January 28, 2023


ATM is most often thought of as a machine where folks get money but used as an internet slang initialism it stands for “At the Moment” (e.g. I’m busy atm).

MyTennisCoachRichard who told us that the folks called him Dick and he has been a Dick the rest of his life, sorta kinda told me--It appears, I repeat, it appears that if I don’t do what they do, don’t say what they say, and don’t think like they think I won't get what they got. Now we can interpret that as a positive or a negative now can’t we (e.g. if I eat what they eat I will look like what they look like or if I get an attitude like they have I will have a personality like them). It appears warmer weather, sunshine and the beauty of nature increases folks’ desire and amount of time they spend in nature (i.e. statistics prove that). Also, statistics prove that there is a decrease in alcoholism probably related to less depression (i.e. although it appears that there are a lot of happy hours that go on every day down here in The Valley of the Sun in the 55+ communities).

#681 we have a winner!  That's you! Some of you are just amazing folks, just amazing.  I have told you that and I mean it.  Maybe there are some of you who are amazing but don’t feel amazing.  Yikes! That’s not good!. Many of you have made huge massive changes in your lives that are crazy big and powerful.  My hat goes off to you.  Some of you ATM are in situations that are tough and you are handling them like champs.  Just amazing.  I’m patting you on your back. You know who you are. Now don’t let your body and/or mind tell you that you are not amazing, ‘cause you are! Shakespeare said—"We know what we are but we know not what we may be!”

about don't happen! A 84-year old gal at a dinner party told us that many times she wakes up at one and is up for the day—how come we asked—I get up and worry—what do you worry about—I have a lot to worry about and if I don’t have anything to worry about, I worry that I don’t have something to worry about—soooo what do you do at one—iron, I iron everything.  Soooo I was checking out at the grocery store the other day and I asked the middle aged clerk—how’s life going—ATM it’s been hard—how come—do you really want to know—ya, I do—one of my son’s died of COVID and the other one was just incarcerated, he is a bad person—wow, that is tough to take—I express my sympathy to you: I can’t fix those two situations but I will pray for you soooo you have the strength to get through them—well thank you sir, I have never had someone offer to pray for me before. FYI—I read this recently--Sympathy and empathy are two words often confused—but there are important differences between them. We express sympathy when we have feelings of pity or sorrow for someone’s misfortune or situation. Sympathy is knowledge-based. Empathy is when we understand and share the feelings of another. Empathy is experience-based. Sympathy says, “I feel for you,” while empathy says, “I feel how you feel.”

Are you happy at ATM?  Here in the 55+ communities of the Valley, the folks have a happy hour on their decks most every day.  They sit and drink with their friends and acquaintances.  Maybe, the more they drink the happier they get.  Folks really seem to like it.  I think they enjoy getting juiced up and relaxed.  For some, maybe it’s the best part of their day or life.  Could be. I read in the paper soooo it must be right, that IA set a new record for most alcohol sold in a year in 2022.  Sooooo what that means I really don’t know. Maybe folks are trying to get happy. A lot of happy hours! Doesn’t Russia folks drink a world record amount of Vodka?  Heres to ya!

ATM CoachB says—This is one of the things we always do, we always tell what we are doing right. What we don’t tell is what we are doing wrong (e.g. folks typically tell others how great they are but don’t tell others when they aren’t soooo great, like on social media). I read the book Prayer in the Night byTish Harrison Warren that was suggested by a friend I made playing basketball at good ol’ Northwestern College a zillion years ago.  We have remained friends all these years (i.e. a good guy with a good heart, my kind of person). ANYWAY, this book is written by an Anglican priest. I like her style of writing.  She expresses her thoughts by wondering and expressing herself as a human and doesn’t preach like she knows everything as she admits she doesn't. This book was very challenging and inspiring to me. If you think you know all the answers, then maybe you might not like the book soooo much! I knew a person who thought they knew everything; I thought they were a joke but some seemed to like that person and believed everything they said. Abraham Lincoln said--You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all the people all of the time. I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it this--When folks figure out they don't know everything or think they know everything, they are at the start of being wise! Such is life!

