March 6, 2021


OneSmartPerson said—Half our mistakes in life arise from feeling where we ought to think, and thinking where we ought to feel.

A friend at breakfast the other morning told me that she has CS.  I didn’t know what to say soooo I said something like, is it serious?  She said—It can be.  Soooo what is it?  Common sense!  Soooo if you ever get in a jam or think they are crazy, just tell the folks you have CS and they will leave you alone (i.e. they won’t ask you any more questions; they feel awkward).  Now that is wisdom! haha   But ItchieBitche asks--How does a person really know if they actually have CS or not?  Good question ItchieBitche, good question.  I have been with folks who think they are attractive (i.e. can strut their stuff sitting down sooo they must be), folks who think they are very intelligent, folks who think they know everything, folks who think they are humble, folks who think are better than anyone else BUT from my opinion they are not; they just think they are.  Ouchy ouchy!  BUT I do think seriously my friend has CS)! 

You ever notice that most folks when they might feel awkward in a situation that they will avoid the situation the best they can (i.e. why do they have that feeling). Who wants to step into a mess!  It might be a friend who divorced your best friend, a business deal with a friend that went south, a friend who has Alzheimer’s, a person who is a homosexual and you are straight, a person who has extreme political views, an uncomfortable church situation, an uncomfortable family situation, etc. You get the point.  It really doesn’t feel good to be in those awkward situations.  Soooooo we generally avoid them the best we can (i.e. folks exit from the scene).  NervousGrace, who is always good for conversation as long as you talk about her, says--It just works better when I avoid those situations; those situations always make me feel like I have to go to the bathroom. 

I have a friend who is very good at accepting folks for who they are.   It appears he treats folks all the same in all ways (i.e. well that is hard to do because sometimes it just can’t be done maybe).  ANYWAY, what a great ability.  I see soooo often when that is not the case and it causes real problems.  It seems to be soooo much better if we talk to folks the same, especially if they have a problem or are different than we are BUT most folks will shy away from them (i.e. it’s awkward and folks escape—chicken out). Not good! Maybe some churches are a very good examples of this; the holy huddle scares others away and the holy huddle maybe doesn’t care; gives others the feeling that they are better than them and they don’t really want them there anyway (i.e. I guess the test is to look around to see—the proof is in the pudding). SusieQ says—Folks will go where someone cares about them (i.e. sincerely and not fakie). But then again, many folks really don’t care, they are the elite. SuperDogFrank, who some say has missed the boat, says-- This has been going on since Moby Dick was a minnow.

I said in our church men’s group recently—If we are going to talk about anyone, let’s talk about ourselves; folks will understand much better as it is much more real; it’s easy to talk about others and not as easy to talk about our own shortcomings.  GeorgeTheCrook says—We can only be young once, but we can always be immature.  Ouchy ouchy!  Sooooo I was thinking today that I said I was going to get a DVD for a friend while golfing with him this summer and didn’t and more recently I said I would drop off a book for a friend to read my underlining as a preview for him but didn’t do that either.  I don’t care for folks who say they are going to do something and then don’t.  Soooooo I just did both.  I feel much better.

At breakfast with a friend recently, he told me that folks who don’t return his calls, texts, or emails really irate him.  He’s a business executive soooo he can correct those under him (i.e. put his foot down) but not his friends and family.  He thinks those folks are rude and obnoxious.  He told me of several situations.  A couple of them are folks who he does business with (i.e. he needs information and help but they don’t return his messages).  How come you do business with them if they don’t respond?  Why don’t you just quit doing business with them and do business with someone who does? They are my friends! That is why it is hard to do business with friends and family. He said--I just can’t understand why folks don’t respond.  It takes half a minute to send a text.  Flip the pancake, I have many friends, family, acquaintances, business folks who do.  Maybe if you are a non-responder or a responder who does respond two days later, you might consider in changing your habits.  BUT that is your choice, I guess.  My mentor taught me that if you have bad news to tell a business client, do it as fast as you can (i.e. like now) and be kind and honest; the longer you wait, the worse it will get; folks will respect you for it.  It isn’t always easy a.k.a. awkward but it was very good advice.  Here is a suggestion from me (i.e. make sure you take into consideration who this suggestion is from)—Acknowledge correspondence with a simple “thanks” or “got it” or “yep” or an “emoji.”  Folks really appreciate it, my opinion (i.e. takes 10 seconds).

