Disclaimer ~ I'm here and I'm writing--Some of you might think I'm talking "crazy big" and some of you think I'm talking "crazy small"! Soooooo you have to decide for yourself if it's good stuff or if you just want to delete it. Just remember, you get what you pay for! Such is life.
I really would like to get in your head. Your thinking just intrigues me. Yes it does. AvergeJoe says--I'm addicted to brake fluid but I can stop any time. WildWilly says--I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Than it dawned on me. Ya, folks are complex all right. Such is life.
Many think that there is mayhem in my life 'cause of what I believe. They may say my life is runnin' amok, is a mess, is kahotic, is total confusion, is wacko. Others might think I'm going the right direction (i.e. I have life a little figured out). Soooooo why the big difference in opinions? Maybe it's the way we are programed by our past (i.e. parents, spouses, teachers, mentors, folks at the coffee shop, government officials, past world leaders, bridge club gals, Bible, our beer drinking buddies, the guys at the club, Republicans/Democrats, experiences of life, religious leaders, etc). I do know that there are some real opinionated folks, very opinionated! It's their way or the highway! Think about this--If your university professor thinks a certain way and you want a good grade, you have to tell him what he wants to hear. The same way if you want to get along with parents, police, school officials, laws, IRS, etc. They might be wrong but you have to abide by their demands. Recently a friend and I decided not to talk about a believe of a certain religious denomination (i.e. not faith) 'cause we don't agree. Why argue about it. He won't change and I probably won't (i.e. at least right now). Sooooooo cut it out erv! I'm not mad at him or think less of him 'cause we don't agree. He can believe his way and I will believe what I believe. That's ok. That's why we have many many different denominations in the Christian faith (i.e. we can't agree on traditions or certain approved acceptances of different denominations). I think that's ok. MissPerfect says--That's why it is the best policy to not talk about religion, politics or money. Folks many times have strong opinions and they might be differetnt than yours! Many folks think they are right and won't listen to an other's point of view. Sooooo suck it up cupcake and accept that. My opinion--folks who won't listen to other folks' point of view are little folks (i.e. this has been road tested at International Falls last January). Such is life.
Cut it out! Quite talkin' smack talk DuaneTheWorm. Smack talk leads to road rage, road rage to a fight, a fight to loosing your dirivers license, loosing your driver's license to loosing your job, loosing your job to having no money, having no money to divorce, divorce to living with your kids, living with your kids to being alone, being alone to death when no one really cares sooooooo cutitoout--quite the smack talk!
SuseQ says--I just didn't catch on to my husband right away and didn't tell him to cut it out! Do you think the wife changes to the way a husband thinks more than a husband to what a wife thinks? It seems like in many casses the husband and the wife end up being two peas in a pod. Look around. They must influence each other. One must brainwash the other or something or maybe indoctrinate each other. Oh that brainwashing. Hitler sure brainwashed the German folks (i.e. they believed him). My Mom, Anna, would tell me--erv, don't believe everything everyone tells ya. The politicians tell the folks what they want to hear and many believe them (i.e. gottacha). I hear a lot of promises now again and did 4 years ago also. It's hogwash folks. My financial advisor says...! My neighbor says...! My professor says...! My expert says...! They might look good and maybe smell good and maybe sound good but...! LuckieEddie says--Yabut when you get up close, they smell like onions and are cosmetically altered (i.e. a sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud--I read that while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it)! Some even have rocks in their shoes and in their heads! I think we should pass legislation to put bells on these cats like we put bells on cats sooooooo we know where those cats are. But first we will spend a few millions to see if it will work!!!! How in the world will we ever decide which cats should have the bells on (i.e. who is going to decide--what measuring stick are we going to use)? Who are you going to believe anyway?
A SmartYoungMan told me--Many folks use confirmation bias information. Folks obtain statistics and information to support their believe on their bias. I call it preferred bias. They can't evaluate information very objectively as they are soooooo bias. Their information just supports their bias (i.e. and the merry go round goes on and on, faster and faster). Saturday question--Are you a confirmation bias person? A SmartYoungWoman told me--Gathering confirmation bias information makes a person feel comfortable that they are right. We are all opinionated folks if we think soooooo or not! Right, moderates, left and then the extremists on both ends! It appears the extremists are the most forceful and most difficult to deal with (i.e. my opinion) as they force their opinions on others with extreme force. ItchieBitchie says--Soooooooo erv, cut it out trying to force your beliefs on me!
I'm not a true fan. No I'm not. I'm tooooo objective. I'm not a phantom fan (i.e. irrationality that over rides objectivity). A good friend told me recently--erv, you are sooooo optimistic about everything but not in being a sports fan. He's right. I need to cut out being objective in order to be a true fan. To be a great sports fan, you have to be ridiculously crazy a.k.a. irrational and not objective (i.e. live in the make believe). I applaud good plays by both teams. I'm realistic about my teams. My friend is the same guy who I emailed the other night and told him I just turned on the Knicks/Celtics game. His Knicks were ahead by about 20 at the half. He responed--I've seen this movie before meaning that the Knicks have been ahead before against Boston and lost with probably Pierce winning the game with a last second jump shot (i.e. he's being realistic). Soooooo there you go.
Cognitive dissonance is the feeling of discomfort we feel when we hold two conflicting beliefs simultaneously. The fundamental principle is that we find it hard to hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time so we unconsciously adjust or alter one in order to make the other fit. In other words, when there is a discrepancy between beliefs and behaviors, something has to change in order to reduce or eliminate the dissonance. Soooo cut it out. Either you are one or the other but not both. Cadillac Jack says--you are either dead or not dead but not both! SusieQ says--I like it both ways sooooo...! That is a little scary when you really think about it. The mind is capable of automatically altering its perceptions in order to reduce the possibility of dissonance, seemingly without the awareness of the individual. So, that leads us to the question of what constitutes “reality” if it is simply “constructed” in our own mind in order to fit the situation? When we think we “know” something, you have to wonder if it is a truly accurate representation of reality or an “adjustment” in order to reduce the chance of feeling discomfort or dissonance. Such is life.
