October 15, 2022

maybe not my magnum opus

I was checking out at the grocery store the other night and John, anybody can be a John, came up behind me. He had a tee shirt and shorts on and I had jeans and a long sleeve shirt on.  I said--One of us is goofy!  erv, I think both of us qualify to be goofy!  I agree my friend and we both laughed.  Soooo, take that into consideration when reading this "It's Saturday."

This “It’s Saturday” is a smorgasbord of thoughts and ideas to stimulate you, maybe, but surely not to change you! I'm trying something different!  Shake it up a little bit! I realize that some of you don’t like change! Ouchy ouchy!  You can handle it, yes you can. Just put your big girl/big boy underwear on! And another thing--I’m sure about 50 percent of what I say is wrong. I just don’t know which 50 percent! You’ll get to decide. Huzzah!

Many times, it appears that sometimes our minds are blurry, not very clear at all! ItchieBitchie, who is the professional grade, says—Much of my life is a blurry line!  Oh, the blurry line!  It’s like what is right or wrong; how does one determine that?  It surely can be challenging alright.  I read recently while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—"Sin is changing for many as many don’t believe in God and if you don’t believe in God who tells us what is right or wrong, then what folks do is no longer a sin; it’s ok. There has to be a clear line as to what is right and what is wrong.  It can’t be blurry or no line at all. Without that clear line, well then, right and wrong can’t be determined.”  Saturday question—How do you decide what is right or wrong? Really, I can’t believe it! Now that’s a sign of the time we live in. Such is life.

TommyClutch a.k.a. a gamer who can perform under pressure, is the kind of person whom you can bet on.  Many folks hire a psychologist to work on their mind to help them perform under pressure (i.e. sorta kinda like having a positive cheerleader sitting on your shoulder, a hip hip hooray person).  Oh, what money can buy!  A friend was going through some physical pain because of a medical procedure and told me that he now has empathy for folks who have constant pain and can see why some get depressed.  Probably that is why folks take pain pills and get addicted to them.  Those pills make them feel better.  LuckieEddie, who over promises but under produces, says—I call them my happy pills; they make me who I am; they make me feel way better.  There seems to be side effects to most medications.  BUT, if used properly, many medications really help folks.  Google says (i.e. sooo it must be right)--That one out of six Americans take some form of antidepressant medication (i.e. soooo if you aren’t the one than someone else of the next five does). 

We got trouble right her in RiverCity! TheRichGringoDog says—"I discovered the only way most folks ever get a ranch is through the womb or tomb! And if the government doesn’t get us then old age surely will. And there’s always a haymaker that crashes us down to earth, knocks our teeth out and gives us a bloody nose.”  Oh, those haymakers!  Have you ever experienced a haymaker?  Now that is sorta kinda a dumb question isn’t it. TommyHumble, who can run the table, says--Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8   Tony Dungy says—"Adopting a positive attitude, even when you’re under pressure or the odds seem stacked against you, nearly always assures a positive outcome.  And thinking of people in a positive light changes how you treat them.” This is what I read the other day while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it which sorta kinda pertains to haymakers—Be humble or be humbled! 

Dr.J says—"Every human being has found themselves wondering at some aspect of life, nature, the universe, art, or their own experiences and feelings. Such wonder has a benefit: It elevates us beyond our daily existence which often focuses on the pedestrian tasks of survival. Wonder causes us to reflect upon that which is larger than ourselves. That was true for the psalmist, David, who wondered at how the God who formed the universe could also be mindful of him and his needs (Psalm 8).” That is rather hard for me to understand, rather humbling to me!

I like Colby Jack cheese the best on my raisin bread.  What kind do you like best? We can purchase the cheap version, the standard version or the deluxe version of many products. It all depends how much we want to spend and how advanced we want it to be or how good we want it to taste.  MeanSeanTheMachine says--BUT make sure you buy the version you like, or you won’t use it! There are soooo many version options that it is almost mind boggling.  And then tomorrow, there will be even new versions, an endless change (i.e. always something newer and better than today, it’s capitalism at its best). What version are you? There are all kinds of human versions. Many of you are the Colby Jack version to me, the kind I like the best (i.e. good, real folks with good hearts, my kind of folks! Huzzah!

Carl, anyone can be a Carl, says—"The world in which we live challenges the Christian faith. It is an enticing world, which offers us riches, success, and the pleasures of sin. The world tells us that to eat, to drink, to be merry is the chief purpose of life. It tries to make us believe that fattened oxen and filled barns have greater value than peace with God and the hope of heaven. This same world is bitterly disappointing. Too many of us know this to be true as failure, sickness, sorrow, heartaches, and tears come into our day. Even the world-wise become world-weary. Amid these disappointments our Christian faith clings to Christ and finds in Him peace, hope, and assurance. We cannot perish.”

