Disclaimer ~ I'm here and I'm writing--Some of you might think I'm talking "crazy big" and some of you think I'm talking "crazy small"! Soooooo you have to decide for yourself if it's good stuff or if you just want to delete it. Just remember, you get what you pay for! Such is life.
I really would like to get in your head. Your thinking just intrigues me. Yes it does. AvergeJoe says--I'm addicted to brake fluid but I can stop any time. WildWilly says--I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Than it dawned on me. Ya, folks are complex all right. Such is life.
Many think that there is mayhem in my life 'cause of what I believe. They may say my life is runnin' amok, is a mess, is kahotic, is total confusion, is wacko. Others might think I'm going the right direction (i.e. I have life a little figured out). Soooooo why the big difference in opinions? Maybe it's the way we are programed by our past (i.e. parents, spouses, teachers, mentors, folks at the coffee shop, government officials, past world leaders, bridge club gals, Bible, our beer drinking buddies, the guys at the club, Republicans/Democrats, experiences of life, religious leaders, etc). I do know that there are some real opinionated folks, very opinionated! It's their way or the highway! Think about this--If your university professor thinks a certain way and you want a good grade, you have to tell him what he wants to hear. The same way if you want to get along with parents, police, school officials, laws, IRS, etc. They might be wrong but you have to abide by their demands. Recently a friend and I decided not to talk about a believe of a certain religious denomination (i.e. not faith) 'cause we don't agree. Why argue about it. He won't change and I probably won't (i.e. at least right now). Sooooooo cut it out erv! I'm not mad at him or think less of him 'cause we don't agree. He can believe his way and I will believe what I believe. That's ok. That's why we have many many different denominations in the Christian faith (i.e. we can't agree on traditions or certain approved acceptances of different denominations). I think that's ok. MissPerfect says--That's why it is the best policy to not talk about religion, politics or money. Folks many times have strong opinions and they might be differetnt than yours! Many folks think they are right and won't listen to an other's point of view. Sooooo suck it up cupcake and accept that. My opinion--folks who won't listen to other folks' point of view are little folks (i.e. this has been road tested at International Falls last January). Such is life.
Cut it out! Quite talkin' smack talk DuaneTheWorm. Smack talk leads to road rage, road rage to a fight, a fight to loosing your dirivers license, loosing your driver's license to loosing your job, loosing your job to having no money, having no money to divorce, divorce to living with your kids, living with your kids to being alone, being alone to death when no one really cares sooooooo cutitoout--quite the smack talk!
SuseQ says--I just didn't catch on to my husband right away and didn't tell him to cut it out! Do you think the wife changes to the way a husband thinks more than a husband to what a wife thinks? It seems like in many casses the husband and the wife end up being two peas in a pod. Look around. They must influence each other. One must brainwash the other or something or maybe indoctrinate each other. Oh that brainwashing. Hitler sure brainwashed the German folks (i.e. they believed him). My Mom, Anna, would tell me--erv, don't believe everything everyone tells ya. The politicians tell the folks what they want to hear and many believe them (i.e. gottacha). I hear a lot of promises now again and did 4 years ago also. It's hogwash folks. My financial advisor says...! My neighbor says...! My professor says...! My expert says...! They might look good and maybe smell good and maybe sound good but...! LuckieEddie says--Yabut when you get up close, they smell like onions and are cosmetically altered (i.e. a sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud--I read that while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it)! Some even have rocks in their shoes and in their heads! I think we should pass legislation to put bells on these cats like we put bells on cats sooooooo we know where those cats are. But first we will spend a few millions to see if it will work!!!! How in the world will we ever decide which cats should have the bells on (i.e. who is going to decide--what measuring stick are we going to use)? Who are you going to believe anyway?
A SmartYoungMan told me--Many folks use confirmation bias information. Folks obtain statistics and information to support their believe on their bias. I call it preferred bias. They can't evaluate information very objectively as they are soooooo bias. Their information just supports their bias (i.e. and the merry go round goes on and on, faster and faster). Saturday question--Are you a confirmation bias person? A SmartYoungWoman told me--Gathering confirmation bias information makes a person feel comfortable that they are right. We are all opinionated folks if we think soooooo or not! Right, moderates, left and then the extremists on both ends! It appears the extremists are the most forceful and most difficult to deal with (i.e. my opinion) as they force their opinions on others with extreme force. ItchieBitchie says--Soooooooo erv, cut it out trying to force your beliefs on me!
I'm not a true fan. No I'm not. I'm tooooo objective. I'm not a phantom fan (i.e. irrationality that over rides objectivity). A good friend told me recently--erv, you are sooooo optimistic about everything but not in being a sports fan. He's right. I need to cut out being objective in order to be a true fan. To be a great sports fan, you have to be ridiculously crazy a.k.a. irrational and not objective (i.e. live in the make believe). I applaud good plays by both teams. I'm realistic about my teams. My friend is the same guy who I emailed the other night and told him I just turned on the Knicks/Celtics game. His Knicks were ahead by about 20 at the half. He responed--I've seen this movie before meaning that the Knicks have been ahead before against Boston and lost with probably Pierce winning the game with a last second jump shot (i.e. he's being realistic). Soooooo there you go.
