January 29, 2022

let me get this straight

Those of us who live in America can believe pretty much what we want; it’s a freedom.  I like that. How about you?  And we all surely don’t believe the same stuff; now that is for sure.  And we all don’t believe the truth as we don’t even know what the truth is, maybe.  We are surely influenced by soooo many things.  ThePersonNorthOfTown, deep in Butler County, even questions the Pope sometimes. I know that is the truth ‘cause he told me that! I got it straight from the horse’s mouth.

A new friend here in Sun Valley or is it Sin Valley was telling me that he and his brother were talking about their families.  They both have a child who is a poor money manager; if they have a dollar in their pocket, they spend two.  His brother was upset with their child, but my friend told him that they toooo didn’t do some things soooo great when they were their age but did come around with age and maturity.  Soooooo, he said to his brother—We need to give them some grace.  Let me get this straight my friend, give them grace?  That story he told me is soooo real probably to most families.  I think there is a song that goes something like this—Grace, grace, God’s grace, grace that is greater than all our sin.

Missperfect, whose game never stops, says--False information that appears real but isn’t, is called a deception. Let me get this straight Missperfect, what you are telling me is the gospel truth to you but might possibly not be the real truth? It appears to me that there is a lot of money made by folks who don’t tell the truth.  And they are very good at it (i.e. from top government and business leaders to the street folks and all the folks in the middle). It’s all about the money. Soooo maybe we all need someone who can tell us what the truth is and follow them.  ItchieBitchie asks--erv, isn’t that what the government is doing, being our big brother?  And besides, I have a financial advisor, a religious leader, a parent, a teacher, a bartender, an attorney, a golf buddy, a gal I quilt with, a neighbor, a sister-in-law, a spouse, 3 ex-spouses, coffee drinkers, etc. that claim they all know the truth. Oh by the way, AverageJoe says--Some folks have the ability of believing their own deceptions; they remind me of seemingly a lot of folks in power at all levels. Such is life.

I was riding my bike in another 55+ community and saw this sign.  I try to be open minded before thinking I know what the truth is.  Is Brownie a wife, a girl friend or a dog.  I really don’t know what the truth is, but I can easily jump to a conclusion before I really know who Brownie actually is.  2022Joe says—I’m going with Brownie being a temporary live-in!

Here in the park I live in, they have Bingo ever Monday night (i.e. most all parks do this for the public as a money maker).  I went 2 weeks ago to have a sloppy joe that the club serves to anyone for $7.  I sat at a table with a couple of ladies and their daughters who were going to play Bingo (i.e. didn't know them from Adam). We had a good time. Last Monday night I came to eat goulash and they were there and invited me to eat with them again.  Last week one of the gals won $100 soooo they thought I was their good luck. .ANYWAY, I learned what eterneva was.  Never heard of if before.  Have you? What a hoot! These gals just make me laugh.

JoeBlow says--It’s too bad that the folks that do tell the truth many times are not believed. Yabut erv, I can’t tell what the truth is, I just can’t.  Everything sounds soooo good and truthful.  How do I know? Good question.  Many to all of us have been deceived often and bad that we become very gun shy about anything folks try to tell us or sell us.  We have been taken advantage of a lot it seems. Like every day. CoarchB says—80% of the folks that step out on their own, don’t succeed at first. Soooo I think what he is saying is that it is a lot easier to be follower (i.e. kick the can down the street like most everyone else; believe what others tell us a.k.a. herd mentality). 

I got to the Des Moines airport last Monday morning and went to my gate and the plane was boarding (i.e. perfect timing).  ANYWAY, my seat was in the back sooo I was in no hurry to board; thought I wanted to the very last person to board; I never did that before.  Soooooo I waited but there were three large guys, like 300+ pound large guys in their 60s and 70s, who were also waiting and probably with the same idea. They gave me an image of being very unique guys as they had on faded, tattered, blue bib overalls on with a variety of attire under them along with seed corm caps. They talked like with a Missouri twang. They insisted that I go first sooo I did.  Their tickets were in the row behind me.  What a circus of language and laugher as they tried to sit in the three seats; finally, a flight attended said that one of them might want to sit in a seat ahead of me. A guy next to them asked if they were brothers—no no, we are just farmer friends from southern IA going to AZ to get out of the cold. We might be surprised how much money those three guys have.  ANYWAY, our plane had to be de-iced and I heard that guy ahead of me talking to someone on his phone telling them that they would land at about 10 and for this person to pick them up.  He ended the conversation with—I love you toooo dad. Soooo let me get this straight, our impressions of folks aren’t always correct maybe. And I wonder what kind of image I give folks.

I went to play golf with some old buddies from years ago in a park we rented in for several years (i.e. the oldest guy is 88 and they are crazy fun to be around). I had to go through that park’s security to get to the course.  I asked the 20-year old security guard if folks really use bad language—yes they do—they think they are soooo important doing it and act soooo big; but to tell you the truth, I laugh a lot at them; they are soooo immature and don’t impress me a bit; they are hilarious; it appears they lack confidence in themselves; not a bit impressive to me. I am always amazed that young gals are managers at both the college and professional football levels.  Usually, a lot of those players use bad language.  I asked a young person about that.  He said—Those girls use the same bad language as the football players, there is no difference. Really!  Is that the truth? I met a lady here in AZ who seemed pretty nice. But, then all of a sudden she used bad language. It was a big turn off to me.  She no longer impressed me.  Toast!