During brunch with a friend recently we discussed how it seems that some children don’t have a very good opportunity as their parents are not very good parents (i.e. the odds can seem highly stacked against them). BUT we are both amazed how some kids with bad parents come through.  We are both just amazed by these kids.  Some of those kids are you (i.e. you know who you are, we applaud you). Wow! My mentor would say to me—erv, those folks are really the great successes! Soooo were do parents learn their parenting skills from anyway?

Bob, anyone can be a Bob, says—"I have known business leaders who were so central to what their enterprise did that after they left, the work could not be sustained. They were like the bottom card in a house of cards – when they were removed, the ‘house’ collapsed. They had no viable succession plan.” We all have to call it quits some day because of different reasons. That’s just the way it is folks if we like it or not. Sooooo you have a succession plan?  How about an exit plan from this earth (i.e. more than just having your obituary written out, that is pretty minor)? PreacherMan says--When the gonger gongs, there is no second chances folks (i.e. it's like mising a three foot putt; I think they should be best two out of three). If you don’t have a plan, the plan will be done for you by the court and your soul will just go somewhere.  My mentor taught me to have everything planned, it is a lot easier.  Another friend says—Have PPP a.k.a. proper prior planning!

Are we captivated by cell phones, video games, TV, eating, social media, working, sleeping, reading, some addition, sports, etc.  Soooo captivated that it is our life. Is that good do you think? TheCrazyCatLady says--What or whom we worship determines our behavior. WorldClassLarry, who under promises but over produces, says--You are not everyone else, you are different. I think about this and try to make a game plan (i.e. evaluate my life and try to make a game plan for my future).  That means I have toooo make some decisions and changes usually.  There is always change and I have tooooo adjust. BUT SusieQ, who is a Rock of Gibraltar, says--We have to be careful as the world gives us what everyone else wants even if it’s not good for us.  The world doesn’t really care about us, it only cares about making money off of us (e.g. addicts us to sugar sugar and more sugar). It doesn’t really care about you. You better take care of yourself a little bit, maybe. CadillacJack says—I’m a controller a.k.a. a micro manager, a regular God Father or helicopter mom and maybe I need to delegate; maybe I need to make a change.

I just tried to do work out a business problem with a company through one of their employees who takes their calls.  Through the years, she and I just don’t communicate very well together. We just don’t seem to understand each other, we’re not on the same page it seems.  She tries hard but I’m talking apples and she is talking oranges it seems.  It makes it very hard.  I don’t know if I’m the only person that has trouble communicating with her or if others do tooooo. It happens to others I communicate with as well; we just don’t think alike.  Does this ever happen to you? Maybe even spouses, friends, family, employees, neighbors, clients etc. A top-notch business friend says—Communication is maybe the most important part of business.  Some folks are soooo much more fun to talk with than others. GeorgeTheCrook, who is as tough as nails, says—I can talk with some folks for hours and others, I can’t wait to end the conversation.  Soooo I can understand the feeling.

Maybe I thought toooo briskly! The other day I was soooo certain about making a decision about doing something; I thought I was dead right!  That was until the next day when I decided that it was a bad decision, maybe a real bad decision.  I let my emotions be tooooo much part of the decision process, I think. The facts and evidence just don’t stack up right even though my emotions wanted it to be that way, darn emotions.  Soooo what made me change? Do you ever do something like that? I really think by not doing it, I am way better off than if I did it; I feel very happy. Huzzah!

My boss, who is on vacation, phoned me today. He said, "Is everything OK at the office?" I said, "It's all under control. It's been a very busy day. I haven't stopped to take a break all day." "Can you do me a favor," he asked. I said, "Of course, what is it? "Pick up the pace a little. I'm in the foursome behind you." It appears that when there is a good cultural relationship, success is more prominent. That shows up in families, businesses, churches, sport teams, marriages, friendships, you name it.  When there isn’t a good cultural relationship, not soooo much success it seems. Just look around, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

I learned this at church recently. I sit in my normal spot as well as others in my area.  Sam, a teen-age boy was sitting in front of me. After church our conversation went like this—Sooo Sam, did your pigs get any blue ribbons this summer—yes they did—any purple ribbons—yep, that toooo—soooo do you just pick a pig out of the barn or what—no, we buy what we think are good ones—sooo do you just take them out the barn and take them to the show—no no, I put a lot of work into it—like what—I walk my pig a mile a day—what for—to get their muscles toned just like an athlete to impress the judge, I also put sun oil on them and put them in the sun to get a nice looking skin to also impress the judge--holy cow, it must work—ya gotta try to get every advantage you can as it's a competitive world out there.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--The world has its givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.

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