Disclaimer: You might
not agree with what is in this "It’s Saturday"; hardly anyone agrees with anyone
else in this world anymore. You might think it's looonnnng! Sooooo don’t
be surprised. It’s just the way it is. Sooooo, read it as you know better! Just dink it! Soooo I don't expect you to agree with anything in this "It's Saturday." Why should you!
There can be dissention in political parties, in countries,
in churches, in families, in businesses, in teams, in marriages,
in partnerships, in our own minds, in clubs, between dogs, on the road, on the
pickleball court, at 55+ resorts, in friendships, etc. There is dissention all
over the place. Soooo who usually wins? LuckieEddie
says--Usually the side that has the biggest and most guns which is the same as
the most money (i.e. most power) wins!
Da! Or do they really! JoeSixPack says—C’mon erv, it’s always about the
money! Don’t kid yourself!
GeorgeTheCrook says--There has been gun fights on main
street forever and many wars as well. Folks haven’t agreed forever. It ain’t
nuttin new GeorgeTheCrook. The Bible says—There will be wars and rumors of
wars forever. Folks just can’t agree. There is always dissention. Folks can’t
even agree how much to spend on Christmas presents! MissPerfect says to her
husband CrazyMarvin—Your mother was just obnoxious at Christmas; I can’t stand her;
next year I might not go and have dinner with your family. And your two ex-wives from TX,
what about them, do they really have to come for Christmas dinner? But now your
dad, I like him
Just another day in the park! As a friend
says--Life goes on, it’s a game. Yogi Berra says—"If you come to a
fork in the road, --- take it". You come to a decision point in your
life, and you must either go right or left. If you go right, and it turns
out the wrong decision, simply go back to the fork in the road, and take the other
route. Such is life.
Soooo it appears that there are two sides in America and
they disagree (i.e. maybe there is some dissention in these two sides, could
be, maybe, possibly, I don’t know). Sooooo each side wants what they want. If either side got what they want, they would
probably have complete control of the other side (i.e. suppress the other side
to say uncle or as the terrorists do, kill them, get rid of the opposition if
they don’t agree). If either side would win and take control, what would the
landscape look like? Both sides say that the other side is destroying America!
As a professor, dean, and doctor once said—It’s a lot easier to lead a
revolution than being a leader of an existing group (i.e. this person has been
around the block a few times let me tell ya, he might be right). My neighbor
a.k.a. the desert rat, says--Hey listen, it’s hard to get it just the way I like
it. Such is life.
Dave, anybody can be a Dave, said that the Bible says--There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Holy Smokes, I think all of them could cause dissension. What do you think? That is what I thought. Flip the pancake--I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it expressed by John, anybody can be a John--Three are three things we should do in order to get along with people: We should live in harmony with each other, we should not be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people and we should not think that we know it all (i.e. for the most part, it is pride that keeps people from harmony),. Well, jumping cholla!
I quizzed a seemingly very smart, highly educated new acquaintance
recently asking him if he is conservative or liberal. His answer was that he was a businessman and
that made him somewhat conservative, but he is very liberal in being a
naturalist. He is not a registered voter to either party and votes
independently. He went on to say—He believes that there is really not much
difference in most folks with their core believes but just on certain pieces of
thinking but saying that, maybe, the radicals a.k.a. extremists might be a different looking AZ roof rat (i.e. I
think I understood him correctly). Personally, I agree with him.
Have you ever noticed that most folks are happier when they
get what they want than when they don’t? AverageJoe says--It’s more fun to win
than to lose! Many times, it seems that if folks don’t get what they want,
all…breaks lose. They are like little kids who don’t get what they wanted for
Christmas! Ouchy ouchy! And many don’t
want to pay for it or work for it, let someone else do that! AverageJoe asks--Sooooo how does that work
anyway? LuckieEddie says--There ain’t nuttin free or is there? LittleJoey tells
his mom—Just use your credit card mommy! Soooo I bought something at a convenience
store recently and the guy ahead of me bought a pack of Marlboro cigs; it was
$9.20. I asked William, the clerk—Did
you overcharge him—no no, all I can say is that it is wild inflation!

