September 24, 2022


Many of you folks are “top notch” a.k.a. top guns. You do things because you want tooooo and not because you have tooooo.  You see the big picture. You really think about others. My hat goes off toooo you.  I applaud you. I suggest you applaud yourself some but not tooooo much soooo that you get obnoxious! haha

When I bounce a basketball it bounces right back to me--Newton’s Third Law of Motion: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. But if I just pick my nose and don’t bounce the ball, guess what, nuttin happens; to the basketball anyway! CoachB says—"Volunteering counteracts effects of stress, anger and anxiety. The social contact aspect of helping and working with others can have a profound impact on your overall psychological wellbeing. Nothing relieves stress better than a meaning connection to another person. Volunteering combats depression. Depression is nothing but sad. You sad? Start helping someone else and you’ll find…it’ll start lifting your spirits.”  You believe that?  That is what I thought.  I suggest to my grandkids to do volunteer work even at a young age. I really think it is good for all of us to think of others and not always about ourselves (e.g. like getting a bigger boat).  But that is my opinion and I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN.  Idea—Try helping someone who can’t help you back. AttentionGettingLiz says—That won’t help me get any attention.  I like attention and glory.  Yes, I do. I like to ring my bell soooo folks will notice me! 

I was jogging and ran into an acquaintance and I asked him what he has done recently that is exciting—I am helping our son’s girlfriend get a car; I got a good deal on one that needs some body work which I can do and am going to sell it to her for what I have in it—wow! that’s nice of you—I won’t give it to her until she pays me for it (i.e. saves the money to pay cash); her and her family are terrible money managers; for every dollar they make they spend 2 and have credit cards maxed out at probably 19% interest—not good—are you trying to teach her—I am but it is really hard; my wife came from the same type of family and after all our years, she still doesn’t understand money management (i.e. her money management mentality just keeps bouncing back to her default programming). Saturday question—Sooooo how can that mentality be changed?  FYI, I did throw away my jogging shoes that I use when jogging on the golf course early in the morning when the grass is wet!  I just can’t get any more mileage out of those suckers!  I got a lot of bang for my buck from those suckers let me tell ya! haha

The other morning, I was sitting in my sun porch doing my devotions and drinking my coffee and watching the hummingbirds drink from a window feeder about eight feet from me.  They were just humming along on their migration to the south.  They seem soooo happy like they have no cares in the world. I thought of sooo many folks who have soooo many cares but yet are soooo productive in their own way.  Very resilient for sure. I’m talking about many of you guys. I’m happy for you. Yes I am. BUT for those hummingbirds to migrate from IA to AZ it’s quite a trip for them. They fly maybe 20 miles a day and it’s about 1,500 miles soooo that is about 75 days.  That’s a lot of wing flapping for those little guys! Those little suckers flap their wings about 80 times a scond (i.e. anywhere from 50 to 200 depending on speed and direction). WildWilling says--Now that is a lot of flapping; almost as many words as my mother-in-law talks per second! And that is when she isn’t even excited!

A golf buddy told me on the 8th tee box that a group of farmers were drinking coffee in The Shed deep in Butler County just on the other side of the Beaver Creek and thought they should buy the Phoenix Suns to diversify their investment other than just Butler County farm ground. They thought they all could throw in a few bucks and form a syndicate.  It sounded like a good investment as Robert Sarver, the majority owner, and his buddies paid 400 million for it in 2004 and the estimated value now is 1.8 billion (i.e. that is almost as good of a return on Butler County farm ground). And if it doesn’t work out, they would complain to the government and get a bail out of some kind.  Grassley just lives just down the road a bit and owns Butler farm ground soooo he would probably help them if they gave him some campaign money.  I don’t know for sure if that story is correct as my golf buddy heard it from the guys at Sinclair grain elevator who heard it from the coffee group at Aplington golf course who heard it from the coffee group at the Parkersburg cafĂ© who heard it from Aunt Tina from Wellsburg who heard it from her cousin from Kesley who heard it from her sister at coffee after the Sunday service at  the New Hartford Methodist who heard it from her Uncle Harry from Phoenix who heard it from a street person from down town Phoenix who heard it direct from Sarver himself!

