyNeighborDownTheStreet, who wants it all, says—Never let success get to your head; never let failure get to your heart. TommyTomSmart, who had a rough ride in 2020, says—If you have had a bad result, concentrate on the next event; do not worry about what has already happened; it cannot be changed. SusieQ, who doesn’t overreact toooo often, says—We all have had success and gotten the big head and we all have had a bad result and wallowed in the dirt.  We are all experienced (i.e. we are all experts).  Do we ever say—enough is enough of that stkin’ thinkin’!

A friend tells me that she likes to get up and wake up slowly (i.e. really enjoys her morning routine).  I know some of you get up and hit the decks a runnin’!  Yes, we are all different (i.e. we seem to be wired differently). For sure.  I have realized that living alone, I have changed.  I have no responsibility to others and can do things how I, big on the I, want to do them and at the pace I want to do them and when I want to do them.  There is some pleasure in this. I see from folks who have been living alone for a long time how they become very independent.  Saturday question—Are you an independent person and set in your ways?

Heather and James treat me soooo good when I visit them here in CO for Christmas.  One thing that I really enjoy doing as part of my morning routine is drinking coffee spiked with some Bailey’s Irish Cream while talking with family (i.e. I don’t buy Bailey’s Irish Cream as it’s too expensive I think, but they do it for me).  They treat me like a king. Yes, I am a hypocrite, no question.  I try to stay away from high profile situations in trying to not get the virus at home but here I go and fly to CO to be with family for Christmas (i.e. $97 round trip flight, I couldn’t pass it up--haha).  It’s like this folks; my doctor asked me while giving me my Medicare Wellness physical this week—erv, are you going to get vaccinated when you have the opportunity—yes I am—I think it’s a good idea erv, the positive side sure outweighs the risk.  Soooo that is how I fell about flying to CO to be with family (i.e. good for me and good for them). This is my opinion of course! Your opinion and choice might be different. I respect your view and opinion. You might be right and I might be wrong.  It won’t be the first time, for sure. Such is life.

Warning--False positive and false negative results could occur (e.g. the virus test says, you don’t have the virus but you might, or you have the virus but you don’t or it’s undermined).  Keep that in mind!  Sometimes we can also read our emotions wrong, we read them the way we want them to be and maybe not the way realty really is.  Yikes, that can get a person in a lot of trouble, for sure. JoeBlow says—I have been there and done that. I say--Never again but then I go ahead and do it again.  I’m crazy! JoeBlow, it appears that after we have been burnt several times, we have a tendency tooooo think through things more, we don’t jump to a conclusion quite soooo fast, MAYBE! So far, I haven’t learned yet to say enough is enough but I’m sure I will soon, like when I get to be 100! haha

I have found myself becoming much more relaxed and don’t do things as fast and as impulsive as I use tooooo.  I feel more like I see a mountain man acting (i.e. just hunkering down in their own little world, masked up and letting their hair grow out).  I, for the most part, have no place to go and time means nuttin to me.  I seem to be adjusting to the slower pace (i.e. for the most part).  I think when I am alone it is easy to get this way (i.e. besides, I for the most part, have no choice).  Maybe our whole culture is becoming much more individualized and we are becoming loners.  Could be.  If some of you are introverted, you might like this lifestyle (i.e. this is right up your alley). Maybe we’ll all become mountain folks (i.e. moving farther up in our imaginary mountains).  MissPerfect says--As long as I have my dogs, a government check, a TV to watch the news, a computer with Wi-Fi, social media and amazon, a big box of chocolate what more does a person really need anyway.  Saturday question—Do you think folks will get to a point when they will say—enough is enough, I cannot live this way any longer! OneSmartPerson says—Things got to get really bad before folks will change and things aren’t bad enough yet (i.e. for the most part we have it pretty darn good—so far, it’s just an inconvenience for most).  Look around folks, things aren’t really that bad (e.g. grandparents don’t have to go to soccer games when it’s cold that most don’t want to go to anyway but feel obligated tooooo). Theladynorthoftown says—Now I have a very pleasant excuse for not going to social events that I never liked to go to in the first place but felt obligated to go tooooo—I just now say, it’s the virus! I would rather sit under my blankie and watch some dumb TV program. The virus can be used in a variety of ways! I texted a friend (i.e. KenTheMN-Engineer) and asked him if they are in AZ—We flew down here weeks ago; no virus; life is good!

I’m not a huge Facebook fan but do follow it some.  I was really impressed by a friend who has become a business executive, a mature mother and wife, and vocal about her faith (i.e. seems to be a well-rounded person). I was good friends of her parents particularly of her Daddy.  They would be sooo proud of her.  I mean really proud.  This is what she posted on Facebook. My friend, if you read this, I tooooo am proud of you.

Recently we had snow over night.  It was early Saturday morning and my neighbor was out cleaning his drive before it was light.  I text him--No question Duane (i.e. that was his late Daddy’s name who was always Jonny- on-the- spot and early), you are the fastest snowblower in the neighborhood! His response--Isn’t it strange how we are products of our environment.

A super senor friend told me recently that her and her sister early on didn’t want to be like their parents—why I asked—they really didn’t ever seem to enjoy life.  She also told me that her sister was much more intelligent than she was but never applied her ability or used her intelligence. She didn’t think she was ever very happy; her intelligence seemed to be a problem to her.  Now there is some first-hand wisdom!  You may glen the meaning from that wisdom any way you want. Einstein said—The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

YaBut, I have friends who have been extremely paranoid about protecting themselves from getting the virus germs.  They would hardly go out of their house, no social contact with anyone, wouldn’t talk to neighbors, had groceries delivered, wiped everything off constantly, washed their hands all the time. They did this since the virus started.  That was until Christmas when they went to a Christmas family get-to-gather of 25+ folks from multiple states a.k.a. a superspreader.  Soooooo folks do change. I guess they said--Enough is enough! Humans are crazy! For sure! Yabut, they said all the folks were mainly family!  Da! Well, if you don’t like the results of the rules or if the rules affect your convenience, money or power, then change the rules. Da!