LuckieEddie says--I want a guarantee on that.  Sure, we will give you a guarantee and if you have any type of problem, all you have to do is call this number.  JOKE!  BUT many folks know the guarantee isn’t any good but it makes folks feel good.  They are just getting their leg pulled!

Was hiking one of my favorite hikes and came around a bend and this guy was sitting there just enjoying the beautiful panoramic view.  He was a Catholic Priest from Duluth; been a priest there for 55 years but grew up in Ireland. I learned that some of the the sugar beets from the Red River Valley are shipped out of Duluth to Ireland. I told him that it's quite a sacrifice for you priests to give up marriage.  He said--I don't know if it is or not, many marriages aren't any piece of cake; I have seen it all!. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! I said to him as I left, Peace and prosperity to you."  He responded, "pax et pax vobis" which is the same in Latin.

WildWillie says--I’m more in the non-committal stage; I might, maybe stage, and the I will see stage.  I don’t jump off the bridge sooo easy anymore, oh no.  I don’t believe what everyone tells me or what they tell me that they think I am supposed to believe.  Soooo much of it is baloney and in some cases those folks don’t even know what the truth is as they have been fooled by someone else (i.e. just because KnowItAllJosie says soooo at the bar or coffee shop or at Betty’s card game, it doesn’t mean it’s the truth). I even questioned some of the stuff those old farts told me that I played golf with. haha

The church I attend here in the Valley, is doing a long series on Acts.  Those of you who read and study the Bible think of it as the beginning of the Christian church. Believers of Jesus usually think of the Bible as the Truth.  But many folks don’t consider the Bible to be the Truth, and many don’t care.  The introduction of Acts says--"As one of the themes and purpose is ‘To give a defense.’ A defense to both Jews and Gentiles with the underling purpose of conversion. It shows how the early church coped with pagan and Jewish thought, the Roman government and Hellenistic society.” Not everyone believed what the Truth was back then did they.  Not much has seemed to have changed, really.

GeorgeTheCrook says--Much of advertising is an art of fooling consumers (i.e. it’s one big game).  Ya got to convince them. The best convincing wins. BigMouthBetsy says—I have to keep pushing the envelope to be perceived to be better than the competition (i.e. better trickery).  Big bucks are paid to get that done. JoeSmart says—If you are the best, you really don’t have to say a whole lot, do ya? The Omicron media coverage and data makes me shake my head.  What is the agenda of the folks giving us the information?  Maybe it’s another “data disaster.” You can believe what you want folks.  Whatever trips your trigger.  It’s sorta kinda like no one wants to work but everyone wants to earn big money (i.e. milk the system).  LuckieEddie asks--Why buy the cow when you can get the milk free! Do I have it straight that everyone wants to live high off the hog! Let the good times roll! I read in the paper, soooo it must be right, that probably everyone is going to get Omicron (i.e. it can’t be stopped) and then the next article says we need to get tested soooo we don’t spread Omicron.

AverageJoe says--Sometimes we think we hear/see the truth, but it really isn’t the truth; it’s just what we want to hear.  That is what happened to Earl. 

OneSmartPerson says—The time to quit talking is when the other person nods their head affirmatively but says nothing.  In sales they tell sales folks to “quit talking” at this point and ask the person to “sign here.”  ItchieBitchie asks—Do I have this straight that sometimes folks talk toooo much and they kill the deal?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--The odds are always with you if you keep trying.

January 22, 2022

I'm going to...

 Some folks think I’m a piece of work! Well folks, I admit that I am for sure. The work is ongoing, for sure.  Take that into account when reading this “It’s Saturday.” John Calvin said--The beginning of repentance is the confession of guilt. Do you think you have to know or maybe even admit you are wrong to make a change!  GeorgeTheCrook says—For some folks, that’s nearly an impossibility.

I read in the paper, soooo it must be right, that—You can’t teach a person a lesson that they think they already know. I realize that here are folks that have it all figured out or at least think they do.  This is the apostle James’ advice in a parable he wrote to his readers (James 4:13-17). He wrote about people who planned to go to a city, start a business, and make money. James suggested, “Not so fast.” It is wiser maybe to submit our plans to God and ask for His blessing and guidance since He has already planned our steps (Psalm 139:13-16). Do you really believe that God has planned our steps? Now that is deep.  I would guess some of you believe that and some of you don’t and some of you really don’t care and some of you are going to do what you want to do anyway ‘cause you know all the answers (i.e. and God you must help me 'cause I'm in charge).

Bob, anybody can be a Bob, says—"As the global pandemic has continued to hold many of us in its grip, life as we know it has changed in many ways. ‘Normal’ has taken on new meaning. For many, ‘business as usual’ has ceased to have any meaning at all. So as 2021 limps out and the uncertainties of 2022 knock at the door, many of us are scratching our heads, wondering how we can effectively plan for the future. This is not the first time that people around the globe have been confronted with the unknown, of course. The future is always unpredictable, so we must plan accordingly. Expect the unexpected and you will not be completely surprised. Even with that, we find much wisdom from the Scriptures on how to plan and prepare for the future.” That is Bob’s opinion, yours might be different. You might know all the answers; then you don’t need to seek advice or wisdom.  I’ll talk to you at the end of the year big shot!!!! Or at the end of your life if I’m still alive.

I was buying an onion for my hot dish at Fry’s. The produce guy, about 18, was replenishing the bins with onions.  I said—you like onions guy—ya, I do guy; I like the white ones the best—how come—they seem to make me cry more—sooooo guy, you like to cry—ya, a good cry is good every once in a while guy. See you guy! You toooo guy!

