March 2, 2024

piffle thoughts maybe

In July 2020, researchers at Queen’s University in Canada discovered that the average human brain has more than six thousand unique thoughts every single day. Holy cow, I wonder if I’m average; how about you? I think our neighbor down the street far exceeds that number and the neighbor the other direction I question if they think at all! Such is life.

Boy, is it hard to stay in balance for me, yes, it is. It’s a lot easier to lose my balance a.k.a. to get out of whack. Oh, ya! Actually I never had outstanding balance compared to folks who have great balance. I wasn’t a good roller skater, skier, a great bike rider etc. I wonder if that is genetic. Soooo it must be Chester and Anna’s fault! It can’t be my fault! The world I live in, I gotta blame someone! It’s never a person’s own fault! Now that is a piffle thought!

I bought a new pair of hiking shoes/multi purpose Danner brand shoes. I really like them. They must be good as on the sole it says “vibram.”  I had no idea what that meant soooo I googled it and it is a special sole developed by an guy from Italy which I guess is the top of the line of the rubber lug grips to give the best possible grip soooooo a person doesn’t stumble and fall.  The timing was really good as we might need a good grip going forward at our age. Good footing is always good!  I just had a buddy face plant and smashed his face; not good! We really think we have our foundation and grip where it needs to be (i.e. a cord of three is very strong and very hard to break).

Here is a thought of Paul, anyone can be a Paul—His list of virtues a.k.a. Paul’s list of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Christian virtues are distinguished from other lists of virtues by their source: the Holy Spirit as opposed to the human ideas and efforts of man. A shorter list of virtues is found in 1 Corinthians 13:13: faith, hope, and love. Paul makes the point that the greatest of these virtues is love. Hey, a non-believer can’t even hardly disagree with Paul’s thought. Or they can call them piffle!

Ricochet thoughts do that, they just bounce right off of us; we don’t absorb them at all. How does our minds decide what to absorb or what to ricochet? I have no idea! I can’t remember the last time I ricocheted my voice like an echo off a canyon wall.  I know we did it as kids. When was the last time you ricocheted your voice? I guess it’s much like we say--May I bounce an idea off of you? We went on a hiking/exploring trip to SE AZ with the main attraction being the Chiricahua National Monument area (i.e. was home of the Chiricahua Apache and is the Land of the "Land of Standing Up Rocks"). Let me tell you, Jeanne and I bounced more stuff off each other, what a hoot. We sure enjoy being together.

Are we more long term planners or short term planners. Sometimes we are impulsive and sometimes not soooo much. Sometimes we say—What was I thinking. I just read recently--The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried. I’m not saying I’m a master but I do say that I have lost more than I won. BUT I try to put the odds in my favor which seems to help, some of the time. I try to stay away from piffle thoughts!

Maybe some of my thoughts are just piffle thoughts!  Have you ever got your feathers ruffled?  I have had my feathers ruffled recently. Maybe they were ruffled for my own good or maybe they were not. I don’t really know but they were ruffled (i.e. my brain thoughts got ruffled). My feathers were ruffed by actions and words of others. Maybe I misunderstood them and took those actions and words wrong, could be maybe probably, I don’t know but they affected me. Now I will see what happens. Even piffle actions and words can cause a difference. I hope I don’t hurt others with my piffle actions and piffle words. Yikes. I would guess I have and will! But, I hope I take other folks’ piffle actions and words in a sum total and not just tooooo serious. I hope I see their big picture (i.e. that being who they really are and not just a small piece of their life being some emotions for some reason that I don't understand).

TheRogueRhinocerosFromButlerCounty says--Our thoughts and even how we vote depend mainly on how it affects us personally (i.e. usually how it affects us financially). Don’t kid yourself. It’s all about the money. Recently I saw the decision made by a person based on how it was going to affect them instead of how it was going to affect the primary recipient of the decision. JoeBlow says--It’s all about me a.k.a. Uno, number one! ItchieBitchie says—Humans can be sooo selfish sometimes. SusieQ says--My past environment and current environment really affect me in how I think and make decisions! 

Some of you might think this thought is piffle. I have thought about “who is a great person” the other morning during my quiet time. Who do I think is a great person? Who do others think is a great person? Who does the news media think is a great person? Are they Billionaires? Political leaders? Good pickleball players? Great professional athletes?  How about a very talented person in anything? Sooo who is great? Is a kind, trusted person great? I think they are, my opinion. I think a person who in their dealings with others is trusted is one special, great person, my opinion! I like trustworthy folks, yes, I do but you might not. Maybe we all don’t think great folks have the same qualities. GeorgeTheCrook says—Look at their track record, now that will tell you something! Don’t kid yourself! A lady told me recently—I don’t care what folks’ morals and values are, I only care if they make me money! WorldClassLarry says--If you want to be trusted, be trust-worthy.

Are successful folks great at how they can manipulate folks a.k.a an unique strategy? I heard about a person who really knows how to manipulate people in business especially woman. This person is really smooth; knows exactly what to say and how to act to get their way. Saturday question—Is that just being a great dynamic person? I can’t see it being a good quality in a personal relationship at all but maybe in the corporate world it works. What do you think? Through the years, guys have used all kinds of pickup lines to attract girls: “Even if there wasn’t gravity on earth, I’d still fall for you.” “I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.” “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.” JoeBlow says—They seem to work for some; at least for the the short term!

Recently we had the opportunity to go to see the play, Life Could Be A Dream, with old college friends (i.e. old in two ways) at the Hale Centre Theatre. We had such a good time, and the play was very good as well, very entertaining and funny. Yes, we have dreams and we totally think that our relationship is a dream come true. Pretty amazing we think! Such is life. 

In an 1888 letter to his brother Theo, artist Vincent Van Gogh wrote, “For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” We have many dreams and are dreamers of much good! Oh ya. God has been good to us!  We know that! We are very thankful. Oh ya! This has been way beyond us! We know that! An old buddy, old in two ways, told me—Out of 100 folks in the world, 26 live less than 14 years, 66 died between 15 - 64 years of age, 8 are over 65 years old. How blessed are we anyway!

ItchieBitchie says—Piffle piffle, it’s all piffle or was it “meaningless meaningless, just chasing after the wind?”

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Much wisdom comes from wise words, little from wisecracks and less from wise guys.

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