AverageJoe says--Most start up businesses don’t fail because they don’t know how to fix the toilet but because they don’t have business skills with their clients.  They don’t respond, correspond correctly or have people skills (i.e. make a mess in the bathroom; maybe they do that at their house but you can’t do that in someone else’s house).  Think through that folks.  Or they don’t have good simple business skills in billing or collecting or advertising.  Yikes. I have a couple of friends who have a goal to help beginning business folks to be successful.  Great idea.  My hat goes off to them.  They are good folks with good hearts; my kind of folks. 

Are you a connector?  I mean do you connect folks soooo they both can succeed or gain knowledge or just talk about what their passions are.  I never thought of that before until my friend called me that recently.  I connected him with another business person with similar passions. Maybe great things will come out of it and maybe nuttin.  That is ok.  Now that was just a lot of fun a.k.a. opportunity. To some of you that would be awkward and others would just love the opportunity to be the connector or given the opportunity to have a blind conversation with a like-minded person. 

This might feel awkward and look awkward to some of you and some of you it won’t.  Why the difference.  I really don’t know; you tell me.  I have a friend whose motto is “Be Happy.”  And as far as I can tell she is.  That is a great attitude.  I asked her when and how she became this way—I think I have always been that way.  Wow!  CoachB says—Happiness isn’t something that comes from the outside like material stuff but comes from the inside as like who we are and what we think.  The advertising gurus tell us different but the stuff they are pushing is only temporary; very temporary.  We know that.  Com’on folks, get off your imaginary horses.  Soooo if you want to test that theory, go out and spend $500 on stuff and see how long that makes you happy and report back or take CoachB’s advice which is $500 cheaper.  SusieQ, who can act like a ripe pumpkin at times, says—Yabut erv, I just put in on my credit card soooo it really doesn’t cost me anything!

Soooo the other day I was getting a few groceries at Hy-Vee.  I pulled into my parking spot on the right side of a cart return area.  The SUV ahead of my in the parking slot went through the parking slot and actually was pointing in the wrong direction.  Why, I have no idea.  A babe came and got into the SUV and then was going to take a left turn going against the aisle traffic flow.  She forgot that she was next to this cart return area with the guards for the carts.  She scrapped the side of her SUV.  You might say—how dumb can a person be—com’on folks, we all do stupid things). Soooo I wondered if she told her husband (i.e. if she was married) or just said she didn’t know what happened.  What do you think?  If she had a husband that abuses her, maybe she lied.  I could accept that. It’s an awkward situation.

A friend told me that when she was young the exciting thing was to moon folks.  Did any of you do that?  I didn’t, I was little old for that stuff when it was popular; I doubt if I would have done it anyway, but I don’t know—who knows for sure.  I remember the time when it was popular, probably in the 70s or 80s.  She told me about some experiences about her mooning days.  Pretty funny.  She also told me about a college kid who put a bag over his head and rode his motorcycle through the front door of a bar, through the bar and out the back door bare butt naked.  She said everyone knew who it was.  Did any of you folks do that? It appears that this friend has grown out of this phase of her life as she is now in the retirement age (i.e. but God only knows).  Things change alright. Have you folks outgrown your younger years’ mentality? And now you are critical of your grandkids! Go figure!

