October 26, 2024


This guy is spooky! And it is in our back yard here in Yakima. It scares me every morning when I go to the patio with my morning coffee. And I don’t scare easily!  But it’s a beast! It’s an Alaskan Weeping Cedar. The other two types of spooky trees here in Yakima are the Green Arrow Alaskan Cedar and the Weeping Sequoia which all have the same nickname, Spooky!

This “It’s Saturday” could be like most books, maybe toooo long and maybe fails to find an audience! I’m just amazed why you read “It’s Saturdays.” I think it’s ‘cause I write about what you folks say; you are very interesting alright (i.e. some of you are really characters like right out of the comic books, some even spooky)! I have no idea if your stories are true! But I just write what you say!

ItchieBitche says”—I like “It’s Saturdays” ‘cause you don’t write grit-lits, you know the stuff that is all alike like my beer’s hot, my girl’s cold, my dog’s dead, my truck won’t start, I need a job but I’d rather drink, mama’s on pills, daddy’s in prison, etc. That gets pretty boring after a while (i.e. like IA football)! But did you know ItchieBitche that romantic trash books are the best-selling books? I have been told that they are about all the same, but the authors just change the characters a little and where it’s at, but they are all pretty much about smut and sex. And women can’t get enough of them. I talked to a volunteer librarian at our 55+ community a.k.a. Jeanne where we winter in AZ and she said—Yes, even old ladies like them! Spooky huh!

The fight is never fair when one side has the power and the money it seems. Spooky but probably as real as those spooky trees.

RickyRick says—"It’s rare to find someone who’s earnest about seeking God. Most of us want just enough of God to bless us, but not to change us.” Is that spooky or what! Robert, anyone can be a Robert, says—"We must be good news before we can share the good news.” In other words, we have little or no positive impact with what we say, regardless of how true we are if we don’t live our life that way.” Zig Zigler says—“The psalmist Asaph was so angry he couldn’t see straight! He felt that he had been given a bum deal: Evil people were flourishing, but he had followed God and was struggling. It wasn’t fair! He lashed out at God, and he sulked in self-pity. He doesn’t tell us exactly what he said to God, but we can be sure that it wasn’t pretty because he described himself as ‘a beast.’” But later Asaph figures it out.  If you are interested, read Psalm 73:16-17. Easy way is to just Goggle it or ask Siri to find it for you! 

Have you ever done stupid things?  Maybe some were even pretty spooky! It appears that no matter how smart we are, how much money we have, how much education we have, how old we are, what kind of vehicle we have, etc., we seem to all have done stupid stuff!  How about, did we do anything stupid yesterday? hahaha Little kids can do stupid stuff when they have their Halloween costume on as no one knows who they are!  But what are we going to do; we have no Halloween costumes! Saturday question—Have any of you folks done something stupid that you wish you would not have done? Ouchy ouchy! I have a pretty long list! FlipThePancake! All of us have done some really good stuff also. Don’t forget those!

We were waiting at Costco to get our flu and COVID shots. A guy walked up and asked if we were in line. I said, no no, we are just in the line to get shot up!  He then went on to tell us that he had surgery for cancer, and they opened him up and he was full of cancer (i.e. metastatic cancer). The doctors said that they could treat him for a year, but it will be really hard and brutal and if we are successful you might live another month. He decided not to do it and just live his life out. We said—You seem to have a very good attitude—I do, I enjoy life and have accepted my situation. His wife who was a nurse came by and was also very positive (i.e. we wondered why). Is that spooky to any of you? We talked about what we would do if we were in his situation. We really didn’t decide.

An old codger in our coffee group who is a great raconteur said that he has been soooo lucky in his life. But the luckiest thing I did was to marry my wife. If I wouldn’t of, I probably would have fallen off a bar stool and killed myself. Another senior said this about her husband to Jeanne—He can remember all the details of a basketball game he played in high school, but I send him to the grocery store to get bananas and apples and he comes home with peaches and pears.  Another senior lady in our group told me that she believes only about 10% of what I say! We hang around with some spooky folks alright. What a hoot!

We borrowed Jeanne's sisters and brother-in-law’s e-bikes and rode them on the bike trail along the Yakima River. We have never ridden e-bikes before soooo it was a new experience. Something that we noticed was that there were homeless folks who were camping along the bike trail. Jeanne said that the trial has been a great addition to the Valley, but it has also produced some problems (i.e. such as crime) that have caused many folks not to use it. Spooky, huh! We were told that two popular injury activities for seniors are pickleball and riding e-bikes. Yikes!

