Joesixpack says--Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. Their talk is about as edifying as a belch! We are all unique and different. Oh ya! My thoughts are like as fleet as lighting--I have to write them down right now or I will forget them. And my thoughts are many times unique and different compared to your thoughts folks. Psychologists say that I only use 10% of my brain. Well, there is my problem. Saturday question--Do you use good judgement? Good judgement is the ability to make the best decision possible based on the information you have, without being swayed by others or by predetermined ideas. Mark Twin said--Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment." Such is life.
SusieQ says--If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes. I was hiking with JoeTheHike. He was my leader. And I can tell you that that statement is true (i.e. all I saw on our hike was his butt). I have many friends who are unique and different (i.e. true leaders). I think that's why I like you guys. I'm thinking about one particular person now who by his own admission is a hybrid. He is always trying to put a round peg in a square hole (i.e. nutten is standard in his thinking). He's always doing something different and unique. He doesn't do anything like it has been done in the past (i.e. very futuristic and innovative and energetic). He's always on the cutting edge. He is very confident and has a very positive attitude. He appears to be very successful. He is unique and different compared to the large majority of folks who like everything to stay the same. Some of you will think I'm talking about you. I might be. I have many friends who are unique and different and fit this mold. Maybe I like folks like that as I get bored easily and I like your attitude.
Monday was a national holiday sooooo Arlene and I had the day off from our normal loafing. We went on a good hike up and around Usury Mt. Some of you might think we are different and unique doing that. We might be unique and different compared to many seniors if their normal is sitting, eating, drinking, and talking. It all depends how you define "normal" folks. I had a person ask me a different and unique question this week. She asked my what I was going to do this afternoon--I told her I was going to give blood. She asked--Why would you want to do that when your are a retired snowbird down here in the Valley (i.e. da). Every one's normal is normal to them maybe. You think soooooo! Such is life.
I read what an acquaintance wrote on his facebook page--My boy is wise beyond his years, came home from school today with the realization that some girls are just nuts. CadillacJack asks point blank--Are girls really that much different than guys in their thinking do you think? Soooo are they really unique and different? Or are guys unique and different? DK says--My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school Reunion, and she kept staring at a drunken man swigging his Drink as he sat alone at a nearby table. I asked her, "Do you know him?" "Yes", she sighed, "He's my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking Right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear he Hasn't been sober since." "My God!" I said, "Who would think a person could go on Celebrating that long?" And then the fight started...
Lincoln was such a person too (i.e. unique and different). His history, his brain, his thinking, his wife, his timing was just incredible. He was one of a kind I think. Are we not all one of a kind. Did you see the movie Lincoln. If not, I suggest you go see it. I really liked it but I'm a Lincoln guy. He was/is soooooo amazing, sooooo mysterious, soooooo dynamic, sooooo unique! Even his appearance was sorta kinda a stick out. He had to be a very intelligent man but yet a man of parables and humor (i.e. simple).
ItchieBitchie says--After I retired I felt that I wasn't important anymore. No one cared about me. I was a nobody. Soooo if I understand you right ItchieBitchie, you are having a bad day? Do you feel alone and abandoned? Are you convinced nobody cares about you? Do you think nobody cares about your failures in life or in business? Are you sure nobody sees your successes and failures? And nobody cares if you live or die? You are wrong! There is somebody very interested in everything you do... When everyone else quits on you..... Internal Revenue Service; we never stop thinking of you! Such is life.
Faster...Sleeker...Stronger! If you don't have it, you don't have it! That is self-discipline. The check out gal at Frey's grocery was maybe late 30s. Arlene forgot her chips soooooo she ran back to get them. I asked CheckoutgalFaye if she eats chips--not anymore since I lost all my weight--soooo how much did you loose--65 pounds--sooooo how did you do that--exercise and calorie counting--congratulations, that is a great accomplishment; you must have great self-discipline--it was not easy but I feel sooooo much better; thank you--well, congratulations again--thank you she said again; I'm back to the size I was in high school. She was very proud of herself (i.e. she should be). Folks with that determination a.k.a. self discipline are unique and different. Yes they are. Anybody can sit on the couch and eat chips but...! I'm going for a run up'erein'emmountians right now. I'm motivated.
