Not bragging nor complaining but just tellin' you how it is. No one likes a bragger and no on likes a complainer. As a result many times we don't tell it how it is. We just keep our mouth shut. You have to have a really good friend to be able to tell them really how it is. Most folks don't have such a friend. But some do. And even then, it's a fine line what you tell them. I think it takes a very special friend to be able to 'getitoffyouchest" with something really good or something really bad that affects your emotions. I read this in the Arizona Republic sooooooo it must be right--Lord, please bless us that we can keep our problems in perspective. Amen.
He wasn't bragging nor complaining but just being real (i.e. my kind of person). I had breakfast with a friend downhereinthevalley this week. He told me that he is an alcoholic and has not had a drink in 10 years, attends AA meetings regularly, and says the first step for a person who has an alcohol problem to admit it. He writes down quips that he hears at AA meetings and gave me a few at breakfast: Humility is not thinking less of yourself...but thinking of yourself less; Marriage is a union of 2 of whom is always right and the other who is the husband; Prayer...a way to make life better for people...but more...a way to make people better for life; If God seems far away...who moved!!; All good intentions will die...unless they are executed; I thank God for doing for me...that which I can't do for myself. This guy reminded me that I'm not in charge and until we understand that, we probably will have a problem. What do you think?
AverageJoe says--If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Joesixpack says--I'm not sure about some folks! I'm not bragging nor complaining about some folks but I'm just not sure about some folks. Some folks seem oh sooooooo nice and some folks seem oh sooooooo not soooooooo nice. When it comes to politics, region or money, folks seem to have different opinions and don't change very easily (i.e. not very open minded). Some folks I think are just idiots (i.e. my opinion). There are folks it seems who win the battle but loose the war but they can't see it. My Daddy, Chester, use to say--erv, you can't win a pissing match with a skunk! Ouchy ouchy!
More hints!
MissPerfect says--Everyone has a story! Many times we just don't know it. You might not have a clue what's going on in my life and I really don't have clue what's going on in your life even though we are around each other. We hide our emotions and feelings and life happenings. And don't think you are the only person who has emotions, feelings and life happenings. 'Cause you aren't. Expecting life to treat you well because you are a good person is like expecting an angry bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.
A good listener (i.e. gives someone an opportunity to express themselves without 'topping" their story is a great gift you can give someone). Just keep your mouth shut and listen without giving any advice. It seems if a person can share something they have have held eternally for a long time is good for their health (i.e. let it all hang out). What do you think.
I can relate to this 6th grade kid, Harry, let me tell ya. I was never very good in English class. I never was a very good speller either. I think I did not pay enough attention in Roseland, MN elementary when they taught us English. I was probably thinking about baseball or something. ANYWAY I was still in the top 5 in my class (i.e. I'm not bragging nor complaining). Yes I was. There were only 5 in my class. Back to 6th grader Harry. He was to do some research for his Sunday School class about Moses and this is what he came up with--Moses led the Hebrew slaves to the Red Sea where they made unleavened bread which is bread made without any ingredients. Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the ten commandments. He died before he ever reached Canada. I know, I know that some of you think that my It's Saturday is about the same as Harry's research (i.e. not worth a red cent)!
My mentor tells me--erv, nothing is ever as bad as it looks and never as good as it looks. I'm not bragging nor am I complaining but it said in the paper (i.e. sooooo it must be right)--Rich more likely to fib! Rich receive greed as positive soooooo it's okay to cheat. Soooooo are you rich or just act like a rich person? Uff-dah! LuckieEddie says--You know what, at times I seem to have a lot of clutter in my life that makes it more difficult for me to stay out of trouble. Sometimes I wonder if all of the world is in choots to get me. The world really does nag at me. Uff-dah! Talk about clutter and hording. I read in the paper sooooo it must be right, this--Horders fill their houses with newspapers or empty cans, neatly stacked boxes or hastily piled clothing, typewrites, garbage or animals, among other things...the stacks of debris make narrow passageways...a thin line separates collectors from people with horading problems...many have suffered a traumatic loss and have substituted inanimate objects and possessions in place of human caring and love...the disease is more apparent in the elderly...considered a kind of a compulsion...a person really has to want to change to change this pattern. LuckieEddie, maybe you need to get the clutter out of your life. What do you think LuckieEddie?
