Retirement surely lets a guy make his own life stories. Joesixpack says--Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you are suppose to. Not everyone spends their free time the same now do they. My opinion is that folks who are the happiest are sorta kinda individualist and walk to their own, unique drum beat and not to someone elses. And really folks, hardly anyone knows your thinking, your story, your situation nor what you are doing. Sooooo why do we spend soooooo much time worrying about what others think. Really now folks. Enjoy your life.
Gratitude is what we should have for being alive. Gratitude makes a life much more enjoyable. Gratitude in the morning, at noon day and in the evening. Thank you God for life. Thank you God for opportunities. Thank you God for letting my be part of your creation. Thank you God. Giving gratitude makes me goose-pimply! Oh ya. Lou Gehrig said in his farewell address in Yankee Stadium July 4, 1930 retiring 'cause of Lour Gehrig disease--I have a whole hell of a lot to be thankful for...I'm the luckiest man on the face of the earth...I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for!
Maybe some of our life's current stories aren't soooo pretty. In fact they might be ugly. Those might seem to be the "downs" of life. We need to do what we need to do. We need to look for the best and move on. We must. "Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own."
~Ephesians 6:13, MSG~ Do you believe in Divine Providence? LuckieEddie says--The definition of Divine Providence: Something chosen and promoted by God for us, not necessarily perceived as positive. I (i.e. my opinion) think that God lets things happen and doesn't make things to happen to us. I like my statement that I stand by--His understanding I cannot fathom, God is God, and that's just the way it is.
We have never had the Golf Channel before but I wanted to watch some of the FedEx play and maybe the Ryder Cup. Of course Media Com could help me get it on our TVs. It was instant if I pay $7.95. They were replaying the Dicks Sporting Championship of Sunday. I watched the last 2 holes and Willie Wood made a 30 footer to tie for the Championship and won it on the first sudden death hole. In his interview he said--I haven't won since 1996 and have to qualify every Monday just for a change to get to play in the tournaments. This means soooooo much to me. He said he has had many downs but this sure is an up. You know folks, we all need some ups in our lives. They don't have to be major but we all need to have some ups. Sooooo in your story of life, what are your ups?
Talk about ups and downs in life! Abraham and Sarah wanted to have a kid. It wasn't working out (i.e. downer). God told Abraham that they were going to have a kid at Sarah's age of 90 and Abraham age of 100. That's a lot of years of trying folks (i.e. you do the math). ANYWAY What did Sarah do--she laughed. But it was true and Issac was born. Now that was an up. When they least expected it. Such is life.
I can get bored rather easy at times. I like new things. New ups. Can you make new ups do you think. I think you can. A lot has to do with attitude. I will guarantee if you just sit on the couch, eat chips and feel sorry for your self, you won't have toooooooo many ups. SUGGESTION do something different (i.e. a new challenge, a new event, something different). Make a story in your life. How about making a new relationship. Pick someone who you think needs a up as well (i.e. don't pick the star social babe). Now that's a win win situation. RoseyRose says--One new honest-to-goodness relationship is worth ten fistfuls of business cards. Think about that folks. You might find the treasure at the end of the rainbow. This winter I'm going to learn how to swim properly and learn to whistle with my fingers. Yes I am.
MissPerfect says--Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument or your age that is to blame.
You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period.
My life story or stories are just amazing. Just amazing. I really have had a good life (i.e. it seemed to just fall in my lap). Way better than I every expected (i.e. but I had no expectations soooo...). I attribute this good life to lot of things: good parents, accepting Jesus as my Savor, being around many good folks (i.e. you guys) etc. I have been blessed. Yes, I have had many speed bumps and made many poor decisions. And I know I will have challenges left to come. For those of you who know me well (i.e. close friends and family) you know my life well. You know what I'm talking about when I talk about my life. My story isn't much different than your life's story or stories. EasyMabel says--You're least prepared for the things that change your life the most. Whoa Nelly!
