Don’t take this “It’s Saturday” the wrong way! But you probably won’t maybe like it the
right way either! Maybe you just won’t
like it! ANYWAY, I will pass you the left over Christmas cookies and the fudge; I know you will like them!
MyNeighborDownTheStreet, who wants it all, says—Never let
success get to your head; never let failure get to your heart. TommyTomSmart,
who had a rough ride in 2020, says—If you have had a bad result, concentrate on
the next event; do not worry about what has already happened; it cannot be
changed. SusieQ, who doesn’t overreact toooo often, says—We all have had
success and gotten the big head and we all have had a bad result and wallowed
in the dirt. We are all experienced
(i.e. we are all experts). Do we ever
say—enough is enough of that stkin’ thinkin’!
A friend tells me that she likes to get up and wake up
slowly (i.e. really enjoys her morning routine). I know some of you get up and hit the decks a
runnin’! Yes, we are all different (i.e.
we seem to be wired differently). For sure.
I have realized that living alone, I have changed. I have no responsibility to others and can do
things how I, big on the I, want to do them and at the pace I want to do them
and when I want to do them. There is
some pleasure in this. I see from folks who have been living alone for a long
time how they become very independent.
Saturday question—Are you an independent person and set in your ways?
Heather and James treat me soooo good when I
visit them here in CO for Christmas.
thing that I really enjoy doing as part of my morning routine is drinking
coffee spiked with some Bailey’s Irish Cream while talking with family (i.e. I
don’t buy Bailey’s Irish Cream as it’s too expensive I think, but they do it
for me).
They treat me like a king. Yes,
I am a hypocrite, no question.
I try to
stay away from high profile situations in trying to not get the virus at home
but here I go and fly to CO to be with family for Christmas (i.e. $97 round
trip flight, I couldn’t pass it up--haha).
It’s like this folks; my doctor asked me while giving me my Medicare
Wellness physical this week—
erv, are you going to get vaccinated when you have the
opportunity—yes I am—I think it’s a good idea
erv, the positive side sure outweighs
the risk.
Soooo that is how I fell about
flying to CO to be with family (i.e. good for me and good for them). This is my
opinion of course! Your opinion and choice might be different. I respect your
view and opinion. You might be right and I might be wrong.
It won’t be the first time, for sure. Such is
Warning--False positive and false negative results could occur (e.g. the
virus test says, you don’t have the virus but you might, or you have the virus but
you don’t or it’s undermined).
Keep that
in mind!
Sometimes we can also read our
emotions wrong, we read them the way we want them to be and maybe not the way realty
really is.
Yikes, that can get a person
in a lot of trouble, for sure. JoeBlow says—I have been there and done that. I
say--Never again but then I go ahead and do it again.
I’m crazy! JoeBlow, it appears that after we
have been burnt several times, we have a tendency tooooo think through things
more, we don’t jump to a conclusion quite soooo fast, MAYBE! So far, I haven’t
learned yet to say enough is enough but I’m sure I will soon, like when I get
to be 100! haha
I have found myself becoming much more
relaxed and don’t do things as fast and as impulsive as I use tooooo.
I feel more like I see a mountain man acting
(i.e. just hunkering down in their own little world, masked up and letting their
hair grow out).
I, for the most part,
have no place to go and time means nuttin to me.
I seem to be adjusting to the slower pace
(i.e. for the most part).
I think when I
am alone it is easy to get this way (i.e. besides, I for the most part, have no
Maybe our whole culture is
becoming much more individualized and we are becoming loners.
Could be.
If some of you are introverted, you might like this lifestyle (i.e.
this is right up your alley). Maybe we’ll all become mountain folks (i.e.
moving farther up in our imaginary mountains).
MissPerfect says--As long as I have my dogs, a government check, a TV to
watch the news, a computer with Wi-Fi, social media and amazon, a big box of
chocolate what more does a person really need anyway.
Saturday question—Do you think folks will get
to a point when they will say—enough is enough, I cannot live this way any
longer! OneSmartPerson says—Things got to get really bad before folks will
change and things aren’t bad enough yet (i.e. for the most part we have it
pretty darn good—so far, it’s just an inconvenience for most).
Look around folks, things aren’t really that
bad (e.g. grandparents don’t have to go to soccer games when it’s cold that
most don’t want to go to anyway but feel obligated tooooo). Theladynorthoftown
says—Now I have a very pleasant excuse for not going to social events that I
never liked to go to in the first place but felt obligated to go tooooo—I just
now say, it’s the virus! I would rather sit under my blankie and watch some
dumb TV program. The virus can be used in a variety of ways! I texted a friend (i.e.
KenTheMN-Engineer) and asked him if they are in AZ—We flew down here weeks ago;
no virus; life is good!

I’m not a huge Facebook fan but do follow it some.
I was really impressed by a friend who has become a business executive, a mature mother and wife, and vocal about her
faith (i.e. seems to be a well-rounded person). I was good friends of her
parents particularly of her Daddy.
would be sooo proud of her.
