My opinions are just that, opinions. I have no leverage over any of you to force you to agree with my opinions. Our children and families are independent and self-sustaining (i.e. thank God)! I'm not a professor who in order for you to get a grade, you need to agree with my opinions. I'm not the government that you have to follow the guidelines in order to get your financial assistance. I'm not your boss who you need to agree with or get fired. I'm not the banker holding your loan. I'm not a judge deciding if you are guilty or innocent. I'm just
erv with no power over you. The RichBitchFromOmaha says--
erv, your opinions about character, money management, Jesus, weight, politics are different than mine . You're wasting your breath! I'm from the new modern culture and don't agree with most of your opinions. I have my own opinions that fit the culture we are in. RichBitchFromOmaha, isn't it great to live in America sooooo everyone can have their own opinions! ~ Flip the pancake ~ I saw a bumper sticker on a Lexus SUV that was being pulled by a $250,000 luxurious, fancy motor home going east on I-80. The bumper sticker said--I go where I'm towed!

We maybe think but maybe we really don't know! I was around a couple of friends the other day (i.e. a lady and a gentleman). I told them I was hopefully going to have a discussion in a adult growth group after church Sunday. A discussion where we can express our opinions and not get all bent out of shape. A discussion much like what's going on if we should bomb Syria. Now that was the button! They were on complete opposite sides (i.e. I don't now if they necessarily disagreed on the what we should do) but it was a strong Democrat vs. a strong Republican). Neither could listen or probably will change (i.e. these are smart, educated folks, good folks). It just got louder and louder. I wonder if they were programed by their past. I wonder if their kids are like them. These were folks I go to church with/friends. I wonder if I'm just "thinkin' tooooo ideally" when trying to have a discussion. WildWilly says--Facts or opinions mean nutten when a person knows it all (i.e. at least they think they do). Especially about religion, money or politics. Such is life. Yabut I read in the paper (i.e. sooo it must be right) that Alabama football fans are intense a.k.a unbalanced!
A physician told this story about her then 4-year-old daughter. On the way to preschool, the doctor had left her stethoscope on the car seat, and her little girl picked it up and began playing with it. "Be still, my heart," thought the physician, "my daughter wants to follow in my footsteps!" Then the child spoke into the instrument: "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"
Rebellious! Sometimes we as humans are rebellious (i.e. who me?). We many times think of children as rebellious when growing up. Sooooo are you grown up yet? Do you still do things to frustrate society or your parents, or even your spouse at your age? You are rotten in your opinions (i.e. programed by your past) just to prove that you are you? Are you stubborn? Are you stiff necked? Are you obnoxious? Joesixpack says--Sometimes it isn't much fun to shed more light on the situation.

I went for a long bike ride in the Cedar Valley the other day and then stopped at McDonald's for a senior 64 cent diet coke and read the Des Moines Register. There was an old guy who walked by who had metal heel clips on his shoes. I haven't seen that since I was in high school We were really rebellious in high school at good old Danube (i.e. MN) High. We wore metal heel plates (i.e. also called cleats, clicks etc). They came in two sizes--regular and large. We would walk down the hall way and make a clicking noise. I think they are designed to protect the heels of the shoes but I think we wore them to be rebellious and get attention (i.e. equivalent of tattoos or body piercing today). We did it for a month or sooooo and when the administration and teachers didn't complain anymore, we took them off. Much easier to remove than tattoos! And a lot cheaper. Such is life.
Success and failure! LuckyEddie says--Some folks succeed 'cause they are destined toooo, but most folks succeed 'cause they are determined tooooo! And some succeed 'cause it just falls in their lap. Yabut--A survey conducted by Parade magazine, which appears in newspapers across the United States each week, discovered 51 percent of the 26,000 people polled believe the way people get ahead most effectively in the workplace is by taking advantage of internal corporate politics. Only 27 percent of those questioned said they believed professional advancement came as a result of hard work and diligence. Ouchy ouchy!
SusieQ says--Yabut some folks are always ahead of the crowd (e.g. as always, Paton Manning is one step ahead of everybody else. He sure was against Baltimore Thursday night. He made them look bad!). Such is life.