MyNeighborDownTheStreet says--erv, 99 percent of the stuff you fret about won’t even matter in 5 years (i.e. some of us folks won’t even be alive in 5 years). And most of it won’t matter in 5 minutes.  I really enjoyed the Christmas Eve service that I went to alone. It was very meaningful to me for several reasons.  PastorJohn said—"Hug your spouse who is next to you (i.e. well of course Arlene wasn’t next to me). As we all know what we have experienced the last couple of years that they might not be here next year.” I had a good cry. ItchieBitchie says--Spend more time on the 1 percent. I think my lifestyle of being here in the desert is an advantage for me to get out of my current environment for some time soooo I can think and re-think and maybe see the 1 percent better (i.e. some might call it a Sabbath or a Sabbatical).  It is challenging but it seems to be really good for me. I talk soooo big, but I lost my glasses.  I have looked and looked for them and couldn’t find them.  Cheaters it is! Man, that is frustrating! I found them after a couple of days; they were in the bread drawer! Go figure.

I have options like what am I going to believe about anything and everything. I have choices just like you do.  Where am I going with this!!!! I have no idea! I have choices and options!  SusieQ, who some think is nebulous, says—erv, I don’t think everyone has options as some have their heads up their butt! Well, SusieQ, just go over to them and pull it out! SusieQ says—I think they like to have their heads up their butts.  It’s very comfortable for them. Yikes! Such is life.

Back in your face erv! Yes that is how I took some advice from a “most unlikely person.”  It hit home as it was something I have said many times, “If it stinks a little on the top when you get to the bottom, it really stinks.”  I just didn’t want to believe it as I didn’t want it that way.  BUT again, I think it’s that way.  I was affirmed again by what this source said. And our conversation wasn’t really related to my situation, but it was pertinent to me. Now isn’t that something!  BUT I think it really was indirectly important, I think, my opinion. I think that is why my time being in a different environment can help me see things differently, hopefully correctly. I’m comfortable with what I learned but don’t necessarily like it (i.e. it’s the writing on the wall).  The truth hurts sometimes!

I just read while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it—Much of life is between our ears a.k.a. attitude.   Then I read in the paper, soooo it must be right, this quote by John Lennon—“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” OneOfYouGuys could have said that toooooo and I would have appreciated it more.  John Lennon doesn’t affect me much or at all, but I like the quote. Sooooo the conclusion of the matter is—Life is pretty much how you and I see it. Could be! Maybe! Soooo I’m going…!

And he said to me—We are going to spend some of our money. A new acquaintance who seems to becoming a friend fixed my park bike.  It had a squeak from a loose rear wheel bearing and the gears wouldn’t shift.  He didn’t want any compensation for it; just wanted to do it for me (i.e. he is one good, real, guy with a good heart; my kind of person).  He told me that they have lived frugal but had/have a very good life.  BUT they are going to spend some of their money.  Their kids are doing well, and they are going to do some stuff a.k.a. live it up. He told me this as he was putting in a new door by himself in his unit to save a few bucks! Really, he said he just enjoys putzing around doing projects.  He has always been that way he said. He also is putzing around trying to line me up with widows!  What a hoot!

I was going to do a project and was walking past the billiard/pool room of I think 10 tables but no smoke or liquor!  haha Two friends were in there playing.  I sat and watched them play 8-ball.  One of my friends was playing a guy who had a glove on and a little holster which held his own chalk container to chalk his pool clue tip.  Wow, I never saw that before. He ran the table. He seemed arrogant and egotistical (i.e. all about him). Soooo when she got done, she asked me if I wanted to play some ping pong—sure.  We warmed up and then played a couple of games—we split.  I have never got beat by a gal before. Of course, I never played a single match against a gal before. Soooooo maybe I would get beat more if I did.  That is why I don’t play gals in singles in ping pong! haha That is what old folks do in a 55+ community. haha Now what am I going to do? Maybe make a cup of tea and take a nap!

Now the rest of the story about the pool playing guy.  Several nights before I was doing an activity with some guys and when we got done, they asked one of the guys to play pool.  He asked whose playing.  Sooo and sooo and soooo and soooo. No thank you he said.  When everyone left, he told me that that one guy is soooo egotistical and arrogant that I won’t play with him.  It was that same guy.  Saturday question--Soooo would you rather have a pool glove and a holster to carry your own chalk and run the table or have others want to be around you. LuckieEddie, who appears to be soft-hearted, says--Actually I think you can be a nice person and have a pool glove and have a holster to carry you own chalk! Oh ya! Those two things have nuttin to do with you being a nice person or not! 

I really think there are soooo many folks that we really don’t know them even if we think we do. In fact, I think I don’t really know myself very well (i.e. I’m trying to work on that). SusieQ says—A lot of folks really don’t want others to know them and won’t let others know them; it has always been that way; it ain’t nuttin new. Folks don’t always share what is in their heads or hearts no matter what they say (i.e. not all folks are 100% real).  Don’t kid yourself. You might think I’m rather direct about this; could be but I don’t think soooo. It was suggested to me to read When Crickets Cry by Charles Martin, Christian fiction. It was suggested by a longtime friend.  I started reading it back home but just didn’t have time to complete it.  Sooooo I put an eBook on hold at the Mesa Library.  I finally got it.  It’s a very popular book.  I think it was a great book for me but maybe not for you. BUT, I suggest you might think about giving it a read. It was very stimulating to me and entertaining (i.e. very fitting for my situation of my life). Thanksamillion my friend for suggesting it.