TheCrazyCatLady asks--Where does it end on how much we want? Saturday question—How much do you want anyway? I was talking to a friend the other day and she thinks she will live to maybe high 90s as she has longevity in both of her parents.  Well, if that is the case I’m living on borrowed time as my parents, Chester and Anna, died when 56. Yes, some folks do live longer than others. But my big sister, only in age, says she plans to live to 91! Soooo there! I then talked on the phone with a friend who is almost 80. He played golf with his buddies of his age that day and they argued who was captain and what their scores were (i.e. they can’t hear or remember and complain that they can’t play as well as they use tooooo).  He said we sounded like the old guys who we use to make fun of years ago!  That was soooo funny to both of us. Soooo the other morning I was at my Waukee family sitting on their deck drinking coffee. I said—I see your neighbors have their house for sale—ya, he was an old guy, a couple years older than you; we think he died. Holy smokes! I had to laugh! I went home and rode my Yamaha XT250! The clock is tickin’ alright! It’s been that way for ever; it doesn’t change folks no matter who you are. But I’m getting stronger with age. Oh ya! Twenty years ago, I couldn’t carry $30 worth of groceries out of the store but now I can easily do it! In one hand!

Someone left some pears on the table for the taking at church last Sunday. I took a few as I like pears. They were at different stages of ripening.  I had to let some sit out to ripen before they were really good.  It reminded me of us humans, we sometimes have to set out for a while to ripen before we get good. And some just like the pears, just get rotten! Who ever put those pears out there, thanksamillion. 

Do resilient folks have better anticipation?  I wonder if we make a mistake or have something not go our way but can anticipate the next move to get on track fast if we are better off.  JoeBlow, who is a needle mover, says—If we can anticipate the future, it can really make a difference; it puts the odds in our favor.  Soooo can anticipation be taught or learned or is it instinct? It seems by the time one person reacts, the other person has it done already (e.g.. a Red Baron move, maybe that is why he had soooo many kills, he saw them before they saw him maybe). Now that is an advantage for sure. Why is that? CrazyMarvin, who can render me speechless at times, says—I think some folks think when they sleep! Their brain is always running at top speed it seems. JimmieQuick, who is a rain maker, says—I do analytics and that help me; don’t analytics run almost everything anymore?  I think so as long as the analytics are correct that is and not manipulated like the census was soooo some cities could get more free money; it's all about the money. There are no emotions in decision making anymore; there is no guessing; everything is done based on percentages, aren't they? The bean counters make all the decisions. LuckieEddie, who plays his tail off, says—Ya got to be proactive instead of reactive, at least most of the time maybe! BUT NoMistakeEdith, who doesn’t wear shoes out very fast, says—When I’m proactive I make more mistakes; it’s easy to wait and see what works even if I’m behind the curve and miss most of the big success. I don’t hit any homeruns for sure, but I don’t strike out much either. I heard the announcers say that the competitors in the U.S. Tennis Open will wear out maybe several pairs of shoes in one match. Holy smokes, now that is burning the rubber!

As my mentor would say to me—erv, it’s never as bad as it looks and it’s never as good as it looks.  I have concluded that folks really don’t care very much how great you were 20 years ago, 10 years ago or even last year.  They want to know what you are doing now (i.e. in the present). JoeBlow, who is always itchy to do something, says—Some folks do like to talk about their past success when they were in high school (e.g. like when they scored a touchdown), but folks really don’t care to hear about it again now do they, that was 60 years ago. They want to hear what you did this week that is exciting.  Soooo what have you have done with your life this week? Now that is how we bounce back maybe. MissPerfect says—Yabut erv, it’s soooo hard to do something exciting; it’s way easier to sit on the couch and eat chips and watch the news 24/7 and complain. And let me tell you, I’m really good at it.

And how resilient is the earth! Our planet sits on an axis. If that axis shifted one degree the wrong way, we’d burn up. If it shifted one degree the other way, we’d freeze. Our planet is at the perfect angle to sustain life. I have no comprehension how this can work (i.e. His understanding I cannot fathom).  It’s way beyond me. And us humans worry and fret about the dumbest of things.  Aren’t we really something else! Most of us are recalcitrant. Mark Twain once said the two most important days in your life are the day you’re born and the day you find out why. AverageJoe’s wife, I-LikeHolidayInnExpress, says—I think the most exciting days of my life are the day we bought our camper and the day we sold it!