Once the Light is shed on your life, things will change. Once you get to a point in your life where God is getting bigger, you really are now accepting life. God doesn't get bigger, of course, but our human perception of him does. Now that is growing up folks (i.e. my opinion). When and if that happens to you, one thing is certain--your life is going to change. GeorgeTheCrook says--Things change and today begins one of those changes. MissPerfect says--From this point on, things are going to get better. You can take that to the bank.
I was running the other morning and there was a guy sitting on a lawn chair in front of a house on the driveway. He was talking on his cell phone. I only heard on sentence as I ran by. It was--We haven't got along for a long time. I wondered who he didn't get along with for a long time and why he doesn't get along with that person. Was it his fault or the other person's fault. There are reasons folks. If we cold shed more light on the situation, I bet we might be surprised. Sooooo who don't you get along with? And why? Huh, interesting. AverageJoe says--There are three sides to every story: Yours, theirs, and the truth!
I have limits! When in CO with our grand kids, there was two times that I had to go up to our bedroom, close the door and have some quiet time. It was that or saying something stupid. The noise and activity just got overbearing (i.e. was driving me bananas). I couldn't handle it. You want more light on the situation? The louder they get, the more attention they think they will get. More the parents yell at them etc. More rebellious they think, the more attention they will get (i.e. just like adults for the most part). This thought is based on my opinion and believe--my opinion and believe might be right or might be wrong--soooo don't take me toooo seriously folks. I'm just
erv! What more can I say. LuckieEddie says--They learn that from their parents and our culture we live in. Chester and Ann used the WHACK method to correct that (i.e. didn't need to use it tooooo much--we were fast learners--I don't ever remember my sisters getting disciplined by the whack method--only me). Ouchy ouchy! Actually my older sister said our father, Chester, was real hard on me. I don't remember that--interesting! ~ I had a golf buddy/friend tell me the other day that on the 17th fairway he said to a guy in his foursome--ya gotta play faster, we are a hour behind the rest. He just couldn't take it any longer. He felt soooo bad he did that but he just couldn't take it any more (i.e. he still felt bad a week later). That is why I went up stairs to our bedroom, closed the door and read some. Such is life.

This picture I took at Walgreens. Lets shed more light on this subject! Most loving parents aren't disappointed in their children but just in their actions (i.e. again based on their opinions and believes--right or wrong). Most loving parents still love their children. Joesixpack says--For me it's border line sometimes
erv ! Folks, look around, look at folks from age 0 to 70. Would you be proud as to how some of them look, act, and live? They all have parents toooooo you know. MissPerfect says, yabut
erv, sometimes we do our judging with our standards; maybe our standards are not 100% correct. Now that could be MissPerfect. Besides, I have learned by some smart folks (i.e. that's you guys) that you just can't give adult children advice unless asked for. It's nutten but trouble. Even if you think they are making some terrible mistakes (i.e.their actions maybe are hurting their moms and pops). But what you going to do. As a friend from MN, who winters in AZ, says--I spend 6 months in AZ!!!! Do you think that parents' wills are ever altered 'cause of the actions of adult children? What do you think? Here in IA, farm ground is worth up to $15,000 an acre. There are going to many rich adult children in a few years (i.e. multi millionaires from just being in the right family). Are the children going to appreciate it and manage it properly do you think? Wonder if they are wackos? Will they spend it or manage it prudently? I think, mostly for the wackos, it will be sorta kinda a massivehugh stimulus package!!!!

We went to Scheels in Cedar Falls one night this week soooo I could buy my Iowa Hawkeye license plate bracket. They had a display up that I got choked up by. It was of all the military folks from IA who were killed in the terrorism war. It was really touching to me. I looked at each one and read about them. Wow! All of those military personnel have mothers and fathers. There has to be a lot of emotions there folks. I have no idea how hard that would be. There has to be a lot of sorrow and maybe a lot of pride in their children. What do you think?
erv's suggestion of the day--Don't go through life and say, I should of...! If you want to do something (i.e. like helping someone), do it! It's moralling right folks. And do it now. And do it fast. Don't wait. Did you hear Paton Manning calling out the signals for the Broncos the other night? He didn't say hut hut but said hurry hurry! Be a xlerator not a world dryer! One of the mottoes of a friend is--Hurry but don't worry! My Daddy, Chester would say to me--
erv, the best time to do anything is now. For some folks, now never comes. Da!
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. ~ Will Rogers
CadillacJack says--Some folks just have different charisma, mojo, swagger, aura, and persona than others. Maybe it's that I'm getting older, but some folks and some groups just don't fit with me. I mean, they just aren't enjoyable to be around. It might be my eye site or feelings or opinion. Now that could be. Either my eye site got better or worse. I'm not certain but...they look different. Some folks just aren't as important as they seemed to me in the past and some have come more important. It must be my eye sight. Also, some stuff isn't as important and some stuff has become more important. Huh, interesting. Sooooo I thought some more about this on my bike ride. I quite often have a pecan waffle and read the Des Moines paper after riding and do sudoku. I asked WaiterRyan (i.e. one smart guy) at the Waffle Shop about my new thinking. He said--You are normal; that happens to all of us; I find myself maybe being more cynical; always don't like that but...--cynical -- believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
ItchieBitchie says--I don't care to try to get more feathers in my cap anymore! I don't really care about what others' opinions are, I know what I think and believe and I'm happy with that. At my age I really don't care (i.e. ItchieBitchie seems to have a touch of nasty in him I think!)! ItchieBitchie goes on to tell me--Mostly what I'm looking for is to appreciate what I have and savor where I am. But really, some folks' opinions do matter to me and some don't. Folks, ItchieBitchie's thinking must be an aging thing as he has less hair on his head but more hair it in his nose and ears! Maybe that hair migration causes him to think differently. Could be! DizzyBetsy says--Yabut, erv, it makes a massivehuge difference who is doing the talking; some folks I don't listen to at all and others I'm very interested in what they have to say. Could be DizzyBetsy. Could be!
Believe me! I think there is nutten wrong with any of you folks that a little ice cream can't fix! BUT that is my opinion!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--A life without cause is a life without effect.
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