A friend had lunch with a friend, and told me that this
friend lives in a different world. Soooo how did you interpret that statement?
What kind of world do you think they live in? What kind of world do you live
in? I think some of you folks live in a different world than I do! Or I live in a different world than you do
(e.g. I had a conversation with some artists recently; it appears that their
world is different than mine)! That is not good or bad, but we just seem to
live in different worlds to some degree it seems. It appears to me that different
worlds could be many different things.

You’ve got to be kidding! I’m not folks! When two folks are polar
opposites, they have a hard time understanding each other. Those poles can have
many different, opposite thinkings. I was reminded recently that folks can have
different kinds of humor, and some seem to have no humor at all. We just don’t
understand each other at times. Now that is funny. hahaha We can be in way
different worlds. And my opinion, that difference sometimes can be hard to reconcile;
we just won’t get each other if the difference is radical. ItchieBitchie says--Some
folks are really funny funny to me but not to themselves (i.e. they are just
funny folks)! We seem to be in different worlds.
ItchieBitchie, I’m a funny funny person tooooo
many folks; they think I’m in a different world than them!
And I probably am. Such is life.
They are in a different world. I read this soooo it must be
right-- “It appears that top-level adult experts practice at the highest
possible level that can be sustained for extended periods without burnout or
injury. Hence, it may be extremely difficult to consistently practice harder
and improve faster than these individuals do.” In the study of expert
violinists, the top two groups averaged five hours more of sleep per week than
the lowest performing group, mostly by taking more time for afternoon naps.
Sooooo there, as I get older, I’m getting better at part of that equation (i.e.
the nap part)! Practicing harder, not soooo much! hahaha
I asked a couple of the guys who I drink coffee with if they
have any minority race friends. One said that half my work colleagues were
minority and the other said—I have many friends who are minority; I grew up in
the Los Angelos area and I was the only white kid in my class.
Wow! That is a lot different than my life. I
have a goal to make a Hispanic friend. The Yakima Valley is about 60% Hispanic.
We are looking for a church and have visited several. Some churches seem to have
a lot of old white folks and are struggling. The one we like the best soooo far
is a church that has a lot of diversity in many ways and is really hopping
(i.e. many kids and the folks are joyful)! The difference seems to be a different
world! But flip the pancake, many Hispanic folks like to have their own
churches as well that only speak Spanish! Many are Catholic as that is the way
many were raised through generations in Mexico (i.e. that is where they came
from). I grew up in rural Kandiyohi County MN and lived most of my life in Butler
County IA. I grew up in a way different world than they did!
I got a response from an old friend who I imitate and sent
him an example of how I copy him in how he encourages his family. He sent me
this remark—"Yes, I still do it, however, my responses have dwindled
somewhat, but I continue to do it anyway.” He was referring to what he does to
encourage his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren but they don’t
respond near as much as they used tooooo. I guess he is saying that their
worlds have changed. ANYWAY, I like how
he responds to their actions (i.e. he doesn’t get discouraged or say, I’m done
encouraging them even though they don’t respond). Some older folks will just
give up with their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren sometimes!
But flip the pancake, many times children, grandchildren and great
grandchildren don’t pay much attention to their older parents or grandparents. Such
is life.

read what King Soloman, who was reported as the wisest man that ever lived)
said (i.e. of course that was in a different world he lived in as he didn’t
have a smart phone soooo you might not believe him)—He said--"I know there
is nothing better than for folks to be happy and do good while they live.” SusieQ
says—I don’t know if he knows what he is talking about as in my world the
saying is—The folks with the most toys win; it has nuttin to do with happiness
or doing good! But did you know that King Solomon sorta kinda went bad the last
part of his life? He got in a different world. He didn’t finish in the same
world that he lived most of his life. Why? I have no idea! Some nicknamed him
the Half-Hearted Guy!

Remember I told you I played golf at the
little city course, par three for $8 green fees. Now that is a different world
than at a country club that might cost more than $100 to play. But it’s a why
different type of course and environment a.k.a. different world. Of course! At
the church that we attend some, it is a way different world than not being in
church. I really like the feeling I get at this church. It’s very good for me.
Maybe you wouldn’t get the same feeling, but it sure works for me (i.e. it is unarguable). I like it!
My world might be different than your world. I understand that. Nineteenth-century
British politician John Dalberg-Acton is credited with the maxim, “Power tends
to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I was really humbled last
Sunday at church; it’s a way different world as I understood once again that God is
God and I am
erv! I really enjoy being around humble folks! Arrogant folks,
well, not soooo much! It’s like what a businessman told me—What changes low
markets is low markets and what changes high markets is high markets!
RickyRick says--God gives many promises in
the Bible to those who seek him:
“If my
people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my
face . . . then I will hear from heaven” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
YakimaAlice says--A couple here in
Washington look like they are from Iowa.
Soooo what do folks from Iowa look like to you? They must have a
stereotype look (i.e. they must be from a different world maybe). Soooo what do
folks from Washington look like to you (i.e. pic is of YakimaAlice at the
grocery market hahaha)? Really! I was invited to play pickleball with a group
of folks here in Yakima. One of the group sent me this text later in the day—"
Thanks Erv for coming to pb. That’s the most I’ve played this summer. It is a
group I think you’ll enjoy. Laid back, a little sassy. And a lot of laughter.”
Is there a difference in pickleball groups?
Maybe! IowaHawkeye says--Of course there is! BigWashingtonWow says—There is
even a difference in the climate of folks from the east side of the Cascades
compared to the folks from the west side of the Cascades right here in
Washington! A flight attendant told me that folks from different geographic
areas have different cultural personalities. How could folks be different do
you think? Jeanne noticed that folks from IA use some verbs differently than
folks from the Pacific Northwest!
CoachB says—We most often have a defining moment at some
point in our life. It’s like a turning point. Sometimes we don’t even know what
it was or when it happened and sometimes we don’t know until we look in the
rear view mirror. It changes our world. We could even have many or several
defining moments. I think I might have had one the other night. I’m not sure
but it feels that way. Or maybe it was those beans that I ate for dinner! Time
will tell! A guy that I spent some time with recently told me that he likes
Abraham Lincoln as well and he would quote him often in his business
presentations. Here is one of Abe’s quotes that if taken to heart could be a defining
moment (i.e. just maybe)—"Most people are about as happy as they make up
their minds to be.”
VelvetElvis says—The problem is that the image of God is deeply scarred in each of us, and we lose trust in God's version of our story. It seems too good to be true. And so we go searching for identity. We achieve and we push and we perform and we shop and we work out and we accomplish great things, longing to repair the image. Longing to find an identity that feels right
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said--Sports don't build character--they reveal it.
PS The-MI-Engineer a.k.a. TheGreatShedlowsky as Mike calls
him says-- As I've grown older, I’ve learned that
pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake.
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