January 11, 2020

you say what?

Albert Einstein said—I think and think for months, for years.  Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.

Disclaimer:  Communication is sooooo hard. We just don’t understand each other, sometimes no matter how hard we try.  As a senior female friend said to me recently—erv, what you write in “It’s Saturday” basically is a fart in a whirlwind!  Sooooo I think I just described this “It’s Saturday.”  I used a parable soooo you would understand what I was saying!  Keep it simple stupid!  haha  And some of you still won’t understand what I just said.  Such is life.

This “It’s Saturday” is as true as it can be “so help me God.”  I can’t communicate any better with my ability.  It’s just the way I was taught by Chester and Anna at a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN.  I have no idea how I got through the education I have and my life; I can’t spell worth a toot, I can pronounce words very well and many of you tell me you don’t understand some of what I write.  How I got this far is just amazing!  But I was in the top 6 in my class at Roseland Elementary. BUT there were only 6 in my class.  We had spelling contests with each team having a captain who picked their teams.  I was always the last to be picked and the first to sit down.  BUT I got picked for the basketball team higher up (i.e. I was better than 2 girls who had no athletic ability nor any interest).  Now that tells you something. 

A friend texted me in which she said—“I have a new to me concept.”  I read it as—“I’m a new me.” Close! haha We talked about it and we laughed as my brain did not communicate properly. I usually read to Arlene each time I visit her.  I have read the Christmas cards that you send us (i.e. we appreciated them). I even read the pictures to her! haha But here’s the deal, when I read out loud, it seems to have improved my reading quality and also my comprehension.  At first it felt awkward (i.e. like praying out loud) but once I did it more, it was really enjoyable.  I have really never done that before.  It might be a game changer; I better learn fast as the clock is ticking a.k.a. I'm burning daylight! I still wish I would have paid more attention at Roseland Elementary when they were trying to teach me phonics instead of picking my nose!  Such is life.

A friend told me that he has 3 siblings.  Of the four, two have a really hard time in life; he says it seems like they always will (i.e. they aren’t spring chickens anymore and they aren’t going to change).  Soooooo I asked him why 2 did good and why 2 didn’t.  He thought for a while and responded—Maybe the two who are struggling were papered by our folks and the other 2 were not.  They never had to work or be responsible for their actions; my folks babied them.  What do you think of that?  Have you seen any of this type of action in your families where your parents communicated to some kids differently than to others?  I have a friend when he went to school, his mother would set out 2 sets of clothes each day for him to pick from.  Wow!  If my Mom, Anna, did that, it would have been the same 2 sets of clothes every day (i.e. maybe some new hand me downs from some of my cousins once in a while).  ANYWAY, my friend’s mom did that because she loved him; he ended up very good.  But, maybe he was a little bit pampered and spoiled by his mom! haha Actually, I think I was papered by my Mom, Anna.  I think she liked me a lot! But I think she liked my sisters just as much or maybe even more (i.e. she had a very good, kind, loving heart). My sisters might think she spoiled me.  Could be.

A friend at breakfast yesterday told me this story--His grand kids and parents were looking through the lost and found box looking for something the younger kid, Bobby, lost.  His older sister said--Maybe we will find Bobby's ambition! 

WorldClassLarry says--Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (i.e. a form of communication). Have you ever heard someone say—I would like to be like that person, or I would like to have that certain quality that that person has?  Maybe we all have said that or thought that and maybe sometimes we have communicated that to a certain person as a compliment.  Some folks even copy others and try to be like them a.k.a. an example.  JoeBlow says—I suppose we all are an example to others in both good ways and bad ways.  LuckieEddie says--There are folks who I really admire and there are folks who I really don’t admire.  I hope I pick and have picked wisely!

I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right—We live in a culture which everybody wants to be heard, but many people have nothing to say but their mouth is still moving. I had communication with a friend about investing.  He gave me his opinion and then asked me if I thought he was right or full of bs.  My reply was—It’s all about the money.  He replied—You didn’t answer my question!!!!

Do you ever have communication from your brain to your body and vica versa when it just doesn’t flow very well because of poor cooperation between the two?  I do!  I really battle those communications (i.e. it’s a war). I always don’t know who is going to win.  I find that when I’m most vulnerable is when I’m mentally tired, physically tired or hungry.  JoeBlow says—A happy person performs much better; that is a fact or is it an opinion.  I sat next to a young lady in church recently that works with teens who have mental health issues.  She said the holiday season is an especially difficult time.  I have said many times that all of us are mentally ill but just tooooo different degrees; I don’t know if anyone is fully normal (i.e. how does anyone know).  I told her I feel sooooo sorry for all those teenagers and anyone who has a mental health issue.  She told me that I should pray for them. I know that some of you suffer from mental illnesses or have in your past.  I will pray for you tooooo.  And I would guess that some of you have issues that I don’t know about. I wish I could snap my fingers and fix all of you.  I really feel bad for you. I guess I never really thought of it, but Arlene’s Alzheimer’s would be considered a mental health issue; I know that is ugly.  Maybe that is why that young lady told me that she thinks of me often (i.e. she really has a good heart).  Could be.