A friend gave me this cup as a gift recently. Very nice. She didn’t have tooooo but I very much appreciated it.  Soooo kind and surprising.  A touch of class, I think.  I like memories and like to drink coffee in the morning soooo it’s a great combination for sure.  It made me feel good and I like the cup, I think it’s neat.  Do you every give gifts sorta kinda maybe for no reason but really for a reason; just give them out of the blue?  Or do you only give gifts when you get something back?  MissPerfect, who has a Billy goat brain and a mockingbird mouth, says—I thought that was the only time I was suppose to be kind was when someone gave me a gift! SweetLouse says—erv, giving a gift like your friend did to you might be a very nice opportunity to surprise some person who is suffering with VD, virus depression (i.e. creative and proactive).  Could be!  Self-gloryingWanda says—erv erv, go sell your crazy somewhere else..I’m all stocked up here. WorldClassLarry says--This is why aliens won’t talk to us!

IssuesInPerspecitve with Dr. Jim Eckman says—"January 22 is always a dark day in American history, for in 1973 Roe v. Wade legalized abortion across America. The case denied the rights of the unborn and instead gave women the “right” to decide to end her pregnancy. It established the precedent that a woman’s right to choose is more important than a child’s right to live. It therefore demeaned life in the womb as unworthy in comparison to the mother and it established the false ideology that one human is more important than another.” That is Dr. Eckman’s opinion. MyOpinion--I absolutely cannot comprehend why people can believe in abortion. It is not a democrat or republican issue, it’s a moral issue and a humanity issue. I can’t understand how we can kill a child and it’s good business, but we can kill a dog and probably will go to jail. It just doesn’t make any sense to me at all for the convenience and money of a selfish world. This is my opinion and obviously a minority opinion as it is a law in the United States as abortion is legal. I find that just crazy. I just cannot understand that. And I think an economist in the Twin Cities suggests that we also should euthanize about 20% of all our population as they are a drag and an inconvenience of our society (i.e. that would be good business). But JoeBusinessman says, hey we can’t do that, that would create a lot of loss jobs and it would put a strain on our pharmaceutical companies, our medical field, our care facilities, our insurance companies. We can’t do that!  Abortion is so sad in my mind. For some folks, it has to be a very awkward thought process. ProAbortionJoe says—erv, what planet did you parachute in from?

I have also have a hard time to understand how the earth floats in space. We now have pictures of the earth taken from space that show it floating in the cosmic void. The earth literally hangs on nothing as the Bible teaches us.  That concept when looking at the big picture is amazing to me, just amazing.  One of my favorite verses in the Bible is – His understanding I cannot fathom.  Both the earth floating in space and the verse are humbling to me.

I think I realized that at times I can’t see the forest for the trees!  Yikes.  I plead guilty!  I’m around others that seem they can’t also (i.e. my opinion).  None of you of course, it’s those other folks, you know who they are! haha (e.g. we hear the saying continuously that we need to fix it but nuttin ever gets fixed).  Here is my suggestion to each of us individually—I believe that the sense of accomplishment is powerful and soooo rewarding to each of us.  It doesn’t have to be a major thing or things but little stuff.  Soooo write down something that you want to accomplish today a.k.a a vision board. Be specific. CoachB says—When we actually can see it, when we actually make it specific, it improves the probability to get it done 10-fold.  If it’s not definitive, there is 90% probability it won’t get done.  LazyBob, his smoke indicates smoke and nuttin else, says—I don’t really want to do anything anyway, but I just like to talk about it.  I’d rather sit on the couch and eat chips; I have results to show it!  It’s very definitive!

Got this from myoldercouz--So.....a few weeks back I received a text from a favorite niece, asking me to do a dna test, because hers came saying my family was not completely dutch😰 I responded, I am 79 years old, I have been totally, pure Dutch for 79 years, I do not plan on changing! Her response “ is that a no”? Do something fun today. 🏌🌵dream of golfing in the sun. FYI myoldercouz is the reigning Queen of Priam, MN. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—It’s easier to follow example than advice.

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