As a friend says--This “It’s
Saturday” might not float my boat…might not light my candle. I surely
understand that. Some folks might even make
a rude circular “he’s cuckoo” gesture around their ears when reading this “It’s
Saturday.” Of course, behind my back!
Have you ever got run over!
Like when they opened the door at some store on Black Friday? Or run over by the
crowd at a sporting event or a rock concert?
I mean trampled like being run over by a herd of buffalo. Folks can die
by being run over. It’s not a deception
folks. I’m not soooo certain that we are run over mentally by deceptions. We don’t get it. ItchieBitchie, who's life is all about competition, asks--If we don’t
get it then how do we know if we just got run over?

Do you think you are living in a
real reality or an illusion of reality like a virtual reality? JoeBlow, who is always smiling, says—Regardless of what we think, we
have to make the most of our reality we are living in right now; we don’t have
much of a choice, maybe. But is our reality a deception? Do we have a part in
forming our reality? Do we have choices? Now that is a pretty interesting
internal discussion we can have with ourselves. And which thinking is going to
win. Of course, the side we feed the
most! JoeSchuffleBoard, who is randomly unpredictable, says--Reality can get
distorted in real life. And yet it’s fair to wonder how real it all is. SusieQ, who is like an ol' life saving guard dog, says--If it’s to be it is up to me – – I am in charge of all my circumstances
lie lie lie (i.e. one big deception, I think). Missperfect says--What is a lie? Tis but the truth in masquerade. Such is life.
The toilet flapper in the stool here in AZ seemed to not
work very well soooo I replaced it. When
I took the old one out, I had to laugh.
It was made of rubber, but it was hard and brittle; wasn’t very flexible
and that is why it got hung up sometimes.
That might have been the problem.
ANYWAY, here in AZ the summer temperatures get like 110+ for weeks at a
time and in this metal tent I have, God only knows how hot it get gets in
here. Soooooo things can get hardened
probably at a faster rate. I laughed as
that is probably how it is with me. When
I get older and the heat gets turned up, I become a harder person maybe. I’m not as flexible as I was. The new toilet flapper was much softer and
flexible. It said on the package that the new flapper has a 5-year warranty! Huh, interesting. Now who in the world is going to keep tract of that! It’s just an advertising deception I think. Gotha! Again!
BUT, I played golf here the other day with the golf club of
our park. It was the first time for several
years that I could swing fully without pain as a result of a hamstring injury a
few years ago). It really felt good, and it was reflective in my play. Wow!
BUT, I have a weighted swing aid that I have been swinging every day
since my injury in hopes that it would eventually help in curing the
problem. Maybe it did. I will never know
for sure, but I think it did. Now I have been trying to find the map that Juan
Ponce de Le’on made to find the Fountain of Youth! Soooo far no luck!
Soooooo here was/is my wonderment. Will it last?
When we have a positive change (i.e. maybe an answered prayer) we wonder
if it is just a deception, a mirage? Is this really true or just a teaser? Is
it a miracle or just my imagination? I
have had folks tell me that great things have happened to them but they have
told very few folks or no folks as they are afraid that folks will think they
are crazy or goofy. Or that it will not last soooo they won’t share it. As the
old saying goes—It’s easy to tell someone of your problems but you have to have
a great friend to tell them something that is really great that happens to
you. My golf swing not hurting is not a
big deal at all; I understand that (i.e. but it is amazing to me). BUT I wondered if my “fell good swing” will
last or is it just temporary. I tested
it again as I played last Saturday and it seemed to be ok; I’m still not
totally convinced; we will see. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. You may tell me about something great that
has happened to you that you have never told anyone. I can keep my mouth shut (i.e. I will never
tell anyone) and will be happy for you.
It is a good feeling to tell someone; it’s good for us to do that, my

In the Bible, Jesus says that satan is the greatest deceiver. He is
really great at it, the best. He
continues to tempt us, and we continue to believe him (i.e. some of the time
anyway). It’s been that way for
ever. Aren’t we something else! Sometimes we don’t even know we are being
tempted until it’s a done deal and we say—IwishIwoundn’tofdonethat; he’s that
good. I don’t think 2022 will be any
different. What do you think sucker? That is what I thought! WorldClassLarry says--Remember folks, there are no do-overs in life.
I was at the Mesa Dessert Post Office waiting in line (i.e.
we don’t do that in Butler Co). I overheard
a conversation that a man and lady were having.
I don’t know what it was about but did hear him tell her—If I had to do
it all over again I would do it different.
It sounds like he was deceived the first time. I was invited to a happy
hour to watch the AZ sunset. Sorta kinda
interesting in many ways--six of us but not all of us knew each other—our
hostess asked each of us to give a profile about our lives—very interesting
lives each of us have lived (i.e. mine seemed pretty boring compared to theirs);
they were really exciting in many ways; great stories and life experiences
(i.e. folks seemed very real and open)—Our hostess was last and told about some
of her hair brain life threatening experiences of her amazing and adventurous
life; then she said—that’s when I was naïve but not anymore!

I have been going to a group breakfast a few
times that is designed to be uplifting and encouraging. I more often found it to be a person telling
us how great they are (i.e. all about me). Sorta kinda like a good ol' boys' group of years past! I heard the word “I” more than any other word. This talk is a big turn off tooooo many maybe
but the speakers do not seem to understand that (i.e. many of the listeners pretty much
don’t pay attention or won't come). Instead of being encouraging it is discouraging. Simply by accident, I had several newbies tell me that they are not going to continue to attend. Flip the
pancake. A friend, who is incredibly amazing and
squared to the tenth degree, sent out Christmas cards to all the folks she
knows that are in care facilities. She
said she never did that before. I asked
her why she did that now. She really
didn’t know other than she was inspired to do it. Now that is about others and not about
her. That is a true encouragement. If you decide to do something like that, it
is suggested by OneSmartPersonFromTheNearEastSideNextToTheBigWoodPile, based on
his experience, not to say how great you are in the cards a.k.a. honoring
yourself! haha Now that would be a deception in doing it,
wouldn’t it? Folks really don’t want to hear how great we are especially when
they are in a hardship. My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—
erv, if folks are
good, they don’t have to tell others, others know it (i.e. they surely don’t
need their picture in the paper—or toooo be seen or heard). The old saying
is—Be a humble loser and a gracious winner. Missperfect says--I think that is old fashion; just look around
Saturday question--If someone has mucky guck on their cheek, do you tell them about it or just let them carry it around on their cheek for the rest of the afternoon?
I have friends, some of you guys, who are very aware of
others (i.e. you know who you are). When in conversations, you will always ask
questions of others. A great friendship
a.k.a. relationship is when folks share about equally. If it’s all about one person, it seems like
that relationship/friendship will deteriorate.
KnowItAllJoe says—Yabut I know soooo much more than everyone else and
I’m much more important!
My mentor use to say to
erv, it’s never as good as it looks and never as bad as it looks. Things
doooo change alright. If you think you
have the world by the tail today (i.e. the life of Riley) or if you think your
life stinks, it will change probably.
The champ doesn’t stay the champ very long as history shows us. You win the war and the next year you lose
the war. It’s winter again in Butler County, IA—You might be the king of the
snow pile hill and then someone bigger comes along, and you are no longer the
king of the hill. Maybe, just maybe, a little success or a little defeat is a
deception. What do you think? That is what I thought.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—Life is short, eat desert
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