July 27, 2024

oh it feels sooo good

Billy, not anyone can be a Billy like this Billy was, says--“We live in the most permissive society since pagan times. Movie marquees, the covers of magazines, the Internet, billboards, television—all scream sensual messages at us. ‘If it feels good, do it’ has become a national motto.“ Now that is Billy’s opinion; what’s your opinion about that! AverageJoe says—YaBut erv, if it feels good, do it! Guess what Billy said that!

Patti says—"Today is a great opportunity to say something positive about the people you come in contact with. Celebrate today by offering sincere compliments to people you know.” For me, it feels oh soooo good when I do that! Just a suggestion, limit what we say about ourselves and our dog and talk more about others. Saturday question—Why do most folks want to talk about themselves soooo much anyway? There must be a reason.

YakimaClem says--It feels oh soooo good to have good things happen to me; I like it!  BUT not as good when I think not soooo good things are happening to me!  Nils says—"Life is hard. That is true for all of us. Or true for 99.999…% of us. We can’t escape the fact that throughout our lifetime, we’ll face the deaths of loved ones, we’ll face uncertainty, we’ll face challenging thoughts and emotions, and in the end, we’ll face old age and death.” As Jonas says, “The question is not if life will throw some punches at us, but when.” We can’t have a life without adversity. Such a thing simply doesn’t exist. Therefore, don’t ask, how can I create a life without adversity? Ask instead, how can I best deal with the inevitable adversity life will throw at me” Sooo the best answer of each of us is to answer that question ourselves soooo take a shot at your answer to that question. And your answer is? And when we answer that correctly, it feels oh soooo good.

Soooo a faucet in one of my bathrooms sometimes leaked and sometimes not. I didn’t like that soooo I was going to fix it. I bought the part that I thought I needed and was taking the old part off but forgot to turn the water off and water shot all over the place like a geyser and it got into the electrical outlet which created a fireworks display of sparks before the circuit breaker tripped. Oh boy! Now I had to replace the faucet and the electrical outlet. I give myself a lot of opportunities! Oh ya! After I thought about it a little, I just laughed!

We were checking into a motel and the clerk was a lady of maybe 55. We were discussing a check in issue and it was found out that I was wrong. I said—Yep, I am wrong! She looked at us and then said—That is the first time I ever heard a man say that! We got the impression that she might not have had good experiences with men! Now here is something to think about—Are we ever disillusioned with our own philosophical conclusions? Now that makes a person question if we think we are right and know everything, oh yes! For me, it feels oh soo good that I don’t need to be right all the time or need to know everything!  The Spanish explorer, Juan Ponce de León, was supposedly searching for the fountain of youth when he explored Florida in 1513. An antidote to death has always been a human aspiration. Soooo as far as I understand it, we are all still going to die!

I’m amazed how little my comprehension is on some issues or how sometimes I think I know a lot but really I don’t. It feels oh soooo good when I realize this. Actually, in the big realm of things, I know very little.  Example: Dr.J says—"The title I AM speaks of God’s self-existence and eternal being. There has never been a time when God was not. He’s the same through all the ages. There will never be a time when God ceases to be God. He is Jehovah, Yahweh, I AM. With our mouths we can say those words, but they are beyond our full comprehension—as it should be for an infinite God.” Now that concept is really impossible for me to understand. I somehow believe it, but I can’t comprehend it. But it feels oh sooo good when I comprehend that I don’t understand it or can’t comprehend it. That incomprehensible understanding is what makes God soooo exciting to me! And you know what, I don’t need to comprehend it but just believe it! It really makes me feel oh soooo good!

It feels oh soooo good to have the right ones!  Jim, anyone can be a Jim says—"It has often been said that we are the average of our five closest friends.  We tend to enjoy spending time most with people who are like us.  Our friends probably like the same things and may share our religious or political views…The opposite also is true. Years ago, a guitar player friend often said, ‘Dumb is contagious.’ He would say it in a joking matter, and everyone laughed, but he was serious. I try to avoid people who have little idea what they are talking about in general. If we have chosen to marry, our most important friend should be our spouse. When people choose a marriage partner, they are setting the trajectory of their life. Having the same aspirations and sharing the same values in life are far more important and enduring than external attraction.” JoeBlow says, You can say what you like but I still like the external attraction!

I think many of you folks are very good friends who support me and strengthen me, yes I do. I say thank you for being my friends. You guys hit base hits and even home runs.  I suggest if you have friends who mostly hit foul balls, you might want to rethink your friendships. They might not be the type of folks you want to be around or maybe you do! That is your decision! CadillacJack says--You can pick your friends but not your family!

You ever have a dream and wake up and it feels oh soooo good that it was a dream?  I do sometimes. Oh, it feels oh soooo good that I got out of a mess!  It doesn’t feel oh sooo good when we wonder if God wants us dead but just kept missing! Have you ever had a day like that—or maybe a year like that? What do you do when you’re facing insurmountable, overwhelming problems? It sure feels good when they go away, and everything is hunky-dory again. Oh ya! But flip the pancake, maybe we aren’t gracious and thankful enough when things seem to be going our way (e.g. like a medical procedure that extends our life).

Maybe if our lives are going in a good direction, we need to continue to put some energy into it and it will continue to go in a good direction. Flipthepancake, maybe if our lives are heading in a bad direction, we need to put some energy into it to turning it around. That is my opinion. It feels oh sooo good to me to accomplish something good (i.e. it could be a small thing or maybe a bigger thing, it doesn’t matter but it makes me feel oh sooooo good). Sometimes I need to push myself to do good things even though my body and mind would rather do nuttin!  Ouchy ouchy!

I was always taught and heard that Job was such a patient man (e.g. the patience of Job). I read what James wrote and it says—“You heard about the perseverance of Job.”  The footnote says differently than what I was taught and heard. Maybe the person who wrote the footnote is wrong or maybe what I was taught was wrong or I heard wrong. Could be maybe or I just don’t know. Or maybe I just don’t understand what the proper interpretation is. ANYWAY, does it feel oh sooo good to be patient and preserver? They, whoever they are, taught me—erv, be patient like Job and that patience is golden. Hey, I struggle with being patient all the time, but I have no choice but to preserver!

ValetElvis says—Religious acts and rituals are shadows of the reality. The reality…is found in Christ.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Don’t look back unless you intend to go that way.

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