I saw our Waukee grandkids Saturday. It’s the best! Here is some of their best! Sooooo our son asked 8-year-old Henry, who I call Rookie, what is going on in your head anyway. Henry responded, Dad, it is not that difficult to figure out; there are only three things going on in my head. They are Pokémon, potty jokes and ways I can irritate Charlotte, his sister who I call Charlie. Soooo we are driving to the Noodle Place to pick up our Saturday lunch and Charlie is riding shotgun. I said to her—Charlie, who is 11 years old--Three more years you’ll be driving the car. She says—Grandpa, no I am not going to learn how to drive when I’m 14 but I am going to wait till I’m 15 because I won’t be responsible enough to drive a car and drive Henry around at 14. Oh! We picked up their mac and cheese!
JoeSixPack says—The best deception has an element of truth
and an element of lie (e.g. a wolf in sheep’s clothing). Now that is a great doozy of a deception
(i.e. it seems to work). It’s like a good magician needs a distraction to
create an illusion. Now you get to discern what you think is the truth and what you think is a lie in this “It’s Saturday!” The lie or the truth might be in the eye of the
beholder! I guess it will be different for different folks. For sure! BUT folks, I’m not trying to deceive
you, really! You guys are really something else. haha I couldn’t fool you folks
even if I tried; you all are way toooo smart for me!!! I’m just a little ol’
farm boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.
A friend of a friend’s granddaughter competed in a show
(i.e. a performance). She didn’t
win. She was crushed (i.e. she is just a
young kid). MyWiseFriend tried to teach her about winning and losing. I tell ya what little girl, you are probably not
always going to win or be the best all the time, in fact, you are probably
going to lose more that you win in the real world. I’m a great believer in encouraging children
or anyone to do their best and don’t put tooooo much emphases on winning (i.e.
but I like to win; doesn’t everyone); I think encouragement to do your best is
better (i.e. even let them lose is good).
SusieQ says—And for you and me, we need to apply that principle as well.
Then at the end of our life we can say—I tried to do the best in everything I
did. I gave it my best shot; it might
not be the best compared to others (i.e. I didn’t win the trophy), but it was
my best; I feel good about myself.
You guys are the best! One quality that many of you have is that you are sooooo real which makes you pretty humble, most of the time haha (e.g. a friend sent me this email this last week--went to my arthritis dr this week after weighing in we went to the room and she checked my hip and shoulder...then asked questions..1st was do I have problems getting my food to my mouth....I said "we just came from the scale...what do you think" she just laughed!).
A friend was telling me recently that he thinks they have a clinical narcissist in their family. I researched it a little and it’s also called a “narcissistic personality disorder.” What I read, it can come from a combination of genetics and environment. It can be adjusted sometimes by therapy but basically incurable. It appears it is a form of mental illness. I would guess we think we all know folks who have a form of this illness (i.e. some worse than others). GeorgeTheCrook says—It appears that my wife has it in her family! Most all of them seem to be that way. Anyway, after 50 years of marriage and trying to fix her, I can’t fix her; she is as arrogant as she ever was. BUT she doesn’t even know it! Ouchy ouchy! She gets all the breaks!Wonder if you are the best pickleball player in Butler
county (i.e. or even just think you are but maybe you aren’t). You might feel
like HighAndMightyBillyBob until you complete against the best in the state or
the best in the United States or the best in the world. Even if you get number one ranking in the
world, it usually only lasts a short time as there is always someone
better. ItchieBitchie says—What is even
worse is the person who thinks they are HighAndMightyBillyBob but really aren’t
that good; they are the only ones who think they are that good. Ouchy ouchy!
Buggy, our granddaughter called the other night and she was
making GrandmaArlene’s chocolate chip cookies (i.e. the best she thinks—all
grandkids should think that). Grandma’s
cookies or bars or cakes or whatever are always the best to each grandkid. They are the best to you and me and that is
all that counts. I have said this many times—I had great parents, but they just
didn’t live long enough. Chester and
Anna were the best but they died at 56 and 57.
They would have been great grandparents but never experienced the
grandkids or the grandkids never experienced them. Some of you have great grandparents and some
of you have no grandparents and some of you had bad experiences with your
parents and grandparents. Life isn’t
fair; the only thing that is fair is the Butler County Fair and that is in
Sooooo the wise friend told me this story about herself. She got a new phone and was trying to sync it
to the Bluetooth in her car. She just
couldn’t get it. She said to herself—I’m
spending way toooo much time trying to figure this out. There has to be an easier way to get this
done (i.e. that is wisdom). There is
always someone who is smarter than we are or have done it many times before or
a person who would even enjoy doing it for me (i.e. that is wisdom). Soooo she stopped by the car dealer where she
bought the car and pulled up and this young salesman came out and asked if he
could help her and she told him, and he fiddled with it a short time and bingo
it was done, and she was happy and she thinks the young salesman was happy too
(i.e. that is wisdom in solving a problem and saving a ton of time and
frustration). RalphTheSmartOl’CatSkinner
says--There is a lot of ways to skin a cat but tooooo figure out the best and
easiest way is wisdom and is also anxiety relief/decompression. TheZinker says.
Use your noggin!
Saturday question—What or who is going toooo decide your
future? Think about that folks. Could
you decide the future of someone (i.e. maybe by what you said to them or how
you act)? MissPerfect, who has quirks,
says--If you think soooo, do right to everyone and in everything. My Mom, Anna, would say to me—erv, do what is
right all the time. I try but I can't. I don’t know if she knew how
hard that is! She was quite a lady (i.e.
the best), she was, soooooo maybe she did. JoeFromTheOtherSideOfTheTracks says—Being
a good person doesn’t mean you fit the life of every person you meet!
JoeBlow in 1832 said—“Falsehood is never so successful as
when she baits her hook with truth, and not opinions so fatally mislead us, as
those that are not wholly wrong; as no watches so effectually deceive the
wearer as those that are sometimes right.”
Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your
altitude. Zig Ziglar
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said--It's more pleasant to give than receive...especially medicine and advice.
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