AverageJoe says--Get around good folks and life will be a lot easier. It keeps the crap from creeping into your life. Soooo true AverageJoe. Crap comes in when there is no resistance. Good folks are the resistance. What goes in will come out. Or, what you think is what you'll be. GeorgeTheCrook says--The way you see your life shapes your life. Such is life.
When our family was home recently, James gave us a hard time that there wasn't as many pictures of Heather and his children as of Chet and Jess' children on the refrigerator. Well James, it's 'cause they send us prints sooooo alllllll we have to do it put them on the refrigerator (i.e. least resistance). BUT James, just relax, I have purchased some prints on line from Wal-Mat (i.e. a place of least resistance). I ordered 5 prints (i.e. 3 of your kids and 2 of Chet and Jess' kids). Total cost was 48 cents and Wal-Mart sent them to our house free. How can they do that anyway (i.e. least resistance). BUT everybody is happy!!!! Such is life.
I was telling my golf buddies on #5 tee box the other day that I was riding bike the day before when I got a gnat in my ear. When I went to bed that night, that sucker was still alive in my ear. It was crawling around soooooo I put that ear on the pillow. Either it came out or died as I didn't feel it anymore. NeverMissFrank said--You should of just gone into the other ear got that sucker (i.e. the path of least resistance)! ~ My golf buddy who I rode that that day told me he had 40 to 50 golf shirts! What!!! Really!!! When you get home count them and let me know. He emailed me--I counted 57 in my closet but probably have some in storage. ~ DaveSays--Hit it to the right, it makes the hole much shorter (i.e. path of least resistance). We heard this on several holes. Then another golf buddy said--Ya don't want to be right all the time or you will get audited!!!
My Daddy, Chester, use to tell me--Lazy folks are innovative. They create stuff to make their life easier and faster with less effort. It's a path of least resistance. I was watching a robin pull a night crawler out of the ground the other day. The night crawler was resisting being pulled out. The bird instinctively knew just how to do it. It would pull for a time and then wait and then pull again and then wait. If the bird would have pulled hard the night crawler would have come apart. Ya gotta apply just the right amount of pressure. How did that bird learn that anyway? Or was that bird just a regular Christopher Columbus?
Justtellin'thetruth! An elderly man was stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and was asked where he was going at that time of night. The man replied, "I'm on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late." The officer then asked, "Really? Who's giving that lecture at this time of night?" The man replied, "That would be my wife."
I sometimes take the path of least resistance and it causes me problems. I enjoy doing sudoku. I get lazy and don't always double check my enters (i.e. get cocky especially when I have done well for a while). I get all puffed up (i.e. big head). And then I have problems (i.e. get humbled). Either I need to learn to not make mistakes or put the extra work into it. Saturday question--Do you ever take the path of least resistance and have problems later?
Different ideas as to what it takes to make the cut! There are atheists and agnostics, and worshipers. There are folks who believe to have salvation you just need to baptised as a baby, some believe you need to have an intercessor pray for you for forgiveness and then pay a fee, some believe you are saved by your good works, some believe you are saved by following a bunch of rules, some believe you are saved as Jesus Christ being the Saviour and whoever believes in Him will be saved (i.e. free and simple), some believe that everyone is saved, some believe that they are chosen folks and part of some elite holy huddle and everyone else is doomed, some believe in double predestination (i.e. you are predestined to go to heaven or hell and you have nothing to say about it), etc. WOW! There are a lot of choices. Many just take the path of least resistance (i.e. it's cheaper and less time consuming)! LuckieEddie says--I really don't care about salvation and religion and that kind of stuff; I don't have a dog in the fight (i.e. I really don't care; I'm lucky and I will just take my changes). LuckieEddie, are you capable of grading your own paper? Saturday question--What do you think it takes to be "good to go" a.k.a. "made in the shade"?