Cut it out! Your thinking might make you miss the boat (i.e. the boat has left and you are still here). You have been passed by, looked over. The world has kept right on going while you were feeling sorry for yourself and complaining and are very narrow minded. Joesixpack says--Reality sometimes isn't the most pleasant but we need to deal with it. We might eat, go to the movies, read, or sleep but they are really only diversions from reality (i.e. reality keeps just coming back). When we get pushed into a corner, our old self seems to pop up it's ugly head (e.g. a dog returns to it's vomit). We really need to work on not letting our old self take over. I sometimes have things happen to me or see something and I think it's a change. But, it's only a hope (i.e. a mirage) and not reality. Such is life if I like it or not! It's sorta kinda like politics; I think someone is going to change the playing field but then reality shows up and nothing changes. It's reality folks. Nutten changes until it gets sooooooo bad and there seems that there is no solution then something has to change (i.e. folks get feed up with it and act). It has to get really bad before anything changes. Think about that. JoeTheBucksnort asks--Why do I have to get sooooo low a.k.a humbled before I will think about changing? I can't answer that question JoeTheBucksnort but do know that when we think we are God, we don't need God! DuaneTheWorm thinks he's God Almighty. Ouchy ouchy!
When we were kids we might say--cut it out or I'll punch you in the noise (i.e. girls would say I will tell the teacher)! Not all kids or adults would do that. Some are just bullied around by the powerful. Many of the powerful (i.e. like the Pharisees) think they know everything and won't listen to anyone else. They are high and mighty. That is why it's hard to be a leader I think. A good leader can somehow get folks to listen and hold a group together even when members of the group have different opinions and intemperate facts differently. CadillacJack says--Or they are just good at brain washing the folks! Ouchy ouchy!
Here is a possible opinion I have. I wonder if the greatest folks in the world were/are more open minded than the closed minded folks. I have thought about some of these folks and it appears to me that many of them meditate, pray, ask for advice, ask for other's opinions, don't just jump to conclusions and often wonder if they are right. Abraham Lincoln is a hero of mine and I think he was this way. My mentor seemed to be this way tooooo.
MissPerfect says--Most sales and bad decisions occur 'cause of emotions. Cut it out GerogeTheCrook. Cut out your crapping thinkin'. Ya need to sort it out what's good and what's bad. Don' let your emotions take over as your emotions usually lead you to disaster. Look at the facts. Emotions are sorta kinda just cover ups (i.e. you either have your hand in the cookie jar or you don't--like dead is dead). When your nerves are jingling, you usually can't perform very well.
I was reading the Bible while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it. This is what I read written by PeterTheRock: But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teacher among you. JoeBlow says--I have attended liberal churches, conservative churches and some in the middle. Sooooooo who is right? I don't know JoeBlow but it says there are two major commandments soooooo maybe we need to cut out the arguing about how many angels can fit on a head of a nettle or what color the bath room needs to be painted. I repeat, maybe!!!!
Joesixpack says--BUT some devotional writers and some pastors are easier to listen toooooo than others. And sometimes we get sooooooo use to listening to stuff that we are immune from any other ideas or even the truth. It's like the bushes in front of some houses. Those bushes are over grown and old and need to be replaced or pruned but you have looked at them for soooooo long that you don't see it. It's much like those warts that we all have. Folks don't see them as we cover them up. We get sooooooo use to 'em. But they are there. Soooooo cut it out pretending you don't have 'em. We know you have 'em 'cause we all have 'em! Such is life
CadillacJack says--Folks are very good at taking anything and shaping it into the symbol that their condition requires! Individuals react differently to the same stimulus. Maybe due to how they have been programed by their past experiences. What do you think folks?
ItchieBitchie says--Cut it out erv! This stuff is pretty deep. It makes my brain hurt and my toes burn! I understand ItchieBitchie, I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it, which is another way of saying I don't understand it either. I don't want to dig a hole soooooo deep that I can't get out soooooooo...! But really, what's goes on in your head anyway?! I really wonder!!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.
April 28, 2012
April 21, 2012
the future
Yep, we got Engineer James and RN Lindsey married. I don't know exactly what their future will be but it looks good. I know they are NOT ne'er-do-goods! Oh no! I asked their parents to describe them. James' parents describe James as self-reliant and hard working. Lindsey's parents described Lindsey as tender and persistent. The dude driving the car is my brother-in-law (i.e. Lindsey's papa). Ya that's his car. I think he refurbished it all himself. He likes cars let me tell ya. He's a regular car nut--but a good, nice nut!
My sisters were like little Annas (i.e. our Mom) to me. They treated me soooooo gooood. Spoiled me rotten. I felt like I was 10 years old and Anna was taking care of me again. I'm starting to see these Anna qualities in all of their girls and in our daughter and daughter-in-law. Yes I am. The future looks good. Lindsey has two nice sisters and both are pregnant sooooooooo there is the future folks. Rachael, one of her pregnant sisters, told me that their other sister, Sarah, is the most like their mom. Much more than Lindsey or her.

I gave some ranger boots to one of my niece's three boys to share (i.e. William, Abrahm, and Nickalos Erivn). Well the boots fit Ab. He really liked them I think. He wore them to the wedding. All of our great nephews sure seem to be great guys. The future looks good folks. Ab and Will rode with us to the reception. We stopped at a conveience store and I bought them any treat that they wanted. I told them " the sky is the limit"! Now you know why they are all smiles (i.e. sugar). Such is life.
