August 7, 2021

the script

I wanted to put a hitch on my vehicle and asked a friend if he would help me.  It wasn’t that hard, but he has a very nice, new shop with all the tools and besides I like to be around him.  We did it in about an hour but talked about half the time.  It is what life is all about.  ANYWAY, he had this sign above his work bench.  I decided to do that this week, but I really couldn’t tell if I was any different than what I usually am! Well strike up the band!

Henry Ford said—You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.  Soooo if you and I know folks who talk talk talk but really haven’t done anything, others know the same thing, we ain’t that darn smart!  It’s their script.

JoeBlow, who seems to like gloom and doom, says--It seems like life is scripted sometimes.  It’s like we are born, we live, and we die.  It might seem that way JoeBlow BUT the live part we have some control over, maybe.  SusieQ says—You can count on that JoeBlow, no question. The feasibility study says—Some folks get a lot more done in the days of their lives than others. Da! A friend told me about a mutual acquaintance who one of her friends calls “the original material woman.”  You remember Monnana signing the song The Material Woman.  I just read the lyrics; they are funny to me. ANYWAY, that name for this mutual acquaintance seems soooo fitting for her (i.e. my opinion).  Her mission of life is surely material stuff.  If my friend and I can see that, that means that others can toooo.  We ain’t that darn smart! Years ago, she and her husband told me that they changed churches to be around more affluent folks so they could make more money instead of the folks who were poorer in the church they attended. Now, that is being material folks; “the original material woman” for sure. SusieQ says—Being not soooo materialistic is a tough lesson to learn.

I read this in a devotion this week by Tony Dungy—"Who measures success? God does, not the world.  Who measures impact? God does, not the world.  God’s standards are rock solid, not subjectively driven by the differing opinions and standards of other people’s agendas.” My mentor use to say to me—erv, the world’s measuring stick is who has the most gold!  BUT that is not God’s measuring stick.  WorldClassLarry, who does a lot of heavy lifting, said—Soooo folks, figure it out and come alive!

The truth is, everyone lies all the time (i.e. like how are you—I’m fine and you’re not fine at all).  Some even think that we have to lie; we have no choice. Nevertheless, these are the little white lies that glue our day-to-day relationships together. These are the sorts of untruths that often are not even regarded as lies. LuckieEddie says—If folks say they don’t lie, well, they are really liars.  Oh ya! Liar liar pants on fire! DuaneTheWorm lies soooo much about himself that he doesn’t know when he is lying or if he isn’t; he is soooo self-glorifying! I recently was with a guy who brought up a DuaneTheWorm type of guy. He said the first time I meet this person I said to myself—who is this guy!  Soooo if he thinks that about him and I think that about him others must tooooo; we ain’t that darn smart! I read this in a fiction book--How stupid can I be! She's a fake; everything about her is a lie. I have been told lies all my life, and I know one when I hear one. I'm very suspicious. 

Mark Twain said—"Everybody lies...every day, every hour, awake, asleep, in his dreams, in his joy, in his mourning. If he keeps his tongue still his hands, his feet, his eyes, his attitude will convey deception.”

Are any of you CAVE folks (i.e. an acronym for Constantly Against Virtually Everything)? Now that is an established acronym used universally, really.  It has to be right as I read it in the paper. StuckInTheMudBill is one person of many.  Why are folks soooo much this way?  I assume they change their underwear but maybe not! AverageJoe says--It looks to me that the younger generation always makes changes, and the old timers never did like change.  BUT there are some old timers that move forward and encourage change.  Soooo why some and not others? I just don’t understand folks.  ItchieBitchie, who doesn’t have a clue what he is doing, says—Usually the ones who have the money and power control! It’s usually all about the money. Look around folks; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.  Maybe otherwise nuttin would ever change; money a.k.a. capitalism is a great motivator! Can you imagine what our world would be if nuttin every changed? America gives folks opportunities; some countries don’t. Some folks take advantage of change and others don't. Such is life.

Live and Learn!  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Loss, once it’s become a certainty, is like a rock, you hold in your hand. It has weight and dimension and texture. It’s solid and can be assessed and dealt with.  You can use it to beat yourself or you can throw it away. BUT we must realize it’s a certainty before we can move forward and deal with it. OneSmartPerson says—For me, it’s hard to get to that point sometimes; I underestimated how difficult that is.

There is no way I can truly express my joy and sometimes sorrow in words.  It’s imposable; I can’t script it.  Nor can you.  Even pictures on Facebook aren’t always accurate; they’re just part of the story; many times there are many stories behind those pics. As my mentor use to say to me—erv, nothing is as good as it looks, and nothing is as bad as it looks.  A golf buddy said to me—erv, sometimes being quiet is by far the best explanation. If you try to explain it, they won’t understand it anyway and besides, they don’t really care anyway. My mentor use to also say—erv, half the folks really don’t care and the other half are glad bad things have happened to you. An old timer came to our booth at breakfast recently and told us that at my age folks ask me how I am but don’t wait for my answer; they don’t really seem to care! My friend said to him—Maybe they don’t want to hear all your complaints (i.e. his script).