For sure some folks are more resilient than others.  There are maybe many reasons. If we can keep our composure by not getting soooo high or sooo low because of situations, it might be easier to control our emotions.  BUT we all have different DNAs and it might not be possible. Suggestion—Friends tell me that therapy and medication have really made their lives way better. Sooooo maybe seek medical help if you struggle.  I have been told by folks that it can really be a bounce back; it has changed their lives.

For a long time, superhero movies have dominated the film industry. I understand the appeal. I am attracted to stories in which good triumphs over evil. And I find inspiration in characters who have the power to bring order and justice to the world. Many of you folks are superheroes in your own way. Keep it up! Nuttin but good will come out of your actions and your motives.  For sure! It is a sure way to stay resilient, my opinion.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Success is simple, do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.

September 17, 2022

confused as always

Do we live in an illusion? JoeBlow says—Maybe we do and don’t even know it.  We have been brainwashed with soooo much stuff and for such a long period of time that maybe we don’t have a clue. Are we just confused maybe? ConfusedFred, who just thinks he’s the kingpin, says--It’s all Greek to me, it’s just epic craziness!

Parts of this “It’s Saturday” might be anecdotal or it might be completely factual. For sure opinions are anecdotal as there is no proof toooo them, they have never been tested to make them fact.  A friend who is a retired small animal veterinarian used the word, anecdotal in our conversation.  I like that word. He said there are some practices in veterinarian medicine that are anecdotal but used as it is the last resort that might work and maybe not (i.e. but they give hope) and there are some practices that are proved through the years (e.g. using 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey produced within 50 miles of your home helped with arthritis in pets! Seemed to help in some pets!  —- Stem cells obtained from your pets own fat relieves arthritis).

Sooooo are you blessed?  I have heard some folks say recently that they have really been blessed with "all the stuff they have." That is confusing to me.  I understand that blessings come from God (i.e. all blessings come from God; humans can’t bless others although some think they can maybe) and the biggest blessing is that God gives us is grace that through Jesus we can all be saved.  It’s not by how much material stuff we have, is it?  But that is my opinion.  Sooooo if we don’t have as much stuff as others or our life isn’t as worldly perfect as others (i.e. as described by what folks put on Facebook and Tic Tok), does that mean that folks think God hasn’t blessed some as much?  I don’t think soooo folks but maybe!. Maybe social media tries to tell us differently but maybe it's an illusion. What do you think? Maybe some folks live by the old saying —The folks with the most toys win!

This is from a friend who I respect a lot—"Interesting that we feel blessed when we didn’t have money given to us. The lessons it taught us are probably the most valuable. Such as how to manage whatever money we have. Yet many that never had money, never learned how to manage it. There must be another related gift, experience or lesson that we learned along the way that we received. I doubt I will ever fully understand how the events of our lives shape us.”  That is the kind of person he is, a good one for sure!

MoneyBagWillard says—Money money, I have a lot of it.  Oh ya.  Now that my parents died.  They bought 160 acres of good Butler County farmland for $750 an acre and worked very hard to pay for it and then bought the neighbor’s farm of 160 acres for $2,000 an acre (i.e. in both cases they said they paid way tooooo much for the land). Well, they died, and my sister and I just sold the land for $20,000 an acre.  We are multimillionaires and we didn’t do anything but were just part of the right family.  Pretty smart weren't we! haha CadillacJack says—That doesn’t seem fair!  The only thing that’s fair is the Butler County Fair and that is in June!  Such is life.

The other night I was going south down the I-35 and thought I would try this shortcut on a county road that I have never been on before soooo I took a left to go east.  I went a little ways and was in this little town that I heard of but never been there before. I was confused. My car compass said I was going south and so did my car's navigational system.  What! How can that be. In a short distance I was back at I-35.  I completely lost my bearings and my direction a.k.a. discombobulated. I wasn’t lost but just didn’t know where I was! I turned on I-35 and I had it all back.  Well, I-35 took a jag and when I turned on the county road it caused me to go south.  What a hoot! Soooo I wonder if I do the same in my life, like lose my bearings and direction and am way out of whack, and then I need to look at the map to figure it all out again. I think soooo!

