July 2, 2022

meticulous special

In the movies, the villain is being chased by the hero, and he approaches a “road closed” sign. He hops out of his car and moves the sign in front of the open road. He then drives off, confident that the good guy will take the wrong turn.  And how did the movie end. Of course, the good guy does something special and wins. Of course.  And the crowd goes wild! In real life the ending isn’t always that way but many times it is.  Saturday question—Have you ever had anything special happen to you? For me, unexpected tragedy and unexpected special great things that happen to me are very humbling. Very!

As our guides said many times—It could be true, or it might not be true; there is a lot of tradition and superstition that are passed on from soooooo many centuries. Some traditions and superstitions even seem unbelievable. Some are as old as the antiquities in Greece and Turkey (i.e. layers and layers of civilizations built on top of each other, like 9 layers—now that is a lot of centuries folks). Sooooo you decide what is true and what isn’t in this “It’s Saturday.” You might have different special thoughts based on your past environment or your current environment.  Of course.  Many of you folks are meticulous special folks, my opinion.  Special folks do things differently, they just don’t go through the motions like kicking the same can down the same street. LuckieEddie says--Special folks don’t play slop but play call shot!

I was invited to our son and family’s place for Father’s Day.  I occasionally ask our son to order something for me using their Amazon Prime account sooo I can save a few bucks on shipping.  He does it but never seems tooooo excited about doing it (i.e. an inconvenience to him I think).  Sooooo guess what I got from them for a gift on Father’s Day. You are right. A year’s subscription to Amazon Prime (i.e. I’m special).  That is soooo funny to me.  Soooo driving home I thought about something else pertaining to prime.  In a relationship with a woman, do I want to be “the prime man,” “the junior back burner man” or “the hybrid man?”  There seems to be good and bad in all three.  It’s nice to be the prime man and not be second fiddle but being a junior back burner man there is less responsibility in a relationship.  Can there be such a thing as a hybrid man? Maybe it might depend a lot on the attitude of the woman.  Could be, I don’t know. They might have the same feelings. Now that I am Amazon Prime, I have no idea how much stuff I will buy. The more I buy, the more I’ll save!  I really think I will shop more online!  Why not? I got free shipping! I’m prime!

We were sitting on their deck having Father’s Day brunch (i.e. one of my favorite places to sit and visit). My Waukee family were delayed on their vacation by a flight cancellation soooooo they went to Top Gun: Maverick.  On vacation they discussed what each of them would have as call names like what the top guns gave to each other like Rooster, Iceman, Coyote, Warlock, Cyclone, Hangman, Maverick, Phoenix, Payback, Harvard, Fritz, Hondo, Hammer, Fanboy, and Bob which described them.  Rookie was given the call name JunkMan and Charlie was given Rainbow.  I asked them what they thought my call name should be, Rookie said Wrinkle!  Soooo there you go! From the mouth of a nine-year-old boy.

DoctorJ says—"Many of the older translations of the Bible used the word peculiar to describe the people of God.  Newer versions update the language, telling Christians that they are a special people.” And yet…A. W. Tozer wrote, “A real Christian is an odd number anyway. He feels supreme love for One whom he has never seen, talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see, expects to go to heaven on the virtue of Another, empties himself in order to be full, admits he is wrong so he can be declared right, goes down in order to get up, is strongest when he is weakest, richest when he is poorest and happiest when he feels worst. He dies so he can live, forsakes in order to have, gives away so he can keep, sees the invisible, hears the inaudible and knows that which passes knowledge.” Christians are meticulous special alright!

I think that how we are educated (i.e. by formal education or street educated) has a lot to do with how we think and how compatible we are with different ideas.  What do you think.  Like an accountant and an entrepreneur probably don’t think alike.  A scientist and a preacher, not the same more than likely. Management and employees seem to think differently. Democrats and Republicans don’t seem to agree and have different ideas. An attorney and a salesperson. An engineer and a truck driver. A nurse and a pawn shop owner. Maybe even a man and a woman.  A banker and a new motorcycle owner who has no money. It appears to me that folks look at things differently.  A teacher or a business executive. A farmer and a factory worker. A government employee than a sole business proprietor. Many, even the rich and the poor.  A Christian than a nonbeliever. And they all seem to think they are right.  But are they? We sure seem to have a hodgepodge of thoughts and beliefs alright. Where did they all come from anyway?  I started with the thoughts of Chester and Anna on the farm a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN and went from there!