I spent last weekend in Waukee with Chet and Jessica and the grandkids. I was greeted by a 12 to 14 inch snowstorm! Well, we played a lot of board games and laughed and talked and had a one great time. Charlie was the big winner almost all the time, sooooo lucky! I was the perpetual loser it appeared. Rookie, who his teacher calls a blurter, said--Grandpa, your luck stinks worse than my feet!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of old men try to be boys again and old women will try to be girls again.

P.S. I walked by the pool the other day and old men and old women look like old men and old women no matter what they think or say. 

January 15, 2022


TomSmart, who doesn’t believe the whole parade, says—Why: Where do you even start to answer that simple one-word quandary? BTW, TomSmart is the kind of guy who gives you 4 scoops of ice cream for the price of one. 

WorldClassLarry, who can make a person go to the dentist, says—Are you and I going to continue “to be that person” or are you and I going “to be that person.” I am really trying to evaluate my current self and think about my future self.  Sooooo are you folks going to be “such great folks” or are you going to continue to be “less than what you want to be” type of folks. Would you like to change yourself? If soooo, how do you want to change? Who and what do you want to be in your future? A couple of months or even six month sounds like a long time, or it can sound like a short time; it all depends on what is going on in our life (i.e. you think through that). I hear folks say—where did the last year go and also hear folks say—I didn’t think the last year would ever end. Soooo why do folks have such a difference of opinion?

I’m around some new, very interesting folks.  Some of these folks are very intelligent and some have very interesting habits and beliefs, and some have different life styles, and some have a lot of money and some have different physical builds and some have different personalities and some have different past environments and some are talented differently.  Really, they are not any different than you guys or the folks from Butler County just because they come from different states or countries.  Soooooo which folks do I want to be like?  Or do I want to pick and choose qualities of all of them but some more from some than others? BUT can I change? Can you change?  

Well, I cannot become as intelligent as a couple of folks I have been in contact with.  That intelligence can’t be obtained (i.e. it’s genetic I think).  I got what I got soooo I must accept that (i.e. my point is there are certain things it seems I cannot change).  Sooooo BTW I need to forget about those qualities I cannot change.  Soooo then I need to think about maybe the stuff I can maybe change and want to change. Few of us want to remain where we are without any improvement or increase. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. But where do we want to grow? I think we have to be careful to focus on what’s really important and within our control, rather than external results we can’t really control. That’s my opinion and your opinion might be different.  Such is life.

A gal was telling me about herself.  She told me a lot. She is quite a gal. ANYWAY, she told me that she had cancer back in her life and she totally believes it was because it was the stress she was in at the time.  I researched it and there is some merit to what she said. Doooo folks, including me, do things that we don’t want to do that are stressful.  Do folks or I try to be like other folks that we really don’t want to be like which creates stress? Do folks, including me, compete with folks or do I elect not to care about comparing myself with them? Is a certain image important to us (i.e. like a certain social level)? I sound confused now don’t I! It ain’t nuttin new folks, we are all that way and folks have always been that way.  Sooooo don’t get stressed out!! haha

BTW, life is good. Mrs.OrangePoolNoodle, who doesn’t seem to have a bounce in her step, response to that statement is—My life aint!  This is a “number fingers answer game."  I’m asking from you to raise the number of fingers with one being the worse and ten being the best as how you rate your life.  WOW! I see ones and tens and some in the middle. An analogy--Some of you are counting how many teeth you have, and some are counting how many teeth you don’t have.  Sooooo does being a snowbird or staying home make much of a difference as to how you evaluate life?  Maybe there is a difference.  It is hard to measure.  Probably not. Different strokes for different folks. If that is the case, then your quality of life is an attitude.  You think soooo?  That is what I thought.

BTW, why do some folks quit some activity in their life and start another (e.g. why does a woman who use to bake all her life and loved it quits and now watches TV instead)? A friend told me that he met a friend who he used to play pb with but he hadn’t seen him for a long time.  He told my friend that he quit playing pb (i.e. and he was a good player toooo yet if that makes a difference).  We can only speculate why he quit.  There might be many many reasons.  You used to have a lake cabin and sold it. Why?  You used to garden and don’t anymore. Why? Why do we change things in our life? Some of you didn’t appreciate life but now you do (i.e. you made a change--why); maybe you figured out you were chasing after the wind before. Why did you figure that out?  ItchieBitchie, who is a home run hitter, says—It’s soooo hard trying to catch that wind and it is soooo tiring and soooo stressful! Soooo I bought a slightly used hiking belt from a gal.  Soooo you aren't going to hike anymore--never did use it as I never hiked much and now I just quit; I always thought they looked impressive; I did lapidary and silversmith for many years but quit them toooo--how come--I got tired of them--sooo now what do you do--sewing and quilting--you probably don't need a hiking belt for those two--no I don't!

