Joesixpack says--I've learned a lot in life. Probably the thing I learned that helped me the most is--be humble. Haughty folks just drive me crazy. I don't care to be around them. They spoil my life's experience. I would rather not be in a group if there is one around. But haughty folks seem to like to be around other haughty folks. You ever notice that. IMO they don't get it. And you know what folks, I might be visualized at haughty and don't even know it. Sooooooo I better keep a low profile and keep my mouth shut. Good idea Joesixpack. That will work. Have you ever noticed that Jesus didn't have much time for the haughty? He hung around with some pretty humble folks (i.e. low on the social food chain in some cases) let me tell ya. Talk about the pecking order food chain. Fall is here and have you noticed the grouping of birds preparing for the migration south. I always wonder how that works. I suppose fall has always meant birds start flocking, working out social problems and class rank before the big flight south. They are just like humans maybe. I don't know. Such is life.
Talk about big people getting smaller. I have a golf buddy who has lost an inch and a half of height recently. Yup, he is getting smaller. He says he has a degenerating back. And it hurts when he plays golf. He has some high powered pain medication he takes sometimes. The problem with that is he says he becomes goofy and tired. I really can't tell the difference!!!!! Back pain is not fun folks. I have learned that a couple of times. I would guess some of you know what I'm talking about. I had a 50 year old friend tell me recently that he went to Mayo to have his back looked at. They gave him some exercises to do. He says he feels good now but wonders if he will continue doing the exercises! Good question. I have learned from others that most don't once they start feeling better. This guy is pretty disciplined. We will see. SusieQ says--It just like many dieters or heart patients. They do it for a short time and then fall off the wagon. Hey listen, don't take everything SusieQ says as the truth. She admitted to me in private that her knowledge about this stuff could fit into a snuff tin with room to spare. Great balls of fire!!!!
I really can't see past the end of my nose sooooo don't take any of what I say too serious either. I have learned that I don't know near as much as I think. KennyTheRiverRat says--I really think that we need to get folks from both sides of the fence to crawl through the wire and start working together on many things going on on this earth. Most of the folks are only thinking of themselves (i.e. their own self-interest). IMO I have learned that self-interest is a huge massive problem in doing what is best for the situation. It's usually about the money folks. Oh ya!!!
I have learned that some times I don't know what folks are trying to say. What is this guy saying? Is he saying he's #1? Or maybe, hi there! Or maybe I give all the Glory to God! Or maybe he's just a dumb scarecrow being happy. And it looks like he's been working out and watching his calorie intake too!
JudgeWilma says--Oder in the court! Order in the court! I learned a lot from these 2 guys. Oh ya! KennyTheRiverRat called it "TheCycleOfLife". My mentor use to say--Every day folks are born and folks die. It's been that way for many years erv. That's just the way it is. AverageJoe says--Ya gotta be able to handle the blitz and the curve ball erv. "When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Viktor E. Frankl, psychiatrist and holocaust survivor~ MissPerfect says--The person who views the world at 50 the same as they did at 20 has wasted 30 years of their life--GeorgeTheCrook says--When you are young and not liberal, you have no heart; when your old and not conservative, you have no brain.
This is what I learned from a couz--They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot and then once a day it was taken and sold to the tannery.......if you had to do this to survive you were "Piss Poor". But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn't even afford to buy a pot......they "didn't have a pot to "piss in" and were the lowest of the low. I learn sooooo much without even trying sometimes. Such is life.
I've learned a lot--Rick Boxx says--Many universities and corporate trainers teach business ethics from a perspective sometimes referred to as "moral relativism." This basically means they do not believe in objective truth; to them, truth is in the eye of the beholder. As a result, according to this way of thinking, whatever an individual regards as right is good enough. Hey, don't folks and churches do that with the Bible? Whatever you think is right is right? It looks that way to me at times. I think I do it all the time. But that Bible is just soooooo hard to understand. That is why, I just need faith and trust. Keep it simple stupid! According to Einstein there are five levels of intellect. 1. Smart 2. Intelligent 3. Brilliant 4. Genius 5. Simple
I've learned a lot by not even trying. It just falls into my lap. I asked a senior friend at church how she was doing. She said--Same as always; I always say that. Well, that's good that your are the same as always I guess. I'm not the same as always. Are you? I'm changing all the time. I'm just a constant change if I like it or not. I wonder if she is always the same. I wonder if she needs to drive a stake in the ground and then go back and see how much she has moved. I think she might learn a lot. A friend who works in a grocery store replies to me when I ask her how she is doing--Better than most but not as good as others! She has said this to me I bet for 15 years. Huh, interesting. Soooo what do you say when folks ask you how you are. Do you have a pat answer? I asked JoeBlow how he was doing and he said--"I'm fighting lions with switches but I'm making it." For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment.
~Viktor E. Frankl
I have learned (i.e. VERY IMPORTANT) that when you don't know what to say to someone who is hurting, has a problem, needs your encouragement, or has trouble communicating is just to hug them and tell them you love them. Do it folks. They need it and you need it.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice.
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