Don't think you always know! "An individual has a healthy personality to the exact degree to which they have the propensity to look for the good in every situation." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
SusieQ says--The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart; a person's heart has a lot to do with how they think and react. When we worship God, it costs us our self-centeredness! When we are not self-centered, a lot of good can happen. Oh ya!.

Saturday question--What is the most important thing you have done in your life? Could it be we always don't know? Could it be something that we will never know? How do we know if something we did might have impacted some person or persons? I watched an interview with Dr. J. He said in basketball, the fundamentals are much more important than the super-showy dunk (i.e. DuaneTheWorm wouldn't agree)! He also said--His professional basketball career was 16 years. But yet what he is involved in now is probably much more important. BUT his basketball gave him the platform/opportunity to do what he is doing. Oh the opportunity that gets us in the conduit. Maybe we always don't know what that opportunity might be to. I pray many times--God give me an opportunity, help me recognize it and the courage to act on it.
Classof63 thoughts that I still have! Don't think we always know! A 63classmate asked me at dinner during our 50th reunion--I have a daughter who is an relationship with a Muslim (i.e. their family are Catholics), what do you think I should do? I said, first of all you have to love your daughter. He agreed. Another 63classmate (i.e. a professional counselor) who was also sitting with us--soooo what do you think counselor? He said--Look at his friends and the folks he is hanging around with. That tells you a lot. Sooooo I asked, how old is your daughter--37--she is an adult, but...! The 63classmate counselor said--Good advice is not to give adult children advice unless they ask for it. I have prayed for my old classmate of 63 and also for his daughter and also for her Muslim friend. I have no idea if it has had an impact. I probably will never know now will I. Such is life.
)-: Ugly and sad or (-: lovely and happy! Yes, we might have times in our life that we have to deal with the ugly and sad and there are times in our life when we get to deal with the lovely and happy. And that can change when we least expect it. Of course the lovely and happy are much more fun to live with. And many times we don't know if folks are dealing with which ones (i.e. folks don't always expose themselves). ItchieBitchie says--When you have ugly and sad stuff in your life, half the people don't care and the other half are happy that you do. ItchieBitchie, I can't believe that. Maybe there are some but most folks have good hearts. They care about others. I think soooooo. My Mom, Anna, would say to me--erv, big people are glad for you when something good happens to you and the little people are not. Little people are glad to see something bad happen to you (i.e. thinking that this makes them bigger) and big people are sad for you when bad stuff happens to you. Such is life.
BigPinkishPete has both "uglyandsad" and "lovelyandhappy" times right now (i.e. mixed together). I tell you what BigPinkishPete, I realize you don't belive in prayer because you don't believe in God, but I'm praying for you in dealing with both situations. I don't think you know but I am. Such is life.
Feeling sorry for yourself and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have. ~Dale Carnegie ~
Managing your money is a BigBoyDecision! Last Saturday morning I played 18 holes with some buddies. I rode with my ex-partner of 34 years who is still in the business. I asked him if they got the farm sold they have for sale. No, the farmers aren't quite as aggressive (i.e. their attitude has been affected 'cause of the uncertainty of the crop and the prices). ItchieBitchie says--Their money tree has a disease or just got chopped down. They probably still are financially fat as the last several years have been real good and they still are probably "made of money"! Could be but their attitude has been affected. We are all affected when our money tree doesn't preform as it has in the past. Son of a biscuit eater! That is what one of my golf buddies said after missing a putt. Soooo what does that mean anyway! I never heard that before. Probably means something bad. We were playing for money. Money always affects us. Yes it does.
Another money management story. A golf buddy went in a sporting goods store to buy a new driver. He knew just what he wanted. The store didn't have it. He and his wife were walking out and she was looking at an exercise bike. She said--I would really like a exercise bike; they look sooooo nice. My golf buddy said to her--Ya, lets go to some garage sales and get you one. She said--While we are at the garage sales we can get your new driver toooooo! Ouchy ouchy!
What's funny to one isn't to another! Ya just never know what's going to happen now do ya! We were skyping with Heather and their children when all of a sudden the grand kids get in this argument over a toy that was just crazy. It was wild. Arlene and I laughed and laughed but it wasn't near as funny to Heather. We had to cut short our skype. Then the other night we were gchatting with Chet and thier daughter Charley. All of a sudden Charley has this massivehuge upchuck a.k.a. barf all over him. That was the end of our gchatting. It was funny to us but not as funny to Chet of course. Such is life.

have many choices in life. Many. My Daddy, Chester would say--erv, everyone has problems it's just that some handle them differently. A gal said in our adult growth group at church Sunday--I had coffee with soandso after church and he said--you have no idea what I have been through. Interesting. Maybe we have no idea what others are going through or have gone through. Soooooo folks, maximise your life. Live it the fullest. Throw those chips away and get your butts off the couch! Do some good for others!
Figured it out! Wow! I figured something out recently (i.e. once again). It was about my attitude about something. Cause I recognized it, I have enjoyed something much more (i.e. just way better). It was like I got hit in the head. It has just made a certain thing soooooo much better in this situation. I looked at it from 10,000 feet instead of at ground level (i.e. much broader view). It was like I have been touched. Could be! Such is life.
Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each others eyes for an instant? ~ Henry David Thoreau
WildWillie says--It ain't my fault; I know that for sure!!!!!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--You never diminish your self when you praise another.
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