A friend said one of his grandmother’s sayings was—We get
old soon and smart too late!
This is a fill in the blank exercise. "WOW." "Thanks," "Help,"
are pretty good essentials to ________!
CrazyMarvin says--If we are honest, all of us are afraid of
something. Maybe bees, health challenges, and losing memory to name a few. Some
fears are bigger than others, but all of them might create an intense feeling
of helplessness. ItchieBitchie says--Those fears can put a wrinkle in a
person’s life let me tell ya! Fear has always been there and will always be
there soooo I guess we need to learn how to manage fear.
You got any ideas?
What works for you? MissPerfect says—I buy
more shoes; it seems to work for me! Such is life.
Here is a wrinkle that must work. You get an envelope that says you are
“pre-selected.” Does that make you feel important and special? Does that make
you want to quickly open the envelope to see what the deal is that you have been
“pre-selected” for. Many must as advertisers use this method a lot.
Sooooo there!
Here is a hint—everyone and their dog are “pre-selected” sucker! “Fools
will believe anything, but the wise think about what they do.” Proverbs 14:15 I
have an acquaintance that half of what he says isn’t true and the other half I
don’t believe!
Well, be careful folks,
the world we live in has a lot of stuff that just ain’t true (i.e. it a sucker punch
a.k.a. a wrinkle.
Now that is my opinion
and my opinion ain’t worth anything (i.e. you know that, I’m just a little ol’
farm boy from a mile and quarter south or Roseland, MN). This wrinkle is tried on folks in the 55+ parks a lot, don’t kid yourself! They think we old folks are vulnerable!
Many folks in our park which is a 55+ park, have wrinkles.
Sooooo some of their wrinkles came from smiling and some from frowning
I would guess. .
Forehead lines, or frown or worry lines, are horizontal lines across the forehead and vertical lines between the eyebrows. Stress, worry and frowning can all contribute to how forehead lines form. Smile lines, or marionette lines, usually form on the sides of the mouth and can be related to laughing and smiling. Saturday question—Sooooo what
kind of wrinkles do you have? Really!
A friend suggested we read this book. The author scientifically proves that spirituality is a major help to cure and prevent depression and other mental illnesses. Some of you will still think it's all baloney. Well, the psychiatry world also thought that until proved differently. Maybe some still won't believe it! I suggest you give it a read. Soooo why would parents not help their children to be spiritual and help them with their mind? Or how about anyone who suffers or have it in their genetics. AverageJoe who is a real Road Runner, says--
However much or little you have, "Thank you" is always a more powerful prayer than "I need more." I wonder if that attitude may help a person's mind and is part of spirituality? What do you think? I don't know. It could be. Maybe. Probably.
David, anybody can be a David penned this in his old age--BUT as
for me, I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. ~ Psalm
71:14 Hey, we all can do what we want. As a deceased friend would say to
me—erv, we all make our own decisions and decisions have consequences, no
question. BUT as for me…! Oh, by the way, have you ever noticed that when we
are hungry, it changes our perception many times (i.e. now that is a different
wrinkle)? At least it does for me! Saturday
question—What are we hungry for? Such is life.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on
it--Those who have a best friend are blessed with a relationship of
transparency and acceptance. For some, it is a sibling, for others, a
non-family member. A friend is a person to whom you can pour out
your heart, a person who will not judge you for the feelings you express. Many
folks in these 55+ communities develop very good friendships. I hear that some find their best friendships in these communities. Huh interesting. Why is
that do you think? SusieQ who is quicker than a hiccup, says—Folks are
soooo nice here in the park and they make each other feel soooo good. I read in
the paper, soooo it must be right, that community and friendship are very good
for folks’ mental health. What do you
think? SusieQ goes on to say--Community and friendship couldn’t happen without you!
BettyBoop says--Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other
is gold. Well, Boop-Oop-a-Doop!

Have you noticed how our minds don’t always do
what we tell it to do? It seems to play tricks on us; it seems to have its own wrinkles
at times. It seems to have a mind of its own! Or maybe we forget to turn on our
computer or we don’t know how to program it. Or maybe we have an old computer
or not one at all.
Or maybe we have a loose wire. All are possibilities
let me tell ya! And many folks are opposed to artificial intelligence! Hey, we have
to adapt to what we have been given. The shoveler duck has a shovel for a beck,
so it swims in a circle swinging its head back and forth while using its shoveled
beak as a shovel to catch food. It works for this duck. What choice does it
The shoveler is a
bird we saw while birding and it’s also the funniest
name of a bird of one of the expert birders we were with.
Clelan, not everyone can be a Clelan, was telling us about the little town in the Cascade
Mountains called Leavenworth that was just disappearing. Some visionary folks decided to make it a
Bavarian looking town and the locals bought into it and now it is a striving
little town up ‘er in ‘em mountains that is just jammed with folks; a day
destination for fun. A new wrinkle it was. Bingo! Soooo what can we learn from
that situation?
We watched Caitlin Clark and the Iowa Women Hawkeyes
play Indiana the other night. There was a video interview between Caitlin and
Coach K that I found interesting. Coach K said--I would have really enjoyed coaching
you as you are soooo real. Soooo there you go! I really believe that being real
is a good wrinkle. I really like real folks; not soooo much the fakers and
phonies! DuaneTheWorm is not a real
person and only cares about himself (i.e. a huge massive self-glorifying person). Ouchy ouchy! I don’t even think other fakers
and phonies like toooo be around him. Yikes! WorldClassLarry says--People who
shine from within don't need the spotlight.

A volunteer was telling us that
their supervisor is a pain. Someone asked him, what do you mean a pain. He
said—She thinks she’s the second coming of the Savior; we just stay away from her,
and our lives are much better. Wopsy Daisy! Well, flip the pancake. We were in
contact with a volunteer supervisor who was just the opposite; she is
soooo well liked; everyone enjoys her. Why is she soooo well liked do you
think? Maybe two different wrinkles! Bingo! Saturday question—Which wrinkle do
we have?
Here is a wrinkle that irritates me! Yes, it does. It is folks who say they are
open minded but are only open minded in what they think and believe but won’t
listen to someone who disagrees with them. How can a person be open-minded but
not listen to another point of view that is different or opposite than
theirs? I just don’t get it. To me that
is being closed minded. Maybe I’m just not open minded in thinking that way!
Could be!
I talked about feeding the wild horses last week. Here is an
interesting wrinkle in their feeding. They use to feed the wild horses at three
locations at mid-morning, at noon, and mid afternoon soooo folks could come and
find them (i.e. big tourist attractions—bus loads). But now they feed them at three locations but
all at dawn. Two reasons—Some of the smarter horses figured it out and ate
three times (i.e. made pigs of themselves) but the bigger problem was some of the tourists
who became obnoxious, disrespectful, and just plain ugly to the volunteers
and the horses (i.e. not tooooo many folks come out at dawn--that seemed to solve that problem). WildCoyote says--There are always
a few that ruin it for everyone else. Such is
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—What’s the use of having an enemy if you
can have a friend?
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