Laugh! When you don’t know whether to laugh or cry, laugh. Does your church (i.e. the people) laugh a lot? It appears to me folks like to go to a church that is happy and laughs a lot (i.e. church of least resistance). SusieQ says--That’s the church where I’m going to go (i.e. where folks laugh a lot)! JoeBow says--Laughter—maybe not the best medicine, but a good one! Saturday question--Is the church you attend fun to go to? Or is it boring and with no excitement or happiness? I think (i.e. my opinion), church should be an uplifting experience and not a drudgery. If it's a drudgery, folks just won't gooooo. I don't blame them. It's not that complicated folks. Joesixpack says--No Matter Who You Are, No Matter What You Do, You Absolutely, Positively Do Have The Power To Change. SusieQ, I don't know for sure if you are a Bozo or not BUT if your are, here is something to think about-----If your actions do not speak louder than your words, the less you say the better! Ouchy ouchy!
Aren't we something! We think we are in charge and think we can fix most almost anything. Then along comes something that we aren't in charge of or we can't fix (i.e. our hands are off the wheel), then we say--God fix it willya! And RIGHTNOW! ItchieBitchie says--Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, God "Where have I gone wrong"! Then a voice says to me--This is going to take more than one night. We take the path of least resistance. To God be the glory great things He has done. Give Him the glory, great things He has done. Thanksamillion God. I lift you up and glorify you. I'm sorry when I blow it but you are my Savior. You understand me and love me. As ClassmateLowellOfClassOf63 told me--By His grace things happen. That about says it all.
I was looking for an item at a speciality store the other day. They didn't have it. I saw a tee shirt (i.e. I like tee shirts) and it had a sale price sticker on it of 97 cents. Sooooo I took it up to the check out and asked the gal if that 97 cents was right--sure is--you can't beat that--she said, you can't beat that with a stick. The path of least resistance is the price. If it was $5, I would not have bought it. But at 97 cents I bought it. Such is life.
Limp along! Joesixpack said--Ya gotta get a grip on it! Get a grip on it like a grip you can get with a vise-grip. I found this sucker on the road while biking (i.e. my normal route to Kesley corner and back 11.2 miles). I gave it to my churchbuddy as he is very mechanical and probably could use another. Besides I already have a couple. But those suckers can really get a grip on things. Oh ya! A friend told me that her husband shuffles his feet but doesn't have tooooo but just does. How come I asked--'Casue I guess he wants tooooo. Many of our churches do just that--limp along. How come--'Cause I guess they want to (i.e. least resistance). Get a grip on it folks! It's time to move forward.
He will limp along. He has no choice. Ouchy ouchy! I asked an acquittance at breakfast recently if he would like to join us playing pickleball. He said--I use to play a lot and was quite good at it. BUT I can't play with you guys--yes you can--no I can't--why not--can't see very well anymore. I went for several years with my sight getting worse and finally I went in to see what was going on. I have glaucoma. And nothing can be done for me. If I would have gone in earlier, all I would have had to do was put drops in my eyes. Soooo...the moral of the story is...!
WildWilly says--Some folks just seem to limp through life. They don't seem to be able to make any worthwhile relationships (i.e. don't seem to connect with others). They are always trying to impress folks (i.e. DuaneTheWorm). Seem to always take the path of least resistance. Does this person feel authentic or obsequious? There is nothing flattering about false praise, or people trying too hard to impress. Really good people don't feel the need to "suck up." Those who can just be themselves are more pleasant to be around (i.e. real folks with good hearts). CadillacJack says--Life without God is like an non-sharpened pencil. It has no point.
My classmate "The Zenker" sent me this pic at our classof63reunion. It's CoachBlack (i.e. my high school bb coach, me and a couple of my classmates. Good memories.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day as it goes by.
PS Here is a response I got from last week--erv, at our Mesa condo I have a very similar sign in the kitchen..."Enjoy yourself...it's later than you think"...and at our age erv, I think I'll enjoy myself fast!
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