I mean
really proud.
This is what she posted on
Facebook. My friend, if you read this, I tooooo am proud of you.
Recently we had snow over night. It was early Saturday morning and my neighbor
was out cleaning his drive before it was light.
I text him--No question Duane (i.e. that was his late Daddy’s name who
was always Jonny- on-the- spot and early), you are the fastest snowblower in
the neighborhood! His response--Isn’t it strange how we are products of our
A super senor friend told me recently that her and her
sister early on didn’t want to be like their parents—why I asked—they really
didn’t ever seem to enjoy life. She also
told me that her sister was much more intelligent than she was but never
applied her ability or used her intelligence. She didn’t think she was ever
very happy; her intelligence seemed to be a problem to her. Now there is some first-hand wisdom! You may glen the meaning from that wisdom any
way you want. Einstein said—The difference between stupidity and genius is that
genius has its limits.
YaBut, I have friends who have been extremely paranoid about protecting
themselves from getting the virus germs.
They would hardly go out of their house, no social contact with anyone,
wouldn’t talk to neighbors, had groceries delivered, wiped everything off
constantly, washed their hands all the time. They did this since the virus
That was until Christmas when
they went to a Christmas family get-to-gather of 25+ folks from multiple states
a.k.a. a superspreader.
Soooooo folks do
change. I guess they said--Enough is enough! Humans are crazy! For sure! Yabut,
they said all the folks were mainly family!
Da! Well, if you don’t like the results of the rules or if the rules
affect your convenience, money or power, then change the rules. Da!
We’re all kinda sorta the same and we’re all kinda sorta
different. Our bodies are pretty much
the same but look different for sure.
Yabut our minds are sorta kinda alike but pretty much different. For
sure. I am amazed how many of you eat oatmeal; I know because you tell me. I am also amazed how it seems all of us
prepare it differently (i.e. a thousand different ways) and put different stuff
on top (i.e. some make it taste way good but high in calories). I like the steel cut oatmeal (i.e. they say
it’s easier to digest) that comes in a little packet, add water equal to a line
on the packet, put in microwave for 2.5 minutes, then put a little skim milk on
top and my half banana. Bingo! Some of
you say—That sounds terrible! I have had
several friends tell me that they eat oatmeal like 5 or 6 days a week and the
other day or two, they eat something else (i.e. enough is enough). Each their
own! For sure! Are you folks going partying on New Years Eve? “At every party there are two kinds of people
– those who want to go home and those who don’t. The trouble is, they are
usually married to each other.” – Ann Landers

If we would write of the situation in America today or if someone would
write about current America 100 years from now, I think the stories might be
different. They usually are. Many reasons but for sure we are living it now and
the person 100 years from now would not be and only writing about what they
read about it and the effects of it. Also, the emotions would be way different
and the imagination of the two writers would be different. Probably the seniero
would be the same if we would write about our past families.
It’s like how we feel compared to how we
imagined we would have felt to how it actually was. There are no stimuli (e.g.
media to manipulate us or brainwash us), it would be actual factual history
(i.e. maybe skewed a little). As it is said—We are living history; everyone has
and are.
The year 2020 probably will
have some interesting history, maybe. Soooo drive a stake in the ground as a
bench mark to determine if things are better or worse in 5 years or 10 years or
20 years. Maybe even our lives will change in 5 years or 10 years or 20 years.
Could be! Some of us will probably be pushing up daisies! Now that will be a
A super senor called me recently and asked if I could come
over and have coffee with her. Of course I could. We have become good, trusted friends through
the years. ANYWAY, she told me—At my age
I can say about almost anything; folks at my age are all considered senile! We laughed! She isn’t senile folks but is as sharp
as a tack! I just poke fun of her. But I agreed with her, some younger folks
think all old folks are senile and treat them that way. SappySap says—YaBut, many older folks are
senile and besides erv, you are an old person making that decision who probably
are senile yourself. ANYWAY, my friend
and I had a most delightful conversation.
When I was leaving, she told me that she hasn’t laughed this hard for
months. Maybe she is senile as I don’t
think I look that funny!
Well, enough is enough! Besides, it’s Saturday morning and
that was the time my Daddy, Chester, and I would clean out the chicken house on
the ol’ farm a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN. Do any of you remember
the smell of the chicken house? Have we
come a long way or what! When I was maybe 8-10 years old, I had a Daisy bb
gun. I could buy a package of maybe 50
bbs from Amerman Hardware (i.e. just north of Dykema Grocery) in downtown Old Roseland
for 5 cents. My Mom, Anna, would tell me
if I broke an egg, it was almost the same as one package of bbs. Soooo the price of eggs haven’t really gone
up that much compared to other stuff. As a kid I could buy a candy bar at
Dykema Grocery for a nickel and now it’s a dollar 81 at Casey’s.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—Doing your best is more important than
being the best.
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