AverageJoe is an average guy doing a below average job! I think I got caught picking my nose! Soooo I changed my mind about something (i.e. just got my enthusiasm watered down). The person who did that to me doesn't even know they did it. I thought I would just return to being just an average person (i.e. a lot easier and less aggravation for a while--take a break). Most folks are average (i.e. Cs). To be above average, a person has to a cut above (i.e. Bs) and the excellent folks are As. And then there are the 50% who are below average. SusieQ says--It's much easier to be around average or below average as their expectations aren't very great (i.e. no pressure). You can just coast along (i.e. be vanilla and generic). Many folks don't like to be around excellent folks as they make them feel substandard (i.e. challenges them tooooo much). It's a lot easier to be around below average folks as the bar isn't very high. Such is life.
Sometimes we just misinterpret information (i.e. process it wrong). A male model named Gary was in court charged with parking his car in a restricted area. The judge asked him if he had anything to say in his defense. "They should not put up such misleading notice," said Gary. It said, "Fine for Parking Here!"
Then "wam bang" it happened. A friend talked to me and called me a wimp a.k.a. sissy for letting someone soooo easily affect my attitude (i.e. what I believe and was going to express). He told me that I didn't have very think skin. I learned or relearned three principles through this experience. One--erv, don't try to make yourself look important. The person who affected my attitude made me think that my accomplishments are small compared to his (i.e. I wasn't intimated but it was reality--his worldly accomplishments are much greater than mine). He is right. No question. Soooooo erv, don't you do that to someone else. Be humble. Two--How encouragement by others can change and affect your mind about how we all think of ourselves. Encouragement is very important. Very! Three--Get around good folks (i.e. good folks like you guys--the gradeAs of the world. Being around good folks feels like wearing ordinary underwear! Stay away from the jerks (i.e. we all know who they really are). One smart guys once said--Shake the dust of your sandals and move on!
What affects us! I was on #10 tee box and a golf buddy, NeverMissFrank, said--It's about faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money. I said what! He said--It's all about faster horses, younger women, older whiskey and more money. Soooo where did that come from? It's a western song sung by Tom T. Hall. It's sorta kinda funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnvMcX95G20
Cockiness a.k.a being over confident can really affect us. I asked a granddad of a football player who I played golf with -- What happened Friday night (i.e. we got beat by a team that everyone including the other team thought we would just walk over). He said--We were way over confident and played bad (i.e. ya can't win on past history). Huh, interesting.
A policeman broke in to a house where a fight was going on. The Police asked: "Who is the head of the family?" Woman: "That is what we are trying to settle now!"
Does thinking about eternity affect your thinkin' at all? I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half of a banana on it--Is there a God? There is only one way to find out for certain, die! You'll know the truth of the matter real quick. It's not rocket science folks. BINGO!
Time can affect us! I do sudoku and get stumped sometimes. If I put it down and come back later, usually I see something that I have overlooked that is very obvious. BINGO! Joesixpack says--Time heals wounds (i.e. physical and hurt feelings). Have you ever had you feeling hurt? Of course you have. You're human. Maybe you haven't shared your hurt with anyone but we all have. Such is life.
GerogeTheCrook says--I remember when I had a thick head of hair and a thin belly. Now I have a thin head of hear and a thick belly. Oh how time changes things.
My mentor said many times to me--erv, we are programed by our past. The proof is in the puttin'! MissPerfect says--The way a man treats his mother is usually how he will treat his wife; probably the way a father treats his wife and children is how his son will treat his wife and children. What do you think? Ya but maybe our culture has changed some tooooo! They have to learn from someone. Wonder if you don't have a dad in the household, then where do you learn this lesson? TV or movies? A mentor? Or just learn as you go? CadillacJack says--mimic good people; not bad people. That sounds good CadillacJack, but many times young people don't know what is good and what is bad. The benchmark is way different for different kids. Way different. Some kids have a massivehuge advantage. Such is life.