We are uniquely different now aren’t we. Some of us might even think that others seem spooky as they aren’t like us. Crazy huh! CoachB says —If we do what they do, we will get what they got. The question is—Do we want to be like them and get what they got! Saturday question—Who do we want to be like? It appears that many times we don’t want to put in the work it takes to be like them; we would rather take the easy way out and will accept getting the same results that we are getting now and have been getting. Spooky! SusieQ says—We will either have the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.  Such is life.

I read this in one of my early morning devotions that made me think—"Saul is one of the saddest examples of what happens to a great person because of self-orientation rather than God-orientation” according to Kent, anybody can be a Kent. I really made me think of which orientations run my life. I think I have many and yes one is self-orientation. Saul was obsessed with self-orientation, and it ruined his life. I think all of us need to be aware of self-orientation sooo it doesn’t become a self-destruction of our lives.  I read in a novel recently that the folks were just talking past each other (i.e. only just thinking of themselves when talking to each other). Now that is a good example of self-orientation, my opinion. Sounds rather spooky!

A spooky quote:  “Of all the virtues we can learn no trait is more useful, more essential for survival, and more likely to improve the quality of life than the ability to transform adversity into an enjoyable challenge.” ―Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

VelvetElvis says—Many messages from the past deal with possessions and meals and generosity. They display that people are rarely persuaded by arguments, but more often by experiences.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyDeceasedFriendJean said—One joy shatters a hundred griefs.

October 19, 2024


Some of you might think that this “It’s Saturday” is a lot of apocryphal stories but it might not be. We all think differently now don’t we. Sooooo read with an open mind. It might be hard to know who or what is authentic or mythical, fabulous or true! Politicians think if they say anything enough times the general public will think it’s the truth!  And it seems many do! And many know it anin’t the truth as it takes very little common sense to know it’s not (i.e. it’s just campaign propaganda—telling folks what they want to hear to get elected—it ain’t nuttin new)!

The great Albert Einstein was traveling on a train from Princeton, New Jersey. When the conductor came through collecting tickets, Einstein grew frantic because he couldn’t find his ticket. The conductor reassured him. “Dr. Einstein, I’m sure you bought a ticket. Don’t worry, I know who you are.” Einstein replied, “Young man, I too, know who I am. What I don’t know is where I’m going!”

You might think this is spurious! LegendaryLuckieEddie says--Don’t give others a piece of your mind, most of us need all our mind, trust me! Zig Ziglar is the writer of these thoughts. “People have always been fascinated with death. The mysteries of what happens once we have taken our last breath on earth have always been intriguing. We want to know what happens when someone breathes his or her last, and we want some assurance that death is not the end.”  Well, I think there is life after death on this earth, but some folks don’t; they think when they die, they will die like a pig (i.e. some folks think the Bible is apocryphal). Or some think that God will just let everyone have heaven ‘cause He’s is a loving God. I don’t know but I will question that thinking. But what do I know, I’m not the judge, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN. I guess we will all find out, every last one of us!

A buddy over coffee told us that when he got married, he continued to act like he was single in that he would spend a lot of time at the bar, hunt, fish, play ball and then come home for dinner. His wife asked him one day if he liked marriage—I sure do, what is there not to like about it.  She said—Well, if you like it, you need to change or there won’t be a marriage! He changed! Oh yeah! He is a smart man! And that story ain’t no tale!

Experts say--Make adjustments and adaptations in life, maybe especially in a relationship like in a marriage; it seems necessary. If folks don’t, well, it will probably not be a fun marriage or it will end in a divorce. MissPerfect says--I know marriages where one is a radical Republican and the other is a radical Democrat and other relationships where one is a believer, and the other one isn’t. Some of those marriages seem to work and others don’t seem to work very well. I was walking in our neighborhood the night of the prudential debate and met a couple who I met before but don’t know very well. They said, I see you aren’t watching the debate either. He said that he has a brother who is a radical liberal and his wife is a radical conservative. I asked how that works—my brother can’t make toooo much noise as she makes most of the money in the house! Ouchy ouchy!

