February 13, 2021


Lucille Ball said—I’m not funny.  What I am is brave.  MissPerfect says—Only a brave person with a strange sense of humor will find anything funny in today’s “It’s Saturday.”  Maybe that was in the back of Shakespeare’s mind when he chose “A Comedy of Errors” as the title for his play.  Could be! What do you think?  That is what I thought. 

Now you all can be relieved.  I have hired (i.e. negotiated his fee to free) a fact-checker.  Yes I did.  He lives in Butler County and his credentials say his education is sketchy (i.e. might not have any formal education), never lived any place but Butler County, traveled out of Butler County a few times and that was to watch Hulk Hogan wrestle, reads the Des Moines Register every day at the public library and watches the 5:30 NBC nightly news religiously, has four ex wives because of divorce, has been a member of 5 different local churches and drinks coffee daily at the coffee( shop down town.  Soooo there you go!  He says he is very good! Wowee! He said—This “It’s Saturday” is not a “public relations stunt” but it could be!

JoeBlow, who is the real deal, says—I have stuff that just lingers in my life.  I try to get rid of that stuff, but it keeps lingering.  I can’t get rid of it.  I forgive folks but can’t forget them; the experiences seem to linger on.  They seem to just hang on; I can’t seem to get them hung up. Well JoeBlow, do pigs fly! George C. Marshall, who was a soldier and the third secretary of defense, said—If man does find the solution for world peace, it will be the most revolutionary reversal of his record we have ever known.” Do pigs fly! If world peace would ever happen, wowee! That would be something for sure.  When there were only a few folks on this earth, they were killing each other already.  Crazy! Why will it ever stop? It’s like a terminal disease, it can’t be fixed but only managed maybe!  Hey, folks have been praying for world peace forever, but folks still keep killing each other. SlimieSlime, who leaves skid marks, says—Money and power usually wins and rules!  Look around, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. CoolManLuke says—And now it is technology manipulation that’s being used without even killing each other (i.e. at least not on the surface)! 

ItchieBitchie, who has a happy hour mentality, says—The world is vicious, wild, crazy, outrageous, mean, unfair, wicked, demanding, on and on and on.  I agree ItchieBitchie, the world is challenging alright.  My opinion, we have to be very careful that we don’t get swallowed up in all that stuff. We all live in the world, but we don’t have to be of the world (i.e. at least try not tooooo—it’s really hard not to buy into it—it seems like humans like power and money; oh, that power and money can do a number on us alright).  Such is life.

This might be overwhelming to you.  But try to think through it.  I heard the MT-Cowboy talk about this.  It was very inspiring to me.  It’s Kairos, an ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or opportune moment. The ancient Greeks had two words for time: chronos and kairos. The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action.  Saturday question—How does Kairos time refer to and affect you and me? CowgirlDaisy says—Oh boy, timing was a big deal in my life; I had good timing and bad timing; it seems I had a hard time deciding what the Kairos time was!  Wowee! Folks, try to think about God’s Kairos time!

WorldClassLarry says--It's better to under promise and over produce that over promise and under produce! A friend told me that she was having a hard time with the furnace guys.  They didn’t do what they said when they said they would do it.  She thought she was getting very poor service.  Not good!  She reacted in a business way to the owner in expressing her displeasure.  ANYWAY, she was complaining to her adult daughter who said—Mom, the culture has changed; the customer isn’t always right anymore.  Wowee! GeorgeTheCrook says—BUT the problem with that attitude in a free-enterprise system is that those folks won’t be around in business very long; there are more furnace guys; just look on line!  BUT that doesn’t apply to any establishment of the government that is paid by tax dollars (i.e. we have no choices). Wowee! That furnace guy might have thought he won the battle but might lose the war!  Ouchy ouchy! LuckieEddie says—Maybe that furnace guy has made soooo much money that he doesn’t care anymore (i.e. got the big head—that happens toooo—stick in in your ear Ms. Consumer).

I saw this as I was leaving Paxton, NB last fall.  I had to wait for a train to cross the road and this sign was there.  I thought it was funny.  I never saw a sign like that on a railroad track before and for what reason?  Why would there be a railroad track if there is not proper clearance? What do you think? Now look at the corner of the sign as it is bent back perfectly but from the other direction.  Maybe the train did a u-turn at the first legal intersection and hit it coming back.  What do you think? ANYWAY, it made me LOL!  

I was talking to a senior friend by phone the other day.  He is about 80 and a retired farmer.  I asked him if he still helps with the farm operation—I do very little; I did drive the grain cart this fall and do a little tillage, but technology is way over my head; we have self-steer, and I can’t always make it work while my grandkids can figure it all out real fast; I pretty much do nuttin! Wowee! I wonder if it is hard for younger folks to work with older folks; they just don’t get it very fast and many don’t want to get it.  In the real world, the younger folks just past over the old folks; it takes tooooo much time and effort to try to convince them or to teach them (i.e. things change if there are younger folks around and if not, well then, stuff stays pretty much the same). BUT seniors learn, well some do anyway! The ones that don’t want to learn, need to lean on their kids or an advocate!  OR stuff ain’t going to happen. An example of this—recently I signed up for my virus vaccination; friends called me and informed me that I could sign up with Butler County Public Health on Facebook using Sign Up Genius; soooo I did.  I got an appointment; the slots were filled up in no time. That was a pretty slick way for the Butler County Health to handle that, my opinion, I thought. BUT, some older folks will say—that ain’t fair, I don’t know how to use Facebook or Sign Up Genius.  