We’re all kinda sorta the same and we’re all kinda sorta different.  Our bodies are pretty much the same but look different for sure.  Yabut our minds are sorta kinda alike but pretty much different. For sure. I am amazed how many of you eat oatmeal; I know because you tell me.  I am also amazed how it seems all of us prepare it differently (i.e. a thousand different ways) and put different stuff on top (i.e. some make it taste way good but high in calories).  I like the steel cut oatmeal (i.e. they say it’s easier to digest) that comes in a little packet, add water equal to a line on the packet, put in microwave for 2.5 minutes, then put a little skim milk on top and my half banana.  Bingo! Some of you say—That sounds terrible!  I have had several friends tell me that they eat oatmeal like 5 or 6 days a week and the other day or two, they eat something else (i.e. enough is enough). Each their own! For sure! Are you folks going partying on New Years Eve?  “At every party there are two kinds of people – those who want to go home and those who don’t. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other.” – Ann Landers

If we would write of the situation in America today or if someone would write about current America 100 years from now, I think the stories might be different. They usually are. Many reasons but for sure we are living it now and the person 100 years from now would not be and only writing about what they read about it and the effects of it. Also, the emotions would be way different and the imagination of the two writers would be different. Probably the seniero would be the same if we would write about our past families.  It’s like how we feel compared to how we imagined we would have felt to how it actually was. There are no stimuli (e.g. media to manipulate us or brainwash us), it would be actual factual history (i.e. maybe skewed a little). As it is said—We are living history; everyone has and are.  The year 2020 probably will have some interesting history, maybe. Soooo drive a stake in the ground as a bench mark to determine if things are better or worse in 5 years or 10 years or 20 years. Maybe even our lives will change in 5 years or 10 years or 20 years. Could be! Some of us will probably be pushing up daisies! Now that will be a change!

A super senor called me recently and asked if I could come over and have coffee with her. Of course I could.  We have become good, trusted friends through the years.  ANYWAY, she told me—At my age I can say about almost anything; folks at my age are all considered senile!  We laughed! She isn’t senile folks but is as sharp as a tack!  I just poke fun of her.  But I agreed with her, some younger folks think all old folks are senile and treat them that way.  SappySap says—YaBut, many older folks are senile and besides erv, you are an old person making that decision who probably are senile yourself.  ANYWAY, my friend and I had a most delightful conversation.  When I was leaving, she told me that she hasn’t laughed this hard for months.  Maybe she is senile as I don’t think I look that funny!

Well, enough is enough! Besides, it’s Saturday morning and that was the time my Daddy, Chester, and I would clean out the chicken house on the ol’ farm a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN. Do any of you remember the smell of the chicken house?  Have we come a long way or what! When I was maybe 8-10 years old, I had a Daisy bb gun.  I could buy a package of maybe 50 bbs from Amerman Hardware (i.e. just north of Dykema Grocery) in downtown Old Roseland for 5 cents.  My Mom, Anna, would tell me if I broke an egg, it was almost the same as one package of bbs.  Soooo the price of eggs haven’t really gone up that much compared to other stuff. As a kid I could buy a candy bar at Dykema Grocery for a nickel and now it’s a dollar 81 at Casey’s.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Doing your best is more important than being the best.

December 19, 2020

Christmas 2020

Christmas cards at one time were sent more and Christmas letters were more popular.  I still enjoy getting both but as time passes by, it seems to be not the same (i.e. technology sure has changed the amount being sent I think, my opinion.  But we learn continuously that somethings unexpected can really change our lives (e.g. the virus).  It’s nuttin new, history has had all kinds of unexpected events which have unexpectantly affected each of our lives.  For sure.  Soooo why are we soooo surprised! Some of you are thinking of all the unexpected bad things that have happened to you but please think about all the good unexpected things that have happened to us as well.  Soooooo many!

I had breakfast this week with a golf buddy/friend this week.  Here is a funny story related to all the bells and whistle's of technology. He was telling me that he bought a new skid loader. Everything is digital and much is related to safety.. He got it home and was testing it out, turned it off and he couldn't get out.  The door wouldn't open! It took him an hour to figure out how to get out! And this guy is smart!  But he is 76!  haha What a hoot! You have to have confidence and be a humble person to admit that.  I love this guy!

ItchieBitchie says—erv, I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t quote “Christmas Vacation” at least 10 times until Christmas.  Heather, our daughter, gave me this tee shirt a couple of years ago.  She knows how this movie just makes me laugh (i.e. as many of you as well, for sure).  Our family knows probably all the quotes and say them regularly this time of the year. What a hoot!

A friend sent me this information.  The world population is about 7.8 billion folks.  Now take 100 folks, 33 are Christians 22 are Muslims 14 are Hindus 7 are Buddhists 12 are other religions 12 have no religious beliefs. If those figures are approximately accurate, not all folks’ celebration of Christmas is the same. For sure.  And of the 33 percent who claim to Christians, they all surely don’t celebrate Christmas with the same gusto.  Sooooo I wonder how my celebration of Christmas compares to the world’s population.  How about your celebration?

I have always been amazed about the humility of Christmas which seems to be just the opposite of how the world sees Christmas and how the world operates.  It seems like the birth of Jesus and Jesus himself are all about humility.  I like that.  It makes me feel good (i.e. it warms my heart, it’s reassuring to me). 

I really like how these folks have decorated their house. It just makes me feel good. It appears to me that some folks have much more “Christmas Class” than others.  Some are just classier!  You can interpret Christmas class any way you want.  I have my idea, of course.  There is a big difference to me, between class and showy, impressive, egotistical, or agenda orientated.  A person who has “Christmas Class” just has it. I don’t have to tell you and anyone else. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that.  As a friend described a mutual acquaintance’s Christmas attitude this way—Not impressive. They had sorta kinda a stinging attitude in their Christmas message (i.e. an undertone of unhappiness and bitterness). That is really toooo bad isn’t it, my opinion.