Cognitive dissonance is the feeling of discomfort we feel when we hold two conflicting beliefs simultaneously. The fundamental principle is that we find it hard to hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time so we unconsciously adjust or alter one in order to make the other fit. In other words, when there is a discrepancy between beliefs and behaviors, something has to change in order to reduce or eliminate the dissonance. Soooo cut it out. Either you are one or the other but not both. Cadillac Jack says--you are either dead or not dead but not both! SusieQ says--I like it both ways sooooo...! That is a little scary when you really think about it. The mind is capable of automatically altering its perceptions in order to reduce the possibility of dissonance, seemingly without the awareness of the individual. So, that leads us to the question of what constitutes “reality” if it is simply “constructed” in our own mind in order to fit the situation? When we think we “know” something, you have to wonder if it is a truly accurate representation of reality or an “adjustment” in order to reduce the chance of feeling discomfort or dissonance. Such is life.
Cut it out! Your thinking might make you miss the boat (i.e. the boat has left and you are still here). You have been passed by, looked over. The world has kept right on going while you were feeling sorry for yourself and complaining and are very narrow minded. Joesixpack says--Reality sometimes isn't the most pleasant but we need to deal with it. We might eat, go to the movies, read, or sleep but they are really only diversions from reality (i.e. reality keeps just coming back). When we get pushed into a corner, our old self seems to pop up it's ugly head (e.g. a dog returns to it's vomit). We really need to work on not letting our old self take over. I sometimes have things happen to me or see something and I think it's a change. But, it's only a hope (i.e. a mirage) and not reality. Such is life if I like it or not! It's sorta kinda like politics; I think someone is going to change the playing field but then reality shows up and nothing changes. It's reality folks. Nutten changes until it gets sooooooo bad and there seems that there is no solution then something has to change (i.e. folks get feed up with it and act). It has to get really bad before anything changes. Think about that. JoeTheBucksnort asks--Why do I have to get sooooo low a.k.a humbled before I will think about changing? I can't answer that question JoeTheBucksnort but do know that when we think we are God, we don't need God! DuaneTheWorm thinks he's God Almighty. Ouchy ouchy!
When we were kids we might say--cut it out or I'll punch you in the noise (i.e. girls would say I will tell the teacher)! Not all kids or adults would do that. Some are just bullied around by the powerful. Many of the powerful (i.e. like the Pharisees) think they know everything and won't listen to anyone else. They are high and mighty. That is why it's hard to be a leader I think. A good leader can somehow get folks to listen and hold a group together even when members of the group have different opinions and intemperate facts differently. CadillacJack says--Or they are just good at brain washing the folks! Ouchy ouchy!
Here is a possible opinion I have. I wonder if the greatest folks in the world were/are more open minded than the closed minded folks. I have thought about some of these folks and it appears to me that many of them meditate, pray, ask for advice, ask for other's opinions, don't just jump to conclusions and often wonder if they are right. Abraham Lincoln is a hero of mine and I think he was this way. My mentor seemed to be this way tooooo.
MissPerfect says--Most sales and bad decisions occur 'cause of emotions. Cut it out GerogeTheCrook. Cut out your crapping thinkin'. Ya need to sort it out what's good and what's bad. Don' let your emotions take over as your emotions usually lead you to disaster. Look at the facts. Emotions are sorta kinda just cover ups (i.e. you either have your hand in the cookie jar or you don't--like dead is dead). When your nerves are jingling, you usually can't perform very well.
I was reading the Bible while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it. This is what I read written by PeterTheRock: But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teacher among you. JoeBlow says--I have attended liberal churches, conservative churches and some in the middle. Sooooooo who is right? I don't know JoeBlow but it says there are two major commandments soooooo maybe we need to cut out the arguing about how many angels can fit on a head of a nettle or what color the bath room needs to be painted. I repeat, maybe!!!!
Joesixpack says--BUT some devotional writers and some pastors are easier to listen toooooo than others. And sometimes we get sooooooo use to listening to stuff that we are immune from any other ideas or even the truth. It's like the bushes in front of some houses. Those bushes are over grown and old and need to be replaced or pruned but you have looked at them for soooooo long that you don't see it. It's much like those warts that we all have. Folks don't see them as we cover them up. We get sooooooo use to 'em. But they are there. Soooooo cut it out pretending you don't have 'em. We know you have 'em 'cause we all have 'em! Such is life
CadillacJack says--Folks are very good at taking anything and shaping it into the symbol that their condition requires! Individuals react differently to the same stimulus. Maybe due to how they have been programed by their past experiences. What do you think folks?
ItchieBitchie says--Cut it out erv! This stuff is pretty deep. It makes my brain hurt and my toes burn! I understand ItchieBitchie, I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it, which is another way of saying I don't understand it either. I don't want to dig a hole soooooo deep that I can't get out soooooooo...! But really, what's goes on in your head anyway?! I really wonder!!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.
April 28, 2012
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Hi Erv! Hope all is well. That brain of yours is in overdrive.. but it drives you!! so keep it up ha ha. pinkish pete says... "enjoy life, it's later than you think"
ReplyDeletewatch 4 my nephew in your area with the Peoria Chiefs.. hit his first professional home run yesterday .. giidddeeeupp!
c u soon.