The little guy is Nickolas Ervin. He's a good little guy but really wasn't much impressed with the wedding. The guy with the Micky Mouse tie is Chapin. He's a straight A student and seems to take after his dad as he is very good with the computer. His future looks good. The other pic is of the ring bearers (i.e. our great nephews). BigCousinWill is teaching Ben and Sam stuff. As cute as they are, their future looks gooooood too! Remember the story I wrote about maybe 6 or 7 or 8 years ago about when I went for a bike ride from Grandville to Byron Center with my niece Sarah and had breakfast? We talked about her life and she said she would really like to meet some guy. I told her I would pray that some guy would come into her life. She met this guy and his name is Guy! That's right. These boys are their children. Such is life.
The reception was in Holland, MI. And that means Dutch folks. It was in a civic building that was once a school. It was neat. ANYWAY when the dance was almost over, I went out and to the bathroom. There was sorta kinda a sitting area soooooo I sat down and was trying to figure out the writing on the wall. It said--So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. ANYWAY As I was reading it a guy from the wedding dance came by. I asked him if he believed that. He read it and said--I can agree with that but I can't agree with all of the Bible--Really, what can't you believe of the Bible. It's not logical and some of it makes no sense; you can't take it literally--really--I don't want to talk about it--I'm interested; I won't argue with you. I just want to hear what you have to say--ok then, let's go outside; I'm hot from dancing. We step outside and he really vented about how his uncle is gay and his grandfather doesn't love him (i.e. what kind of Christian love is that). Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins and no one complains about that but they complain about gays. Sooooo what do you think--he said to me--I said I wasn't going to voice my opinion. Ok, how can God let innocent kids get killed and drug dealers and users live? He started to really get excited now (i.e. used the f word quite a bit). He said--I have little kids and can't understand how God would let terrible stuff happen to them and let crazy guys go on--I know the Bible as I went through all my education in Christian schools sooooo don't think I don't know the Bible. Sooooo what do you think. I told you I was not going to argue with you but just listen. But, I want to tell you this. A week or soooo ago I was in Littleton, CO and went to buy a mindless novel at the GoodWill Store. There was another book beside it that caught my attention. It was the Ideas and Opinions of Albert Einstein. I paraphrased what I'm going to write from the book. "The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious...A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, our perceptions of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most primitive forms are accessible to our minds--it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute true religiosity; in this esense, and his alone, I am a deeply religious man. I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the kind that we experience in ourselves...I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and a glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world, together with the devotes striving to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the Reason that manifest itself in nature." When I got done, he said, I can agree with that (i.e. I was telling him in erv's way about faith). What the future holds for him? I don't have a clue. Such is life.
On Friday afternoon I had the opportunity to play golf with my other bother-in- law Jack and one of his son-in-laws, my nephew-in-law. I like all my nephew-in-laws. They are great guys (i.e. the future looks good folks). The one I golfed with is in the pic. He was the Mister of the Mister and Mistress of the wedding. I called him the flower boy. ANYWAY he makes a living by being a teck boy. I asked him about the battery in my lap top which will only hold a charge for about 15 minutes--how old is it he asked--maybe 3 to 4 years old--You need a new computer; putting a battery in that old computer is like putting lipstick on a pig! Soooo there you go! Dallas doesn't seem to understand that I'm retired and on a fixed income! After he and my niece Lauren first got married, they were traveling to NW Iowa from MI. They stopped at my office on that hot summer day. It was about a 100 degrees. He had the windows open in the car as he wouldn't run the AC in order to save money. I gave him $5 soooooo he run the AC! Such is life.
Friday night we had the opportunity to go with my sister and brother-in-law to see their grand son Hugh perform with his middle school jazz band at Hastings, MI. They have a jazz festival started by a band guy in the school some years ago. Many bands come in and play (i.e. 56 this year). Hugh's band played 4 songs (i.e. Arlene said they were very good) and then a music professor from Hope College worked with them to encourage them and went over a few things to make them better. The kids really seemed to enjoy it. I asked Hugh if he is going to continue jazz band next year as a freshman--no, I'm going to marching band. Why not continue--two reasons: one my friends are going to marching band and second, I don't want to do a solo! It's toooooo stressful. Hugh did a solo the next morning in competition and got a 1. I told him he could do it. His future looks good! Soooooooo, a Hastings merchant told me that the weekend of the jazz festival is their best business weekend of the year. Maybe it's all about the money!
I asked Grandma Kuipers to say something about the future of James and Lindsey. This is the wisdom she gave me to pass on the the newly weds: These are my thoughts for Lindsey and James...ENJOY LIFE Enjoy life. Savor each precious moment For it is God's gift to you. Enjoy those that surround you For they have been put in your life For a purpose. Whether it be someone entering for but a moment Or those who daily make an entrance into the life that is you, Be aware of their presence. Have joy. Be at peace. Share that which God has given you to share. Listen ~ And then shall you receive that lasting and fulfilling blessing Which comes not from the demands that things make on our lives But from giving that commodity we call time To people ~ God's crowning creation.
Oh the future! What will it be? When we were in CO, Heather used our car (i.e. sooooo we could use hers with the infant seats in it while we took care of the grand kids). When I used our car the next day, she had the radio tuned to her station and this song was playing. Sooooo I called the radio station and got the song's name. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40zNC-6aISk We all affect the future of others. Yes we do. Saturday question--How are you affecting the future of others?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The man told his wife that a husband is like a fine wine--he gets better with age. So she locked him in the cellar!
There are only two ways to live your life. One, as if nothing is a miracle. Two, as if everything is.