Maybe about 45 years ago, I remember a couple of folks who attended the same church that we did and that I still do. They would only come to church when they could perform (i.e. make folks clap to glorify themselves--didn't appear to be very humble).  They really made me laugh (i.e. I still laugh at them but now I am laughing a dead folks).  WorldClassLarry says--Great people take the spotlight off themselves (i.e. they point the attention to others). For a Christian, that is what Christmas' main attention is all about.  Great folks point the attention to Baby Jesus. At least they try! That’s my opinion.

And it appears that many of those folks at the time of Jesus birth were scared to death, very humble (e.g. Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Wiseman, King Harrod, even the pagans who had enough of the severe immorality of the time).  Why were they soooo scared do you think? Even if they didn’t understand very well maybe, they knew something unexpectantly big and good was happening and were shaking in their boots (i.e. ok, their sandals).  It was prophesied for many years that Jesus would be the King of kings, Lord of lords, ruler of the world, the mighty King.  Nuttin has really changed for the folks who believe that prophesy even now (i.e. the same prophesy which was given hundreds of years before Christ’s birth).  BE REAL folks!

Many folks (i.e. some of those many folks are you guys--my home fans) ask me how I am doing.  I appreciate your concern.  But, I’m not any different than any of you folks. I don’t deserve to be treated better or worse than anyone.  I’m just erv.  I humbly accept that (i.e. I think I’m humble most of the time, maybe, at least some of the time or a little bit of the time).  Some of you might think that God treats some folks better than others and you got the short end of the stick.  I can understand that it can seem that way at times.  But we don’t know now do we. SusieQ says--Come on erv, look around, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out that I got ripped off. As Ruby Sue says to her Uncle Clark in the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation movie—We didn’t’ do nothing wrong and we still got the shaft!

Sooo I stopped at Casey’s this week and the clerk (i.e. who I know very little but is always very nice to me) said—erv, how are you handling Christmas this year (i.e. I assumed she met without Arlene)—oh ok, but it will be different, how about you—all my family is in California and we don’t get along and my husband's family is local but they don’t get along; have a lot of bitterness, hard feelings and no forgiveness soooo it’s pretty much our little family—soooo how do you handle that—it is what it is erv.  Sooooo, many family Christmases aren’t all honky dory!  Not all like on TV. 

Dr. J says--Many great folks in history probably didn’t look soooo great at a young age.  Jesus, Washington, Napoleon, Einstein, who have become great folks but started out pretty low down on the ladder.  And then there are folks who start out pretty high on the ladder but end up on the bottom rung. Now that is crazy. JoeBlow says—erv, but we have to decide for ourselves what greatness and success are. 

Myneighberdownthestreet, friends, many of you guys, or AverageJoes might not consider themselves great or successful, but, holy cow, many of you guys have done some amazing stuff.  Much of that stuff no one even knows about or needs to know.  I realize you didn’t get recognition in church, didn’t get your picture in the paper, maybe folks didn’t even appreciate it, and it might not be even said in your obituary, but you and God know (i.e. you might not even know how great you are yourself). Bingo! Soooo, my opinion, is be humble, you are great and successful.  “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9 NLT).

Here is something to think about.  In order toooo be great and successful, you and I maybe need toooo be broken.  It’s like a horse who needs to be broken in a positive way to be really useful.  If horses can’t be broken, they are just hay eaters (i.e. useless, a pain in the butt to have around).  Soooo it is with you and I, if we are not broken of our cockiness, obnoxiousness, over-rated attitude, we are nuttin but gas guzzlers, high calorie intakers, TV watchers, space takers, money makers, egomaniacs who are pretty much useless to God’s glory (i.e. this is my opinion).  RickyRick says—"Your witness to the world will come out of your weaknesses, not your strengths. A lot of people have it backwards: They think the world is impressed by Christians’ prosperity. That doesn’t impress the world. They see that everywhere! What impresses non-believers is how believers handle adversity, not prosperity.”  C. S. Lewis said—"I look in the mirror and like C. S. Lewis, I’m appalled by what I find: ‘a zoo of lusts, a bedlam of ambitions, a nursery of fears, a hareem of fondled hatreds’.”  

I wish each one of you internal peace, happiness and joy.  If I could give that to you, I would give that to you as my Christmas gift.  You know I can’t.  You and I need to find that ourselves.  I wish you the best in your exploration and making the choices that will give you that great gift.  God be with all of you.  He loves all of you, every last one of you (i.e. no matter how you feel about yourself this Christmas).  Now that is a Christmas gift, for sure. And the angel said--“I bring you good tidings of great joy.”

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—'Tis the season when grandma kissed Santa and the rest is history!

December 12, 2020


Heads up!  It’s like my mentor use to say—erv, it’s not as good as it looks and it’s not as bad as it looks.  I suggest you think of that before you start watching the news, during you are watching the news and after you have watched the news.  And my suggestion is that you apply that principle also in reading this “It’s Saturday.”

JoeKnowItAll, who is the leading professor at Nincompoop University says—Nobody can do two things at the same time and do them both well.

I am misunderstood a lot and I’m sure that happens many times in each “It’s Saturday.”  Here are a couple of examples: I sent a response of “?” to a text pic.  The person thought it meant that I didn’t know what the pic was about, and they returned a text explaining the pic to me, but I meant, what is going to happen.  The other one was recently when we had a tread of text messages about playing pickleball.  I went to play but no one was there.  I texted a leader and he said that we didn’t have enough, Tim couldn’t make it. I was not included in that different text thread.  I texted “the leader” back and said—That explains it; I get confused easy (i.e. let him off the hook nicely and trying to be humorous).  I think that he took it that I’m old and get confused easily and said “no problem” indicating that he thinks I do get confused easily (i.e. maybe I do from his younger perspective).  In “Macbeth,” William Shakespeare wrote, “If it were done when ‘tis done, then ‘twere well it were done quickly.”  I bet big money that that verse has different interpretations by different folks here deep in Butler County, especially the coffee drinkers in the shed up in ‘em ‘re hills.