A unique person told me—Who we are will shape everything we do (i.e. we script ourselves)!  He also said the other day when he didn’t play golf as well as he would have liked—Golf is such a small part of my life! I’m the same person if I pay well or if I don’t play well; golf doesn’t define who I am BUT I like to play well. Don’t kid yourself. LuckieEddie says—Our attitude toward what life throws at us has so much to do with the outcome; sorta kinda sets the tone of our lives. BigLouie says—“What’s down in the well will come up in the bucket.” Are we scripted?

When in CO, we hiked in the Buffalo Creek Region; an old timer, Dude, (i.e. that is what he told me his name was; he was 85 he said) said it was the World Capital of Mountain Biking on the Front Range).  ANYWAY, at the trail head there was an open shelter with several coolers with snacks and power drinks in them that were for the public for a donation.  Dude seemed like he was managing them.  I asked him if he was in charge—us old folks take turns, we have time—do folks contribute generously—oh ha, we gave the park $1,000 last year from our profits—wow—ya, bikers and hikers are good folks—do you still ride—oh ya, I ride all the trails; I have several bikes. 

Have you ever seen this on a vehicle before?  I never did.  I asked our family what it was.  It’s a carrier for fly rods; you don’t see that in Butler County IA!  James pointed out to me that most of the vehicles in the parking lot were high end and most of the hikers and bikers were in the age range of 20 to 40; these folks he also said ride bikes in the $5,000 to $10,000 range.  I noticed they all have the finest outdoor gear.  James said—They take their hobby serious, and their image is very important to them. I would guess that all this stuff probably isn’t paid for, but they want it and buy it; it’s important to them (i.e. it’s where they spend their money and time).  They are scripted. They all look rich to me.

I know a gal in CO who is a Daisy (i.e. an acronym for someone who is great).  She received this distinction by the company she works for being a very diligent, competent, caring, dependable and compassionate employee).  It’s quite an honor.  It’s easy to be average; anyone can be average, but it takes a great person to be great; a Daisy.  Saturday question—Are you a Daisy or a Dandelion!

Live and learn!  I invited three friends who are self-proclaimed liberals out for lunch this week (i.e. I consider myself a moderate conservative).  I call this event, "3 liberals and one moderate conservative get-to-gather." What a hoot.  I like these folks but they think differently than I do on some issues, maybe, and maybe not sooooo much.  It was fun to hear their opinions (i.e. and that is just what all our thinking is—opinions).  It was much like watching the news!  haha  (i.e. meaning that it’s mostly opinions and not many facts). These folks are good folks with good hearts; my kind of folks.  You folks don't believe everything I write or think and I don't believe everything you think or say.  Not a 100% for sure.  They aren't any different than you folks.  I really like these folks. They had some very good points and opinions. My conclusion of our little get-together was--Maybe I'm more liberal than I think I am. And in many ways they are just like me and you. Na, no way! Maybe it depends how you define liberal!

I drove about 4 hours each way to play in a senior golf invitational with some good old friends at Westbrook, MN this week. A big day but well worth the big day.  I really like these guys.  My good friends Gene and Jan are the ones who took me out to the graveyard one time and showed me where they are going to be buried.  Then Gene told me that I was going to be a casket barer if I outlived him.  I told him it better not be a cold or windy day; you know I don’t like cold weather or wind!  My couz from Roseland send me this text about their brother-in-law whose health is deteriorating, and they were helping him (i.e. the reality of life—scripted for all of us in some form)—"XXX, has trouble talking and it is very hard to understand what he is saying. XXX (i.e. wife) and I were trying to transfer him from bed to commode and he kept mumbling and I kept getting closer to him hoping I could read his lips when out the blue he shouts out get off my foot. Now I’m laughing and he is just shaking his head. I think that these experiences make us better people.” He has now passed on. Death is scripted folks!

A friend at church Sunday told me that we are soon going to be related—what—my grandson, Jack, is marring a gal from Minneapolis whose mother’s mother is your first cousin—which first cousin—I can’t remember but we are going to be related soon!  Do any of you know which first cousin this is? My family is getting bigger! What fun!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Stop worrying about the problem and start looking for the reason.

The tip of the day came from a friend/golf buddy who taught me how to pronounce asterisk. I have been pronouncing it wrong my whole life and maybe you have to; it’s a.str.uhsk; now that is Chester and Anna’s fault for sure.  

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