February 8, 2025

off balance

Saturday question—What perception do we have of ourselves? Do you think our perception is accurate? Maybe, just maybe, some of us have an inaccurate perception of ourselves, maybe they are a little off balance. I don’t know, but it could be! 

If we get toooo off balance there will be some push back for sure!  Oh ya! Even in our lives, if we are not balanced, we will have problems, we will even get some internal push back (i.e. physically, mentally and spiritually). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out (i.e. folks get out of whack). AverageJoe says—Moderation my friend, moderation. You can eat one hot dog but not a dozen!  “C’mon, tooooo many hot dogs and we start looking and acting like hot dogs!

Humor can be soooo much fun (i.e. my opinion). BUT not everyone has the same interest in humor; tooooo some humor is humorous and others not soooo much! But some folks don’t have the same type of humor (i.e. they don’t understand each other’s humor); this could be because of different geographical areas, countries, families, past environment, current environment, businesses etc. What is humorous to one person isn’t humorous to another. BUT good humor seems to be humorous toooo most, my opinion as it makes folks laugh and laughing is good, my opinion. It gets them off balance a little bit! SusieQ says—I know some folks who never laugh or seem happy! They seem to always have a cocklebur in their underwear. Yikes!

At church recently we were waiting for RuthAnnfromMN who usually sits with us. A lady came up to me and just started talking a blue streak. She was from Worthington,MN. I asked what her name was—Quiet Kathy—she said it’s quiet when I leave! She told me that her neighbor (i.e. she called her neighbor by name but I don’t want to offend anyone) went to see her grandson graduate from military training and said that her grandson was the only soldier that marched correctly!

SylviaStinkfuss says--I’m nice until I’m not nice! When SylviaStinkfuss loses her balance, well, it ain’t pretty!  I read that folks can become tooooo nice that they lose their balance and then they really aren’t nice anymore a.k.a. dark side of being overly nice. AI says—"Excessive niceness or agreeableness can lead to people-pleasing behaviors, where individuals prioritize others' needs over their own, often at the expense of their well-being.” Soooo nice that they can become not nice. AI is now an option on word; it’s quite amazing; it’s a new feature,  I have no idea where this AI is going but it is really amazing to me. Listen folks, you will be able to tell very easily if I would use AI to write “It’s Saturday.”  There is a big difference in the quality, and it would be very noticeable. Big time. The modern office looks different than the old throw-back office. Where is this all going. The pic is one I took at a quite large company. I don’t know if it is currently used or not, but it made me laugh!

We were waiting to refill our jugs with water at WinCo the other day. A guy was filling his jugs in front of us.  He says--the water is really running slow today; we can bitch all we want but it ain’t goin’ help! Aye!

WildWilly says--The pendulum seems to go toooo far one way and then toooo far the other way. Yabut WildWilly if the pendulum stays in the middle, then the radicals on both ends will be mad or at least unhappy. Soooo there will always be folks who are unhappy no matter where the pendulum is. But each person has their opinion on where the pendulum should be. ItchieBitchie says—It’s really hard to have everyone happy. Somebody will always think that the pendulum is off balance.

If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled.--Charles Spurgeon

Some old friends who live here in Mesa, old friends in many years and in age, invited us to go to a music concert with them. They are originally from Butler Co but only lived about 100 yards from Grundy County.  Soooooo there. I got this email from them in making our plans:  You dummy! I said you pick a day. I sit here with my butt glued to the recliner, what do you mean busy schedule?? My neighbor (hippy like) keeps telling me to get off my ass and walk. How about Thursday, March 6?...I'll phone today, like to get early tickets before they fill up with tour groups. I'm crazier than a bed bug, that will never change. Have a good one. She is a hoot and we love her..

Being on balance for me is that my Hope is a confident expectation of a guaranteed result. I am going to let you guess what my guaranteed result is and also what my confident expectation is. I can get off balance in thinking what they are at times Remember, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN. But, always when I’m on balance my Hope is perfect.

I sometimes have technical problems, and I ask our son for help.  He tells me most of the time that it’s erv’s error. Whowhatme! Sometimes I just call the MI-wizard for help; he’s cheap and he’s nice as pie (i.e. most of the time his wife says). ANYWAY, when we were at our son, daughter-in-law and grandkids, I missed the last step going in the basement and hurt my knee and also bruised my back. Toooo top in off, Jeanne fell off into their sunken family room and injured her foot. And I’m always cold in their house; it’s berzzy berzzy there. Our son says next time we come they are going to wrap us in bubble wrap! When we age, we lose our balance some and it ain’t pretty!  On the plane coming back, Jeanne and I were talking about what they probably said about us when we left—They’re getting old; we can’t imagine what’s next! Albert Einstein said—Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

A buddy told me the other day that he fell hard on the pickleball court but was very lucky that he didn’t get hurt.  Another buddy told me that he was getting off his bike and tipped over and got hurt. And his wife did the same and hurt herself also. Another buddy fell off some scaffolding and broke his arm. Another guy told us that he fell off a small ladder putting up Christmas lights and still isn’t normal. Another buddy last year here in the Valley of the Sun was walking with his wife and sorta kinda lost his balance and fell off the sidewalk into a cactus and had to go to urgent care to get the barbs out; it was really nasty. Stuff happens folks and it seems it happens more when we get older like when we lose our balance more. And that ain’t funny!

Have we ever been around a person and wonder if they are off balance or is it just our opinion? ANYWAY, one of us sure seems to be off balance!  Or maybe we are both off balance. Folks have such different opinions about everything; it’s really crazy! It used to be that only a few could read soooo someone who could read told others what was right and they believed it but now everyone knows what is right, or think they do; if you don’t think soooo just ask them (i.e. well maybe not in North Korea).

It appears that I don’t hear folks described as much as being “off balanced”; it’s more of an old term I think even though they are still off balanced. Now we use more modern terms that are less offensive, a.k.a. politically correct. But folks still seem to be off balanced in many ways, but we might describe those folks by different names.  Each of us might be off balanced in a certain part of our life. But here is something to think about; AA says that the first thing folks must do to recover is admit they have a problem. In some ways of being off balanced, we can learn to manage our shortages and in some case eliminate them. Jeanne won’t let me or herself trim the orange tree in front of our tin hut here in AZ.  We have heard toooo many stories of folks getting hurt doing that. I think that is wisdom (i.e. she is soooo smart).  Besides, now I don’t have to do it!

Abraham Lincoln, a hero of mine, used humor as a deflection. He would use it when there was a tremendous amount of tension and right in the middle of it he would tell a funny story. It would just drive the folks crazy as it changed the mood. It usually was something that had nuttin to do with what they were arguing about. Go figure! A great deflection. That even makes me smile. And many of his deflections were about himself. Saturday question—Can you laugh at yourself? We had the opportunity last night to have dinner with some friends from IA. It was a hoot! They are great folks. They can laugh at themselves!

Fritz, there aren’t many Fritzs, says--“Truth is truth, no matter where we find it.” He went on to say—"I can honestly say most of the failures and grief I have experienced in business and my personal life can be attributed to violating principles and precepts that are either clearly stated or taught by example from the Scriptures.”  

A husband wanted to be soooo kind and loving to his wife for Valentine's Day that he made a paper map of the whole world and put it on the refrigerator. He gave her a magnetic dart and said, sweetheart, throw the dart at the map and wherever it lands, I will take you there for vacation. She winds up and lets the dart fly. I guess we are going on vacation behind the refrigerator!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyDeceasedFriendJean said--The greatest remedy for anger is delay.

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