ItchieBithie (i.e. life just seeeems to smile @ him) says--The modern relationship status indicator has a new term. It's complicated. No longer is it just married or single. Now it's "in a relationship" or "it's complicated." Married - it's complicated Single - it's complicated Divorced - it's complicated In a relationship - it's complicated. Sooooo since when has human relationships not been complicated?
It's not that complicated, really! Rick Warren says--A pretentious, showy life (i.e. DuaneTheWorm style) is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life. I read in another book--"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others".

MissPerfect says--I like it when the questions are complicated but the answers are simple. That is a lot better than when the questions are simple and the answers are complicated! Oh ya! Sooo is this complicated or not?--One of the greatest things to know, and often the least known knowledge, when you have enough.
Dufus! Life seems complicated at times. Oh yes. Bubba Watson lost the Travelers Golf
Championship and sorta kinda blamed it on his caddy (i.e. you hit the shot bud------Bubba, you exaggerated the situation greatly). He hit his tee shot in the water on 16. Watson, meantime, was not asked about the incident during his open media session, but apparently snapped at a PGA Tour Reporter, "Don't try to make me look bad!" No, he apparently did a fine job of that all by himself. I tell Chet, it's a lot more fun to win than to lose! I know a dufus. I think this person will always be a dufus. WildWillie says--You can't take the dufus out of a dufus! I don't think Bubba is a dufus. I think he was just mad at himself. The dufus I know is a dufus 'cause he's a dufus. That's just the way it is. Saturday question--Do folks learn to be a dufus or is that just instinctive?

DT said--Dad's, don't drop the ball with your daughters....the repercussions will be felt their entire lives. Now that is a big responsibility guys (i.e. their entire lives). Soooo you have to make that decision when your daughters are young and when you are young (i.e. not when they are old and you are old). Sooooo step up to the plat now. NOW! Got it? It's not that complicated guys. My GolfBuddyFrank said to me--I got a lot smarter now that I'm older, at least on some things!!!!
Programed by our past! I attended my 50th high school class reunion of good ol' Danube, MN High School. 26 of my 44 classmates attended. 4 are dead and 2 no one knows were they are. It reminded me of two events of high school that really impacted my life big time. One was getting the part of Barnabe Tucker in the Match Maker in our senior class play. I was quite shy and didn't have an abundance of confidence. It really changed me. The second was at basketball practice during junior year. At that practice I got the feeling that I couldn't miss. Gave me great confidence. Life changing. Both of those events just fell into my lap.
A friend told me about an event in her life at good old Danube High School that also was a life changer for her. It toooo just fell into her lap sorta kinda by accident. She wanted to be a cheerleader soooooo bad. There was no girl athletics back in 1963 soooo cheer leading was the thing. The gals had to try out and then they would select the best 4. Well the cheer leading sponsor (i.e. maybe a dufus) had a hard time keeping the the Pats straight. Sooo when she announced the 4 cheerleaders at the student assembly , she got the wrong Pat. Soooo instead of telling Pat she couldn't be a cheerleader, they had 5 cheerleaders that year (i.e. two Pat cheerleaders). BUT that experience for the MistakePat was a life changer (i.e. a life changer 'cause of a mistake--opportunity). Huh, interesting!
Okay I once again was reminded that I'm not much of an impact on folks (i.e. not near as important as I think I am and not very good with women). Carol was the first girl I ever kissed. It was in Roseland Elementary over by the swings. I asked her about it at the reunion. She didn't remember it. ~ I was sooooo nervous but I asked Mary Jane (i.e. a pretty cheerleader) if I could drive her home after the sock hop after a football game. I was surprised when she said yes. I talked to her about it toooo at the reunion. She tooo doesn't remember it! ~ Shirley and I had birthdays a day apart soooo we were drivers ed partners learning in a Studebaker (i.e. that's right a Studebaker). We had a good time together, sooooo gooood that we both flunked our drivers test for our license the first time. I asked her about it at the reunion--She tooooo didn't remember it! Now that is hard on a guy's confidence and ego let me tell ya!!!! Such is life.
