JoeTheEntrepreneur says--Sooooo lets make a hoop of plastic that folks can whirl around their hips. Mr.NegativeThinker says--What kind of a crazy idea is that. Then later, Mr.NegativeThinker says--I wish I would have come up with that idea! LuckieEddie says--Most ideas don't work. BUT a few do! If you can't handle failure, you probably won't hit the big one. And most folks can't handle failure sooo they sit on the couch and eat chips and complain. It's a whole lot easier and not as hard on your ego. CadillacJack says--In looking back on my life, I think I might have lost more times than I have won (i.e. yikes). New ideas are risky folks (i.e. yagottahavealotofnervefolks--yagottacontrolyouremotions). But new ideas are exciting!
SusieQ says--When I was six years old I was so wise that I could go skipping down the street in plain view of a crowd, and singing at the top of my lungs! And her mom said--Why don't you grow up; you act like a 6 year old. And the she said--That's how old I am mom! Kids have many ideas (i.e. great imaginations like making up imaginary folks like Grandma Rosy, Beaner and Cindy). They are soooo exciting but then we temper and stifle their attitude. I watched Tianlang Guan of China play at the Masters(i..e. young phenom) . He is 14. When they interviewed him and on the course, he was very poised. He is an amazing 14 year old as I see it. There sure are differences in kids. I know a guy who is middle aged and still acts like a kid many times. He sometimes makes decisions like a 6 year old would. Maybe we all do. BUT some more than others I think. I read while eating my oatmeal with a half of banana on it this--The process of becoming a true individual, it seems, involves dying to oneself. One might, like Job, run completely out of steam, come to the end of the line, exhaust all the energy of flesh, and disappear. One must be crucified with Christ. It appears to me folks, that this is a mature idea. What do you think?
Mr. McGoreski had his ideas and Mrs. McGoreski had different ideas. A friend said he heard this on the radio (i.e. soooo it must be right) ….When Neil Armstrong walked on moon he said “one small step for man, one giant leap for man kind”. When he got back on Apollo the mike still on he said “Good luck Mr McGoreski”…no body knew what that meant, and when asked he would never explain that comment…In the late 1990’s in a small interview he finally explained what he was saying “because the McGroeskis both had died” …“when growing up in Ohio at about 8 or 9 the McGoreskis were our neighbors. One day I was playing ball and; I hit the ball over McGorski’s house and when I looked around and didn’t see any one I jumped over the fence to get it ….their bedroom window was open and they were in the middle of an loud argument…Just before I jumped back, I heard Mrs McGoreski say …“you want sex!!…you want sex!! …when the kid next door walks on the moon that’s when you’ll get sex”…and when I got back into Apollo that’s all I could think about.”
In principle and in practice, not just in principle! AverageJoe says--I have a great idea, let our church be a church of service. I mean, lets help others and don't think sooooo much about ourselves (i.e. become a outward church instead of an inward church). MissPerfect says--Yabut it's easier to be an inward church and an inward person like DuaneTheWorm. WildWillie says--Churches and individuals who are service minded and think about others more than they do of themselves are much more fun to be around. ItchieBitchie says--Yabut we live in "numero unos" world. I like what Pope Francis said in the Easter Vigil service, "Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness, and that is where death is."
I really enjoyed going to church for our first time after we got home. It was just great to be around soooooo many great folks. Someone had an idea to make my Sunday even more enjoyable. Someone cut a bouquet of pussy willows and put them up front. It reminded me of my youth. My Daddy, Chester, would always cut a bunch of pussy willows in the spring and put them on the kitchen table. He never would tell us where they came from. I told Charlie about my good memory. I found out it was FriendDoreeeeen who did it! ~ FriendCalvin had an idea and acted on it! Yes he did. Sooooo don't tell me it can be done. Sunday at church, he told me that he started a diet last year when he weighed 262 pounds. Now he weighs 195. He said he weighed 185 when he got married. His goal is 180. FriendCalvin is 85. Soooo I asked him how he did it. A bowl of cereal in the morning, grapes and yogurt for lunch and then a normal meal but with small portions in the evening. Great idea FriendCalivn with the great self-discipline. Way to gooooo! LuckieEddie says--We really are what we eat, unfortunately!
