A gal a couple of tables over would snort when she laughed. I haven't heard that for a long time, a snorter! I think she was the wife of Bucksnort! I bet if I would throw some water on her (i.e. like folks use to do to dogs when they were connected) she would quite her snortlaugh but she would probably really snort but a different form of snorting. Sooooo folks can snort in different ways but this gal's snort was the intake of air. Exiting of air is called, well you know. It's sorta kinda a snort! A buddy in AZ told me that he came upon a lady in a room sorta kinda unsuspectingly. The lady said--Sorry, I just laid some stink bombs!
In AZ the water tastes terrible (i.e. has many chemicals in it). Most folks filter the water or buy it. It even smells. When I washed the car, it would leave a scum on the car. Water is a big deal in the dessert (i.e. not much of it). I also understand that water is a concern in many parts of the country and world. Ya gotta have water to crow a crop which is food! No water, no money! GeorgeTheCrook thinks that water will be the next thing we will have war over. Water is that important folks.
When in Palm Springs area, Jan and Gene took us to Indian Canyons up'erin'em mountains. It was just beautiful. We did some hiking and had a picnic. What fun. ANYWAY in the canyons there were small streams of water and along those streams there were huge massive California Fan Palm trees. I asked a ranger about them and she said they were thousands of years old. They were breathtaking contrasts to the stark, rocky gorges and barren dessert land beyond. They looked like oasis in the dessert and they were. The native Indians lived here for years. LuckieEddie says--Where there is water, stuff grows (i.e. think about that statement folks). There is an old SW saying that goes like this--Folks fight for gold but kill for water.

Sunday afternoon we went upin'em'er mountains and did a little family hiking (i.e. ya gotta get those grand kids started early). We stopped at the Bucksnort Saloon in the canyon. In the parking lot adjoining some private property (i.e. maybe where Bucksnort and wife live) going over a little bubbling brook of water, was this sign. It wasn't spelled perfectly but everyone understood what it meant. It reminded my of some of my writing. Most of you get my points most of the time even though I don't always spell everything perfectly (i.e. you get it?). Such is life.
This is some water that will make you run (i.e. more than run to the bathroom). A successful diet is mind over platter. Hall of Fame pitcher Satchel Paige once said--Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. In the dessert hydration is a very important thing (i.e. ya gotta drink water). LuckieEddie says--Ya gotta hydrate your body and your mind to maximize your life. Heather and James have a little saying in their "useless room" (i.e. a room named by JearBear) that says--And in the end, it's NOT the years in your life that count. It's the LIFE in your years. ~ Abraham Lincoln ~ Cadillac Jack says--Life is much more enjoyable if a guy gets involved in something you believe in. Oh ya! SusieQ says--Some of you think life is a contest; it ain't; it just looks that way at times. There is a smarter betterway to live your life than as a contest! JoeTheBucksnort says--All the different folks make the beauty in the world. Oh ya!
This is some funny stuff (i.e. at least to me). It was in the last Arizona Republic before we left. They asked the question: Is AZ ready for daylight saving time? Here are some of the responses (i.e. countess reasons): No! We'd have to teach our legislators how to reset their watches -- That's an utterly insane idea! -- I'm already too HOT to handle! -- In this economy it's about all we can save! -- Does this affect Happy Hour? -- Won't happen. Arizona doesn't want any more enlightenment.
Oh ya, the sites of the mid-west! Well it's always good to be home. We have some errands to do and some cleaning to do of course. We are just like "any old drink of water" (i.e. not any different than anyone else). Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--One of the best things a man can have up his sleeve is a funny bone.
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