I learned from our guides and locals that Turkey and Greece get along okay socially and religiously but have differences politically.  It goes back to their war they fought against each other in 1919-1922 and about allies they had back then and even now.  It's very complicated and still is, I  was told it is about land (i.e. basically the islands). There are still tensions of sorts between the countries and that is why there is the old statement--If Italy attacked Turkey from the rear would Greece help?

Talked to an ol’ college friend this week.  He told me—erv, I feel like Lazarus.  One day I could hardly walk dragging my leg, couldn’t go up stairs, my shoulders hurt really bad, couldn’t get my arms above my head and my who body just really hurt.  I woke up one morning and it’s all gone. I feel like I’m 20 years old. It’s a miracle erv, a miracle.  I can’t explain it.  BUT now I have to quit using bad language around the house as …my wife, is now mimicking me and goes around the house and says the same bad language (i.e. his wife is compromised by dementia). It’s not pretty but kind of funny! Her favorite is son….! I wonder why he takes the Lord’s name in fain and uses other bad language.  I’m going to ask him, yes I am.  There must be a reason.

BadCreditPeteandDorthy were denied a loan by SmartBankerTom for their new hot tub.  He told them that they defaulted on their camper loan and their motorcycle loan and the bank will not make another loan to you.  No problem, they went to their old, easy grandma with dementia, and she gave them a loan.  While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, I read what JimmieJim wrote in his Monday Manna—“Don’t loan money to friends or family. The worst form of ‘help’ is to co-sign a note. Ancient wisdom from the Bible’s book of Proverbs compares co-signing a note to a bird caught in a snare, warning of its potential dangers: ‘My son, if you have put up security for a friend’s debt or agreed to guarantee the debt of a stranger – if you have trapped yourself by your agreement…swallow your pride; go and beg to have your name erased…. Save yourself like a gazelle escaping from a hunter, like a bird fleeing from a net’ (Proverbs 6:1-5).  Forty percent of people who co-sign for a friend or family member end up costing themselves money; even worse, 30 percent find it has damaged the relationship.” If you want to be a special person, my opinion, I think it would be best to give them a gift (i.e. a true gift has no strings attached; if strings are attached then it’s a business deal) but make sure you treat all family members the same or if you don’t it’s ouchy ouchy (i.e. now that’s another can of worms)! OneWisePerson says--Money is always a problem if you don’t have it or if you have it! Oh, the love of money! Oh for Pete’s sake! ItchieBitchie says—Yabut, ya gotta have it! The average income in Greece is $24k and is heavily taxed (i.e. very large national debt).  And many don’t have jobs and many who have jobs work 4-days a week. Our guide said—It’s not good! Many rely on their parents who are very frugal and live in the country. Tip of the day comes from a golf buddy—On the 8th fairway he told me that he doesn’t give money to his kids until they can prove to me that they can manage their own money.  SweetAuntieGrace who put her skin in the game, says—Many family members make big mistakes by loaning money to family; I was one of them. Poof, it was gone! Ouchy ouchy! NiceUncleRay says—I made loans to family members and it worked out great.  Ya just got to pick out the right family members!  haha

A golf buddy told me that his wife is very meticulous special and cleans the house that way.  I try to help her vacuum.  I vacuum the living room that no one ever goes in.  I have to do it every week.  I don’t do a very good job as what’s the use.  She said to me—I didn’t hear the vacuum run very long, you must not have done a very good job.  Sooooo now I do a fast job and let the vacuum run and go and do something else.  Sooooo far it has worked! This friend is a hoot!  He makes me laugh.  He is a real person with a good heart.  My kind of person. But he fools his wife!

And you think you have problems. The Ottoman Sultans who ruled the Turkish Muslim Empire would live in a palace on a compound.  He would have multiple wives, a bunch of kids and 200+ concubines.  He would have maybe 300 slaves/guards/soldiers to protect him and from being overthrown (i.e. nuttin different than today).  He had many many slaves to do all the work.  Now that is a lot of faces to feed and to keep happy. I bet some days he scratched his head! He used a very simple and effective old management method—If he didn’t like anyone for any reason, he had them killed (i.e. this business management plan is still used some today). WildWilly says--Holy Schmidt! Is that bad language?  How about holy cow? Harry Carry was famous for his frequently exclaimed catchphrase “Holy Cow!” when the Cubs hit a home run or turned a difficult play on field. Caray also avoided any risk of mis-calling a home run, using what became a trademark home run call: "It might be ... it could be ... it IS! A home run! Holy cow!" I always enjoyed hearing it as probably many of you did toooo (i.e. it made me smile). But some might say, we are all going to hell!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

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