~Albert Einstein~
My sisters were like little Annas (i.e. our Mom) to me. They treated me soooooo gooood. Spoiled me rotten. I felt like I was 10 years old and Anna was taking care of me again. I'm starting to see these Anna qualities in all of their girls and in our daughter and daughter-in-law. Yes I am. The future looks good. Lindsey has two nice sisters and both are pregnant sooooooooo there is the future folks. Rachael, one of her pregnant sisters, told me that their other sister, Sarah, is the most like their mom. Much more than Lindsey or her.

I gave some ranger boots to one of my niece's three boys to share (i.e. William, Abrahm, and Nickalos Erivn). Well the boots fit Ab. He really liked them I think. He wore them to the wedding. All of our great nephews sure seem to be great guys. The future looks good folks. Ab and Will rode with us to the reception. We stopped at a conveience store and I bought them any treat that they wanted. I told them " the sky is the limit"! Now you know why they are all smiles (i.e. sugar). Such is life.

On Friday afternoon I had the opportunity to play golf with my other bother-in- law Jack and one of his son-in-laws, my nephew-in-law. I like all my nephew-in-laws. They are great guys (i.e. the future looks good folks). The one I golfed with is in the pic. He was the Mister of the Mister and Mistress of the wedding. I called him the flower boy. ANYWAY he makes a living by being a teck boy. I asked him about the battery in my lap top which will only hold a charge for about 15 minutes--how old is it he asked--maybe 3 to 4 years old--You need a new computer; putting a battery in that old computer is like putting lipstick on a pig! Soooo there you go! Dallas doesn't seem to understand that I'm retired and on a fixed income! After he and my niece Lauren first got married, they were traveling to NW Iowa from MI. They stopped at my office on that hot summer day. It was about a 100 degrees. He had the windows open in the car as he wouldn't run the AC in order to save money. I gave him $5 soooooo he run the AC! Such is life.
Friday night we had the opportunity to go with my sister and brother-in-law to see their grand son Hugh perform with his middle school jazz band at Hastings, MI. They have a jazz festival started by a band guy in the school some years ago. Many bands come in and play (i.e. 56 this year). Hugh's band played 4 songs (i.e. Arlene said they were very good) and then a music professor from Hope College worked with them to encourage them and went over a few things to make them better. The kids really seemed to enjoy it. I asked Hugh if he is going to continue jazz band next year as a freshman--no, I'm going to marching band. Why not continue--two reasons: one my friends are going to marching band and second, I don't want to do a solo! It's toooooo stressful. Hugh did a solo the next morning in competition and got a 1. I told him he could do it. His future looks good! Soooooooo, a Hastings merchant told me that the weekend of the jazz festival is their best business weekend of the year. Maybe it's all about the money!
I asked Grandma Kuipers to say something about the future of James and Lindsey. This is the wisdom she gave me to pass on the the newly weds: These are my thoughts for Lindsey and James...ENJOY LIFE Enjoy life. Savor each precious moment For it is God's gift to you. Enjoy those that surround you For they have been put in your life For a purpose. Whether it be someone entering for but a moment Or those who daily make an entrance into the life that is you, Be aware of their presence. Have joy. Be at peace. Share that which God has given you to share. Listen ~ And then shall you receive that lasting and fulfilling blessing Which comes not from the demands that things make on our lives But from giving that commodity we call time To people ~ God's crowning creation.
Oh the future! What will it be? When we were in CO, Heather used our car (i.e. sooooo we could use hers with the infant seats in it while we took care of the grand kids). When I used our car the next day, she had the radio tuned to her station and this song was playing. Sooooo I called the radio station and got the song's name. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40zNC-6aISk We all affect the future of others. Yes we do. Saturday question--How are you affecting the future of others?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The man told his wife that a husband is like a fine wine--he gets better with age. So she locked him in the cellar!
There are only two ways to live your life. One, as if nothing is a miracle. Two, as if everything is.
~Albert Einstein~
April 14, 2012
I seem to mange better
I seem to mange better when I have friends and folks around me who love me. The church we attend in Aplington will embark on a new adventure (i.e. very exciting and it's a massive huge opportunity--my opinion). For this endeavor to really be successful we need to be of one accord. Will that happen. I don't know. We will see. Author Lou Lotz writes--In the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki there were high hopes for the Mexican track team. Mexico’s long distance runners were believed to be among the best in the world. But they didn’t win a single medal. What happened? One journalist took it upon himself to find out. After extensive research, he concluded that the reason the Mexicans had done so poorly was that they were lonely. These men had lived, trained, and raced in their home communities. But in Helsinki, they were far from the cheering and encouragement of family and friends. One member of the Mexican team said simply: “I run better when my friends are there.” I run better when my friends are there too. So do you, I suspect. All of us, in our Christian lives, need the support and encouragement of the communion of the saints. We run the Christian race better when our friends are there. The church, at its best, is a place where friends and loved ones cheer and encourage us in our race; where fellow believers supply assistance, encouragement, and love to those who need it; where strugglers find strength, where sinners find forgiveness, where the bereaved find hope. To be in a Christian community where believers are “of one heart and soul”—what a blessing that is.
We are in MI to attend our niece's wedding tonight. It's oh soooooo much fun to be around family (i.e. I seem to manage better being around family and friends). It's the last marriage of our children and my siblings' children. Soooooo we will just have to wait until the next generation starts marring to party again. We stopped in IL to see Arlene's brother Craig and his wife Julia on our way. It's always fun to see them (i.e. they are real folks with good hearts--my kind of folks). We went to a few garage sales and then stopped for a hot dog. Craig says kidding to Julia--I do as I please when I please often as I please to do it. Julia replied kidding--In other words that's telling me, his wife, don't tell me what to do! Craig and Julia raise cut flowers and have about 8 farmers markets in the Chicago area. The morning we were out and about, it was cool as it froze over the night. Some folks had covered their plants. We saw one person cover their flowers with plastic. Here's a tip folks--Plastic draws frost they told us. Use anything but plastic. Huh, interesting. We enjoy being around family. We will be eating funeral sandwiches and wedding cake all in the same week! That is what retired folks do to stay within their budget.

