July 17, 2021

your thoughts

This is “It’s Saturday” is a great deal for how much you paid for it (i.e. an epic deal).  You can’t beat that with a stick!  But just remember, you get what you pay for unless you live on government subsidies in which case someone else has paid for it or will pay for it in the future (i.e. someone has to pay the fiddler; don’t they—ANYWAY, that is what Chester and Anna taught me BUT they were hard working farmers a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN who paid their own way and were proud of it)!  Such is life.

Do you ever think about what you think about? WorldClassLarry says--What you think is what you’ll be. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I think that is really true. BobbyBob says--Perspective makes a tremendous difference in how we approach life in many ways. If you view life from an optimistic perspective, you can usually find positives in even difficult circumstances. However, if you take on a pessimistic outlook, even good things that happen can be viewed with cynicism and anxiety. It is like the person who woke up one morning and thought, “Well, everything has gone well so far today. But I have not gotten out of bed yet.”

I just thought a lot about a person, and I think I have figured this person out.  It isn’t that this person lied to me but maybe didn’t tell me all the facts about themselves (i.e. maybe doesn't even know all the facts about themself).  I think I figured them out.  This feeling has been in the back of my head for some time, but I am quite sure I have solidified my conclusion.  I’m quite sure my theory is correct.  I will test my theory in a very gentle way.  I could be wrong, could be. But it was my first instinct from the getgo!  A pickleball person told me that his wife died 3 years ago but made a new friend with a gal.  He said--We just broke up; our political views are not compatible at all; it just wasn’t going to work; I knew it from the getgo; what was I thinking; I was just fooling myself; I think I let my emotions take over!  Such is life..

Do you think others think you are an agitator a.k.a. troublemaker?  Progressive folks can come across that way to some folks.  Some folks just don’t like change (i.e. most folks don’t unless they can make money). I recently had a conversation with a friend who was a principal in their company.  He hired folks through his management.  He told me the importance of hiring folks who “could get it done.”  Some had a drive and understanding to do that and were very successful.  He told me of one person who didn’t and it didn’t go well but it was interesting that this person never did understand that; he just complained that he wasn’t treated the same as others but in reality, he just “couldn’t get it done.” I guess we just gotta take the bull by the horns! BlindedPete says--I hate that when folks expect me to perform!

ItchieBitchie, who is an attention getter alright, says—Ya gotta get peace with your inner self first if you want to find peace with others.  Saturday question—Do you have inner demons? Where did those suckers come from? How long have you had them?  Are they ugly? Now those are questions that only you can answer, for sure. How do you plan to get rid of them or don’t you?  How long have you lived with them?  I can only speak for myself or as a friend says—I can only tell you what I would do! Have you ever thought you would do something a certain way if you were in a situation only to find out when you are in that situation you don’t do it that way! Crazy! Really crazy!  Your thoughts were not accurate! Such is life. 

SusieQ asks—Do you ever just don’t say your thoughts out loud, but you just think them.  C’mon SusieQ, we all do that even if we say we don’t, we do; don’t kid yourself.  I was golfing with a friend, and we were riding down the fairway and he told me his thoughts that most folks don’t verbalize.  He told me that he has changed because of events of his life.  He had disappointments as young person, death of a friend, divorce, had a management position in which he was the person to tell many folks that they have been fired because of change in the economy, death of a brother and death of his parents etc.  He is not the same anymore.  He is a good guy who is positive but has changed he said.  Does this relate to any of you?  Life situations both good and bad seem to affect us and then we react, maybe somewhat differently.  And you folks think we just talk about golf when playing golf; no way; well, some folks do but not all.  haha What are your thoughts about this? SweetLemon says—After events that have happened to me, I have never been the same; I’m a different person! Missperfect says--I dunno about that SweetLemon, your appearance looks the same to me except that you have gained 20 pounds!

There is a gal down the street that is probably in her late 30s who runs while pushing their young child and has a large dog on a lease; she does it regularly.  She just makes me smile.  When I get the chance, I want to talk to her and pick her mind; I wonder what her thoughts are.  What do you think?  Do you think she is a positive person or negative person?  Happy or sad? I have a friend who has some health issues and lost about 40-45 pounds.  I asked him how he did it— reduced the carbs in my diet, ate in moderation and ate nothing after my evening meal.  He didn’t exercise at all.  Does that weight loss make you feel different—way different. Well jumping Jehoshaphat! Soooo I was at a party last week and I said to a friend—you sure look like your sister—I do now but didn’t always—why is that—I use to be a bit chubby; I lost 45 pounds—way to go; that is a great accomplishment; it takes great discipline to do that; way to go girl!

RickyRick says—"Change your thoughts, Change your life. God is far more interested in changing your mind than changing your circumstances. You want God to take away all of the problems, pain, sorrow, suffering, sickness, and sadness. But God wants to work on you first—because transformation won’t happen in your life until you renew your mind, until your thoughts begin to change.”  We’re burning daylight here sweetheart. Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going! What are you thinking anyway!!!