BUT I did impact classmateBill. Bill came up to me and showed me his hand. His hand had a bone that stuck out funny. He said he got it trying to tackle me in practice one day and broke his hand. Huh, interesting.
When Heather and family were home a few weeks ago for her 20th class reunion, we went to Legends Trail Golf course for breakfast. There was a table of teachers (i.e. retired and active). Heather told me a story of one of the retired teachers. Sooo we went to the table and she told the story. The retired teacher remembered the story like it was yesterday. That was probably 23 years ago. Here is the story: StudentBen was giving StudentJody a hard time constantly. Mrs. Burman told Jody not to let him bother her as Ben's mother told me that the only way Ben knows how to put on his underwear in the morning was that the brown streak goes in the back and the yellow spot goes in the front. ~ Mrs. Burman and I taught together 44 years ago (i.e. the few years I taught). She and I would loosen the fuses in the hall fuse box and make the lights blink in a fellow teacher's classroom. He would tell us about it time and time again and ask us if we had problems. We told him he better see the janitor about that. We did it many times. What a hoot!
I volunteer at Wheaten Franciscan Health Care by doing the orientation for the volunteers. Recently I had two going-to-be seniors in high school in the orientation. Both of these guys had a full beard. I don't remember any of my classmates having beards back in 1963. Soooo what's the deal anyway!
ClassmateZenker told me he's a farmer. He said it has been very good the last 5 years, very good. SoooooClassmateZenker, do you have self-steer on your equipment (i.e. gps). Ya I do. I have 34 foot tillage equipment and set it for 33 and half feet sooooo I overlap 6 inches. I thought there was something wrong as it seeeeemed sooooo far out there. I must have been over lapping at least 10% all those years. But he said, he has a hard time remembering how to run that stuff each spring. His son says--It's not that complicated (i.e. a piece of cake)!!!
Living in the past! Saturday morning before I left for my reunion, Arlene and I had breakfast with a young couple who are getting married this summer. Katie told us that she didn't go back to her 5th year class reunion as many of her classmates still live in their high school past (i.e. very immature). When you are out of high school 50 years your stardom of high school doesn't have much glory anymore although maybe some still think it does! MissPerfect says--Just 'cuause you were the star athlete or cheerleader or whatever in high school doesn't make you a successful person. I talked too probably 10 63classmates who have done very well who were not athletes at all or surely not the stars but who had great success stories. Many, like me had pretty humble beginnings and surely were not the homecoming kings and queens in high school. In fact, some of their stories are really something--and they were very humble about their accomplishments (e.g. my neighbor Jerry was raised on a farm across the section--his mother died when he was 13. There probably wasn't much income in their family. Jerry never was in athletics that I can remember yet he got his MBA. He did not live or talk about the past but looked and talked about the future). Such is life in America, the land of opportunities.
It's not complicated folks. A couple of the most meaning conversations for me were with a couple of femaleclassmatesofclassof63. One told me of her husband dieing of cancer and how difficult it was. We talked about her strong faith in God and how important that was. The other gal told me of the sudden death of one of their adult sons. It to was/is soooo hard. This is soul searching talking folks (i.e. talks with meaning and feeling).
Something that really amazed me. I heard no bragging about themselves, spouses, children or grandchildren. SusieQ says--Maybe none of you had anything to brag about!!!! Now that could be. Real life of real folks. Such is life.
America, oh America! Our little Erin rode in the Breckenridge 4th of July parade with her Daddy. She is riding in a Summit County Emergency vehicle. Heather said she was worried though. Worried that she wouldn't get any candy by not being on the curb. Life is complicated for a 6 year old! Such is life.
Adeus amigos! I enjoyed talking with you guys once again. As Jonathon, a young man from church, said--But, just like peach pie at the church picnic, all great things have to come to an end at some point.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--May you never miss a rainbow because you are looking down.
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