Recently a friend and I had the opportunity to go a Drake basketball practice.  The head coach is Darian DeVries, a local guy and friend.  It was a fun, entertaining experience.  We were treated special by Coach DeVries, managers, weight conditioner, medical trainer, and the players.  Quite impressive it was.  We didn’t hear any bad language (i.e. maybe ‘cause we were there haha).  I tried to communicate this experience to our grandkids—when practice was over, all the players came over and shuck our hands and looked us right in the eye (e.g. class).  Now toooo me this was great communication (i.e. impressive).  I found this very interesting when Hank quizzed Coach DeVries about recruiting—There are a lot of very talented basketball players; we try to recruit young men who fit into our philosophy and school; we pass on some as they don’t; it is better that we do; they will be nothing but problems for us.  The female medical athletic trainer said to us—We are one big family here at Drake and don’t have arrogant folks.

God only knows that you you you need it! I’m thinking of forming a new business called “KickYouInTheButt.”  All of us need a kick in the butt occasionally (i.e. a great form of communication that most understand—very effective, it touches most folks’ brains haha).  For a large fee (i.e. paid in advance), I will come over, have you bend over and I will kick you in the butt!  For a small additional fee, I can do it over the phone! I won’t take credit cards unless you pay the 3% charge!!!  I’m Dutch!!!  I can’t help it, Chester and Anna were both Dutch! A friend was asked what is your hobby—He told me that he told them—I save money!  And he’s not Dutch I don’t think!

JamesFromWayWestOfTown, says most teaching is done by parables a.k.a. stories.  Here is a parable.  MissPerfect, what is the real version of your truth?  My mentor loved to tell me this story—A person asked another person to perform an illegal act—what do you think I am—how about if I pay you $100—what do you think I am—How about $500—what do you think I am—how about $1,000—I’ll think about it—How about $2,000—ok, it’s a deal—now that we know what you are we just need to negotiate a price (i.e. it’s all about the money)!    Sooooo folks, what are we?  I think that is really something we need to think about in 2020 (i.e. my opinion).  I really have tooooo laugh at myself sometimes; laugh at my actions and my thoughts.  Crazy!

AverageJoe says--Be aware that a halo has to fall only a few inches to be a noose. Rob Gronkowski was a star on the New England Patriots football team from 2010-2018. He played in 115 games played, had 521 receptions, had 7,861 yards of receptions and 79 TDs. He was really good!  He has retired and is putting puzzles together in trying to get his brain to function properly the paper said.  He said he has had 20+ concussions.  Yikes, I wonder if that was a good decision.  Maybe it was for him. Money and fame can do a lot of stuff to us; no question.  ItchieBitchie asks--If I would offer you a chalice full of money and fame, would you drink it?  Now wonder if I told you that the chalice of money and fame would be poison, would you still drink it?

Elijah says—Never let the worse in others get the best of you. Ok this is what he is saying if you don’t understand his communication.  The worst in others can get us “all off-kilter” and takes away our peace—their worst takes our joy, happiness, and joy.  Don’t let that happen; get away from those folks.  A friend told me recently that another friend was sorta kinda excluded from their golf group because he always seemed to show his “worst.” He constantly drags others down (i.e. negative and a leach). That is what he constantly communicated to the golf group.  A friend told me about a statement that Olaf said at Walk to Emmaus some 20 years ago that he believes and uses—You have to love everyone, but you don’t have to like them. I would extend that statement tooooo—and you don’t have to be around them (i.e. they suck the fun out of our lives).  Saturday question—Does this type of person know they are that way, and can they change?  A friend and I agree that their odds are low (i.e. a long shot), but their odds are way better if they accept Jesus in their life.  Otherwise, probably not sooooo great. They are what they are. They are programed that way by their genetics, past environment and their current environment that will stay with them until their earthly death (i.e. my opinion).  “There is a right time and a right way to do everything, but we know so little” (Ecclesiastes 8:6 GNT).

My sisters and their husbands came from MI to see Arlene and visit with me for a couple of days. It was special. We laughed a lot, reminisced a lot and even didn’t agree on certain things. Da! We just don’t understand stuff the same (i.e. probably because of genetics, past environment and current environment).  That is no surprise; probably most families don't agree on everything.  BUT that can make communication sensitive at times. Arlene's communication was very simple;  she mumbled, hugged them, cried and said thank you. Sooooo sad! But they understood what she meant I think.

One of my brother-in-laws thinks me and my sisters might suffer from auditory processing disorder/deficiency--a disorder affecting the ability to understand speech—difficulty distinguishing between similar sounds—it impacts the brains ability to filter and interpret sounds—can hear, but fall short at listening—can’t process what we hear in a normal way because our ears and brain don’t fully coordinate—gets worse with age especially with background noise.  Sooooo if my brother-in-law is right, there is my problem (i.e. soooo maybe it wasn’t Roseland Elementary’s problem).  And there is not enough research to know if it’s genetic soooo we can't blame Chester and Anna.  It appears that we have something that sounds like auditory processing disorder; we seem to struggle in pronouncing words and have poor phonics.  Or it could be that we copied Chester and Anna or it was something in the water we drank on the farm growing up! ANYWAY it seems it might have modified our communication.  Our children make fun of us.  They joke about it.  It is sorta kinda funny!  Such is life.

I had breakfast with a friend I made at good old Northwestern College years and years ago.  He communicated to me some interesting statements.  Maybe you will understand a few of them and maybe not.  The biggest regret I have in life is when I overreacted to stuff that was not important.  When I am a fake (i.e. I know when I am), I am not happy with my self. When I’m egotistical and think I am better than others, I’m not a good person. And his champion statement—I’m most unhappy when I’m an.... Saturday question—Do any of those statements register with you? You say what?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—One good turn gets most of the blanket.

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