I have really learned some stuff here in the Valley that might/will/maybe affect me.  I learned from the church I attend, that seems to be very effective, that it appears that one of the big reasons (i.e. my opinion) is that the atmosphere they produce is that of humility (i.e. from the door greeters to the music folks to the pastors). And that isn’t just by what they say but by their body language; maybe even more by what they don’t say—but it is very much felt it seems by everyone—great worshiping atmosphere). I wonder if this is contagious, if they just happen to be humble folks, or is it taught. Related to that, I learned from an obnoxious, arrogant pickleball player that he isn’t near as bad as I first thought he was. I learned that after he shared his life some with me even though his image that he portrays is that of being obnoxious and arrogant, but others still think he’s that way; others have told me that; that is why I know.  BTW, JoeErverything, who is always running but never arrives, says—When our actions are inconsistent with our words, folks will follow our actions as to who we are.  Don’t kid yourself. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—Humility is one of the things that we easy agree on but have a hard time practicing. Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

You notice first time parents are all excited when their child walks for the first time. After you have the fifth child, it’s probably not as big of a deal.  Or as a friend says—They all do it! I guess we all grow up toooo. For sure physically and hopefully mentally.  Some folks grow up at a different speed it seems.  LuckieEddie asks--Sooo why do some folks when 50 still act like little kids mentally?  And why do some kids at age 12 act like pretty mature adults?  Ya got me!  You talk to some kids, and they talk like an adult, and you talk to some adults, and they talk like kids.  We hear folks say—They need to be more like a kid, and we also hear said—that person needs to grow up! Well folks, I want to grow up more; I really do.  I’m working on it.  Oh BTW, where are you at in your growing up stage? Is that a valid evaluation or is that just what you think?  Someone thought they heard the clerk at the grocery store call you, or was it your sister, a rick bitch, a regular Karen who needs to grow up! Her dad needs to take her behind the woodshed! WhoWhatMe!

Maybe you don’t want to think about this soooo I will make it short, or you might just want to skip this paragraph after I vented in the last paragraph.  ANYWAY, I think I am much more willing to learn and evaluate myself at different times in my life (i.e. and now is one of them). I’m even more prone to read more at certain days, weeks or periods of time and even different types of books.  In fact, I think you folks are different at different times in your life as well (i.e. some of you might have been dinged in the head and it has affected you). WhoWhatMe! Maybe even some you are really cranks in the post-holiday season and some of you are much happier, maybe ‘cause it’s over.  Folks can tell.  A friend had COVID and was worried that she was not getting better and then she did.  I asked her if she was relieved when she started getting better. Her response was--YES! I think she was worried.

I had a sweet, young friend (i.e. I guess she isn’t sooo young anymore (i.e. she’s retired) but still is sweet) tell me about an opportunity she has to shine her light.  She has it together, I think.  ANYWAY, I like full moons; they just make me feel good.  Even little kids know that the moon does not produce light but is just a reflector.  Sooooo, I really think that my sweet friend’s light is a reflection. What do you think her light is reflected from? We all reflect something. Where does it come from? Is it genetic or is it learned or what? She made me think about my light. Yikes!  When I walk in the park, I sometimes walk past this yard ornament next to the street in front of a unit. I always stop and read it.  It makes me wonder if I’m very hospitable. Or am I pretty much all about me?

I like to burn candles. Yes, they can take some work, but I like candles.  They make me feel good.  BUT there are differences in candles; oh ya. Some burn better than others and some smell better than others.  They seem to be just like folks. The candle in the pic is one a friend gave to me. She found it in the garbage. No one wanted it, I guess.  I buy many of my candles at Savers for little of nuttin.  Not a big demand for used candles, I guess (i.e. maybe most candles are for show and not to be burnt).  Someone’s junk is someone else’s treasure they say. Again, just like you folks, a little light by you guys can make a big difference in another person’s life even if you have been used a little before and think you are of little value (i.e. my opinion). Such is life.

I read in the paper, soooo it must be right, that we all have our own rules that we live our lives by.  Soooo where did those rules come from; probably we were taught many of those by someone or by our experiences or our environment I would guess.  For me, the best rule book is the Bible.  BUT, we all seem to interpret parts of it differently but some of it maybe we all agree on, big on the maybe. Folks have been arguing it’s interpretation forever and some folks don’t believe any of it.  I have to admit that I don’t understand all of it very well.  I do understand the verse—His understanding I cannot fathom (i.e. I can understand that).  Now I admit that.

I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it that we should maybe think about taking the path less traveled. Yogi said—When you come to a fork in the road, take it.  Sooooo I read this yard ornament on a “walk in the park” the other day.  I laughed. Hey, I have felt that way already hikin’ up ‘er in ‘em mountains. Oh ya! Actually I was pretty scared one time in CO hiking a 14ner by myself (i.e. not smart). It still scares me when I think about it. It actually was a gal’s fault (i.e. surely not my fault). I was at a saddle. She said I should take this short-cut.  Soooo I did. Big mistake. I figured that out after some time and a lot of energy (i.e. I felt lost).  I back tracked but the sun was getting lower and I didn’t think I was going to get out before dark.  It was the last day the mountain was open for hiking for the year.  I was worried but I made it.  I was scared to death. That will take some cockiness out of a person alright.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—The weaker the argument the stronger the words.

P.S. The $64,000 question--Who prophesied this statement that I read in a novel this week--I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Now folks that is a change alright. Holy smokes! And your answer is?

January 8, 2022

now what

A couple were all snugged in in their bed on New Year’s Eve.  It was about 2 o’clock when the doorbell rings and rings.  The guy finally gets out of bed and opens their upstairs window.  It was a blizzard outside and he couldn’t see a thing.  He says—Who’s down there and what do you want.  The guy says in a drunken voice—I need a push! Man, it’s 2 o’clock and crawls back in bed.  His wife says—Honey, don’t you remember the time when you needed a push and a guy pushed you. Okay okay then, soooo he opens the window and hollers down to the guy that he would be right down.  Sooooo he puts on all his winter garb and goes down stairs and opens the door but can’t see the guy as the wind is blowing the snow around creating very poor visibility.  He says—I can’t see you, where are you?  The guy says—I’m over her on my sled!