I got this from a new reader that really made me smile—"From...........Just a 85 year old new reader who grew up on a farm one-half mile North of Old Roseland in New Roseland!”  To get “This Saturday,” you don’t have do anything—you mean I don’t have to do anything—yes, you have to do nuttin like in zero—are you sure—you do nuttin—what’s the catch—no catch, no fire drill!  LuckyEddie says—We usually don’t understand that do we.  But remember, you get what you pay for, but it does come with a money back guarantee! Not all of you might understand that!  You get it!

GeorgeTheCrook says—Negativism is such a deterrent. For sure! WorldClassLarry says—The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.  Now everyone has to understand that don’t they?  Yabut, now we have to decide what we need to overlook!  Got this from a friend, who is amazing to me, thought you'd enjoy—"Test positive for Faith, Keep your Distance from doubt, Isolate yourself from Fear. Much better than what we've been hearing.” Another friend, who is politically excited 24/7, tells me that his long-time friend watches the news 24/7 (i.e. he never turns a certain TV news station off which happens to be opposite of my friend’s opinions).  He just can’t get enough of it.  You think he is opinionated? You can bet your last dollar on that!  Holy smokes! I think when both of them die, their bodies won’t cool off for a week!

Watching the less number of folks walking when it is windy tells me that other folks also do not like strong winds.  I like it when the winds are still and there is silence, no wind. A friend was telling me that I am going to be one of his casket bearers if I outlive him.  I doubt if that will happen (i.e. he has a huge, massive motor, is as tough as nails, and is as strong as an ox). But by a long shot if that would happen, I told my friend--you better pick a day that it isn’t cold or with strong winds, you know I don’t like cold weather and strong winds (i.e. he knows that as I have played a lot of really fun golf with him and I always complain about the cold and a lot about the strong winds). We had a good laugh.

MeanMax, who knows tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today, said—"The world is upside down and backwards. There are people hurting and looking for answers.” That statement sure seems to be a deterrent to humans (i.e. overwhelming, crippling and paralyzing for many and for others not soooo much).  Has that feeling always been that way?  Do you feel that way? How has this feeling affected you? My mentor use to say to me—erv, half the people really don’t care about you and the other half are too worried about themselves to really care about you!

IffieJiffie, known to be very honest unlike her sister who isn’t, says—"I’m a Scorpio, and who knows if there is any validity in it, but I’m very emotional.  I have high highs and low lows.” I don’t believe in horoscopes but maybe you do—I have my trust in God a.k.a. my Rock even though I don’t always understand Him (i.e. His understanding I cannot fathom). Yes, the current world situations will or might reframe our mindsets. Which way will our minds be changed? Are you shaken?  How much if at all?  Why are some folks more shaken that others? Do you have peace? IffieJiffie says—I will check my horoscope and find out what I’m supposed to feel.

Text from Jessica, our daughter-in-law,--Interesting new work from home / online school highlight happened today. Henry (i.e. who is our 7-year old grandson who I call Rookie) appeared on the stairs whispering "emergency!" while I was on a client call. I asked to pause and mute my line for a moment. Henry explained he had clogged the upstairs toilet and the water was rising. I asked my colleagues and clients to carry on for a couple minutes while I went to plunge the toilet and Clorox wipe the floor. Rejoined the meeting and carried on.  

A friend was telling us at their Thanksgiving dinner that they hosted—Our 8-year old granddaughter usually facetimes with me every day and sometimes multiple times.  When I had the Covid-19 virus, she asked me during one of those FaceTimes how I was feeling, and I told her I didn’t feel very well.  She then asked—Grandma, do you have a will?

A super senor was telling me that she does her devotions every morning.  It’s part of her daily routine that she enjoys.  She went on to say that she didn’t always do devotions.  Her sister and her decided when young to go to church; there family never had anything to do with anything related to God.  Sooooo why did you decide to go to church then?   Well, we noticed that other friends’ family seemed happier than ours and wondered if church/God was it.  We went to many different churches.  My sister liked the Episcopalian and Catholic the best; I didn’t.  Soooo we compromised and went to a Lutheran church.  We went there for some time but then we quit.  Why did you quit?  It seemed after a while no one really cared about us anymore. We felt it was because we were not big financial givers.  Soooo we quit; we didn’t like the feeling.  Sooooo there is one deterrent as to why some folks don’t go to “some” churches.  Everyone likes to be cared about and accepted.  Da!

I was going on my jog the other day and ran into my neighbor. She told me she loves to walk (i.e. I see her doing it a lot).  She said it is really good for her mind; I agreed that it does good for me toooo.  Some of you won’t understand this and others will.  ANYWAY, I read this--“The researchers concluded that the sweet spot for physical activity and longevity seemed to arrive at about 35 minutes a day of brisk walking or other moderate activities, an amount that led to the greatest statistical improvement in life span, no matter how many hours someone sat.” You and I have a choice to sit on the couch and eat chips or exercise. 

LuckieEddie says--A deterrent of our happiness is always thinking about ourselves!  CoachB says—Psychologists do studies, and they show that Americans that describe themselves as extremely happy volunteer about 5.8 hours a month (i.e. soooo what does that tell you). They have also done experiments over and over where they give folks money and tell half of them to spend it on themselves and the other half to spend it on others. Natural logic is that if we would spend the money on me instead on someone else, I would be a lot happier. But studies have shown just the opposite, the folks who spend the money on someone else are much happier. Soooo you want to be extremely happy? JoeWacko says—"Maybe we need to serve the Lord with a certain amount of secrecy—not in deceit but for the purpose of intentionally wanting God to bring our hunger for fame and recognition under control. It’s unhealthy when we want all our good deeds to be known.”  Well stuff my shopping cart!