This pic is what I have underlined in my Bible. Dr.J says—"We can be tempted to think that some people who don’t care about God live an easier life than we do. When such temptations arise, we need to know how to respond. Those aren’t just twenty-first century thoughts. A psalmist named Asaph wrote an entire psalm about the struggle to reconcile what he saw around him—specifically, the prosperity of the wicked (Psalm 73). He confessed to God his lack of understanding a.k.a. being confused: The wicked have no struggles or troubles; they are proud and arrogant; they pay no attention to God and His ways. His turning point came when he entered into God’s presence: ‘When I thought how to understand this, it was too painful for me—until I went into the sanctuary of God’ (verses 16-17). In God’s presence, the psalmist gained a divine perspective on this world. He concluded: ‘But it is good for me to draw near to God’ (verse 28). When you are confused about life, when you have questions you can’t answer, sit in God’s presence. Focus your mind and heart on the truths of His Word and be encouraged.” Folks, it works for me!

Coach Wooden put it well: “When I was teaching basketball, I urged my players to try their hardest to improve on that very day, to make that practice a masterpiece… Too often we get distracted by what is outside our control. You can’t do anything about yesterday. The door to the past has been shut and the key thrown away. You can do nothing about tomorrow. It is yet to come. However, tomorrow is in large part determined by what you do today. So make today a masterpiece. You have control over that." Soooo folks, throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch! 

A 93-year old lady told me recently that life is confusing to her—soooo what do you mean by that—I have no idea what is all going to happen in the near future—soooo what do you think will happen—I think it will just continue to get worse and worse until something happens—soooo what do you think will happen—I’m a believer soooo you can probably guess what I think erv; it’s Biblical. Soooo those of you who don’t believe in an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and omnibenevolent God, what do you think will happen?  You have to have an opinion. What is it? Maybe you think dinosaurs will return and eat us all up!

CrazyMarvin, who might have a heart that is two sizes too small, says—All folks are confused and those who say they aren’t, are really confused. When his world was being rocked twenty centuries ago, Pontius Pilate simply scoffed, “What is truth?” and chose to wash his hands of the matter. Huh, interesting.  Do we do that? Da! I think our grandkids’ dog, Judy, is confused all the time; she isn’t any different than us maybe! But Judy is a puppy yet soooo she has a chance to figure it out; I doubt it.  If we can’t, she doesn’t have much of a chance as she is being raised by humans.  Poor dog! She is being trained to respond to commands by treats and praises; just like us humans are trained (i.e. it’s all about the free money folks; don’t kid yourself)!  We love free money! haha

I talked to my neighbor girl who was at her parents’ place across the street.  I saw her grow up as a little kid and know is six years out of college, married and has a year-old child.  She is a digital adverting expert for a technology company for those six years.  She told me that the cutting edge in digital advertising is Tik Tok.  Companies are monetizing Tik Tok.  Tik Tok is short videos of maybe 15 seconds about almost everything which are short and quick with very few still pictures. They are very popular with age groups from 10 to 30, not as popular in the age group from 30 to 50 and after 50 not very popular at all (i.e. confusing to old folks).  Google says they are outlawed in India and Russia and a very scaled down version in China.  It says it is for national security reasons. BUT it is very popular in America and other parts of the world (i.e. a new way to make money). Soooooo I was talking to friends, who are about 80, who live in small town rural America. They were telling me that their church is in a small rural town (i.e. population 219 in the middle of nowhere) is doing well with about 130 attenders each Sunday and growing—how come you are doing soooo well—maybe ‘cause we have a talented pastor who teaches the Bible, have a strong worship leader and a strong music director.  We have modernized some—what do you mean—we did stuff to make it more friendly to younger couples like changing the name of our church to a generic name, eliminated the domination name; we think we have a strong, good product that is attractive. SusieQ says--It sounds soooo easy but it ain't (i.e. it's a shot in the dark)! My friends had to get off the phone as they were entertaining two new young couples and a senior lady from their church for dinner who just arrived! Ding dong! Anyone home?

My CO family went to a Rookies game at Coors Field last weekend. After the game they let the kids run the bases.  Jimmer had a blast (i.e. a thrill for a kid who likes baseball). This just isn't done that I know off. BUT the Rookies record for the year is 62-81 and are at the bottom of the West Division sooooo maybe this is a ingenious way of attracting attendance a.k.a. modernization. Could be. Folks like winners! If you don't believe me, ask the IA football fans!

