I know quite a bit about women but not a lot. I'm going to learn more as I'm ordering the new book that just came out. Thought you guys should know about the book too, "Understanding Women" is now out in paperback on Amazon. The cost of the book is reasonable but the shipping is a killer!
Quite a bit but not a lot doesn't really give me the answer I'm looking for. I want more quantifiable figures. I read while eating my oatmeal with MI blueberries on it--That I'm suppose to be sympathetic, love as a brother, be compassionate and humble. Am I? MurkeyMarvin says--Yes I am, I'm quite a bit but not a lot!
SusiesQ says--I'm beautiful and I know it. I fix myself up very nice and have some really fine, expensive clothes, jewelry and other outward adornment. I'm just a plain beautiful...! I think (i.e. my opinion) that the most beautiful women I know are not defined by SusieQ's definition of beauty. I think (i.e. my opinion) inner beauty is unfading. It's gentle and quiet spirited. I might think different than the world. But listen girls, still make yourselves look nice on the outside. I like that toooooo! Really the combination of the two with the strong emphases on the inner is best. I have just described Arlene.
WillmaWonder is one of the "nones". Oh ya. She has no common sense (i.e. none) but maybe a little (i.e. exactly the same but a little different). ItchieBitchie says--You can't teach common sense more that you can teach athletic, musical, or artistic ability. Ya either got it or you don't. ItchieBitichie, I think you can enhance common sense. I really do. LuckieEddie has common sense or he is just lucky. One or the other. Some folks can just understand stuff and others just can't. Some have quite a bit but not a lot! AverageJoe says--I don't care if she has common sense or not 'cause she is pretty and she gets me excited! I like pretty girls! And besides, I don't have much common sense neither. Such is life.
MissPerfect says--I give our kids quite a bit but not a lot! Soooooo what's quite a bit but not a lot anyway MissPerfect? I think to know how much stuff to give kids or grand kids is hard to decide. Stuff just doesn't mean much. Memories mean a lot. I think most stuff is forgotten but memories last forever. Sooooo I think it's more important to make memories than to give stuff. GeorgeTheCrook says--Your children need your presence more than your presents. Our neighbors have built a new house and will be moving soon (i.e. we will miss them). ANYWAY Sandy said to me that I have 30 years of stuff and Karl has 40 years of stuff. What are we going to do with all that stuff.
AverageJoe says--I have a quite a bit of money but not a lot. I read this in the paper soooo it must be right--You can serve a small group of rich people or a large group of poor people, but not both. MagicMike says--Never listen to anyone who says "never" when it comes to money. They can change their mind real fast! Oh ya! Never means tomorrow or this morning! Oh ya! Then they say--My memory seems a little blurry but I didn't say that! Then there is a magnanimous silence. They are much like a puff of wind. JoeBlow says--If they are tooooooo smooth, they are tooooooo smoooooth. When folks are young, they say they want to help the poor. That is until they get in the world and become real capitalists. Oh how we change. It's tooooo bad folks but money is a large driving factor of many folks' lives. Most folks run with the herd but some buck the trend. Oh ya! My mentor use to say--The world's measuring stick is how much money you have! Ouchy ouchy!
ItchieBitchie says--Things have changed quite a bit but not a lot! Should the Bible be reinterpreted, modified, overturned by current cultural trends in thoughts and believes? Science makes for poor ethics. It is tooooo easy to reinterpret scientific findings in such a way as to justify our moral desires. Saturday question--Has the Christian believe changed quite a it but not a lot? Hobby Lobby took out full page ads in newspapers across our great America titled In God We Trust on the 4th of July. Good stuff--my opinion. Under the sup-title Scripture was these two scriptures: Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD Psalm 33:12a and If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Mabel smells quite a bit like a dog but not a lot! MabelTheHound says--I have quite a bit of time but not a lot! Soooooo lets get going! We're burning day light here! Ya, we had the opportunity to take care of Mabel (i.e. Chet and Jessica's dog) for a few days. I think Mabel knows how to use her time wisely. She is always trying to get attention (i.e. manipulates me). And it works. Maybe I'm just a softy! Could be. She and I both have the Life of Riley! Mabel taught me something. Oh ya. She taught me--You can't trust a dog to watch your food. Mabel reminded me of what my Mom, Anna, said to me--erv, great folks give much attention to folks who can't return anything back to them such as power, money, or fame (i.e. they are not political or egoistical). They are kind just because it's the right thing to do. If your motive as a giver is to get something in return, you might be missing the boat. Then it's business and not a gift at all. A gift given begrudgingly is not a gift. Such is life.
DuaneTheWorm might be intelligent (i.e. I really don't know but many connivers are). I question his morals though. CadillacJack says--Moral qualities live longer than intellectual ones. Martin Luther said--The prosperity of a country consists in the number of its cultivated citizens, its men of education, enlightenment, and character. Here are to be found its true interests, its chief strength, its real power.
Arlene and I had breakfast with a friend recently. He was in the dumps. Really in the dumps. Not quite a bit but a lot. Sooooo the next morning I called him to see how he was doing. He was sooooooo happy and said he got a text message and he's now 180 degrees different. He was on cloud 9! One text message folks. Sooooooo do you think a call from you or a text message could change a person's life that much? If sooooo, that could be quite a gift. My deceased neighbor, George, use to tell me that the devil's chief ploy is discouragement. Make someones day. Lift their spirits. You might be the part of the equation to make the change. TomTheShark-ge lifted my spirits the other day. We did some betting on the golf course. I lost each time but it was well worth it. It was sooooo much fun. The $$ lose was quite a bit but not a lot!
Sooooo do you love Jesus? Ya, I do. I love Jesus quite a bit but not a lot. Folks, let me tell you something. Jesus loves you unconditionally and 100%, no quite a bit but not a lot. Now that is quite an assurance. Now that's hard to comprehend 100% by my pea sized mind. He's God and we are humans. That's a massive huge difference now isn't it!
WildWillie says--At times I maybe think I know quite a bit but not a lot but I do know that when the king says--"If you do not tell me what my dream was and interpret it, I will have you cut into pieces and your houses turned into piles of rubble. But if you tell me the dream and explain it, you will receive from me gifts and rewards and great honor. So tell me the dream and interpret it for me". Now that's a lot of pressure folks! That could give a guy a panic attack. Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A peck of common sense is worth a bushel of learning.
little bit, and a lot of caveat Erv. Canadian Champs in 65 t0 69 year old category. such is life.
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