I was once making some creative gifts for our grandkids and a brother-in-law was riding along with me.  I was telling them that many times the grandkids think the gifts are goofy and maybe aren’t appreciated.  He told me—erv, as long as you enjoy doing it, it doesn’t make any difference! 

Our daughter, Heather, was discussing with me recently that she is waffling about if and how our family should get to gather for Christmas! It seems to be a dilemma. Dr. Fauci (i.e. or as some call him, the Dr. Hoochie Coochie) says we should stay home but our emotions say we want to get to gather.  This virus is a deterrent for many family-get-to-gathers and many family activities.  Well deck the halls! 

I must like my new slippers I got from the kids for my birthday (i.e. the kind with the wool inside to keep my feet warm during the IA winter).  I went to Cedar Falls late afternoon a couple of days ago to do some errands.  I looked down and still had them on.  Or it was because of another birthday!  "Bah!" said Scrooge, "Humbug!"

Was facetiming with the Mellema family.  Charlie said something and I said—I got it.  7-year old Rookie said—No, grandpa, you didn’t get it!  Sooo there you go folks! I have to admit some of the stuff our grandkids say I don’t get!  I have no idea what they are talking about! But then again, there is much that I talk about that they don’t get either.  Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other friends. (-:


MyFriendJean said—The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk.

December 5, 2020

boo woo -- ra ra hooray

This “It’s Saturday” might be called “It’s Saturday from the bleachers!”  If you are winning you hear a lot of ra ra horrays and if you are losing you hear a lot of boo woos (i.e. especially from the bleacher section, cheap seats)!  As our family says—It’s a lot more fun to win than to lose!  Now ain’t that the truth!

A golf buddy told me that he never was much good at reading.  In fact, he said—I can read a couple of pages and after the first paragraph, I can’t remember what I read.  Sooooo my golf buddy, I will make sure I write my good stuff in the first paragraph for you, but the problem is, I don’t know what the good stuff is and what the bad stuff is!  In fact, I don’t really know if any of this “It’s Saturday” is good stuff.  Such is life.

CoachB says—What kind of folks are you traveling through life with?  Are they lions, tigers, donkeys and asses or just good ol’ honest, nice folks with good hearts?  Our lives will be affected by who is in our boats.  For sure. I have been very fortunate in my life to be around many good folks (i.e. many of them are you guys).  I say thanksamillion for being acquittances and friends.  Many good folks have just faded away from my life for many reasons (e.g. time, death, circumstances).  They have influenced me and are really always part of me but just not around anymore.  Hopefully you have been around some good folks as well.  Hopefully, we all have.  I say to all you good folks—ra ra hooray!

While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, this is what Jim Langley wrote (i.e. anyone can be a Jim)—"You know the ‘Pause’ button you have on your TV, or the video you are watching on your computer or smartphone? Sometimes life presses the ‘pause’ button, whether we like it or not. Often we don’t. But I have learned when that happens, it creates a unique opportunity to step back and assess where I have been, where I am at the present, and where I am going – or at least, where  I think I think I’m going. Throughout the Book of Psalms, the word ‘Selah’ often appears. This Hebrew word seems to be used as a musical mark used by the musician/lyricist, causing readers or singers to stop and reflect on what was previously presented. This musical mark is also found three times in the book of Habakkuk, which speaks of God’s greatness since the earliest days of humankind. The prophet challenges us to dwell on the goodness of the God of the universe and learn to trust Him implicitly.” When I reflect, I have some boo woos and some ra ra hoorys!  How about you?

British statesman Winston Churchill who observed, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” I have failed more than I have succeed for sure.  I haven’t kept count but am quite sure that is the case, but it is hard to measure.  How about you.  It seems like failure has a different impact than success.  Or is that my imagination. TheGuyNorthOfTown, who usually is sitting on his high horse, says-- “Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.”  LuckieEddie, who gives good vibes, says—I have been lucky to have soooo much success.  I don’t deserve it.  BUT when I fail, I have a tendency to not want to try again.  Failure hurts toooo bad.  I don’t like the feeling.  Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going!

GoofyGoof says--Have you ever been fooled by folks.  Of course you have! We all have. When we get to know folks at different levels, we find out different things about folks.  Maybe some things that are really good about folks and some we’re maybe not soooo much impressed about a.k.a. the hard truth. I would guess that is pretty normal.  Getting to know folks is interesting for probably all of us (i.e. for some folks more than others for sure—some folks really don’t want to get to know folks very well or share themselves; very surface relationships).  Well, folks just amaze me!  Some things we learn about others are “boo woos and other things are ra ra hoorays!” Saturday question—Do you share yourself or not?

I recently got a text from a friend.  He found a note while cleaning out his garage that I sent him 29 years ago (i.e. he must about keep anything).  It was a great memory.  ANYWAY, it triggered my thinking about another friendship.  I developed a friendship with a guy who ended up being my mentor. Our friendship took years to develop but did become very special.  One day he told me some personal stuff and then said—I have never told anyone this before (i.e. spilled his guts); you are the only one who knows this.  I must have been the right person at the right time. It seemed he felt good telling me that stuff. I have never told anyone what that stuff was and never will. That toooo is a great memory.

I recently enjoyed an evening with some friends. We shared our lives’ histories some as we don’t know each other real well (i.e. developing stronger friendships). One friend was telling us about a sign on the Fraternal Order of Oddfellows building with a saying on it.  They do a meal and is served by ladies in their 80s but now have to have some help from younger family members (i.e. the old gray mares ain’t what they use to be). He was amazed that these older ladies are inspiring others to serve others. Oh, the saying is—Aspire to Inspire before you Expire. They might be saying—Throw those chips away and get your butts of the couch and do something.  Maybe! Some folks just amaze me!  For sure! Such is life.