Talk about eating. Mabel seemed to run better (i.e. she should). On Easter we were in Waukee with Chet, Jessica and our little Charlie. We went to the 7:15 service. Before we left, Jessica sorta kinda hid 12 plastic eggs with treats in them around the family room soooooo when we got back Charlotte could pick them up. When we got back from church, 11 of them were laying in the middle of the family room, opened and all the treats were eaten. Mabel, their dog, had a great Easter (i.e. especially enjoyed the Easter egg hunt--can't wait until next year). The 12th egg was in shelving soooo she just couldn't get it. I bet she tried. Mabel is breed to have a good noise and a good hunter. She performed! Such is life.
Talk about eating. The 55+ community where I play pickle ball in the good ol' SW has a meeting/social time each Thursday at 8 a.m.. They serve free donuts and coffee (i.e. the last Thursday I was there I was told they had 32 dozen donuts and ran out). Retirees like free donuts and coffee let me tell ya (i.e. just like Mabel and Erin and Charlie like those donuts)! ANYWAY a fellow pickle ball player told me that JoeTheManagement thinks he really thinks he's cool but he's not. He thinks he's God and God's gift to women. He has a "small guy mentality" soooooo he has to try to make up for it. He turns me off. So what do others think of him. Everyone thinks the same. Does he know that he's that way? Between his ears, I don't think he has a clue; the first time I heard him I turned my body and then she stuck her finger in her mouth. MissPerfect says--How you evaluate someone makes a big difference how you listen to that person and how you look at them (i.e. how you mange around them); no question! GerogeTheCrook says--Most folks like to be around humble folks and humble folks are usually givers (i.e. I seem to mange better around humble folks, oh yes). Think about that folks.
Joesixpack says--It is easy to go down. It is harder to go up. It is easy to lose ability. It is harder to develop it. Easier to gain weitght and harder to loose it. I seem to mange better when I continue to learn. I had the opportunity to hear a lecture on forest fires before we left the good ol' SW (i.e. JoeTheHike and I went). It was really informative. Oversight--the reason why we have massive huge forest fires is that we don't let nature take care of the burning (i.e. man tries to control mother nature--no fires). The forest should have about 25 trees per acre and there might be 250 trees per acre. But the ranger said--We try to control but mother nature will have her way. This summer in AZ will be the driest for many years (i.e. big potential for forest fires he said). Here is something that is interesting to me: The Navajos were nomadic and traveled into CA, Mexico, UT and all of AZ. When they left a spot, they set a fire to the prairie and forest. Why? Soooooo when they returned in 4 to 10 years all the grass and forest would be tender and good eating for their livestock. Huh, interesting. God tried that once with the flood toooooo I think! Whipped it clean and started over. It worked for a while I guess but...!
SusieQ says--I seem to mange better when I accept modernization but keep the bottom line the same--treat folks the way you would want to be treated! That will put your jersey in the rafters SusieQ! Oh ya!
LuckieEddie says--The question is not how I do on a good day but how I do on a bad day! I seem to mange better better when I'm not fearful (i.e. many folks are motivated by fear, the fear of failure). Jason Gismni of the Rockies says--As a young player, you always kind of play with that fear of failure. That's what motivates you. You don't want to fail. You keep pushing yourself and pushing yourself. Eventually, it breaks a lot of guys in this game. Saturday questions--Are you fearful of failure? We live in a very competitive society and culture now don't we. And you know what? We all can't be #1 so we will all fail. Soooooooo, it's how I do when I'm not #1 that matters a lot. As the advertisement says--I feel good in my own skin (i.e. at least most of the time).
I seem to mange better now that I have this new cell phone that is BlueTooth compatible with the system in our car. I had to upgrade my cell phone to get this done. Our kids thought my old phone was from the dark ages. This new one, they say, is a move up but still not top end. Yabut it only cost me a penny! I hope using BlueTooth will make my driving saver while talking on the phone.. It has tooooooo; no hands and all commands are on the steering column. Besides, now Arlene and I can talk at the same time and listen to the conversation sooooooo I don't have tell her what was said. Such is life with modern technology.
LuckieEddie says--When I'm helping to improve the lives of folks, it touches everybody! When do friends, acquaintances, family and just plain folks need me the most? Is it when they fell they have the world by the tail or when they are in the dumps? I operate better when folks operate with me (i.e. sorta kinda encourage me). It always feels good to be around folks who lift your spirits (i.e. they are sorta kinda the cat's meow a.k.a. the knights in shining armor) and not the the ones who drag ya down. You agree? Soooooo are you a drager or alifteruper? Believe me, you affect everyone else. Oh ya! ItchieBitchie says--You can give in to the failure messages and be a bitter deadbeat
of excuses. Or you can choose to be happy and positive and excited about life.
He has affected me and influenced me. Oh ya! I will miss my mentor/professor/special friend Ivan My Man, yes I will. He was 86. He passed away last Saturday. He told me that he prayed for guidance from the Holy spirit each day for the decisions he made. I asked him if he received guidance. Absolutely. He was a good man. He taught me a lot about sooooooo much stuff (i.e. financially, emotionally, and spiritually). I wish everyone could have a friend/mentor like I have had. I seem to mange better 'cause of his wisdom. I will miss him. He was a very successful man in soooooo many ways (i.e. my opinion). He said many times to me--People get a lot better after they are dead. Ivan My Man, you just plain were that good even if you didn't know it. My Daddy, Chester, would say--erv, get around folks who are good and don't know it (i.e. humble folks). They are the good ones. The ones who think they are great but aren't, are not much fun to be around.