Saturday question—Where did you get your character?  I surely don’t know but Solomon, who probably was the smartest man ever on the earth, says—As a man thinketh, so is he.  A Harvard Business School study found that there are four critical factors in business: intelligence, information, skill and attitude. The first three make up 7% of success while attitude alone makes up the other 93%.  MissPerfect, who is a real burner, says—I know some folks who are not of good character but have made a lot of money! BUT flip the pancake, I also know many folks who are of good character who have made a lot of money! Solomon also said—Money is not the root of all evil but the love of money is! The pic is the husband of a 86-year old knee replacement patent I visited (i.e. she had replacement the day before).  I was saying to the patient that she had such a great attitude; she said—I gotta get back to work. Then her husband came in who was a Marine who served in Vietnam.  We had a great conversation; I liked this guy! I don't think the enemy wanted to meet this guy in the jungle. 

It makes me feel better that Nicodemus was even confused. Ben, anyone can be a Ben, says—"He had arrived. He was highly educated, wealthy, and had social and political influence. According to his peers, his community, and himself, Nicodemus was as near perfection as a person could be. So why was he here, in the middle of the night, looking for answers?”  Maybe he was confused folks. Maybe he was searching for the real thing and not some anecdotal thinking.   

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—There are no gains without pains.

September 10, 2022

uffda uffda

Hey listen up! None of the “It’s Saturdays” try to change you in anyway but just try to make you think.  I can’t change you; it’s impossible, everyone and their brother knows that (i.e. you folks are tough cookies and very stiff necked and stubborn)!  No one changes until they want toooo. Maybe it’s an impossibility to even suggest that you think! haha Could be! ItchieBitchie, who practices well but is really stinks when the lights are on, says—The only thing that can change you is money! C’mon on, money really talks, especially free money! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going!

I recently was part of a discussion of four of us on my neighbor’s drive.  I asked what their views were on college debt forgiveness.  We all expressed our opinions but then two of them got off the subject and got in a pretty intense argument of political opinions.  I thought there was going to be blood soooo I left (i.e. I don’t like to see folks get bloody).  They were not going to change each other’s opinion, no way!  I latter was told from a back door source that I was accused of almost starting a riot (i.e. right here in Butler County on my neighbor’s drive) and then I left!  What a hoot!

But leadership consultant and author, Tim Kight, suggests this simple but straight-forward perspective: “You are shaped by your genetics. You are influenced by your circumstances. You are defined by your choices.” That is his opinion and yours might be different like you are totally predestinated. SusieQ, who is an All-American gal, says--That’s it, you got it, that’s it! I doubt it! Ok, how about this, when leaving my Waukee family, I hugged our grandson, Rookie, and said--I really love ya!  He  hugged me more and said back—Grandpa, I love you more!  What shaped him to express himself that way?

A friend told me that her husband tells their grandchildren when they ask him how they met—I whistled and she got in the car and the rest is history!  She said that isn’t how it happened at all, but it’s a good story that the grandkids love to hear.  I have a friend a.k.a. valedictorian who was a professional writer who told us on the golf course years ago that all good stories are embellished a little. SweetBettyLou, who is a sweetheart, says--Let me qualify that statement—uffda uffda!

CoarchB, who exaggerates the story for the sake of emphasis, says—If you want to get out of the hole ya gotta put down the shovel (e.g. throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch).  Uffda uffda!  LuckieEddie, who has no excuses or explanations, says--That putting down the shovel can be pretty hard for me Coach B. I seem to just grab it again and continue to dig; it’s such a habit I have.  I seem to just keep diggin’ and the hole just gets deeper and deeper.  Uffda uffda!

HighEndRita, who is high-maintenance and a drama-drain, but who I like, says—My mother-in-law is unique a.k.a. not typical.  Soooo what is your image of her?  Is your image of her above typical or below typical?  You decided on her image because of your genetics, past environment or current environment. There is no question about it. You are preprogrammed just like a computer. When in CO I noticed that our grandkids always locked the doors of their house no matter what; all the time. Why do they do that do you think?  Because their father insists that all the doors are locked in the house at all times.  They have learned that from birth.  They probably will lock all the doors in their house when they have a house I bet.  And why did their father always lock the doors?  I have no idea! What is your guess? When I was a kid growing up a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN, we didn’t even have a lock on our one door soooo Chester and Anna didn’t teach us kids that! 