I recently was totally surprised by getting a phone call from our grandson, Jimmer.  He is now 9 years old.  He is rather shy and timid and never liked to talk on the phone or with folks in general.  He talked to me for maybe 15 minutes in a tone of voice that was just amazing (i.e. very articulate and informative and poised).  I have no idea what happened all of a sudden (i.e. must have gotten a cocklebur under his saddle).  People do change now don’t they.  It’s just amazing; amazing how and when! I don’t understand many things, and this is one. We soooo many times hear about changes for the bad but don’t hear or talk soooo much about changes for the good.  Maybe folks like to talk about bad things more than good things (i.e. the news is usually about bad stuff—exaggerated bad stuff).  What do you think?  That is what I thought. You ever hear folks say about others—Well, good for them?  Soooo do they mean it as they are happy for them or do they say it with a sarcastically meaning that they are not happy that good has happened to them because they are jealous. Think about that next time you hear folks say that about someone else. MissPerfect says—erv, don’t ask that question; I am jealous a lot of other folks and say that often. Such is life.

At breakfast recently with a friend, he quoted his late father who was also a friend of mine—“Sometimes it is good to be like a duck and let things run off your back.”  SUGGESTION!  We at some point will once again have family get-to-gathers (i.e. I’m, for one am ready for them).  My suggestion is that we don’t talk politics but just enjoy our families.  I, me, myself, don’t enjoy being around folks who say vicious derogatory remarks about any folks including governmental leaders (e.g. … the president by name is a jack ass, a complete fool, a real dumb s..t, an idot, etc.).  Maybe when folks express themselves in those words they are a big turn off toooooo many.  Many folks don’t really care to be around them. Folks like that maybe kill the whole fun joyful atmosphere of being around family and friends (i.e. many don’t think it’s impressive).  Folks who say things like that probably have already started into the Limited Edition Family Pack! Each one of us are responsible in making family get-to-gathers a ra ra horray or a boo hoo!  Soooo if you are a person who expresses yourself that way, may I suggest, that when you are about ready to say something like that, you change your thinking and say something nice about someone instead. It’s just a suggestion. It’s your decision. But remember, decisions have consequences! Such is life.

I had a friend ask me at breakfast recently if my Daddy, Chester, swore. I said I don’t remember him ever swearing or taking the Lord’s name in vain—that is what I thought as I have never heard you do either (i.e. but he’s not around me all the time either).  I don’t think our kids do either (i.e. of course I’m not around them all the time either).   Sooooo what does that tell me?  ItchieBitchie says—We defiantly are influenced by our past environment and current environment. In the famous Christmas movie, The National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Clark asked his father, how he got through all the past Christmases at a time in the movie that everything was going a mess—His father said—With a lot of help from Jack Daniels son.  That is funny but isn’t funny.  Just maybe, another thing that is pasted on from one generation to another.

Well Santa, control your reindeer will ya, especially the one with the red nose! Soooo the other day I went to get the mail at the mail box which is across the street.  TedMyNeighbor was out letting one of his dogs pee in his front yard.  He’s a big Iowa Hawkeye fan and I follow them as well.  He says—How about those Hawks; they are getting really good; the offensive line is really getting good and the defense is much better (i.e. they won a couple of games against poorer teams)—I’m not tooooo cocky about their success; they play that soft pass defense just like always that drives me crazy—yabut they are getting way better—I’m not very cocky about them—maybe erv, you just aren’t very cocky—I don’t know about that. We laughed! I think there was some boo woo and ra ra hooray in that conversation. What a hoot!

‘is the season to give.  Sooooo how are you doing your giving this year?  You got plans?  Anything different this year? I have thought about my giving already. I will continue to do our “long-time standing family Christmas Eve giving tradition.”  It is soooo much fun and now such a good memory.  BUT I am adding something new this year.  I am going to put some thought into giving thanks to folks who I want to say thank-you to.  Don’t know exactly how or when I will do this, but I am going to do this.  I think that is a great gift. What do you think? How about joining me! What is really neat is anyone can do it.  We can be very imaginative in doing it.  Soooo folks, throw those chips away and get your butts off the couch and let’s think about doing it.  And remember, this is not about self-glorifying us but it’s about being a true gift to someone else (i.e. telling folks who the “thanks expression” is from is okay but doing it in a way that it doesn’t sound that we are trying to make ourselves sound like we are great can be tricky). BUT remember, a true gift has no strings attached.  ItchieBitchie, who always makes me happy, says—And for God sakes, be humble!

Stop mocking me towel
Got this email from a friend--erv, how well are you handling covid19? Here in Mn  we have been locked down again. It’s sorta tuff because you really can’t go anywhere. A bunch of us guys have gotten together for coffee every morning for 25 years. Now we can’t. But, at least none of us have covid 19! Every day I try call some other poor bum who may not have any one else to communicate with. I suppose it’s okay that I can’t go anywhere because I can’t see well enough to drive very far anyway.    Good luck

Have you every been redeemed?  GeorgeTheCrook says—I don’t even know what redeemed means.  In Christian theology, redemption refers to the deliverance of Christians from sin (i.e. something that human power is helpless). Being redeemed is a pretty good gift, I think.  Can we redeem others from a past action or thought we have of them?  I assume we can. Have you ever done that?  Would you ever consider doing that? I wonder how that would make a person feel if they redeemed someone else?  I wonder how it would make the other person feel if we did it to them and told them that.  It might blow their socks off!  MissPerfect says—I think I would have a hard time accepting that gift, I would feel like I don’t deserve it. 

For sure a ra ra hooray!  A big time holler! A big shout out to you! No question! This is hard to express as it’s not something I have ever heard talked about before.  It could be a first.  I want many of you to know how much your gifts to Arlene’s memorial fund means to our family and to many families who will and have benefited from them.  As we said, your memorial gifts would be split between Catholic Charities and Lutheran Family Service. These gifts will be used for their ministries.  Your gifts will be soooo appreciated by soooo many folks while honoring Arlene.  It just warms my heart and hopefully yours. Our family was just crazingly amazed of your generosity in remembering Arlene (i.e. blew our socks off).  In return, those gifts are now blowing the socks off others.  Tidbit—The reason why we selected both of these organizations was that both of our children were adopted through these organizations.  I’m emotional here, I have tears running down my cheeks—sorry! Maybe you might understand these emotions and maybe not. I understand.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--It isn't necessary to blow out the other person's light to let your own shine.