WildWilly actually is tooooo big for his britches--tooo high on his horse. He's a pain in the butt to be around. I seem to mange a lot better around humble folks. Oh ya! DuaneTheWorm has waaaaaay tooooo much of a big head for me to enjoy his company. Oh ya! I have been humbled soooooooo many times that I can't count them. I seem to manage better when I'm humble. Oh ya! MissPerfect says--You can be very confident yet still be very humble. I can't remember exactly what I said but our son thought I said it in a grumpy fashion. He said I sounded like a curmudgeon! Ouchy ouchy! That's humbling! I manage better when I have a positive attitude. How about you. Reading the Book helps me to be more positive. Oh ya! I was reading Bible Stories to Erin (i.e. age 4) when we were in CO from her The Beginners Bible--Timeless Children's Stories. ANYWAY her favorite (i.e. I had to read about 5 times) was, as she calls it, the boo-boo owie story (i.e. the good Samaritian story). She just really likes that one.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
We are in MI to attend our niece's wedding tonight. It's oh soooooo much fun to be around family (i.e. I seem to manage better being around family and friends). It's the last marriage of our children and my siblings' children. Soooooo we will just have to wait until the next generation starts marring to party again. We stopped in IL to see Arlene's brother Craig and his wife Julia on our way. It's always fun to see them (i.e. they are real folks with good hearts--my kind of folks). We went to a few garage sales and then stopped for a hot dog. Craig says kidding to Julia--I do as I please when I please often as I please to do it. Julia replied kidding--In other words that's telling me, his wife, don't tell me what to do! Craig and Julia raise cut flowers and have about 8 farmers markets in the Chicago area. The morning we were out and about, it was cool as it froze over the night. Some folks had covered their plants. We saw one person cover their flowers with plastic. Here's a tip folks--Plastic draws frost they told us. Use anything but plastic. Huh, interesting. We enjoy being around family. We will be eating funeral sandwiches and wedding cake all in the same week! That is what retired folks do to stay within their budget.
Talk about eating. Mabel seemed to run better (i.e. she should). On Easter we were in Waukee with Chet, Jessica and our little Charlie. We went to the 7:15 service. Before we left, Jessica sorta kinda hid 12 plastic eggs with treats in them around the family room soooooo when we got back Charlotte could pick them up. When we got back from church, 11 of them were laying in the middle of the family room, opened and all the treats were eaten. Mabel, their dog, had a great Easter (i.e. especially enjoyed the Easter egg hunt--can't wait until next year). The 12th egg was in shelving soooo she just couldn't get it. I bet she tried. Mabel is breed to have a good noise and a good hunter. She performed! Such is life.
Talk about eating. The 55+ community where I play pickle ball in the good ol' SW has a meeting/social time each Thursday at 8 a.m.. They serve free donuts and coffee (i.e. the last Thursday I was there I was told they had 32 dozen donuts and ran out). Retirees like free donuts and coffee let me tell ya (i.e. just like Mabel and Erin and Charlie like those donuts)! ANYWAY a fellow pickle ball player told me that JoeTheManagement thinks he really thinks he's cool but he's not. He thinks he's God and God's gift to women. He has a "small guy mentality" soooooo he has to try to make up for it. He turns me off. So what do others think of him. Everyone thinks the same. Does he know that he's that way? Between his ears, I don't think he has a clue; the first time I heard him I turned my body and then she stuck her finger in her mouth. MissPerfect says--How you evaluate someone makes a big difference how you listen to that person and how you look at them (i.e. how you mange around them); no question! GerogeTheCrook says--Most folks like to be around humble folks and humble folks are usually givers (i.e. I seem to mange better around humble folks, oh yes). Think about that folks.
Joesixpack says--It is easy to go down. It is harder to go up. It is easy to lose ability. It is harder to develop it. Easier to gain weitght and harder to loose it. I seem to mange better when I continue to learn. I had the opportunity to hear a lecture on forest fires before we left the good ol' SW (i.e. JoeTheHike and I went). It was really informative. Oversight--the reason why we have massive huge forest fires is that we don't let nature take care of the burning (i.e. man tries to control mother nature--no fires). The forest should have about 25 trees per acre and there might be 250 trees per acre. But the ranger said--We try to control but mother nature will have her way. This summer in AZ will be the driest for many years (i.e. big potential for forest fires he said). Here is something that is interesting to me: The Navajos were nomadic and traveled into CA, Mexico, UT and all of AZ. When they left a spot, they set a fire to the prairie and forest. Why? Soooooo when they returned in 4 to 10 years all the grass and forest would be tender and good eating for their livestock. Huh, interesting. God tried that once with the flood toooooo I think! Whipped it clean and started over. It worked for a while I guess but...!
SusieQ says--I seem to mange better when I accept modernization but keep the bottom line the same--treat folks the way you would want to be treated! That will put your jersey in the rafters SusieQ! Oh ya!
LuckieEddie says--The question is not how I do on a good day but how I do on a bad day! I seem to mange better better when I'm not fearful (i.e. many folks are motivated by fear, the fear of failure). Jason Gismni of the Rockies says--As a young player, you always kind of play with that fear of failure. That's what motivates you. You don't want to fail. You keep pushing yourself and pushing yourself. Eventually, it breaks a lot of guys in this game. Saturday questions--Are you fearful of failure? We live in a very competitive society and culture now don't we. And you know what? We all can't be #1 so we will all fail. Soooooooo, it's how I do when I'm not #1 that matters a lot. As the advertisement says--I feel good in my own skin (i.e. at least most of the time).