I have negative emotions sometimes. Do you?  DollyShowoff, who is Butler County’s Champion story teller, (i.e. she is good let me tell ya)  says—Even when I put on my best show, I might still have negative emotions; c’mon erv, everyone has negative emotions. It’s just that some have more than others and some have more problems dealing with difficult emotions.  Thank you DollyShowoff, thanks for clearing that up for us, now we know.  I read in the paper, soooo it must be right, that we need to learn to handle negative emotions.  It said we need to accept them and accept them as natural and let them run their normal course (i.e. laugh at them might even work); tell yourself that tomorrow I will feel better. Just tame them. They probably aren’t as bad as we think they are. I like this one, reframe them. Reframing or cognitive reappraisal, can be defined as “changing the way one thinks about a situation in order to change its emotional impact.” It’s like finding a more positive interpretation of whatever is disturbing us (e.g. Thomas Edison example—When his research lab was burning down and decades of work were being destroyed, he supposedly told his son, “Get your mother and all her friends, they’ll never see a fire like this again.” “Don’t worry,” Edison calmed his son. “It’s all right: We’ve just got rid of a lot of rubbish.”) Uffda uffda! Oh by the way, the saying is what my Daddy, Chester, would say to me. I have it on the wall next to my desk. 

An 80+ robust lady hurt her leg pretty bad.  I asked her what happened. She laughed and said, well, I’m not very good on my feet anymore and have a hard time getting up from the sofa.  Sooooo my 88-year-old husband was giving me a hand and when he got me up, I lost my balance and  fell.  The worst part was I fell on him and hurt him toooo! She laughed and soooo did I!

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 18:14   You believe that?  Saturday question—Are Americans and the world very humble do you think? I read what Jane said while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—"The medieval church believed that pride was the root of all sins and was therefore the most dangerous…Pride is the sin of forgetting—or ignoring—our need for God…Real worship demands humility. It requires us to acknowledge our utter dependence upon God for salvation. This is why C. S. Lewis described pride as ‘the complete anti-God state of mind.’ Some of the proudest people you meet may also be the most religious.” Yikes Jane, what you said is humbling! Uffda uffda! Jane already told us more than she knows!

Suggestion:  Sit down and put it on paper!  Did you even hear me?  That is how we seem to live.  SIT DOWN and PUT IT ON PAPER! Personally, I find those two things very beneficial to me.  WorldClassLarry, who is smarter than all the monkeys at The Omaha Zoo, says—There is a enormous great feeling to pour your heart out with ink on paper!

Soooo I asked the gal checking me out at the grocery store--soooo how ya doing—not very well—well, that’s too bad—it could be better for sure—we have to go through the thick and then and maybe today you are going through the thin—ya I am—tomorrow is another day and things hopefully will be better for you—I hope soooo—the best to you—thank you for asking. Oh, the thick and thin that we go through.  The thick is more fun than the thin for sure but we all have both. It is hard to see the big picture when we are in a negative snapshot of life.  But the thin toooo will pass! BUT we got to remember that the thick snapshots don’t last either (i.e. soooo don’t get tooooo cocky; our glory, pride, and compliancy are our enemies). A real AverageJoe, who is in a thin part of his life, told me—erv, things were going soooo good and now, all of a sudden, my life is no tulips and roses let me tell ya!  Uffda uffda!

I respected this checkout gal.  I did because she was real.  She was not a phony.  She didn’t just perform in pretending everything was ok.  She was not a DuaneTheWorm who is always putting on a show; a real phony who will do anything to get attention. Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool some of the folks all the time all the folks some of the time, but you can’t fool all the folks all the time. Generally, folks see through phonies at some point in time, my opinion, at least most of the folks can. Here's the deal folks! Don’t be a phony.  Be real! Or I guess you can be a fake.  I guess that is up to each of us.  It's our decision but decisions have consequences as my late friend, Paul, would say, and guess who gets to make the decisions.