This is a true story, although probably apocryphal to some of you. But it’s factual, I think!  At a time, the Roman Empire was the largest and strongest empire ever. What happened to it, it’s gone. How did it destruct?  Babylon was the most culturally advanced city and the richest city in the world at a time. Where is it? Gone, completely gone. What happened to it. They are interesting stories to me. When we met the hikers on the PCT, we asked them what their most memorable experiences were. One hiker said the scariest experience was a hailstorm in Oregon in which we thought we were going to die which reminded us that God is in charge, and we aren’t. The best experience we had was the many great folks we met!

This is not an apocryphal story ‘cause our neighbor lady told us. She told us they were at Dairy Queen for lunch when Jeanne called her. I asked her if Dairy Queen was their favorite place for lunch—Not really, but we have coupons so we go there on Mondays, we go to Taco Bell on Tuesdays as it's taco Tuesday, Wednesdays we go to  Burger King which is not our favorite place either but we have coupons and the Whopper isn’t too bad, Thursdays we go to West Side Pizza as we have coupons for Thursdays, and Fridays we go back to DQ, where a fan is treated like a big Dilly!  On Saturdays and Sundays, we go to Mc Donald’s for breakfast. Hey, seniors are on a fixed income!  But the bad part is that they have be there by 11:30 to get the early bird specials! But seniors have time and aren’t on a schedule. They make it work before getting home for Judge Judy! Our neighbors love Judge Judy!

Who do you really trust? Who do you really trust in telling your most private secret? I’m talking about a human here.  It appears that we have to have someone who we really trust to share our most private secret. Soooo who is that?  Do we have a most private secret that we never told anyone? Jeanne is now my best friend, and we share. It’s really a neat experience. I hope you have such a friend! SusieQ says—I’m loaded and can buy a lot of stuff, but I just can’t buy a trusted friend!

LYOL stands for Live Your Own Life! We are all unique, yes we are. I just read a book called Trail of the Lost by Andrea Lankford that was recommended by a Rachel, not anyone can be a Rachel like this Rachel, this Rachel is really special. It was about the thru-hikers of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). It appears to me that all of the thru-hikers have somewhat of a different agenda for being a thru-hiker. They have an acronym, HYOH, meaning Hike Your Own Hike. Yes, we are all unique folks. And that ain’t apocryphal! When we were created, the mold was broken. There is only one of you in the whole world. We are the only one on earth who has our individual fingerprints and our exact eyes. Isn’t that incredible? We are uniquely who we are. Unbelievable!

A friend described himself as being “half hermit.” He said he has family and couple of friends and that is enough; I sorta kinda like to be alone. A neighbor stopped when we were outside. He said he doesn’t like folks and doesn’t like to talk to people. But you are talking to us—but you are different! We have no idea what he meant by that! And there are others who have all kinds of friends. A friend says his son has thousands of friends all over the world. Sooo I guess we are unique alright! A guydownthestree told me—I just like to sit in our TV room by myself and watch football and I’m very content! And I don’t have a cell phone either and I don’t want one .

VelvetElvis says—It is trusting that I am loved. That I always have been. That I always will be. I don’t have to do anything. I don’t have to prove anything or achieve anything or accomplish one more thing. I’m accepted exactly as I am; I am totally accepted.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyDeceasedFriendJean said—Attitude defies limitation and exceeds expectation.

PS   Attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference. – Winston Churchill

October 12, 2024

a different world

A friend had lunch with a friend, and told me that this friend lives in a different world. Soooo how did you interpret that statement? What kind of world do you think they live in? What kind of world do you live in? I think some of you folks live in a different world than I do!  Or I live in a different world than you do (e.g. I had a conversation with some artists recently; it appears that their world is different than mine)! That is not good or bad, but we just seem to live in different worlds to some degree it seems. It appears to me that different worlds could be many different things.

You’ve got to be kidding! I’m not folks! When two folks are polar opposites, they have a hard time understanding each other. Those poles can have many different, opposite thinkings. I was reminded recently that folks can have different kinds of humor, and some seem to have no humor at all. We just don’t understand each other at times. Now that is funny. hahaha We can be in way different worlds. And my opinion, that difference sometimes can be hard to reconcile; we just won’t get each other if the difference is radical. ItchieBitchie says--Some folks are really funny funny to me but not to themselves (i.e. they are just funny folks)! We seem to be in different worlds.  ItchieBitchie, I’m a funny funny person tooooo many folks; they think I’m in a different world than them!  And I probably am. Such is life.

