March 17, 2012

from 1 to 10

From 1 to 10, tell me the most influenced people in your life.  These folks are probably game changers I would guess.  These folks could be very good folks or very bad folks but they really influenced your life (i.e. change your game).  The group called the Linksters (i.e. abut 80 guys who play golf from of our park) had their annual fun day scramble this week.  I played with three guys I didn't know before.  Two of them were ex-Marines.  One was 78 and the other 82 from NY and MI.  I told them how the Marines seemed to really help our son-in-law.  I think one said he was a smart ass and the other said he was a bad ass before joining the Marines.  The Marines really helped them both they said (i.e. influenced their lives).  JimPaul, age 82 (i.e. he went by two names soooooo I called him JimPaul) rode with me.  We had the best of times (i.e. from 1 to 10 it was a 10--it was that good).  ANYWAY we had our morning cup of coffee and were starting out on our first hole.  He took out a flask and asked if I want a little Kahlua in my coffee--I sure did--I like that.  Soooooo after a few holes the beverage gal came around and I got a couple more cups of coffee.  JimPaul again got out his flask and we doctored up our coffee with some more Kahlua! What a hoot.   ~  BigPete influenced my pickle ball play this year.  Oh ya.  I learned a lot from him.  Sooooo get around good folks and just watch and ask questions.  My Daddy, Chester, would always say to me--erv, ask questions.  It's the cheapest way to learn.  One more thing about BigPete influencing me--remember he's the one who likes the color pink sooooooo much.  Well on Fridays some of our pickled ball group wear pink.  Soooooo I had to spend my winnings at the golf course soooooooo I bought a pink golf shirt. 

'When the EMTs were treating Ron up'eronthatmountain, they kept asking--From 1 to 10 Ron, how bad is your pain.  He kept saying--It's an 8.  Later he told me that actually his pain was more like a 10 but he didn't want to sound like a wimp!  I asked a buddy how he was doing--he said A1 (i.e. I suppose that means from 1 to 10 a 10).  I asked a check out clerk at Walgreen how his day was going--he said 50-50 (i.e. I suppose that is a 5 I would guess.
JoeTheHike a.k.a theMinnesotaMountainQueenJoe a.k.a 92YearOldJoe and IowaJimRon from LeMars, IA which he says is the ice cream capitol of world went with me and we hiked Picacho Peak this week.  JoeTheHike is the guy in the picture who looks like he wet his pants.  I don't know for sure if he did or not!  He doesn't look no 92 some teenagers told me after I told them he's 92.  I told them he was on steroids.  We made it all the way.  A gal on the way up said--I stopped at WimpAssCorner.  It's an unique hike.  From 1 to 10 I would say maybe an 8 in difficulty and a 9 for fun.  I'll ask JoeTheHike and JimRon what they think it was. JimRon says--9 in difficulty and 7 for fun..  JoeTheHike said--9 in difficulty and 10 in fun 'cause I accomplished it.  I call Jim, Ron all the time sooooo now I just call him JimRon.  It works.  We met a guy on the trail and I asked him what does it say on your tee shirt--The train has derailed...and there are no surveyors!  You can see that we each thought the difficulty of the trail was different.  Some of you think "ourtrianranoffit'strack!  Such is life.

I over heard a lady call herself a "jerkhead" on the golf course the other day (i.e. I think she 4-putted or something). From 1 to 10, how bad is a "jerkhead"?  She is from Canada soooo maybe that has a different meaning up north.  But it sounds bad to me.  Have you ever been a jerkhead?

I have met some very nice/humble folks (i.e. dear hearts and gentle people) from many states and Canada down here in the Valley.  From 1 to 10 there are a lot of 10s (i.e. my opinion).  I have also met a couple of arrogant folks (i.e. it's all about them).  From 1 to 10 they are maybe 7 and 8s in being arrogant!  Not good.  But I don't know what's going on in their lives sooooooo I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt.  Yes I am.  Ya just never know what's going on in folks' lives.  Joesixpack says--Treat everyone as if they have a wounded heart because they probably do.  Yesterday at pickle ball, a guy with a wounded heart told me his story.  A gal and I were sitting on the bench waiting our time for the next pickle ball match.  Some how we started taking about how we enjoyed the company of a certain person but our first reaction of her was not that way.  We completely misinterpreted her.  She is a very nice person but at first we wondered about her.  Soooooo there you go. 

