Burma Shave
KnowItAllNellie says--The pieces are good but they don't fit (e.g. many good stars in a church but are not a team); they just coexist; but don't fit together). ItchieBitchie says--We all think we know what is right. We want everyone to think like us. We want to make folks like we are. ~ Today is Groundhog day. Do you believe in such things. What do you believe in anyway? We all believe in many different things it appears. We don't always seem to agree on much of anything. Joesixpack says--Every man is his own island. President Lincoln certainly knew his Bible well. Church membership was another matter. In 1865 Henry C Denning recalled what Lincoln said to him on day concerning church membership. Lincoln never joined a church, saying he disliked the bickering of denominations over creeds. He said he would only join a church whose sole qualification was Jesus' own summary of the Law--"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself." Maybe a little less bull and a little more steer!
Why do we seem to always want others to be like us? Do we think we have all the answers do you think? Do we not appreciate the difference in folks? Do we think we are superior? Soooooo why do many folks want to be like the majority? Be in the "in group"? Not just be who they are? Why do some folks, it seems, do almost anything to be like the peer group snobs? I guess we all need to answer that question for ourselves now don't we. I wonder if we lack self-confidence? Maybe that snobbish peer group needs a little more steer and a little less bull!
LuckieEddie's motor just keeps running. Maybe it would be better if he turned it off once in a while (i.e. calm down a little at times)! One thing goes wrong and Itchiebitchie gets mad and screams at everyone. CharlieCritic says--Folks don't perform when tight and scared. Itchiebitchie destroys confidence when he whines his motor to tight (i.e. tooooo many rpms). GeorgeTheCrook says--Life is a constant "concessions and compromises" (i.e. flexible). Much like how good ol' Abe did things to get what he wanted. I have a friend who just got married and didn't tell hardly anyone about it. He said he didn't want any attention (i.e. under the radar). I want to keep it as quiet as possible (i.e. low key). I don't want any excitement. Opposite of DuaneTheWorm (i.e. he's aways tooting his horn and making music about himself--full of bull). But when I congratulated my friend, he got a big smile on his face. Soooooo what do you think! Such is life.
Joesixack says--In February, a remarkable coincidence will take place----both Groundhog day and the State of the Union address will occur in the month. This has special meaning. One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant creature of little intelligence for insight into the future. The other involves a...! You decide which is which. Personally it's hard for me to put much stock in either one (i.e. both occurrences seem to be bull...)! Such is life.
I gave blood recently down here in the Valley with the American Red Cross. I have done this a few times (i.e. about 12 gallons worth). No big deal; I enjoy doing it. But, I was a little disappointed with their robotic approach to my blood giving. Did it like a job, which it was to the employees. But some one did not instruct them that I was doing this on my time and at my cost. They showed very little appreciation. I'm not special but if they want folks to do it, they need to be more appreciative (i.e. my opinion). We don't have to do it you know. If I was in charge, I would instruct my employees to go over board in thanking folks for their time and effort. Maybe that's just me (i.e. maybe I'm just old fashion). I was heading home and got a call from a buddy back home (i.e. younger buddy). He said he just heard on a talk show that Americans (i.e. especially younger Americans) are using technology to communicate instead of talking to folks in person. It's not good. Soooo he called me. Huh, interesting. He also said that the social medias that are soooo popular, cause struggles for many. Folks talk about all their good stuff and makes others jealous and feel inferior. Ouchy ouchy! As my mentor use to say--Nothing is as good as it looks and nothing is as bad as it looks. CadillacJack says--It all started when they let the ladies go to town instead of keeping them bare foot and pregnant on the farm. They got comparing. That was were this all started. Then came along the Sears and Roebuck catalogue and the car and the telephone, and TV and the internet! And the rest is history folks.