They are in a different world. I read this soooo it must be right-- “It appears that top-level adult experts practice at the highest possible level that can be sustained for extended periods without burnout or injury. Hence, it may be extremely difficult to consistently practice harder and improve faster than these individuals do.” In the study of expert violinists, the top two groups averaged five hours more of sleep per week than the lowest performing group, mostly by taking more time for afternoon naps. Sooooo there, as I get older, I’m getting better at part of that equation (i.e. the nap part)! Practicing harder, not soooo much! hahaha

I asked a couple of the guys who I drink coffee with if they have any minority race friends. One said that half my work colleagues were minority and the other said—I have many friends who are minority; I grew up in the Los Angelos area and I was the only white kid in my class.  Wow! That is a lot different than my life. I have a goal to make a Hispanic friend. The Yakima Valley is about 60% Hispanic. We are looking for a church and have visited several. Some churches seem to have a lot of old white folks and are struggling. The one we like the best soooo far is a church that has a lot of diversity in many ways and is really hopping (i.e. many kids and the folks are joyful)! The difference seems to be a different world! But flip the pancake, many Hispanic folks like to have their own churches as well that only speak Spanish! Many are Catholic as that is the way many were raised through generations in Mexico (i.e. that is where they came from). I grew up in rural Kandiyohi County MN and lived most of my life in Butler County IA. I grew up in a way different world than they did!

I got a response from an old friend who I imitate and sent him an example of how I copy him in how he encourages his family. He sent me this remark—"Yes, I still do it, however, my responses have dwindled somewhat, but I continue to do it anyway.” He was referring to what he does to encourage his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren but they don’t respond near as much as they used tooooo. I guess he is saying that their worlds have changed.  ANYWAY, I like how he responds to their actions (i.e. he doesn’t get discouraged or say, I’m done encouraging them even though they don’t respond). Some older folks will just give up with their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren sometimes! But flip the pancake, many times children, grandchildren and great grandchildren don’t pay much attention to their older parents or grandparents. Such is life.

I read what King Soloman, who was reported as the wisest man that ever lived) said (i.e. of course that was in a different world he lived in as he didn’t have a smart phone soooo you might not believe him)—He said--"I know there is nothing better than for folks to be happy and do good while they live.” SusieQ says—I don’t know if he knows what he is talking about as in my world the saying is—The folks with the most toys win; it has nuttin to do with happiness or doing good! But did you know that King Solomon sorta kinda went bad the last part of his life? He got in a different world. He didn’t finish in the same world that he lived most of his life. Why? I have no idea! Some nicknamed him the Half-Hearted Guy!

Remember I told you I played golf at the little city course, par three for $8 green fees. Now that is a different world than at a country club that might cost more than $100 to play. But it’s a why different type of course and environment a.k.a. different world. Of course! At the church that we attend some, it is a way different world than not being in church. I really like the feeling I get at this church. It’s very good for me. Maybe you wouldn’t get the same feeling, but it sure works for me (i.e. it is unarguable). I like it! My world might be different than your world. I understand that. Nineteenth-century British politician John Dalberg-Acton is credited with the maxim, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I was really humbled last Sunday at church; it’s a way different world as I understood once again that God is God and I am erv! I really enjoy being around humble folks! Arrogant folks, well, not soooo much! It’s like what a businessman told me—What changes low markets is low markets and what changes high markets is high markets!  RickyRick says--God gives many promises in the Bible to those who seek him:  “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face . . .  then I will hear from heaven” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

YakimaAlice says--A couple here in Washington look like they are from Iowa.  Soooo what do folks from Iowa look like to you? They must have a stereotype look (i.e. they must be from a different world maybe). Soooo what do folks from Washington look like to you (i.e. pic is of YakimaAlice at the grocery market hahaha)? Really! I was invited to play pickleball with a group of folks here in Yakima. One of the group sent me this text later in the day—" Thanks Erv for coming to pb. That’s the most I’ve played this summer. It is a group I think you’ll enjoy. Laid back, a little sassy. And a lot of laughter.”  Is there a difference in pickleball groups? Maybe! IowaHawkeye says--Of course there is! BigWashingtonWow says—There is even a difference in the climate of folks from the east side of the Cascades compared to the folks from the west side of the Cascades right here in Washington! A flight attendant told me that folks from different geographic areas have different cultural personalities. How could folks be different do you think? Jeanne noticed that folks from IA use some verbs differently than folks from the Pacific Northwest!