I seem to mange better now that I have this new cell phone that is BlueTooth compatible with the system in our car. I had to upgrade my cell phone to get this done. Our kids thought my old phone was from the dark ages. This new one, they say, is a move up but still not top end. Yabut it only cost me a penny! I hope using BlueTooth will make my driving saver while talking on the phone.. It has tooooooo; no hands and all commands are on the steering column. Besides, now Arlene and I can talk at the same time and listen to the conversation sooooooo I don't have tell her what was said. Such is life with modern technology.
LuckieEddie says--When I'm helping to improve the lives of folks, it touches everybody! When do friends, acquaintances, family and just plain folks need me the most? Is it when they fell they have the world by the tail or when they are in the dumps? I operate better when folks operate with me (i.e. sorta kinda encourage me). It always feels good to be around folks who lift your spirits (i.e. they are sorta kinda the cat's meow a.k.a. the knights in shining armor) and not the the ones who drag ya down. You agree? Soooooo are you a drager or alifteruper? Believe me, you affect everyone else. Oh ya! ItchieBitchie says--You can give in to the failure messages and be a bitter deadbeat
of excuses. Or you can choose to be happy and positive and excited about life.
He has affected me and influenced me. Oh ya! I will miss my mentor/professor/special friend Ivan My Man, yes I will. He was 86. He passed away last Saturday. He told me that he prayed for guidance from the Holy spirit each day for the decisions he made. I asked him if he received guidance. Absolutely. He was a good man. He taught me a lot about sooooooo much stuff (i.e. financially, emotionally, and spiritually). I wish everyone could have a friend/mentor like I have had. I seem to mange better 'cause of his wisdom. I will miss him. He was a very successful man in soooooo many ways (i.e. my opinion). He said many times to me--People get a lot better after they are dead. Ivan My Man, you just plain were that good even if you didn't know it. My Daddy, Chester, would say--erv, get around folks who are good and don't know it (i.e. humble folks). They are the good ones. The ones who think they are great but aren't, are not much fun to be around.
WildWilly actually is tooooo big for his britches--tooo high on his horse. He's a pain in the butt to be around. I seem to mange a lot better around humble folks. Oh ya! DuaneTheWorm has waaaaaay tooooo much of a big head for me to enjoy his company. Oh ya! I have been humbled soooooooo many times that I can't count them. I seem to manage better when I'm humble. Oh ya! MissPerfect says--You can be very confident yet still be very humble. I can't remember exactly what I said but our son thought I said it in a grumpy fashion. He said I sounded like a curmudgeon! Ouchy ouchy! That's humbling! I manage better when I have a positive attitude. How about you. Reading the Book helps me to be more positive. Oh ya! I was reading Bible Stories to Erin (i.e. age 4) when we were in CO from her The Beginners Bible--Timeless Children's Stories. ANYWAY her favorite (i.e. I had to read about 5 times) was, as she calls it, the boo-boo owie story (i.e. the good Samaritian story). She just really likes that one.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
April 7, 2012
Oh that water!
ItchieBitchie says--Live life unfiltered (i.e. pick you kicks). We had dinner out with our family Tuesday night in CO and our waitress (i.e. the gal who brought us our water was very nice and very pretty) had a necklace on that I asked her about. It said--Live the life you love. She said it says on the other side--Love the life you live. Soooooo I asked her what that met--Live my life with contentment. She also had a necklace on with a cross. Such is life.
A gal a couple of tables over would snort when she laughed. I haven't heard that for a long time, a snorter! I think she was the wife of Bucksnort! I bet if I would throw some water on her (i.e. like folks use to do to dogs when they were connected) she would quite her snortlaugh but she would probably really snort but a different form of snorting. Sooooo folks can snort in different ways but this gal's snort was the intake of air. Exiting of air is called, well you know. It's sorta kinda a snort! A buddy in AZ told me that he came upon a lady in a room sorta kinda unsuspectingly. The lady said--Sorry, I just laid some stink bombs!
In AZ the water tastes terrible (i.e. has many chemicals in it). Most folks filter the water or buy it. It even smells. When I washed the car, it would leave a scum on the car. Water is a big deal in the dessert (i.e. not much of it). I also understand that water is a concern in many parts of the country and world. Ya gotta have water to crow a crop which is food! No water, no money! GeorgeTheCrook thinks that water will be the next thing we will have war over. Water is that important folks.
When in Palm Springs area, Jan and Gene took us to Indian Canyons up'erin'em mountains. It was just beautiful. We did some hiking and had a picnic. What fun. ANYWAY in the canyons there were small streams of water and along those streams there were huge massive California Fan Palm trees. I asked a ranger about them and she said they were thousands of years old. They were breathtaking contrasts to the stark, rocky gorges and barren dessert land beyond. They looked like oasis in the dessert and they were. The native Indians lived here for years. LuckieEddie says--Where there is water, stuff grows (i.e. think about that statement folks). There is an old SW saying that goes like this--Folks fight for gold but kill for water.
MissPerfect is like a fresh drink of water. She is soooooo resilient (i.e. A resilient person is a term psychologists give folks who seem to overcome multiple personal and family hardships--folks who don't have privileged backgrounds). Joesixpack says--Some folks seem to be very resilient and others not quite sooooo much. Why is that folks? Maybe it's the water they drink. You think sooooo? Or the folks they are around. I operate much better when I'm around special babes in my life. Those babes affect me. Yes they do. OMG I LUV MY BABES!
Two Sundays ago in Mesa I might have been one of the youngest of maybe 400 folks at the church service. This last Sunday at the Rock in Littleton, CO I might have been one of the oldest of maybe 250 folks at the church service. Huh, interesting. Pastor Bruce is encouraging everyone to speak to others who don't go to church to come (i.e. get your tail back in church this Easter). He said on an average Sunday, about 18% of Americans go to church. The picture is of their brochure to give to folks inviting them to come to church. I tell you what folks, the Living Water is the best! The Book says U R 2 keep His commandments and honor and glorify Him for ever (i.e. and come to church to eat donuts). That's the conclusion of the matter.
