December 2, 2023


JackDaniels, who sits at the bar on the third stool from the bathroom at Joe’s Bar and Grill in Chattanooga, TN says—This “It’s Saturday” is just a lot of blah blah blah and I don’t like it.  CrazyLegs, I’ll take another double shot with a chaser, now that is what I like.  Everyone has an opinion, and our opinions are influenced by someone or something. The talk on the street is that when JackDaniels leaves Joe’s Bar and Gill, he can be a little cattywampus at times. But JackDaniels has his followers. Sooooo take this into consideration when reading this “It’s Saturday.”. Everyone does have their followers! Oh ya!

MoneyBagsWilma says--Most folks really want to win--I wantta win and I want you to lose! I’m right and you are wrong! Folks seem to like us if we stand for what they stand for BUT if we don’t stand for what they stand for, it’s not the same, it could strain a relationship! Saturday question—Is this cattywampus or what?  A friend at breakfast and I had a great discussion about different groups of folks.  He’s one smart cookie and he said—Some folks seem to always be processing and asking questions but never come to a conclusion which makes them always confused, unhappy and agitated. I really have thought about his idea. Are there certain groups of folks and individuals who are that way?  WorldClassLarry says-- Complaining and grumbling are like bad breath; you notice it when it comes out of someone else’s mouth but not our own. Do you ever have bad breath?  How do you know? Do others have bad breath? How do they know? It’s really hard to swallow our pride and think that maybe we aren’t always right! Could be, maybe, I don’t know, possibly!

CadillacJack says--It's better to tell someone how their good deeds or work affected us, rather than telling them what kind of person they are! Of course, don’t tell them how great we think we are! Like one-up-them! Everyone already knows that our grandkids are the best and prettiest and smartest; they heard us say it many times! Maybe we don’t remember saying it, but they do let me tell ya!

A friend called me recently and told me that she made a mistake and she felt bad about it. I told her that she is too hard on herself; we all make mistakes. RickyRick says—"I need to, and I do internalize this one simple message: Everyone makes mistakes. It’s not just a “you problem.” It’s a human problem. The Bible says, “There is no one on earth who does what is right all the time and never makes a mistake” (Ecclesiastes 7:20 GNT). Not only have you made mistakes in the past, but you’ll also make more mistakes in the future. I guarantee it. Even playing it safe and refusing to take risks is a mistake! As a pastor, I had people ask me all the time, ‘What if I fail?’ I wanted to ask them, ‘What do you mean if?’” I think soooo! I think that is my opinion, just built the thought of making a mistake into our equation of life. That way you expect it, and you won’t be surprised.  It’s part of life. BUT it sure helps if you put the odds on your side to make as few mistakes as possible!!!! 

It appears that some parts of our lives are just cattywampus, at least to me they seem that way. I read in the paper of Camilo Villegas’ recent life story which was just that. He is a professional golfer who has had success until the last several years when his game and personal life went south. Then by a complete accident (i.e. maybe and maybe not), he met a sorta kinda strange caddy and he changed his game and he is now once again having success.  Camilo said this—"Life is interesting, it goes up and down both on the personal side and on the profession side. Just got to keep a path and you’ve got to keep your mind where it needs to be.” In the last year I have experienced this cattywampus experience by meeting Jeanne. Yes, I have. I went from years of being in a funk to joy. Some folks have called our meeting a God sent, others have called it a God wink and some, maybe, have called it happenstance. We call it, a God blessing. Why did it happen, I don’t really know.  JimMyFriend says to me—erv, happenstance, na, I don’t think soooo. I didn’t know if I could ever love again or be loved again, but I can.

I saw this on the back window of a car. The saying could be taken two ways, I think. Which way did you take it.  Do you think how you interpreted it has anything to do with your past environment or current environment?  I think soooo.  If sooo, that means, what we put in, comes out! Saturday question—Soooo where does the impute that we put in our minds come from? MissPerfect says—Could it be that our minds are cattywampus at times? Huh, interesting.