I was having breakfast with some buddies the other morning when StarvinMarvin came and sat with us. They call him StarvinMarvin 'cause he always complains about not having enough money. What he really wants is to tell you how much money he has (i.e. he loves to talk about his money). Everyone knows that. He's one guy that you can't tell him nutten! My friend says--You can tell him something but he won't listen. He is actually funny to me. I get a big kick out of him. He told us that he won $16,300 on 7/24/2000 gambling. He might of. Now how many folks would tell you that? Really! I bet he has told me that maybe 5 times (i.e. if he has told me 5 times through the years, how many other folks has he told maybe 10 times). Huh, interesting.
Talk about money affecting things (i.e. big money). I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right--Top Super Bowl tickets double. The 9,000 premium seats will sell for $2,600 (i.e. last year $1,250). The next tier of seats are $1,500 compared to $950 last year. The lowest-priced ticket is $500. Some 30,000 fans entered a lottery for the 1,000 seats of the 78,000 seats for the $500 seats. Now that's some serious money folks. I won't be going for sure. Let me see, if you make $10 an hour, it would take 6.5 weeks (i.e. before taxes) to buy the best ticket. Such is life.
Self-absorbing attitudes can affect us! Robert J. Tamasy says--We believe our own press clippings some times...we must realize the danger of letting nice words bolster our ego...We typically view life's "tests" as times when we are confronted with hardship and adversity. The test is how we respond to difficult circumstances. But I have learned we also can be tested by success. Prosperity is good - unless it causes us to become puffed up with pride. ~ I asked a farmer/friend how the crop will be--some will be very good and some will be very poor and some will be just average; you don't hear about the average crop very much, farmers like to talk about their super yield or the lousy yield (i.e. sometimes even exaggerate some to make it even better or worse). Soooo it sounds like some farmers don't tell the whole truth. LuckieEddie says--It doesn't take long to figure out who the ones are who don't tell the whole truth; once that happens, they have a reputation that is almost impossible to change; it can cause them to loose their authenticity with folks (i.e. their effectiveness is pretty much gone if they deal with folks; 'they're toast'--folks just blow them off--it really affects their fruitfulness--very difficult to recover from and get back some creditability unless they move where folks don't know them and get a fresh start). ItchieBitchie says--UNLESS there is money involved, then folks don't care if anyone is telling the whole truth. Maybe some folks relate to money that way ItchieBitchie but not all. Such is life.
JimmyTheJanitor says--Ah, here's a real love story for ya! Stanly Parker from up the road was pretty tight with his money his whole life. Soooo he's worth quite a bit Aaa! Well, the other day didn't he show up at Gus' Pub with a new wife, a right young cutey. She couldn't of been more than 29 Aaa! Pretty as a picutre hanging onto his every word. Him in his 70s Aaa! Well, the first chance I get him by hisself, I said, Stanley, how did you get that young one to marry you? Well Jimmy, I lied about my age. What did you tell her, you were 50. Oh no no! I told her I was 90!
Opportunity! I want to challenge you. I want all of you to give someone an opportunity to someone that they would not have if you didn't give it to them. You will have to be creative and innovative to use your ability, sources, and talents. Think! Many folks would do much better if they would only have an opportunity (i.e. opportunities can affect folks). An opportunity. You can affect someone else. Yes you can. Such is life. Saturday question--Has someone given you an opportunity that has affected your life?
We have spend the last couple of days with my sisters, their husbands and some of their children and some of their grand children in, Granville,Wyoming, and Byron Center, MI. That is an opportunity I truly enjoy. I think family is very important. Very much. Sunday we will have lunch with Alene's brother and wife in Kankakee, IL. Looking forward to it. "But as for me and my house, our credo is: There is no success in a career that can make up for a failure in the family." ~ By Atty. Josephus Jimenez Writer for the Philippine Daily Inquirer
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Your talent is God's gift to you. How you use it is your gift to God.