November 28, 2020


I read that modern references to “Ponzi schemes” refer to the fraudulent investment plan started by Charles Ponzi in the 1920s. He promised unrealistic rates of return—and succeeded for over a year—by paying initial investors with money from new investors instead of from actual profits from investments. In all such swindles, the victims have absolute faith that the conman will be true to his promises. None of what is written in this “It’s Saturday” is a Ponzi scheme as far as I can tell but some might be.  I can’t control the opinions of my imaginary friends especially ItchieBitchie; she can get way out of control with what she says.  Soooo take that all into consideration when reading this week’s version.

JumpStartJim, who is gutsy, says--I didn’t realize I was like COVD-19… an infectious disease! Sooooo are you and I infectious? A friend told me that when he was coming out of anesthesia, he was not a nice person.  His thoughts were bad and his talk was bad.  He wondered if he was alive or dead as he didn’t know what was going on.  He questioned himself if he was this way his whole life and didn’t realize it.  I talked to him maybe 6 weeks after this experience and he was still confused and questioning himself.  I asked him what his relationship with the Lord is.  Some of you might say—erv, you were either brave or crazy.  I might not want to be around you as you might ask me that. Could be but my friend sure didn’t seem very peaceful.  Harold Macmillian, who was the British prime minster for nearly seven years, said, “I am MackWonder one moment and MacBlunder the next.”  ANYWAY, I think that is a very legitimate question.  What is soooo hard about it?  It’s like you asking a friend what their relationship is with their dad.  They will tell you, usually (i.e. they know for sure).  Soooo what’s sooo difficult about answering that question. It is like asking—Do you like the MN Vikings? But folks don’t ask each other that question even in churches that they have been attending for 30 years.  Sooooo there must be something scary about it or something.

One person or one event can infect everything sometimes (i.e. either for the good or for the bad).  One rotten apple in the barrel seems to stink up the whole barrel. ItchieBitchie, who can be a swashbuckler at times, says—Yabut, a little bathroom spray can make everything smell good (i.e. but sometimes it takes more than other times--haha). Soooo do you think it is easier to attack or defend?  I read in the paper soooo it must be right that—A person’s abilities are tested best when defending rather than attacking.  I don’t know if that is right but maybe it is.  I don’t know.  What do you think? That is what I thought.  I tried to put myself on both sides.  I still don’t know what I think. CadallicJack says--If you don't accept responsibility for your own actions, then you are forever chained to a position of defense. Sooo erv, what does this have to do with the price of tea in China?

I played pickleball with the locals at an area church Tuesday night.  A friend said—erv, I had to grow up this year—what do you mean—I have to make the turkey this year—how old are you anyway—60—it’s about time (i.e. she had to put on her big girl pants--haha)!  I had this gal as a student a zillion years ago; I nicknamed her Squirt!  I still occasionally call her Squirt ‘cause she still is a squirt to me (i.e. and a good pickleball player I might add)!  I really like this gal; she is a real person, a good person with a good heart; my kind of person.

Here is something that can infect folks in a very positive way.  RickyRick, who might be the brother of RichyRich, says—"It is called the ministry of presence. When you’re ministering to someone in pain, you must remember this: The deeper the pain, the fewer words you use. If somebody’s having a bad hair day, then you can talk about it for 30 minutes. But if that person has a major crisis, talking about it for a long time is probably not going to help. Just show up and shut up. You can’t talk people out of their pain. Some pain is beyond words. When it’s the right time, your hurting friend will say something. When it’s the right time, then you’ll be able to say something too.” GeorgeTheCrook, who seems to keep his head, asks—Why do we think we always need to talk?  Wouldn’t it be better if we would just listened? Most of the time, others don’t want our advice or opinion.  If they do, they will ask. They usually don’t. It seems like I have a hard time just being still!  I’m really going to try to be better at that.  We will see.  No promises! For sure. 

Giving directions is such a tricky area.  An eight-year old kid gives grandma instructions on how to use her iPad (i.e. they say to grandma--everyone knows that grandma).  Grandma is giving her eight-year old grandson (i.e. or her 25-year old grandson) instructions about something about common sense (i.e. they say to the kid—everyone knows that grandson).  Have you ever expected the other person to understand the instructions you are giving them, and they don’t and then latter on it causes a problem that you have toooo fix?  Have anyone gave you a lingo about instructions about something that they are very much an expert in, but you are not and then they ask, any questions? Directions are tricky alright.  Maybe that is why the military goes over a procedure time and time again (i.e. practice practice practice).  They try to make sure everyone understands the directions.

It appears that a little over 50% of Americans who have voted indicated that they want the United States (i.e. which we are surely not united in our opinions) to go in a different direction.  Is this a good decision do you think (i.e. probably depends what camp you are in I would guess)? Our country is about 254 years old (i.e. really not very old).  I wonder if the Revolutionary War would have been won by the other side if things would have been different.  I wonder about the same with the Civil War, 1st WW and the 2nd WW, Dessert Storm War or any of our other country’s wars.  Surely those outcomes would have made a massive huge difference to the U.S., the world and each of our lives even though it appears that the results are largely forgotten.  History will prove once again what results this decision will produce.  Soooo how do we know what good is and how this decision will affect us?  Good, it appears to me—my opinion, is something I have in my brain, heart, mind and soul.  Soooo good might be something different to different folks for sure.  I read in the paper soooo it must be right—It is disquieting to see language being manipulated to imply the opposite of what people think they are expressing. Time will tell folks!  I probably won’t see the big result in my lifetime. Oh, those emotions can misdirect us sometimes.  Haven’t we seen this in world history? And some you don’t agree about that either!!  haha We have freedoms in America. America is a democracy. Voting is one freedom we have to express our beliefs and/or emotions. I had a friend from another country express to me that he does not like to see Americans soooo split in their views.  Maybe he is just a nice guy or maybe he thinks this could have a major impact in the world. Huh interesting.