From 1 to 10 how do you like these explanations of why AZ does not have daylight-saving time?  I read these in the paper sooooooo they must be right.  There is a old Navajo saying "that only the U.S. government could believe that when you chop the top off a blanket and sew it on the bottom, you have a longer blanket."  Here is another--"One of the pundits says we got enough sunshine without the extra hour"! 

From 1 to 10, how do folks understand salvation?  A church a pastor served years ago had a practice of officially visiting every family each year. One year he decided to ask this question in each home: “If you were to die tonight and stand before God, and he were to ask you, ‘Why should I let you into heaven?’ how would you answer?” This is a roundabout way of asking about the basis of salvation.
 He was surprised that nearly half the church members gave an answer something like this: “Well, I haven’t done anything really bad, and I have tried to be a good Christian and gone to church regularly.” That—in spite of all our theology and all his preaching about God’s free, unearned grace!
God saves us through the blood of his son Jesus Christ, and the cause of our redemption lies in his love and grace. There is nothing we can do to make God love us more, and there is nothing we can do to make him love us less.  ItchieBitchie says--Yabut I like to be in control, not God!  GeorgeTheCrook says--If I understand this right, all we have to do is confess our sins and ask Jesus to be our Lord and Saviour. 

Determining the best player in golf is easy if played correctly and scored correctly (i.e. if folks follow the rules).  Most times folks don't follow the rules.  They have mulligans, use the foot wedge, give me putts, roll the ball for a preferred lie in the fairway and out, etc.  Soooooo in reality most golf scores are hard to compare (e.g. there is a huge massive difference if you always roll your ball for a preferred lie compared to play it as it is).  Sooooooooo from 1 to 10, how much do most golfers play by the rules?  How about in life?  Now flip the pancake.  When judges judge someone (i.e. from 1 to 10) by how they think they perform (i.e. like diving, a beauty contest, gymnastics etc) now that is another story.  I wonder if it's always fair.  I wonder sometimes if they are influenced by their emotions etc.  What do you think?  Guys look at babes and say, hey she's a 10 or a 5 or a 7 or a 2.  Many emotions are involved in that rating I think.  Yabut in NASCAR racing, who ever crosses the finish line first is the winner! 

Golf is suppose to be a gentlemans' game or gentleowmans' game! Sooooo from 1 to 10 how much of a gentleman or gentlewoman are you? What if you were playing in the club championship tournament finals and the match was halved at the end of 17 holes. You had the honor and hit your ball a modest two hundred fifty yards to the middle of the fairway, leaving a simple six iron to the pin. Your opponent then hits his ball, lofting it deep into the woods to the right of the fairway.
Being the golfing gentleman that you are, you help your opponent look for his ball. Just before the permitted five minute search period ends, your opponent says: "Go ahead and hit your second shot and if I don't find it in time, I'll concede the match." You hit your ball, landing it on the green, stopping about ten feet from the pin. About the time your ball comes to rest, you hear your opponent exclaim from deep in the woods: "I found it!". The second sound you hear is a click, the sound of a club striking a ball and the ball comes sailing out of the woods and lands on the green, stopping no more than six inches from the hole. Now here is the ethical dilemma: Do you pull the cheating bastard's ball out of your pocket and confront him with it or do you keep your mouth shut?      
My mentor says--The best time to do something is NOW!   He says that folks who procrastinate usually aren't very successful.  From 1 to 10, how much of a procrastinator are you?  SusieQ says--Procrastination is my sin.  It brings me nothing but sorrow.  I know that I should stop it. In fact I will, tomorrow.  AverageJoe says--Suck it up cupcake and lets get going now!  We're burning daylight. 

Saturday question--Did you put Jesus in your top 10 list?  Maybe He can't be characterized in this list (i.e. 'caause He's more than human).  Maybe He's way beyond this list.  Maybe you never even thought about Him.  Does Jesus have an influence on your life at all.  Maybe you don't believe in theism or the Triune God.  Soooo did the folks you listed have anything to do with your financial position, your power position, your social position or your ego?  From 1 to 10, what's really important to you?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--No one can be best in everything but you can be your best at everything you do.

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