CoachB says—We most often have a defining moment at some point in our life. It’s like a turning point. Sometimes we don’t even know what it was or when it happened and sometimes we don’t know until we look in the rear view mirror. It changes our world. We could even have many or several defining moments. I think I might have had one the other night. I’m not sure but it feels that way. Or maybe it was those beans that I ate for dinner! Time will tell! A guy that I spent some time with recently told me that he likes Abraham Lincoln as well and he would quote him often in his business presentations. Here is one of Abe’s quotes that if taken to heart could be a defining moment (i.e. just maybe)—"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

VelvetElvis says—The problem is that the image of God is deeply scarred in each of us, and we lose trust in God's version of our story. It seems too good to be true. And so we go searching for identity. We achieve and we push and we perform and we shop and we work out and we accomplish great things, longing to repair the image. Longing to find an identity that feels right

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Sports don't build character--they reveal it.

PS The-MI-Engineer a.k.a. TheGreatShedlowsky as Mike calls him says-- As I've grown older, I’ve learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake.

October 5, 2024

a over-up job

You might think that this “It’s Saturday” is just a lot of whacky yak from Yakima a.k.a. a cover-up job; if soooo just delete and go clean the bathroom. It’s your decision. Such is life.

Vicki, anybody can be a Vicki, says—How old folks can take charge! #4 Find a (diverse) friend—The older we get the more marginalized we become in this society. Having diverse friends help us to be better allies in the fight against ageism, racism and sexism.”  I have a friend who says we age out at some point (i.e. we just can’t do it anymore). A friend told me—I was ok until I turned 80 and it all fell apart. Maybe he’s ageing out! I do think if we have an open mind, it can really help in having a more quality life.  That is part of having a good attitude, that is my opinion. MulishBetty says--It’s not good when we become a stubborn old…! Now that condition is hard to cover up!

I have an open mind in my thinking, I think anyway. I rode my Yamaha XT 250 over to the Cowiche Recreation Area and hiked down to the bottom of the canyon. On the way I drove through neighborhoods of very nice houses overlooking the Yakima Valley (i.e. both just beautiful). As I hiked, I thought maybe one of you would give me 10 million dollars: I would buy one of those houses for us. BigWashingtonWow says--Are you crazy erv, no one is going to give you 10 million. Hey, I dreamt when hiking in AZ a few years ago that I would find a wife that would fit me perfectly, and I got it!  BUT there is one caveat that I didn’t tell you, I also prayed (i.e. that is a big difference).  This time I didn’t pray as we are very happy with our lifestyle, very! Hey, I think I'm a reasonable guy, I will compromise with you, how about 5 million!

I saw a sticker on the tailgate of a pickup that said—This sticker is a cover up of a scratch I put on my pickup. It was an inexpensive, easy fix compared to maybe a $1,000 repair, just cover it up, no one knows.  Saturday question—Are we content with our life, or do we just put a cover up on it? Who what me! My Mother, Anna, always would say to me—erv, always do what is right then you don’t have to cover anything up! SlimySlick says— Yabut erv, I am pretty slick in covering things up let me tell ya! And no one ever knows! WorldClassLarry says—That is what SlimySlick thinks! Folks know!

There is a sign in Las Vegas that reads—Trust me, you can sing! Signed Alcohol Our inner superhero changes because of many forces. ItchieBitchie says--When we are intoxicated by anything including alcohol or drugs, we aren’t usually our normal self; it’s a cover-up. Saturday question--What else can change our inner superhero that we might be intoxicated by; the toxicant is a cover up of who we really are many times I have been told. Here are some possible other toxicants: money, power, fame, egos, appearance, arrogance, education, position, intelligence, pecking order, gambling, shopping, eating,… FoxyAlice says—It’s a good thing I don’t have any of them! Ya right, FoxyAlice! FoxyAlice, you have one huge massive inner superhero (i.e. the worst kind) and you don’t even know it!

