Being polite! We live in a world in which many folks always want to be politically correct (i.e. it's good for business and in having others liking us). We don't want to offend anyone. We live in a polite society unless it comes to money. Then the world is not soooo polite. A company won't be sooooo nice to an employee if that employee is not doing their job and costing the company money. LuckieEddie says--A polite society doesn't talk about God with their family or friends. It's just not polite! We can talk about many things but surely not about God. We might offend them! Sooooooo folks, what's right?
Being obnoxious! Sooooo what's right? Right might be right to you but it really isn't right! WildWilly says--The greatest of all faults is to be conscious of none. Ouchy ouchy! Joesixpack says--I think sometimes I don't care if I'm right or wrong but I'm just being obnoxious. I have soooooo much pride that I will not accept that I'm wrong or could be wrong. Joesixpack, I think we are all that way at times. Some folks more that others maybe. Some folks think they are never wrong or have ever been wrong and are always right. They are not much fun to be around.

Drug testing! I stopped at Fareway the other day to pick up a few items. I wanted to buy some over the counter drugs. I wasn't familiar with Fareway and couldn't find a drug area. Soooo when I checked out I asked the check out gal (i.e. a pretty college gal)--Do you sell drugs. She thought I met illegal drugs I think and stammered and stuttered (i.e. difference in generations I guess). After we got that figured out, she asked me if I found everything else ok? Not really, I was looking for Bailey's coffee creamer (i.e. all the flavor of Baileys without the alcohol) and couldn't find it. She said they don't sell it. I said--What kind of store is this, I can't get my drugs or my booze here! We had a good laugh. Sooooo what's right, should we have legal illegal drugs? Soooo should all the folks who get subsidized by the government be drug tested? Soooooo what's right? That would mean that all farmers would have to be drug tested. Plus about everyone else. Huh, interesting.
Change like the wind does! Joesixpack says--I say one thing but do another. Sometimes I'm JoeExcitment and the next time I'm DebbieDowner! I'm just a bundle of contradictions. I have no idea what is right; I need guidance and help I think. You know Joesixpack, I think you are right. Sooooo where are you going to get your help? Joesixpack, your mutterings and actions reminds me of DuaneTheWorm's duplicity! I hope you don't become like him.
Trottin'! Soooo what's right? On my 2.5 mile route that I run every other day, I run past an acquittance's house. He's in his upper 80s. One day I called him about something and he said--I see you trottin' past my house sometimes. Torttin' he said, not running or jogging but trottin'. He farmed with horses when young sooooo it's a walk, trot or a gallop. He told me that with his Parkinson's disease, he doesn't trot anymore It's just hard to walk. I think he's right, I trot!!!

Charge! Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. ~ Will Rogers ~ The gal who did the whole blood donation process with me did such a great job. She told me that she is 32 and has three children. She was very thankful for her job with the American Red Cross. She took the initiative to get some education sooo she could get this job. She was previously a manager at McDonald's. I asked her if this is better--oh yes, way better job, I get paid more, I have a change for advancement/change and it feels way better to say that I work here instead of at McDonald's. But she is the one who put forth the effort to get it done (i.e. a CaptainDiane). ItchieBitchie says--There are dreamers and there are believers!
SusieQ says--Even God can't steer a parked car! To move forward we must choose. We must take all the information available to us--natural, supernatural, rational, Scriptural, intuitive, the advice of others, and so on--and toss all of this data into the pot of our souls and stir it around. And then we must make a decision. Soooooooo what's the right decision? I'll let you know in 20 years! Or when I die! Hindsight is always better. Such is life.
Get good advice! Dzhokhar Tsarnaev probably followed the advice of his big bother Tamerlan I would guess. And where did Tamerlan get his advice? Da! And Katherine Russell Tsarnaev got brainwashed by Tamerlan it appears (i.e. I read it on the internet sooooo it must be right). Be careful from whom you get your advice. Make sure they are where you want to go or at least headed there. For sooner or later, their advice will take you where they are. Make sure you want to go there. The Bible is clear and is good advice (i.e. my opinion). Corrie Ten Boom says--Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. What do we know about God? We know that he is a “present help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1). We know that he is also “merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” (Ps. 103:8). Even more comforting, we learn in Romans 8:37-38 that not even death can separate us from the love of God! God can and will give us peace and strength for whatever lies ahead. Sooooo you ask, soooooo what's right?

Feedback advice! I want your feedback pertaining to my new format this week. What do you think? I really want to know. Also, if you have any other suggestions I would want them tooooo. If you make a suggestion and I don't use it, don't feel bad. It might just not work. If you really like this better than the other way, then I might use it! I will be testing the advice!!! Testing 1 2 3!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Sometimes it is the simple moments that mean the most.
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