Sooo the difference in generations brings up an interesting scenario.  That is not “we” but “us and them.”  AverageJoe, who hits a lot of homeruns, says—There always been us and them and it will always be that way; that is why we have wars.  Us and them! You might be right AverageJoe; that is why we have soooo many attorneys and the courts are full of lawsuits—us and them.  We don’t agree!  We see us and them in sports, politics, families, churches, businesses, marriages, friendships, countries, forms of government, personalities, etc.  It’s all over.  BUT, if us and them can’t get to we, going forward is difficult.  Wowee! I got the term “us and them” from a friend who she used it to describe a situation we are mutually interested in.  It seems like her description is pretty accurate at this point (i.e. and there are reasons why it is “us and them”). Wowee! Will it become “we?” I think God only knows. BUT, that’s my opinion soooo take my opinion for what it’s worth—NUTTIN. It appears that the first step is that the two sides have to agree that we have a disagreement that it is causing a divide (i.e. got to admit it and then address it in a pleasant discussion).  Wowee!

My big sister (i.e. only in age) told me over the phone the other day that she just can’t believe how old she is; she said she just doesn’t seem that she is as old as she is.  Well, getting older is better than the alternative, my opinion.  Yes, it seems, the older we grow, the more we realize the brevity of life. It seems to go with the territory. I realize that life isn’t always easy for the aged; in fact it can be very difficult in soooo many ways.  I have no idea of all your situations but I’m sure some of you have challenges both mentally and physically.  It just can’t be any different.  You don’t even have to be old to have them, but they seem to be more as we age.  Soooo how are we going too or how are we handling them?  “You” isn’t the neighbor next door but "you" is you and I (i.e. real folks)? Wowee!  I’m talking about the real world here folks, the real world right here in River City where the rubber hits the road where image rhymes with ego and ego rhymes with confidence and confidence rhymes with cockiness and cockiness rhymes with trouble and trouble rhymes with problems and problems rhymes with issues and issues come back to image.  Now you understand for sure! Such is life.

All I did was give her my opinion! Wowee! Boy, did she get excited.  I must have touched a nerve or something!  I think I scared her to death (i.e. well, she didn’t die but you know what I mean). These days it almost goes without saying that our pockets are filled with holes. Nothing of this world satisfies. It appears for many folks that contentment seems hard to find (i.e. hard to ring the bell). I read what Dr.J said the other day while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--NASA has incredible machines—rovers—that are designed for work on Mars. One is scheduled to land on the planet next month, and its name is PERSEVERANCE. The other is an earthbound copy that will perform the same tasks on earth to help engineers analyze the work and fix any problems with PERSEVERANCE. The machine on earth is named OPTIMISM, which is an acronym for Operational Perseverance Twin for Integration of Mechanisms and Instruments Sent to Mars. That made me smile.  Perseverance and optimism seem to be good qualities. 

This is not an advertorial but I have no idea what it should be called! A friend was telling me the other day how busy they were and they have no time—sooooo what are you soooo busy about—they told me—I suggested maybe they should do something different that would maybe take half the time and maybe be much easier and maybe even more cost effective—yabut, I like doing it that way and besides, I have always done it that way!  Oh!  It’s like the old story of JoeSmart asking his notsoooosmartsister-in-lawJosie—why do you keep hitting your head against the wall; doesn’t that hurt—it does but I’m afraid that if I change it could hurt worse! Wowee!

I enjoy burning candles and have a box full of them from previous house decorations that I decided to save for this reason.  I found out that that those candles are all different when they burn.  Some burn slow and some fast, some smell and some don’t, some are prettier when they burn and some not as much, some maybe are designed for looks and not for burning maybe, some generate a tall flame and some a short flame etc.  BUT they all bring me happiness (i.e. that happiness might also be different for different folks depending on our past or current environment—my opinion).  Also, here is my personal analogy—Maybe we are all like those candles! Wowee! Thanksamillion to you folks; you all have brought happiness to my life in some form or another (i.e. because you are all different).  And I’m sure you have brought happiness toooo many other folks as well.  Wowee! That is all of you except for one of you and you know who you are!  haha

The person from NorthOfTown says—The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own.  You don’t blame them on your mother, the ecology or the president.  You realize that you control much of your life and your future.  SusieQ says—That could be personfromNorthOfTown, but I have noticed that some folks are like some flowers and plants that seem to survive despite all our best efforts to kill them. Others, though, fold up almost immediately unless they are treated with tender, green-fingered care. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—To defy old age, just believe that you’re as good as you never were.

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