Do we ever get to a point of dissention within our self?
RickyRick says—"As a pastor for over 40 years, I’ve talked to thousands of
people, and I’ve discovered only three things that cause people to change:
pain, perspective, and having no other choice. Most people don’t change until we
feel the heat. There is no breakthrough until we have the breakdown! We all
come to a point where there is a breakdown of our pride, our arrogance, and our
self-sufficiency when we realize we can’t do it on our own” A friend and I have
talked multiple times that very few folks will change unless they have a
spiritual experience; it sure seems that way to us. Just look around, it
doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. What do you think? That is what I thought.
ItchieBitchie says—Look around, most folks don’t change it appears, but some
do! Soooo let’s get back to the dissention we might have within ourselves at
times. Where does it come from and how do
we get rid of it? I like this and
believe in it (i.e. you might not soooo that makes it my opinion)-- Why,
my soul, are you down cast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. ~ Psalm 42:11 CadillacJack says—erv, that is an insane idea; it might sound insanely to you CadillacJack but it works for me! There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and
no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.
WorldClassLarry says--Learn to use what you have left! I
think WorldClassLarry seems like he is talking directly to me. Soooo what do I have left is
the question. Saturday question—What do you have left in the tank? WildWillie
says--Some folks get jealous of your slice when they have a half a loaf! Why is
that do you think? And some folks are always jealous. And why is that anyway?
Does that cause dissension in their head do you think?
We were invited to have a New Year’s Day good
luck meal with friends. Have you ever had a good luck meal. I think it’s a Southern
tradition maybe.
The different kinds of food
were traditional foods of different countries that are perceived to give good
luck (i.e. one couple does this every year on New Year’s Day as a tradition—what
fun). Man, is 2024 going to be a lucky year for us! No question!
We ate smashed potatoes with sauerkraut on
top, black eyed beans, skillet cornbread, and collard greens, and pork with onions.
I tell ya folks, it was really good; a great
day in the park was had!
Dissension could be two butt heads butting heads. Antonyms of dissension
are peace and harmony. I was thinking that it seems and it appears that when
there is love between two folks, they think of each other a whole lot and when
that happens folks serve the other person and that creates a feeling of
thinking of the other person maybe more than themselves (i.e. no darts are thrown,
or stingers are said) and that creates a feeling of peace and harmony).
MissPerfect says—That sounds really simple,
but I can’t always do that; you don’t know my friend, Mable, she’s a beast to
be around! I was helping a divorced guy here in our park who wants a woman. He
told me that he had dated a lot of women and one of them was from TX who loved
her horse, Trixie, more than him. She was not for me! JoeBlow said—That was probably a
pretty good decision; that might have created some dissention!
JoeBlow says--When we have dissention in our mind,
maybe the best way to solve it is to answer our own questions. Therapists talk
to folks in hopes that they will answer their own questions.
It seems to work a lot better when we answer
our own questions and not being preached tooooo and have someone else make our
decisions. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it which might help the dissent in our minds, big on the maybe--A pandemic of joy is a big cure for a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier, and joyful mind.

We had the opportunity to be invited to go see the wild horses in the desert by The Salt River guided by a major level volunteer (i.e. a pickleballer buddy). We learned a lot. They currently have 409 horses and some volunteers know all their names and follow them regularly. The number is regulated by the state. One way is through darting of the maires to prevent pregnancies. All the hay feed, yes, they are feed, is paid by donations (i.e. soooo are they really totally wild horses). The hay has to be the best alfalfa and is also regulated by the state. Each bale cost currently $19. The whole program is in constant dissension. Some want the horses and others don't; a ongoing dissension.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said--Let each day be your masterpiece...even silence has a melody of its own.
PS Roy, not anybody can be a Roy said-- erv, I didn’t know about National Milk Day. That is udderly amazing! I think my response will be the cream of the crop!