I enjoy going for my jog/walk sometimes when the sun is just coming up.  I always think of the song that goes something like this—when the sun gilds the sky, My heart awaking cries… (i.e. gilds meaning to move smoothly and continuously along, as if without effort or resistance). The other morning, we sang that song at church.  I have always liked that song (i.e. it stimulates me). There is something special about sunrises to many folks.  Probably maybe different things to different folks; I don’t know.  And the end of the part of the song after when the sun gilds the sky, My heart awaking cry is: May Jesus Christ be praised!  That makes me also feel soooo good.  I admit it. For me it’s the nitty gritty! Uffda uffda! Probably that song affects different folks differently as well (i.e. it has nuttin to do with politics or how much money you have folks, my opinion). The sunrise to me is like God is buying votes!

Okay folks, here is an opportunity for you.  Very simple. Tell me how you feel.  Really, how do you feel? There must be thousands and maybe thousands and thousands of different feelings each of us might have. Soooo what is your feeling right now.  Be real and send me a response telling me how you feel.  Use the comment at the bottom of the blog (i.e. just click on it—very easy to do). It will only be sent to me. Sign your name or be anonymous (i.e. your email address will not be shown to me or anyone).  Your response will be private and never be repeated or mentioned.  Soooo what is your feeling right now? You may express it in one word or a paragraph.  It’s an opportunity!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--You can take the day off, but you can't put it back.

September 3, 2022

reading a lot into it

If you believe everything written on the envelopes we get in the mail, well, I can learn you some more stuff that is baloney. We are constantly being manipulated or at least they try (i.e. who is they anyway—the answer is about everyone). This is your last change! We only have two left! Today is the last day! If you don’t call today, you will be billed! ItchieBitchie says—The vulnerable are the ones who are always taken advantage of more than anyone.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

A friend had knee replacement and he had to have his knee “manipulated” as it was stiff (i.e. approximately 5% of knee replacement patients this happens toooo).  He and I were talking and think that is “not a good name for the procedure.”  Manipulated is like they are fooling ya, taking advantage of ya! And maybe they are! He said it’s better than saying “rip it loose.”  I told him that girls would not like to hear “rip it loose.” Maybe “a beneficial adjustment to enhance your movement” would sound better. Maybe we are reading way tooooo much into it. Could be.

I really believe in education of any form and shape (i.e. as long as it is good education but who determines if it's good education).  It makes folks way better people in soooo many ways, my opinion, and gives many folks more options. I like the Chinese Proverb—"When planning for a year plan corn. When planning for a decade plant trees. When planning for a life, train and educate people.” I read that state governments determine the need for prisons based on the percentage of children who can’t read in fourth grade.  Yikes.  AverageJoe says--Soooo folks, try to help a child get an education (i.e. a good education). My buddies, who are very smart and well read or watch a lot of news, say that this year students in public schools have lessened about 20% (i.e. if I heard them right). Wow! that is a big percentage.  They have gone to home schooling or private schools or parochial schools.  How come?  What is your opinion? CadillacJack says—Now that’s learnin’ ya something!

I met a young gal on the hospital floor who was a CNA. We had a nice little conversation and I found out she was a student at the university and wants to be in the medial field in some form.  She had such a happy personality and demeaner.  I told her that and she said—I’m a Jesus person—I can tell, it shows.  I told her I was a believer tooo.  I wished her the best in her life.  What a fun experience.  I have some unbelievable experiences with patients. I can’t believe what folks have told me about themselves and their situations; incredible. It has been very humbling to me.  My lead question is “is there anything I can do for you.”  Some requests are amazing.  Just amazing. Some very funny as well (i.e. a 62 year-old guy had me call his girlfriend).  And some very personal (i.e. most very real—heart wrenching).  They quite often want to tell me about their situation and most times have no interest in my life or who I am; they are in a hurting, compromised time in their life. Sooooo mostly all I do is listen. Most of these patients the next week they will be gone, and we will never see each other again. Some are very scared. Most are just happy that someone cares about them. Some ask me to pray for them. Soooo what does that learn ya? Learn your feelings into that folks! Huh, interesting.