What are your thoughts about this?  Do you like to tell folks how to do something (e.g. how to live their lives)?  Do you like it when others tell you how to live your life? Do you like to give suggestions? Do you like to get suggestions?  That is what I thought your thoughts would be about these thoughts. BRIGHT IDEA! Take some time or even a day (i.e. I took pretty much a whole day) and called it an appreciation day.  Yep!  I pretty much thought about what I’m appreciative off.  I thought about some crazy stuff alright; some stuff that I don’t understand; some stuff that is wacko for sure; some stuff that is amazing.  I sorta kinda enjoyed the day.  Suggestion--Get yourself an iced tea and sit and relax and enjoy a lazy crazy day of summer and think about yourself!

Think about two of your friends. One might enjoy a walk around the lake and the other one thinks it’s stupid! One can enjoy just going on a road trip and the other one sees no sense in it. One lets their hair down and the other one is always pretending. One is always competitive and the other one just laughs with you. One always has tooooo spend money to have fun and the other one can have fun doing the simplest thing. You get the idea.  Which friend do you enjoy being around the most? SmartyPantsEmily says--C’mon, erv, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.  I was invited to a family fireworks where young parents let their young kids get in the pond and get filthy dirty from head to toe playing in the water and mud; they had a blast.  Many parents would not tolerate that.  They had soooo much fun. 

It was only money! Coming home the other night I decided to have a Big Mac meal; haven’t had one in maybe 3 or 4 years. An ordinary guy ordering said to the young gal who waited on him—Here is a tip for being soooo nice to me and doing such a good job.  The young gal didn’t know what to say to this ordinary guy as it was a substantial tip (i.e. she probably never received such a large tip before or maybe never have received any tip before or maybe never had someone show appreciation to her before). The ordinary guy said to her—I hope you are always this nice to everyone; keep it up and he left.  Do you think this was an encouragement to this young gal? What are your thoughts on that?  Hey, it was only money! Oh by the way, the Big Mac meal tasted just like a Big Mac meal! Such is life.

It’s always fun to be around encouragers! 

What are your thoughts as to what Tony Dungy says—"So much of what we do as human beings; so many of the mistakes we make and desires we have; flows from having very little self-esteem.  It often begins to happen when we are young…One of the most important truths I want to impress on you is this: You were created by God…You are designed with a unique combination of abilities, interests, and passions that has never been before and will never be seen in anyone again.” A friend gave me this daily devotional book as I responded to him about him using quotes of Mr. Dungy and how I enjoy and relate to his thinking.  That is a pretty neat friend (i.e. it is a honor to be a friend of his, oh ya).  He is just that neat of a guy. Well beat the drums!!!

I have discovered if I do something even if it is small it gives me the feeling that I accomplished something. It makes me feel oh, soooo much better.  It doesn’t have to be a great big thing but just something small (i.e. like putting everything where it belongs or cleaning the counter or washing the car).  Accomplishment is a great feeling to me. If I do nuttin, I don’t get that feeling.  I was checking out at Hy-Vee the other day and the checkout person was a gal maybe 60 (i.e. it is sooo hard to tell the age of women) that was wiping clean her work area.  She had her face made up perfect with lipstick and the works (i.e. that is not a typical look of a checkout).  I said—do you like to have things clean—I sure do—does your house look the same—it sure does.  We both laughed.  Flip the pancake—When I see the inside of a person’s car and it’s a mess, I wonder what their house looks like. Wouldn’t it be bad to marry a person who you thought was neat only to find out they were a slob?  Surprise! Ouchy ouchy!  Have any of you been fooled? Saturday questions—Is being a neat person or a slob genetic or a learned behavior? Is being a real person or a phony genetic or a learned behavior? Is the attitude that some folks think they are tooooo smart to learn from others (i.e. they think they know everything) genetic or a learned behavior?

Analogy! I was jogging on the golf course early the other morning and found this dirty ball laying in the fairway.  My first thought was what kind of person would play with such a dirty ball! Why didn’t they clean it! I cleaned the ball up which just took very little effort and time and found the ball to be a good ball, very functional and useful.  It looked way different with just a little attention.  A guy who owns a big shed deep in Butler County a.k.a. Champ says--Maybe we are that way sometimes, we just need to clean ourselves up which might just take very little effort and time but will make ourselves much more attractive and useful.  What are your thoughts? That is what I thought. Warning: A friend says--That guy doesn't know what he's talking about! He's all mouth!

MyBigSister, only in age, taught a business class at a business school about preparing yourself for the business world by taking care of your appearance.  She discovered that many students didn't have a clue how they should look or are expected to look (i.e. I guess no one taught them that before which to some of you might seem soooo elementary).  I think she fixed them up and make them new folks maybe with very little effort or time.  I think maybe they even smelt better!  Something sooo simple but soooo important.  I wonder if all of us might be missing some simple things that no one every taught us (e.g. like look folks in the eye when you talk to them).  SusieQ says—Yabut erv, I don’t have much confidence in myself and that isn’t an easy fix let me tell ya! Well great balls of fire!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Shame brings you down. But true humility will only lift you higher.

The tip of the day comes from Bub.  Bub asked me how I was doing?  I haven’t seen Bub for a couple of years when he told me he is at retirement age and divorced.  He told me now that he has had two lady friends who he liked a lot but had cut off the relationships—how come—couldn’t afford them—what do you mean—they don’t have any money and they want me to support them; I don’t have that kind of money toooo support myself and them tooooo—soooo erv, just a tip for you if you are looking for a lady friend. Is he saying I need to see their financial statement!!!!

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