I, erv, get infected by them folks (i.e. some of ‘em folks are you guys).  History seems to show us how folks get infected by leaders (i.e. both good and bad).  Sometimes we can’t tell who are the good leaders and who are the bad leaders.  Soooo is that fate?  Is that something divine? I don’t know that.  I do ponder that though.  In the world, we know that different CEOs, coaches, parents, bosses, friends, religious leaders, spouses, government leaders, etc. can really make a difference (i.e. infect us) in our lives and our success and beliefs.  Some folks make good decisions toooo what they buy into and others don’t.  Look around folks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.  And some folks don’t have a choice who they are controlled by (i.e. seems like they have no choice).  And some are probably brainwashed. Some folks live miserable lives their whole life.  And some seem to elect that lifestyle! Ouchy ouchy!

I have read the book Endurance by Lansing.  It is a classic non-fiction about the ship Endurance and the crew who tried to cross the Antarctic overland in 1915. Well they got frozen in.  It was recommended to me by my friend JimTheMI-Engineer. I have really enjoyed it.  It might not be the most popular recent book. I got it from a local library and it was last checked out in 2015 (i.e. but it was checked out 19 times since 1999 to 2015—some folks liked it).  But it’s older but the story is the same!  Here is a part about being infected.    

The book has been read by many, I think, because it’s a true adventure. It parallels our lives.  And we know the outcomes of the book and many of our lives—HAPPY! It has hope, disappointment, miracles, tragedies, etc.  It shows how much our bodies and minds can endure if we have the right attitude.  Maybe, it is perfect timing for me as I am in a new adventure with a new chapter of my life. Could be.  I suggest you give it a read.

I had a friend call me that normally doesn’t call me.  He talked about how this year has been tough on a lot of folks, him included, because of all the political turmoil and the virus situation.  I surely agreed with him. He concluded our conversation in telling me—erv, love your kids and their families even if they don’t agree with you on some issues.  What great advice.  There are maybe families that don’t agree about issues and it has affected family harmony to a point of not loving each other anymore.  His call was really not a normal communication that I would expect from this friend (i.e. this guy is wise and a good friend, for sure). It really was good for me to hear this—not just about family members but about other friends and acquaintances (i.e. erv, be more tolerant even when they aren’t tolerant of me—now that is hard to do sometimes especially when they are surely obnoxiously wrong haha). Thanksamillion my friend; you have infected me.  Sushma Swaraj (i.e. I wonder if any of you know about her) said—"My best friend and most trustworthy friend is my husband. I trust him more than I trust myself.” I bet very few toooo none know who Sushma Swaraj is or really care!  She was pretty impressive in her own right but not here deep in Butler County especially with the guys who drink coffee in the shed! She was known and is known by many folks of the world. Put this in your brain—sooo if she is that important and you never heard of her, how important are you?

We are infected by our past.  LutherMyLittleCouzFromRoseland sent our family this in regards to MyKidSisterDoris’70thBirthday that made me emotional (i.e. some of you folks say you like that when I’m personal)—I remember going with your mother and Doris (i.e. my kid sister) to watch Erv play basketball at NWC. Your mother drove all the there and back the same day. Erv showed me his dorm room, pretty cool. I remember him telling the guys in the room to keep it clean because I was his little cousin from Roseland. Than he laughed. Your mother was a special lady.” That was maybe 55 years ago and LittleCouzFromRoseland remembers it. Huh interesting.

Recently I had sorta kinda a dilemma.  I want to start playing pickleball inside with the club that I usually play with in the metro.  BUT the virus is on a rampage soooo I really wondered if I should do it.  I decided I was going to do it.  Then I got up the next morning and my hip hurt me.  It never hurts.  What is going on.  I probably couldn’t play and probably shouldn’t play.  Decision made for a few days.  Is this crazy or a blessing or happenstance or what?  You every have stuff like this happen to you. 

A classmate, Zinger, of good ol’ Danube High (i.e. class of 63 which makes us 75) usually keeps in touch but hasn’t for a while.  I get this email from him that is something--Sorry I haven’t stayed in touch. I haven’t got a good excuse so I’ll try to make one up. I have age related macular degeneration. So, I’m blind on my left eye but so far my right eye ain’t real bad. We inherit this from our mother. I knew Mom had this and I knew I might have it some day. But, I wasn’t worried cuss Mom was really old when she had it. Well, I did the math and guess what? She was about 75.  Other than that and being hearing impaired life is really good! 

The other day probably was my last round of golf for 2020.  It was a beautiful sixty-degree day with acceptable wind.  I scored well and enjoyed the company (i.e. a good combination).  ANYWAY, on the tee on #3, I said to my senor guys—My body really feels good today, better than it has for some time.  I think I might have been infected with the virus—why do you think that—I have been tired and felt lazy and my whole body hurt for a few days.  They all said—That is how they feel all the time!  Soooooo maybe I didn’t have the virus.  haha  On the 7th tee box, DownTheMiddleRon, who I was riding with, said I better start hitting a few down the middle or you’ll change my name!  Soooo DownTheMiddleRon, when are you going to FL for the winter—a week from tomorrow—you have told me different dates about three times—I’m impetuous and indecisive—can you be both—I am—I know you more being impetuous--probably. MyFriendSometimesDownTheMiddle infects me! 

Our daughter, Heather, had two imagery friends when she was a little girl.  They were Cindy and Beaner.  Imaginary friends can get by with almost anything.  They are soooo much fun.  You have any imaginary friends, or did you?  Here is a meaningful parable of an imaginary friend—There once was a mouse that lived in a tavern. One night the mouse found a leaky barrel of beer, and he drank all he could hold. When the mouse was finished, he sat up, twirled his whiskers, and looked around arrogantly. “Now then,” he said, “where’s that cat?”

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Alone we can do little, together we can do much.   Helen Keller