September 3, 2022

reading a lot into it

If you believe everything written on the envelopes we get in the mail, well, I can learn you some more stuff that is baloney. We are constantly being manipulated or at least they try (i.e. who is they anyway—the answer is about everyone). This is your last change! We only have two left! Today is the last day! If you don’t call today, you will be billed! ItchieBitchie says—The vulnerable are the ones who are always taken advantage of more than anyone.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

A friend had knee replacement and he had to have his knee “manipulated” as it was stiff (i.e. approximately 5% of knee replacement patients this happens toooo).  He and I were talking and think that is “not a good name for the procedure.”  Manipulated is like they are fooling ya, taking advantage of ya! And maybe they are! He said it’s better than saying “rip it loose.”  I told him that girls would not like to hear “rip it loose.” Maybe “a beneficial adjustment to enhance your movement” would sound better. Maybe we are reading way tooooo much into it. Could be.

I really believe in education of any form and shape (i.e. as long as it is good education but who determines if it's good education).  It makes folks way better people in soooo many ways, my opinion, and gives many folks more options. I like the Chinese Proverb—"When planning for a year plan corn. When planning for a decade plant trees. When planning for a life, train and educate people.” I read that state governments determine the need for prisons based on the percentage of children who can’t read in fourth grade.  Yikes.  AverageJoe says--Soooo folks, try to help a child get an education (i.e. a good education). My buddies, who are very smart and well read or watch a lot of news, say that this year students in public schools have lessened about 20% (i.e. if I heard them right). Wow! that is a big percentage.  They have gone to home schooling or private schools or parochial schools.  How come?  What is your opinion? CadillacJack says—Now that’s learnin’ ya something!

I met a young gal on the hospital floor who was a CNA. We had a nice little conversation and I found out she was a student at the university and wants to be in the medial field in some form.  She had such a happy personality and demeaner.  I told her that and she said—I’m a Jesus person—I can tell, it shows.  I told her I was a believer tooo.  I wished her the best in her life.  What a fun experience.  I have some unbelievable experiences with patients. I can’t believe what folks have told me about themselves and their situations; incredible. It has been very humbling to me.  My lead question is “is there anything I can do for you.”  Some requests are amazing.  Just amazing. Some very funny as well (i.e. a 62 year-old guy had me call his girlfriend).  And some very personal (i.e. most very real—heart wrenching).  They quite often want to tell me about their situation and most times have no interest in my life or who I am; they are in a hurting, compromised time in their life. Sooooo mostly all I do is listen. Most of these patients the next week they will be gone, and we will never see each other again. Some are very scared. Most are just happy that someone cares about them. Some ask me to pray for them. Soooo what does that learn ya? Learn your feelings into that folks! Huh, interesting.

Some of you may think I read too much into conversations.  I don’t think soooo. They are really direct, to the point concerns that are very important and worrisome to them.  They don’t beat around the bush folks, not when things are ugly; you don’t fool around. When you are trying to impress folks by putting on the dog, yes, but not when you are worried about your life.  Oh no. Those two are way different worlds.  They are real folks with real concerns, not fakie let me tell ya! For the most part they are very happy that someone cares about them. Well well fat cat, you might not understand!

I got these suggestions from my first couz once removed a.k.a. the other Warren from Omaha about “The keys to living well.”  It’s important that we choose to live fully doing something meaningful and doing something we love every single day, no matter how old we are.  --  We are social animals and eye contact, conversation, and a hearty laugh shared with friends are the foundations of vitality.  --  Living well and living an active life has nothing to do with age, but with the decisions we make every single day.  NegativePete says—You Mellemas read way toooo much into that stuff! NegativePete, I should introduce you to a friend I have. He tooooo is very negative and you two would totally enjoy commiserating together (i.e. you might have the time of your life).  You two would really enjoy watching the news together I bet! NegativePete, is your negative attitude genetic, from your past environment or from your current environment? How did you learn that anyway?

I read this what DoctorJ said while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Air, water, and food. It has been said that man can live three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. While not exact, those three measurements illustrate how important each element is. We seem to have plenty of air and time to find food when needed—but water is always the most protected resource, especially in the arid lands of the Bible. Solomon used a well of water as a metaphor for the human heart and advised guarding the heart as one would guard a precious well: ‘Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life’ (NIV 1984). Just as physical life depends on a wellspring of water, so spiritual life depends on an abundant and pure heart. The first ten chapters of Proverbs contain instructions for wise living from a father to his son. Included are admonitions to store up wise and godly instruction (Proverbs 2). A heart full of such instruction will become a source of life in moments of testing.” DoctorJ and Soloman learned me something alright!

You ever make mistakes? Da! I make many many mistakes and will until I die; it just can’t be any different. Soooo I’m not surprised when I make mistakes.  The only folks who don’t make any mistakes are the ones who don’t do anything and that is a mistake in itself! CoachB says—Get it done; learn to get things done.  There are a lot of folks who complain, complain and complain but never get anything done.  They drive me crazy. Folks don’t care who gets it done but they want to see it get done.  Soooo folks, if you don’t have the ability to get it done, get around folks who have the ability to get it done and ask them to help or even hire them to get it done.  Quit just picking your nose but get it done. Soooo quit reading tooooo much into it and quit just talking about it! Just get after it! BUT it’s better not to make a mistake! Such is life.

I have asked many folks, including some of you, where is our country and world going.  It seems like no one has even a low percentage idea.  None! There seems to be tooooo many uncertainties to even guess they say.  Maybe I have been asking the wrong folks; I need to find the folks that think they know everything. I bet they have the answers or think they do! haha ThePersonNorthOfTown, who spend 5 years in junior college, says—I plan for the worse and hope for the best.  BUT it’s hard to even guess what the worst might be or what the best might be (i.e. now that is scary).  It’s a crap shoot.  I have said many times and for a long time—It’s a snowball going down the mountain and getting bigger and bigger and going faster and faster. There is only one thing that will stop it and that is a catastrophe, no small catastrophe but a huge massive catastrophe.  How else can it be stopped? It’s way out of control. erv, you are crazy! Just give it some time and it will all work out; it always does (e.g. they will just print more money or something).  Just look at history. That ought to learn ya! I see a lot of history that was determined by who has the most money and guns a.k.a. power (i.e. a form of manipulation). BUT that’s not always true either (i.e. my opinion is that God is in absolute control even though His understanding I cannot fathom). That ought to learn ‘um!

I bought some CO peaches that were suggested by Heather, our daughter from CO.  They looked soooo good BUT looks can be deceiving now can’t they.  We all have been fooled by outward appearances I would guess.  ANYWAY, peaches have fooled me before.  They were hard soooo I let them set for a couple of days and tried one.  It was good but I let them sit for another day and they were perfect. And to top it off, these CO peaches were just delicious. WorldClassLarry, who is tough in the clutch, says—"You got to know when they are rip; to early or toooo late they aren’t perfect; there’s a lot in the timing erv, a lot! A guy just can’t read timing enough into it!”

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—If the goal is set properly, its already half achieved.

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