To belittle is to be little. TheND-BeetFarmer#26. Don't let the littleness in others bring out the littleness in you (i.e. be different and unique). ItchieBitchie says--You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. We all need to realize and maximise opportunities of giving. Givers are truly unique and different. Little folks are takers and big folks are givers. Givers are always happy and takers are never happy.
Joesixpack says--There comes a time in every one's life when they will face a monster in some form. In that moment, you realize that you need help beyond that which logic can provide. I read a book, The Road by Cormac McCarthy (i.e. one of our son's top ten every reads). It says--What you see goes into your mind and you can't delete it. The impact will always be there. The book says in the dialogue between the man and the boy--Just remember that the things you put into your head are there forever, he said. You might want to think about that. You forget somethings, don't you? Yes. You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget."
Man has a will to power, but he has no real power! Anyone of us could get a virus like my friend JimPaul did and tomorrow and be down for 6 weeks. How's that for being captain of your fate?! Ouchy ouchy! Their are events in our lives that we can not fix but we just manage them (i.e. no cure). Some of you know what I'm talking about if you have such a situation. Others of you might not understand this at the point you are in your life. Some day you might. It's a humbling experience. SusieQ says--The meaning of our lives, or of life in general, is far broader than can be determined simply by taking stock of our immediate feelings and circumstance. As a kid at Roseland Elementary, we played king of the hill on the snow piles. I wasn't king much; I was a rather little kid and the king was usually the biggest, stronger kid. After being thrown off the hill tooooo many times, I realiezed that I was not going to be the king sooooo I quite trying. There was no way I could be king. Now I don't want to be king anymore. Why did I want to be king then do you think? We went to the movie Parental Guidance--the new generation would make sure all the kids get to be king of the hill equal amount of the time (i.e. we don't want kids to realize that they are not all equal). That was not the case at Roseland Elementary. The strongest got to be king of the hill. Such is life.
Now that was unique and different. We went to the Cavalia's OdysseO Thursday night. Never heard of such a thing. Wow! You just don't see things like that in Aplington, IA folks. Such is life.
LuckieEddie says--You never know what YOUR encouragement will do to the spirit of
another. Your encouragement might be unique and different and might not ever be told to you as to what your different and unique encouragement might have done for some one else. You probably will never know. It takes a unique and different person to say "thank you". Such is life.
The story comes from Ulrich Zwingli, a leader of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland in the early 1500s. He and Martin Luther, the catalyst for the Reformation, were locked in a serious dispute, and Zwingli was at a loss in trying to resolve the conflict. He found the solution one morning while gazing at the side of a mountain. He observed two goats approaching each other on a narrow path on the mountainside, one going up and the other going down. Upon seeing one another they stopped, then lowered their heads. It appeared they were about to charge each other. However, instead of butting heads, the goat ascending the mountain lay down on the path. The descending goat was able to step over the other’s back, and the animals were able to proceed unimpeded. If the goats had chosen to butt heads, one may have prevailed. But the result might also have been disastrous for both. So one bowed before the other, in effect humbling itself, which eventually enabled it to advance higher. Huh, interesting. That approach is unique and different.
Average Joe says--I must admit that somethings just aren't important or as important as they use to be. They just aren't. My attention has changed. Somethings I just don't care about any more. Is that age or maturity or what do you think? Some things just aren't worth the time spending arguing about or thinking about. Does that make a person unique and different? An acquaintance a few condos down, two years ago went hiking with us. Last year he walked with a walker and this year he is totally deaf. Now that will change a guy's thinking! Such is life.
FYI, I'm not responsible for this "It's Saturday". It's an Act Of God! Saturday question--Are Acts of God really acts of God? I'm reading The Gospel According to Job by Mason. My friend Eunice sent it with me to read this winter. She thinks it might be her favorite book (i.e. and she is smart and is very well read). It's very stimulating to me. Very challenging. Think about reading it. Be unique and different. It might affect your thinking. The key word is might. But if you don't read it, for sure you won't be affected. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Bigtoe--A device for locating sharp objects in the dark.
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