Sunday afternoon we went upin'em'er mountains and did a little family hiking (i.e. ya gotta get those grand kids started early). We stopped at the Bucksnort Saloon in the canyon. In the parking lot adjoining some private property (i.e. maybe where Bucksnort and wife live) going over a little bubbling brook of water, was this sign. It wasn't spelled perfectly but everyone understood what it meant. It reminded my of some of my writing. Most of you get my points most of the time even though I don't always spell everything perfectly (i.e. you get it?). Such is life.
This is some water that will make you run (i.e. more than run to the bathroom). A successful diet is mind over platter. Hall of Fame pitcher Satchel Paige once said--Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. In the dessert hydration is a very important thing (i.e. ya gotta drink water). LuckieEddie says--Ya gotta hydrate your body and your mind to maximize your life. Heather and James have a little saying in their "useless room" (i.e. a room named by JearBear) that says--And in the end, it's NOT the years in your life that count. It's the LIFE in your years. ~ Abraham Lincoln ~ Cadillac Jack says--Life is much more enjoyable if a guy gets involved in something you believe in. Oh ya! SusieQ says--Some of you think life is a contest; it ain't; it just looks that way at times. There is a smarter betterway to live your life than as a contest! JoeTheBucksnort says--All the different folks make the beauty in the world. Oh ya!
This is some funny stuff (i.e. at least to me). It was in the last Arizona Republic before we left. They asked the question: Is AZ ready for daylight saving time? Here are some of the responses (i.e. countess reasons): No! We'd have to teach our legislators how to reset their watches -- That's an utterly insane idea! -- I'm already too HOT to handle! -- In this economy it's about all we can save! -- Does this affect Happy Hour? -- Won't happen. Arizona doesn't want any more enlightenment.
Oh ya, the sites of the mid-west! Well it's always good to be home. We have some errands to do and some cleaning to do of course. We are just like "any old drink of water" (i.e. not any different than anyone else). Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--One of the best things a man can have up his sleeve is a funny bone.
A gal a couple of tables over would snort when she laughed. I haven't heard that for a long time, a snorter! I think she was the wife of Bucksnort! I bet if I would throw some water on her (i.e. like folks use to do to dogs when they were connected) she would quite her snortlaugh but she would probably really snort but a different form of snorting. Sooooo folks can snort in different ways but this gal's snort was the intake of air. Exiting of air is called, well you know. It's sorta kinda a snort! A buddy in AZ told me that he came upon a lady in a room sorta kinda unsuspectingly. The lady said--Sorry, I just laid some stink bombs!
In AZ the water tastes terrible (i.e. has many chemicals in it). Most folks filter the water or buy it. It even smells. When I washed the car, it would leave a scum on the car. Water is a big deal in the dessert (i.e. not much of it). I also understand that water is a concern in many parts of the country and world. Ya gotta have water to crow a crop which is food! No water, no money! GeorgeTheCrook thinks that water will be the next thing we will have war over. Water is that important folks.
When in Palm Springs area, Jan and Gene took us to Indian Canyons up'erin'em mountains. It was just beautiful. We did some hiking and had a picnic. What fun. ANYWAY in the canyons there were small streams of water and along those streams there were huge massive California Fan Palm trees. I asked a ranger about them and she said they were thousands of years old. They were breathtaking contrasts to the stark, rocky gorges and barren dessert land beyond. They looked like oasis in the dessert and they were. The native Indians lived here for years. LuckieEddie says--Where there is water, stuff grows (i.e. think about that statement folks). There is an old SW saying that goes like this--Folks fight for gold but kill for water.

Sunday afternoon we went upin'em'er mountains and did a little family hiking (i.e. ya gotta get those grand kids started early). We stopped at the Bucksnort Saloon in the canyon. In the parking lot adjoining some private property (i.e. maybe where Bucksnort and wife live) going over a little bubbling brook of water, was this sign. It wasn't spelled perfectly but everyone understood what it meant. It reminded my of some of my writing. Most of you get my points most of the time even though I don't always spell everything perfectly (i.e. you get it?). Such is life.
This is some water that will make you run (i.e. more than run to the bathroom). A successful diet is mind over platter. Hall of Fame pitcher Satchel Paige once said--Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. In the dessert hydration is a very important thing (i.e. ya gotta drink water). LuckieEddie says--Ya gotta hydrate your body and your mind to maximize your life. Heather and James have a little saying in their "useless room" (i.e. a room named by JearBear) that says--And in the end, it's NOT the years in your life that count. It's the LIFE in your years. ~ Abraham Lincoln ~ Cadillac Jack says--Life is much more enjoyable if a guy gets involved in something you believe in. Oh ya! SusieQ says--Some of you think life is a contest; it ain't; it just looks that way at times. There is a smarter betterway to live your life than as a contest! JoeTheBucksnort says--All the different folks make the beauty in the world. Oh ya!
This is some funny stuff (i.e. at least to me). It was in the last Arizona Republic before we left. They asked the question: Is AZ ready for daylight saving time? Here are some of the responses (i.e. countess reasons): No! We'd have to teach our legislators how to reset their watches -- That's an utterly insane idea! -- I'm already too HOT to handle! -- In this economy it's about all we can save! -- Does this affect Happy Hour? -- Won't happen. Arizona doesn't want any more enlightenment.
Oh ya, the sites of the mid-west! Well it's always good to be home. We have some errands to do and some cleaning to do of course. We are just like "any old drink of water" (i.e. not any different than anyone else). Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--One of the best things a man can have up his sleeve is a funny bone.
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