This is what Steve (i.e. anyone can be a Steve) says—"You think you know it all, don’t you? You probably would not say it that way (and neither would I), but we all generally trust our own perceptions. Even reading this, you measure what I say against what you believe, your experiences, and the things you value. That is not always wrong, but it is definitely not always right. But you already knew that, correct?” Sooooo I guess Steve is saying that you won’t believe everything that is said in this “It’s Saturday.” Not surprised! Why, ‘cause you are always right! Just remember folks, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN. Don't have high expectations and then you won't be disappointed. Besides, you are always right anyway.

Now what? I was getting my mail the other day as well as a gal next to me.  She said to me—They tell me you are a widower—that is true--how old are you—I told her—she then said—you look younger; if you were a little younger or if I was a little older, I would hit on you! She made me LOL!

TheApacheKid says--It has been said--“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” I have been here in AZ for maybe 10 weeks.  I have really learned a lot about myself, I think! And I am still learning. And I have a lot more to learn for sure. Where is this going to go? I have no idea. Hopefully a good direction! Several folks have been influential in developing me this last while (i.e. they don’t even know who they are and how—some by their positive ways and some by their...).  And I’m just getting started. Wow, this is really interesting. I have a different environment than Butler Co. which appears to be conducive to thinking right now in my life. BUT now what?

The new phase of life!  I’m not unhappy with my last phase, actually I really liked it, but I need to go to the next phase, that past phase is over. But I’m not really in charge of the next phase, well, sorta kinda but not really. PastorJohn said that if we let God be in charge, life is a lot easier (i.e. sleep a lot better). I talked to a 90-year-old guy in our park the other day.  He lost his wife three years ago and would like to find another woman to associate with.  I said—You got any possibilities—yes, my wife’s sister is my age and lost her husband five years ago; we get along fine; she coming down here to rent a place; I said she could just live with me; she said, I don’t want the chaos—erv, what does that mean—I really don’t know--erv, I’m 90 years old; I’m entering the 90-year old phase, whatever that is; it is a lot different than the 20-year old phase!

There are “somethingelses.” Steve goes on to say—"The Bible talks a lot about the idea of overly trusting ourselves. One of my favorite books in the Bible, Proverbs, focuses on wisdom and folly. Toward the end, it drops this bombshell, 'Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him' (Proverbs 26:12). In short: Overly trusting yourself is dangerous. Some self-confidence is crucial to living a healthy life, but not overconfidence.” And Steve says more—"The Bible discusses two different ways in which people become blinded by their overconfidence in themselves: Hypocrisy, and self-deception… In his 1850 novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote, ‘No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.’ Can you think of anyone this describes?” Are you and I that way sometimes? Yikes! Could you and I be a “somethingelse” at times?

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half banana on it—Tom Landry said that football was his god before he began to follow Jesus Christ. After reading that line, I changed my morning plans.  Yes, I did.  I was going to do an activity that some folks wanted me to do but instead I did something that I wanted to do that was much more important to me.  I went and saw a couple of folks who I really wanted to see.  I went to the woodshop to visit with a certain person and then went to see another person who wanted to talk to me.  Activities are ok but relationships are more important to me. I told myself, I don’t have toooo but I have the opportunity.  Now what! I just don’t want to chase after the wind. An acquaintance I met at a little party told us that she loves it here in the park; I have made more friends in 6 months here in the park than I have in my hometown the last 6 years.  I asked her what she met by “friends.” She said—People who I can invite to my house for dinner. Saturday question—Do you agree that friends are more important than a fortune? CrazyMarvin, who is a birthday cake, says—I’ll take the fortune, for sure!

Sooooo I went to the woodshop. An acquaintance invited me to come and use the wood shop.  The lead man/big dog teacher added—we teach one on one; most folks here have never done wood working before.  Another new acquaintance I made who was there told me he was a one of those guys who never did woodwork before and really likes it.  For $25 a year you can use all the equipment, but you need to furnish your own wood.  I said—I have no experience and probably would mess up to which he said—It’s only a piece of wood; you just throw it away and start over. I finally got to talk to the guy I went to talk tooooo! While leaving and getting on my park bike, I was invited by a couple of gals to go line dancing with them—I said I never did that before—we will teach ya—how many guys come to line dancing now—none—that is what I thought! What a hoot! As I have heard many many times—If you get bored here, it’s your own fault.   

Here is another little plumbing story that made me laugh. There was a little leak in my water line under my metal tent.  I thought it was a compression connection but after looking at it closer it was a hodgepodge connection using a connection like a garden hose. My metal tent is a 1980 model I doubt if the rubber washer was original and was probably replaced many times.  ANYWAY, it was a $1.90 fix as I had to buy three rubber washers of course (i.e. even at Ace you can’t just buy one).  The rubber washer was hard and worn.  I’m starting to figure myself out!!!! haha I signed up to play pickleball using SignUpGenius to play in certain venue with other folks from different parks.  It sounded fun when I did it but after thinking about it, it was going to be an inconvenience to my plans soooooo I deleted myself.  I just didn’t want to do it that day.  Maybe next time.  Seeee, I’m getting harder and not as flexible as I get older.  I pick my medicine I like!