Some of you may think I read too much into conversations.  I don’t think soooo. They are really direct, to the point concerns that are very important and worrisome to them.  They don’t beat around the bush folks, not when things are ugly; you don’t fool around. When you are trying to impress folks by putting on the dog, yes, but not when you are worried about your life.  Oh no. Those two are way different worlds.  They are real folks with real concerns, not fakie let me tell ya! For the most part they are very happy that someone cares about them. Well well fat cat, you might not understand!

I got these suggestions from my first couz once removed a.k.a. the other Warren from Omaha about “The keys to living well.”  It’s important that we choose to live fully doing something meaningful and doing something we love every single day, no matter how old we are.  --  We are social animals and eye contact, conversation, and a hearty laugh shared with friends are the foundations of vitality.  --  Living well and living an active life has nothing to do with age, but with the decisions we make every single day.  NegativePete says—You Mellemas read way toooo much into that stuff! NegativePete, I should introduce you to a friend I have. He tooooo is very negative and you two would totally enjoy commiserating together (i.e. you might have the time of your life).  You two would really enjoy watching the news together I bet! NegativePete, is your negative attitude genetic, from your past environment or from your current environment? How did you learn that anyway?

I read this what DoctorJ said while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Air, water, and food. It has been said that man can live three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. While not exact, those three measurements illustrate how important each element is. We seem to have plenty of air and time to find food when needed—but water is always the most protected resource, especially in the arid lands of the Bible. Solomon used a well of water as a metaphor for the human heart and advised guarding the heart as one would guard a precious well: ‘Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life’ (NIV 1984). Just as physical life depends on a wellspring of water, so spiritual life depends on an abundant and pure heart. The first ten chapters of Proverbs contain instructions for wise living from a father to his son. Included are admonitions to store up wise and godly instruction (Proverbs 2). A heart full of such instruction will become a source of life in moments of testing.” DoctorJ and Soloman learned me something alright!

You ever make mistakes? Da! I make many many mistakes and will until I die; it just can’t be any different. Soooo I’m not surprised when I make mistakes.  The only folks who don’t make any mistakes are the ones who don’t do anything and that is a mistake in itself! CoachB says—Get it done; learn to get things done.  There are a lot of folks who complain, complain and complain but never get anything done.  They drive me crazy. Folks don’t care who gets it done but they want to see it get done.  Soooo folks, if you don’t have the ability to get it done, get around folks who have the ability to get it done and ask them to help or even hire them to get it done.  Quit just picking your nose but get it done. Soooo quit reading tooooo much into it and quit just talking about it! Just get after it! BUT it’s better not to make a mistake! Such is life.

I have asked many folks, including some of you, where is our country and world going.  It seems like no one has even a low percentage idea.  None! There seems to be tooooo many uncertainties to even guess they say.  Maybe I have been asking the wrong folks; I need to find the folks that think they know everything. I bet they have the answers or think they do! haha ThePersonNorthOfTown, who spend 5 years in junior college, says—I plan for the worse and hope for the best.  BUT it’s hard to even guess what the worst might be or what the best might be (i.e. now that is scary).  It’s a crap shoot.  I have said many times and for a long time—It’s a snowball going down the mountain and getting bigger and bigger and going faster and faster. There is only one thing that will stop it and that is a catastrophe, no small catastrophe but a huge massive catastrophe.  How else can it be stopped? It’s way out of control. erv, you are crazy! Just give it some time and it will all work out; it always does (e.g. they will just print more money or something).  Just look at history. That ought to learn ya! I see a lot of history that was determined by who has the most money and guns a.k.a. power (i.e. a form of manipulation). BUT that’s not always true either (i.e. my opinion is that God is in absolute control even though His understanding I cannot fathom). That ought to learn ‘um!

I bought some CO peaches that were suggested by Heather, our daughter from CO.  They looked soooo good BUT looks can be deceiving now can’t they.  We all have been fooled by outward appearances I would guess.  ANYWAY, peaches have fooled me before.  They were hard soooo I let them set for a couple of days and tried one.  It was good but I let them sit for another day and they were perfect. And to top it off, these CO peaches were just delicious. WorldClassLarry, who is tough in the clutch, says—"You got to know when they are rip; to early or toooo late they aren’t perfect; there’s a lot in the timing erv, a lot! A guy just can’t read timing enough into it!”

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—If the goal is set properly, its already half achieved.