When I listen to our government talk, I’m totally bumfuzzled!  I don’t think they even know what they are talking about sometimes. Some folks think we are going amuck but not all folks. It’s a mess to some folks. How are we ever going to get out of this mess they say. Of course, maybe some folks don’t think we are in a mess, they just love the way it’s going (i.e. it's right up their alley). There sure are some differences of opinions the way it looks to me. It’s probably always been that way; you think soooo? That is what I thought you would think, no surprise there. And it seems like many folks from other countries don’t like Americans, but many want to come here. Soooo why is that anyway? It seems tops-turvy to me. But then what do I know, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN.

A very smart friend always says to me—erv, have PPP (i.e. proper prior planning).  Not a bad idea I think, could be, maybe, possibly. A wild boar was sharpening his tusks against a tree when a fox came by and asked him why he was doing this. “I don’t see the reason,” remarked the fox, “there are neither hunters nor hounds in sight; in fact right now, I can’t see any threat at all.” The boar replied, “True, but when danger does arise, I’ll have other things on my mind than sharpening my weapons.” (Source: Aesop’s Fables.) Soooo a person’s response was--In times of peace, prepare for war. In times of prosperity, prepare for adversity. In times of health, prepare for ill health and disease. ItchieBitchie says—Personally, I like to operate by the seat of my pants! And if it doesn’t work out, I complain to the government, and they will bail me out; they always do! Soooo why do I want to use PPP!

I’m confused here folks! The 55+ community here where I winter in AZ has about 990 units of tin huts, there are about only 5 units for sale currently. Usually the nutrition rate is about 10% which would mean there should be about 99 for sale in a year. Folks move, get old, die, or get sick or something. Not this year. What is going on. I asked a real estate person why and they said—It is a desirable place to live/winter at an affordable price. That is what they said. Betty Lou said to me—I just think there is a lot of old folks with a lot of money and want to enjoy life before it all goes to…in a hand basket! Well, let’s go play some pickleball in our gated 55+ community!

And the conclusion of the matter according to AverageJoe is—You might have more questions after reading this “It’s Saturday” than you had before; you think you were just feed a bunch of crap; think you have heard all of it before; I will never do any of that stuff unless there’s a lot of money to get; and frankly, no one cares anymore as many just care about themselves. AverageJoe, I think there are many really good folks in this world, I do. I think they really care but it seems sooooo hard to accomplish what they think is good. It’s a tough battle I think, maybe, could be, possibly! Saturday question—Are the good folks the minority or the majority.

Flip the pancake. I went to a production by Jeff Wiegand who reprised Teddy Roosevelt. It was very good I thought. He acted like Teddy, talked like him and looked like him. He talked for about an hour and a half. I like many things about President Roosevelt. Most of us know about the President's saying; Walk softly but carry a big stick meaning don’t talk but do something. After Jeff was done with his presentation, he entertained questions. One question was--How you as President Roosevelt think about our current quagmire that America is in.  The President responded—I don’t think we really have a quagmire; the vast majority of Americans are good people who want good for our country; they are just like you folks. The problem we have is the over attention that the minority groups get by the news media. Problems sell news and make money soooo they stir the pot to make controversy. They don’t talk about what the vast majority of Americans think and want; the majority of people are not represented properly. Huh, interesting.

Have you ever been dumbfounded? Like you say—This is just really crazy, I can’t believe it! How can this be? What is going on here anyway! Is this really happening to me!  Of course, you can think about something that is very positive or something very negative; which way did you take it? Now that is interesting! You folks are interesting alright! Brenda, anybody can be a Brenda says--No matter what we feel we deserve from others, we can’t bend too low in caring for them. Service doesn’t demean one’s dignity; rather, as Jesus shows, it defines it.” That might sound cattywampus to us at times. What do you think? That is what I thought. Such is life!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—An unusual amount of common sense is sometimes called wisdom.

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