Our 55+ park has about a 1,000 units and when after the New Year will have about 1,500 folks.  I think all the activities, and there are many of things to do, are all administered by volunteers.  Amazing. It develops a family atmosphere of sharing with each other. It appears that folks who help others seem to enjoy life more, my opinion. People seem to really care for each other. Now what’s for me?  How will I fit into this?  Time will tell. The old saying is—There are givers and there are takers in this world.  WorldClasLarry says—It appears to me that the givers are a lot happier; it seems like the takers just can’t ever get enough! 

RickyRick says—"What matters most to you? What are the top three or four values in your life? Here’s a firm decision you need to make: Choose God’s values, not the world’s. I can easily name my top values: integrity, humility, and generosity. I decided long ago that I wanted to build my life on those three things—because they’re the antidotes to the three traps of leadership. Can you name the three most important values in your life? If you can’t, then you certainly can’t live by them. Before you let another day go by, sit down and ask yourself, What’s most important to me? What are the top values in my life? Write them down, because until you clarify your values, you can’t live by them. Why is this so important? If you don’t decide what’s important in your life, other people will decide for you. They’ll push you into their mold, and you’ll live your life by their values, not your own.” RickyRick, you are soooo smart.  A friend told me that he and his son were having a discussion, maybe more like an argument. He said to his teen age son—You are no doubt more intelligent than I am but I’m smarter than you! CadillacJack says—Surely the values we decide on will direct us to our “Now What.”

CoachB says—"Sometimes in life some of the things that used to be, the things you used to have, what you used to be, what you used to enjoy, they are gone. You got to learn how to live in the present and forget about the past, let it go. It was a beautiful life, but it’s gone now, you got to learn to move on and enjoy where you are.” That sounds harsh to some of you folks I think but I think CoachB is right.  The past is gone. Soooo how do you do that?  Well, folks do it different ways for sure. And some just continue to live in the past. A long time, good friend reminded me recently what his late Mom would say to him--"can't sat on the stump and never did nothing".Myneighbordownthestreet said or was it Helen Keller who said--I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I still can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." BigTillie says--I would rather sit on the couch and eat chips and watch the depressing news; I just love that depressing news and can't get enough of it!

I was at a restaurant recently and there was an entertainer in the main dining area doing a show on trivia which was very entertaining.  I sat in the adjoining bar area eating my sandwich and could hear his show.  One of the trivia questions he asked the packed house was to write down what they thought were the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for 2022 to win a prize.  According to 10 web sites, he said, it was concluded that these were the top 10 resolutions.  Some of the top 10 resolutions were the same generic ones, but some astounded me.  The #1 resolution was to learn or do something new or do something different.  Other top 10s that really surprised me were spend more time with family and friends, travel more, and read more.  Wow!  Making more money, become busier, watch more TV/the news, or work more were not mentioned.  Interesting, I called an ol’ college friend recently who is a snowbird here in the Valley and asked him what he’s doing—He went on with the typical snowbird stuff but did say that he is going to lessen his schedule of commitments sooo he has more free time as he wants to read more.

Many years ago, we went to a bb game and dinner with friends on a cold, snow stormy IA night. When coming back there was a car that was in the ditch and a guy was standing in the middle of the road with no coat on.  We stopped and found him to be about 19 and way intoxicated. He explained that his friends all left him. Soooo what were we going to do? Call the law or take him home? We decided to take him home. Our biggest fear was if he would throw up in the van.  We got him in his apartment, and I left him my number. About 10 the next morning, he calls me and wanted to know where his car was.  Sooooo we will never know if we did the right thing.  We do know we gave him a big break that night. Maybe and maybe we didn’t! ANYWAY, what fun memories we have. Oh, about halfway to his apartment, he put on his seat belt; he said he was worried about his safety as the roads were bad! We still laugh about that.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—May you never miss a rainbow because you are looking down.

January 1, 2022


As a friend says--This “It’s Saturday” might not float my boat…might not light my candle. I surely understand that.  Some folks might even make a rude circular “he’s cuckoo” gesture around their ears when reading this “It’s Saturday.” Of course, behind my back!

Have you ever got run over!  Like when they opened the door at some store on Black Friday? Or run over by the crowd at a sporting event or a rock concert?  I mean trampled like being run over by a herd of buffalo. Folks can die by being run over.  It’s not a deception folks. I’m not soooo certain that we are run over mentally by deceptions. We don’t get it.  ItchieBitchie, who's life is all about competition, asks--If we don’t get it then how do we know if we just got run over?

Do you think you are living in a real reality or an illusion of reality like a virtual reality?  JoeBlow, who is always smiling, says—Regardless of what we think, we have to make the most of our reality we are living in right now; we don’t have much of a choice, maybe. But is our reality a deception? Do we have a part in forming our reality? Do we have choices? Now that is a pretty interesting internal discussion we can have with ourselves. And which thinking is going to win.  Of course, the side we feed the most! JoeSchuffleBoard, who is randomly unpredictable, says--Reality can get distorted in real life. And yet it’s fair to wonder how real it all is. SusieQ, who is like an ol' life saving guard dog, says--If it’s to be it is up to me – – I am in charge of all my circumstances lie lie lie (i.e. one big deception, I  think). Missperfect  says--What is a lie? Tis but the truth in masquerade. Such is life.

The toilet flapper in the stool here in AZ seemed to not work very well soooo I replaced it.  When I took the old one out, I had to laugh.  It was made of rubber, but it was hard and brittle; wasn’t very flexible and that is why it got hung up sometimes.  That might have been the problem.  ANYWAY, here in AZ the summer temperatures get like 110+ for weeks at a time and in this metal tent I have, God only knows how hot it get gets in here.  Soooooo things can get hardened probably at a faster rate.  I laughed as that is probably how it is with me.  When I get older and the heat gets turned up, I become a harder person maybe.  I’m not as flexible as I was.  The new toilet flapper was much softer and flexible. It said on the package that the new flapper has a 5-year warranty!  Huh, interesting. Now who in the world is going to keep tract of that! It’s just an advertising deception I think. Gotha! Again!