Sometimes our life story has a sequel. And then another sequel just like the movie Batman (i.e. the story goes on for ever). At some point we need to admit that we are just not going to hit the home run in the bottom of the 9 in game 7 of the world series. It just ain't going to happen. JoeBlow says--Ya got to face it before you can fix it. Do you every wonder if we really don't face reality very well? I mean we really don't see some things the way they are. We are blinded 'cause we don't want to face reality. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like a duck, it's probably a duck. And some things we can't fix. We just need to deal with it the best we can (i.e. they just can't be fixed--impossible). For me, that's hard to accept sometimes. Soooo my life story just goes on. But my life, I bet, doesn't have as many stories as Methuselah who live to 956. Now that would be a lot of stories I bet.
Many of our stories are "allbutfortgotten" by others if they even know about them in the first place. That makes me feel oh so small at times. Soooo you win some local bowling tournament and you think you're some big deal. Does anyone really care much except you. Do they even remember or want to hear about it. Very little if at all. I think about that some when I write about stuff that we/I do. Maybe most folks really don't care (i.e. like DuaneTheWorm who is into "the horn business". But flip the pancake, I follow some of you folks on facebook and enjoy it a lot. I really enjoy knowing and seeing what you have been doing. I really do. More that you know or I express. If you would like to be my friend, let me know. MPO is this--In the end, after all is said and done, all the wear and tear, all the crying and gnashing of teeth in this life, all the chasing of rainbows, finding our dreams, all we are left with is our memories. Such is life.
Every one has a story. Old Rev. Johnson was begging his board of directors to buy a new chandelier for the church. Pleading for more than an hour, he sat down sullen and hopeless in his ambition to acquire a chandelier. Then the elder president of the board stood up. "What're we wasting time talkin' for?" he said rhetorically. "Foist of all, a chandelier, ... we ain't got nobody who could even spell it. Second, we ain't got nobody who could even play it. And third, what we need most in the church is more light!"
God said to Abimelech--You are as good as dead because of a woman you have taken; she is a married woman. IMO I'm 99,99999999% certain God was serious! Abimelech told God that he did not touch her (i.e. it was just not a story Abimelech that made up0. God said he was alright then. Abimelch was relieved let me tell ya! Such is life.
Stories stories stories. MissPerfect says--I think I have heard them all. I know a guy who has a lot of stories. Half of those stories are not true and the other half I don't believe. And he thinks I'm going to believe them. Da! Try to put your brain around this story--An acquaintance who I haven't seen for maybe 20 years (i.e. about 50 years old) told me he's divorced. A friend told me his wife was tired of him playing golf all the time and her sitting home. Moderation MurckyMarvin, moderation. A golf buddy told me recently that he is trying to treat his wife the best he can (i.e. her wish is his command). Sooooo how is it going. Pretty good but I sometimes fail. Soooo sort through those two stories folks and glean what you can from them. Last Saturday we were playing golf in the afternoon. We got 9 in and it was raining soooo we went into the clubhouse. There was a father and his 30+ son sitting at the bar having a beer. I hadn't seen the kid for maybe 12 years or so. I asked him where he was living now--back at home with dad and mom--oh--I'm going through a divorce--that's toooo bad; I;m sorry to hear that. Dad says--It happens; it's just one of those things. I don't like to hear those type of stories folks but our pastor said over 50% of folks get divorced. Ouchy ouchy!
Everyone has a story or two or a whole bunch. Our little granddaughter Erin (i.e. age 4 and a half) does not sit still very long. BUT last time we were together, I started telling her short stories of when I was a young boy. She sat still and kept saying--more stories grandpa! Sooooo, folks like stories (i.e. folks of all ages). Jesus told stories in his teaching called parables (i.e. earthly stories with heavenly meaning). Folks seem to enjoyed them and can somewhat understand them. Huh, interesting.
Watch this short video--It' called Every Life Has a Story. It touched me. It makes me realize that I need to be more understanding. I really don't have a clue what other folks' story is sometimes.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Never let yesterday use up too much of today.
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