Tick tock tick tock! Ya the clock is ticking and we are all getting older (i.e. older by the tick tock). AverageJoe says--You can't teach an old dog new tricks. I say baloney to that statement. Sooooo don't give me that jazz about "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Yes you can if the price is right. I see it all the time with the old dogs here in the Valley, if there is money involved they can learn new tricks. I'm not bragging nor am I complaining but money can change folks alright. Oh ya! It's all about the money folks (i.e. one of the greatest motivators ever). MissPerfect says--Don't act soooooo bemused, you aren't any different. The church we attend here in the Valley looks all soooooo good; the church is packed, giving is good, and folks seem sooooooo happy. Sooooo the pastor gets up and says--We need to pray for our church as we have a split in leadership. Guess what's it about? You're right--MONEY! Huh, interesting but no surprise. Such is life. I read it in the paper sooooo it must be right, that the famed The Crystal Cathedral property was sold out of the federal bankruptcy protection. Ouchy ouchy! The church that we are a part of in good old Aplington for about 40 years, will have a vote tomorrow that will have a huge massive impact on the people (i.e. the building will remain standing at least for now). The church will never be the same no matter how the vote turns out (i.e. I'm not bragging nor complaining). I have heard sooooooo many folks say--It's sooooooo sad. It's a new culture and the Y-Generation looks at things differently. Such is life.
I feel buggy already! I happened to have conversation with a bug exterminator the other day. He wasn't bragging nor complaining! He told me that scorpions, termites and bed bugs are the biggest problems with bed bugs becoming a massive huge business. He told me that it's a world wide problem that is getting worse as folks are caring them all over. You can go to a 5 star hotel and it might have bed bugs that you might take them home. A friend told me that one of his tenants took her favorite blanket to a friend's house and collected some bed bugs and then took them home and infested much of the apartment building. Ouchy ouchy!
I don't think he's bragging nor complaining. I read in the paper, soooooo it must right about Bruce Halle, the founder of Discount Tire after a couple of business failures. The article was touting his book, "Six Tires, No Plain." ANYWAY Entrepreneur Halle states this as his simple credo: Find something to like in everyone. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Negative thoughts are a waste of time. Be kind, and have a passion for humility. Well frost my stockings!
Joesixpack says--Some of us begin the day with a workout in the gym or a 5-mile run, others with coffee and a doughnut, perhaps topped off with a cigarette. It's all a matter of habit. Habits govern our lives...many of our daily actions are the result of actual decision-making (i.e. decisions have consequences). Soooo who gets to make the decisions anyway in your life and mine? Da! ItchieBitchie says--Listen up, if you believe you can change--if you make it a habit--the change becomes real.
Not bragging or complaining! People born before 1946 were called – The Greatest Generation. People born between 1946 and 1964 are called – The Baby Boomers. People born between 1965 and 1979 are called – Generation X. And people born between 1980 and 2010 are called -Generation Y. Why do we call the last group - Generation Y ? Y should I get a job? Y should I leave home and find my own place? Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours? Y should I clean my room? Y should I wash and iron my own clothes? Y should I buy any food?
Johnny Miller said while doing the Cadillac Golf Championship--Ya gotta hit in down the middle a.k.a. fairway. You can't hit it in the crap (i.e. bad idea) and expect to score well. You might get by with it a time or two but over time, it will kill ya. MissPerfect says--I'm not bragging nor complaining but it's just like life, if you are in the crap all the time, life is more difficult; it's hard enough when you're down the middle. I just can't understand why folks keep hitting their head against the wall. It would fell oh soooooo much better if they would quite. I just don't get that.
Okay, you got it figured out (i.e. I'm not bragging nor complaining). I'm sure some of you have been here. It's a beautiful place--Palm Springs area. We visited our friends Gene and Jan. It was a hoot. I called Gene a couple of days before we left and talked about the details. I said--Now we don't have day light savings time here so that makes us two hours ahead of you, right--ya that's right--ok, then we will leave at 8 and it's a 4.5 hour drive so we will get there about 10:30--ya that will work. Sooooo we are going down I-10 and Gene calls me--sooooo where are you--cruising down I-10 and should be there according to my gps at 10:29--it's 11:10 here--how can that be, my clock says 11:10 and we decided that you are 2 hours behind us--I don't know but my watch says 11:10 and we have a tee time at 1:20; you better not stop--what!!! We figured it out, we were the same time. Man-o-man! Thursday we had the opportunity to play PGA West Jack Nicklaus Tournament Course with an acquaintance Gene made last year (i.e. our babes rode along). We had a great time. This guy, wife and children had us for dinner after the round. They are very humble, happy, uplifting, refreshing, and real folks (i.e. my kind of folks). We had a great time.
Not bragging nor complaining! "I have never known six happy days in my life." ~Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and conqueror of much of Europe~ -- "I have found life so beautiful." ~Helen Keller, lecturer and writer who was blind and deaf from the age of 19 months; Helen Keller graduated from college and went on to champion the cause of blind and deaf people.~ Huh, interesting. LuckieEddie says--it's NCAA Basketball Tournament time folks; Life is like a game of basketball, and most of us just stand there and dribble!!!! And there are upsets tooooooo! ItchieBitchie says--It's a lot more fun to win than to loose; when it all comes together, man, is that a thing of beauty! Raa Raa Raa!!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Every church could put out a sign, "No perfect people need apply".
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