BUT, I played golf here the other day with the golf club of our park.  It was the first time for several years that I could swing fully without pain as a result of a hamstring injury a few years ago). It really felt good, and it was reflective in my play.  Wow!  BUT, I have a weighted swing aid that I have been swinging every day since my injury in hopes that it would eventually help in curing the problem.  Maybe it did. I will never know for sure, but I think it did. Now I have been trying to find the map that Juan Ponce de Le’on made to find the Fountain of Youth!  Soooo far no luck!

Soooooo here was/is my wonderment.  Will it last?  When we have a positive change (i.e. maybe an answered prayer) we wonder if it is just a deception, a mirage? Is this really true or just a teaser? Is it a miracle or just my imagination?  I have had folks tell me that great things have happened to them but they have told very few folks or no folks as they are afraid that folks will think they are crazy or goofy. Or that it will not last soooo they won’t share it. As the old saying goes—It’s easy to tell someone of your problems but you have to have a great friend to tell them something that is really great that happens to you.  My golf swing not hurting is not a big deal at all; I understand that (i.e. but it is amazing to me).  BUT I wondered if my “fell good swing” will last or is it just temporary.  I tested it again as I played last Saturday and it seemed to be ok; I’m still not totally convinced; we will see. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU.  You may tell me about something great that has happened to you that you have never told anyone.  I can keep my mouth shut (i.e. I will never tell anyone) and will be happy for you.  It is a good feeling to tell someone; it’s good for us to do that, my opinion! 

In the Bible, Jesus says that satan is the greatest deceiver. He is really great at it, the best.  He continues to tempt us, and we continue to believe him (i.e. some of the time anyway).  It’s been that way for ever.  Aren’t we something else!  Sometimes we don’t even know we are being tempted until it’s a done deal and we say—IwishIwoundn’tofdonethat; he’s that good.  I don’t think 2022 will be any different.  What do you think sucker?  That is what I thought! WorldClassLarry says--Remember folks, there are no do-overs in life.

I was at the Mesa Dessert Post Office waiting in line (i.e. we don’t do that in Butler Co).  I overheard a conversation that a man and lady were having.  I don’t know what it was about but did hear him tell her—If I had to do it all over again I would do it different.  It sounds like he was deceived the first time. I was invited to a happy hour to watch the AZ sunset.  Sorta kinda interesting in many ways--six of us but not all of us knew each other—our hostess asked each of us to give a profile about our lives—very interesting lives each of us have lived (i.e. mine seemed pretty boring compared to theirs); they were really exciting in many ways; great stories and life experiences (i.e. folks seemed very real and open)—Our hostess was last and told about some of her hair brain life threatening experiences of her amazing and adventurous life; then she said—that’s when I was naïve but not anymore!

I have been going to a group breakfast a few times that is designed to be uplifting and encouraging.  I more often found it to be a person telling us how great they are (i.e. all about me). Sorta kinda like a good ol' boys' group of years past!  I heard the word “I” more than any other word.  This talk is a big turn off tooooo many maybe but the speakers do not seem to understand that (i.e. many of the listeners pretty much don’t pay attention or won't come). Instead of being encouraging it is discouraging. Simply by accident, I had several newbies tell me that they are not going to continue to attend. Flip the pancake.  A friend, who is incredibly amazing and squared to the tenth degree, sent out Christmas cards to all the folks she knows that are in care facilities.  She said she never did that before.  I asked her why she did that now.  She really didn’t know other than she was inspired to do it.  Now that is about others and not about her.  That is a true encouragement.  If you decide to do something like that, it is suggested by OneSmartPersonFromTheNearEastSideNextToTheBigWoodPile, based on his experience, not to say how great you are in the cards a.k.a. honoring yourself!  haha  Now that would be a deception in doing it, wouldn’t it? Folks really don’t want to hear how great we are especially when they are in a hardship. My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, if folks are good, they don’t have to tell others, others know it (i.e. they surely don’t need their picture in the paper—or toooo be seen or heard). The old saying is—Be a humble loser and a gracious winner. Missperfect says--I think that is old fashion; just look around erv.

Saturday question--If someone has mucky guck on their cheek, do you tell them about it or just let them carry it around on their cheek for the rest of the afternoon?  

I have friends, some of you guys, who are very aware of others (i.e. you know who you are). When in conversations, you will always ask questions of others.  A great friendship a.k.a. relationship is when folks share about equally.  If it’s all about one person, it seems like that relationship/friendship will deteriorate.  KnowItAllJoe says—Yabut I know soooo much more than everyone else and I’m much more important!

My mentor use to say to me—erv, it’s never as good as it looks and never as bad as it looks. Things doooo change alright.  If you think you have the world by the tail today (i.e. the life of Riley) or if you think your life stinks, it will change probably.  The champ doesn’t stay the champ very long as history shows us.  You win the war and the next year you lose the war. It’s winter again in Butler County, IA—You might be the king of the snow pile hill and then someone bigger comes along, and you are no longer the king of the hill. Maybe, just maybe, a little success or a little defeat is a deception.  What do you think?  That is what I thought.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Life is short, eat desert first.