Dr. J says--"Though the laws of physics are much more complicated, for practical purposes we can say that two physical objects cannot occupy the same physical space at the same time. Conversely, a single physical object cannot occupy two different physical spaces at the same time. But the Bible has a different take on these general laws...Theologians say God is omnipresent—He is everywhere at the same time. So He can be 'here' and 'there.' That means we are never separated from the presence of God. Wherever we are, God is also there."  Soooo what do you believe?  C. S. Lewis said--"Though our feelings come and go, [God’s] love for us does not." I believe that! That is assuring to me! Even though I don't completely understand it! ervie is human and God is God; there is a huge massive difference there folks!

#986 we have a potential winner!  That might be you! Obviously there are some of you folks that could be more amazing!  haha  I was going to hike up Spook Hill and this stone was at the trail head. It made me laugh.  But it has a point maybe!

OneSmartPerson who has a positive next shot mentality, says—"ATM it appears our technology has eclipsed our psychology. Is it a coincidence, or just a kind of grand irony, that loneliness has spiked just as our media became ‘social,’ our technology became ‘personal,’ and our machines learned to recognize our faces?” Think through that folks. I just read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Stop comparing, and start being content. “It is better to be content with what little you have. Otherwise, you will always be struggling for more, and that is like chasing the wind” (Ecclesiastes 4:6). Contentment doesn’t mean you don’t have any goals, dreams, or plans for your life. It simply means you don’t need more in order to be happy. GerogeTheCrook, who carries a big stick, says--By nature, people are discontent. I find it very hard not to compare. It doesn’t seem to help when all media seems to want me to compare myself to others. ATM it appears that there is a lot of competition amongst folks in many phases of life; isn’t competition really comparison. It’s hard not to be forced to compete or is it just me. I read a lot that simple is better sooooo declutter and make your life better.  BUT most folks do just the opposite. ItchieBitchie who should maybe put on the concussion protocell the way she acts, says—People with simple lives don’t get any attention and I like attention!

When in Waukee our son, our grandson and I were having a meal together and Rookie, age 10, asked us if everyone likes their jobs? We discussed that most folks do not like their jobs but don’t have a choice according to the paper, soooo it must be right. And the reason is that most jobs that people would like to do, they can’t make enough to support their families or support their habits and lifestyles. Many folks like most parts of their job but not all of it.  Sooo, that is why folks are constantly looking for a better job. JoeBlow who is very old school but very effective let me tell ya, says--C’mon folks, it’s mostly about the money! And if you are given money not to work, why work some folks think and don’t! BUT flip the pancake, there are folks that really like their jobs! JoeBlow goes on to say—I always want a job that I don’t have to work very hard, don’t have to work many hours, have no responsibility but make a lot of money!  Soooo I was buying some post cards and a maybe 90-year-old lady was picking out some cheap earrings at the checkout ahead of me—soooo you going dancing tonight and need some earrings—ya, I am, you want to come along—I only date rich women, are you rich—I’m loaded! What a hoot!

Soooo I was playing in a 3.5-4 interpark round robin the other day (i.e. I’m more a 3.5 or maybe less and on the down side of the bell curve and sliding). ANYWAY, in one game my partner who was this gal who I know by first name only but I have played with her a few times before.  She and I really played well together and spanked our opponents pretty bad. She has good sportsmanship but is a real competitor and really likes to win.  When we were leaving the court, she asked my how old I was (i.e. what is her motive and does she want me to ask her how old she is—I already am guessing she looks about my age).  Sooooo I told her my age and I asked her what her age is.  She was 11 years younger than me.  She acted disappointed that I wasn’t younger!  What a hoot! Soooo I was telling my old golf buddies this story and OldIRSagentBill who told us he dazzles the gals with his indifference, said I should have said—Oh, you look to me that you are about 56!  The other two old guys said—no no erv, that’s toooo much over the top, but you should’f said—You sure don’t look like retirement age; she might have fallen for that!  Hey, don’t kid yourself, these old guys have been around the block! Really the golf is way tooo expensive here in AZ but the BS and knowledge, and wisdom from these old guys are worth every cent of it!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.

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