While hiking on the western side of the Cascade Mountains where it is much wetter, we saw a slug (i.e. it could be my first slug I ever saw (i.e. of the bug type anyway). Slugs aren’t very pretty I don’t think, and they move slow soooo maybe that is why we say sometimes that we are sluggish!  I don’t know. I do know some folks who are slugs and some who seem to be sluggish (i.e. for a lot of reasons probably). The Cascade Mountains, I have been told, splits the state pretty much with being wet and being desert, and also politically, urban to more rural, heavy traffic to less traffic etc. You probably get it. It seems that the folks of the two sides don’t always agree with issues, but the western side always wins (i.e. they tell me) as that is where the majority of the population lives (i.e. my Canadian friends say the same thing about Canada). A person on the eastern side of the mountains said to me—We don’t really count in WA! Saturday question—Have you ever felt that you don’t really count? Folks tell us we do but it feels like a cover-up; it feels like we really don’t count at times! Ouchy ouchy! Such is life!

Women quite often put on a cover up when they get out of the pool and ride the elevator to their room, many times there is a cover up when a crime is done, politicians many times try to do a cover up, and probably there are cover ups that we have no idea what they are. A friend told me that many folks who feel unconfident become arrogant to cover up their deficiency (e.g. little folks talk about themselves, big folks ask questions of others).  Big folks can laugh at themselves, and little folks can’t! Why is that do you think? Some folks can complement others and others can’t. Why is that? It could be a cover up!

WorldClassLarry says--In my mind, our path to our success is not as fixed and inflexible as we think. First of all, CharlieBrown, we have to decide what success is; success for sure is different things to different folks. The world might have a different definition than what we have internally (i.e. that sure appears it’s that way to me). Most of you are gems; just plain great folks internally but we struggle with who you want to be by the world’s standards. We are really torn in deciding. I think in my mind, we have to determine what our goal is; then how we can make our gem really shine. If we don’t know where we are going and what we are trying to accomplish it just ain’t going to work very well. I suggest that we all work to be a shining gem with our life. Shine it up!

Does a cover up job usually work very well? Externally it might work for a little while but from the get go, it really doesn’t work very well internally for most folks (i.e. it doesn’t make good folks feel good on the inside). And besides, Abe Lincoln said—You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of time. Especially since we can’t fool ourselves! King David in the Bible committed adultery and then covered it up by having Bathsheba’s husband murdered. How did that go for David? I think first of all David said to himself—What was I thinking; how dumb can a guy get! Those darn emotions!

It's hard to go against the grain. What I mean is if I have done something a certain way for a long time or if I have a certain personality trait that is well established and then I try to change it, it’s tough to do. That is hard. I tried to do things differently the other morning as I was home alone and wanted to slow down. It didn’t go well! I had to fight it. Yikes! The old bird is hard to change. Sooooo maybe I should not expect others to change; they probably aren’t going to change. They are engrained pretty deeply in their ways just like I am. hahaha If something is taught to someone from birth, what is their chance of changing?  Or if someone genetically inherits some personality trait, what is their chance of changing. Or if someone is brainwashed for years, what is their chance of changing? We might cover it up but to change, that is another story! Don’t kid yourself, it might be possible but it ain’t easy! I was told a story by a friend who had a relative who had Asperger’s syndrome probably because of his genetics. He never did change in his life my friend said. I would guess that all of us are somewhere on the spectrum! Like I have said many times--We are all mentally ill but just to different degrees! 

A friend and I have talked several times what it takes for me or anyone to change (i.e. and not all can). We think it takes a special certain event to happen in our lives. We think it is pretty much certain and that this special certain event is up to most folks; it’s our decision (i.e. but not always). But most times it appears it’s up to us. And when folks make that decision, it is quite noticeable to others and many times folks ask what is different about you; folks act differently. I have seen this in folks and have asked them; the answer is always the same.

VelvetElvis says—I realize this is not groundbreaking news, but when we get desperate and realize we cannot keep living this way, then we have to change. We have no other option, which is why we only change when we hit the abyss. Anything else is like window shopping: we may look for a moment or even try it on, but we aren’t taking anything home with us.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans! (-:


MyFriendJean said—The highest reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.

PS The-MI-Engineer a.k.a. TheGreatShedlowsky as Mike calls him says--There is no such thing as a grouchy old person.  The truth is that once you get old, you stop being polite and start being honest.