Let me know what you think! This week I'm writing about some crazy concepts I've encountered lately. Do you think maybe I'm the one who's crazy? What do you think?
Chet and Jessica were here for The Tradition of the Masters. It's been sorta kinda a tradition in our
Time and again when NewIdeaManSam shows up, folks get real nervous 'cause he always has a new idea. He bucks and agitates. He just doesn't like to leave things as they are. When I sat on a corporate board, we had business plans (i.e. one year plan, five year plan and a 10 year plan). Most folks, businesses, and churches have no plans (i.e. just fumble along). ItchieBitchie says--It sorta kinda worked last year sooooo it should work again next year. It reminds me of a story that makes me laugh every time I think of it. It was maybe 30 years ago when I pulled on Hank's farm yard on a very hot day. Hank was sitting in an old lawn chair in the shade of a a small tree. He had a stub of a pencil and was writing on a small sheet of crunched up paper. I asked Hank what he was doing? He said--I'm going to build a new barn and I have to have a plan. Hank died several years ago but I will never forget that.
I really like this (i.e. great idea). Let's go places. Not just the ones you can find on a map, but the ones you can find in your heart. Let's go beyond everything we know, and embrace everything we don't, and once we've reached our destination, let's keep going. Because inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still - it dances with the daring and rewards the courageous with ideas. Excite, challenge, even inspire. Ideas that take you places you never imagined. Ideas big enough and powerful enough to make the heart skip a beat, and in some cases, maybe two. Toyota, let's go places.
PeggySue's doctor said he had an idea for her. His idea was that she gives herself an early birthday gift or an early Christmas gift. PeggySue asked her doctor what kind of gift he had in mind. Her doctor said--A membership to Weight Watchers. Ouchy ouchy!
You and I might not all share the same ideas. Saturday question--Are you more yin or yang? Your ideas might be quite different if you are a yin or a yang I think. What do you think? I have an idea that this gal will do very well in life. We had dinner the other night at a restaurant in the metro. Our waitress was a very attractive, personable, poised young lady. She was a sophomore at UNI majoring in biology in hopes of doing something in the medical field (i.e. has 5 siblings--sooo probably has to work to make ends meet--not given a golden goose like some). She works 30 hours a week and has a high grade point. I asked her if she will graduate in 4 years? Absolutely she said. I really think this gal is a winner. She seems to have her head screwed on right. Soooo don't tell me it can't be done! She has an idea and is acting on it. Good for her.
Henry and I had the same idea (i.e. just one great idea)!!!! I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Proverbs 29:18 -- “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” ItchieBitchie says--In many cases the passing years only causes people to relax their disciplines, to abandon their dreams, and to cease to obey their finest instincts (i.e. get in a rut and don't explore any new ideas). Some folks become staid and musty old guards. Many times the old seem to grow more afraid of themselves and the life in general (i.e. looking at a perfect storm). They know they have only a little time left, and so they grow excessively cautious. They can no longer risk spontaneity or adventure. They cannot afford to make mistakes, and so they become less human. Folks, there is a huge massive difference between maturity with wisdom than being just old in years (i.e. my opinion). Soooooo my suggestion is if you are old in age, think of some new ideas and try them (i.e. take the risk). It will make your lives much more fun. Try it, you might like it. Such is life.
Some of you maybe are thinking--erv, you pompous little windbag. You present all the appearance of a fool. You sound like you're just full of youthful pluck a.k.a. a young whippersnapper. Wait until you get my age, then you will understand. That could be or is it just your crazy concept. Such is life.
GeorgeTheCrook says--It's hard to persuade analog folks to use digital ideas. Almost impossible. BUT if there is money involved, they can and will change (e.g. social security payments now can only be received by direct deposit--do you want your payment or not--OldAnalogFred says--I can change to that digital idea!!!). A friend told me that he has used the Bible app on his phone and has down loaded the Bible. When he runs, he listens to the Bible. He said--It has been amazing how much I have enjoyed it. Huh, interesting.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to let them alone to do it.
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