Soooooo what is the right way anyway? Do we all think we are right and the other person is wrong? I really don't know but do know if you want certain results you need to do certain things a certain way. I have been working, with help from the Canadian Champion, on a certain shot in pickle ball. I just want to learn it if possible. It won't make my life any different or more enjoyable but it's sorta kinda a sense of accomplishment. It's a hard shot that even he messes up sometimes (i.e. not very often) and this guy is good!. But if you don't do it almost perfect, it ain't going to work. It's gotta be near perfect and consistent to be effective. (i.e. most folks won't do it as it's toooooo hard but the good players all do it). Sooooo I hit a few good ones and then a bad one. The bad one messes with my head. I need more confidence. Sooooo does success give me confidence or does confidence give me success? God only knows folks. Ya gotta remember tooooo, that it's ervie doing the shot! That might explain part of the problem. Such is life.
I really rained hard here recently (i.e. record rain--it rained over an inch in one day). The locals like rain as this is a desert and they don't get much rain. Rain gives us snowbirds a day of from our normal loafing. No golf or other outside activities. That's okay with me. I have plenty to do. An ol' female snowbird from Nebraska said to me--It rained soooo hard that it reminded me of a ol' stock cow pissing on a flat rock! That is what she said. That ain't no bull folks.
Went to Broadway Christian Sunday (i.e. a non-denominational church) with some friends and met another couple who we got reacquainted with last year. We all went out for brunch. These are really nice folks (i.e. our kind of folks--real folks with good hearts). Pastor John preached about the Holy Spirit. He said there was a lady who said quit loudly during the service, Amen. Then later she said--Praise the Lord. Then later she stood up and said, Hallelujah. An elder went over to the lady and asked what that was all about. She said--I heard the Holy Spirit. The elder said--you didn't here the Holy Spirit in this church! ~ Swen from MN is very reserved (i.e. Norwegians are that way much like the Dutch and Germans in IA). He said--I really love my wife. I love her soooooooo much that I almost told her once! ~ I called a friend from back home recently and she returned my call. I really like talking to her as she sees the big picture well (i.e. a real person who will share her emotions and feelings--not a faker like DuaneTheWorm). She's not full of bull folks.
While eating my oatmeal with a half of banana on it I read--We are to be full of mercy (i.e. not full of bull). Saturday question--Are you full of mercy? Do you like to have others be merciful with you? What do you think of Ray Lewis? Is he a SaulToPaul story or just full of bull? I read this in the AZ Republic Paper soooooo it must be right--Even in have two camps. Perceived past slights, questions about Lewis' involvement in a double homicide 13 years ago in Atlanta and his fathering of six children with four women, none of whom he married...And some love him to death...He has done well for him self, but some are jealous...We want folks to forgive us, but we don't want to forgive anyone else...Lewis is a different man, a changed man....or is he full of bull!
February also has Valentine's Day in it. Sooooooooo....! I read in the paper soooooo it must be right--Decisions teens make can have a lasting effect. SusieQ says--Now that ain't no bull. Soooo have any of your decisions you made as a teenager affected your life (i.e. good and bad)? Hey listen guys, what you do on Valentine's Day this year might affect you the rest of the year or your life. And that ain't no bull! A happy wife is a happy life! Such is life.
This ain't no bull and if you adhere to it, you might just steer your life in the right direction. This is an excerpt from by Jim Mathis. “This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don’t like something, change it. If you don’t like your job, quit. If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love…. Life is short. Live your dream and share your passion.” If you have not seen the Holstee Manifesto before, I would encourage you to Google it and read through it. It captures in simple fashion a way for experiencing a fulfilling life without making it complicated. The statement does not reference God or spirituality, but as I have read it and pondered what it says, I realized it finds agreement with principles in the Bible. In fact, a more spiritual expression of the Holstee Manifesto could be, “Don’t try to find God’s plan for your life; find out what makes you come alive, because God wants people who have come alive.” Legendary singer and songwriter Bob Dylan said, “If you are not busy living, you are busy dying.” To put it another way, there must be more to living than simply existing. This is what I have discovered, especially as years have passed. If you cannot pursue things you love –things that ignite your enthusiasm and fill you with energy and motivation – you are shortchanging yourself. We are all uniquely created with different gifts, talents, skills and interests. The question is how to leverage our uniqueness and differences not only to achieve self-fulfillment, but also to make the greatest contribution to the world around us. ~ Folks, I think that's more steer than bull.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Go the extra mile. It's never crowded.
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