MissPerfect says--I'll admit I'm wrong if you admit I'm right! What?! What I think MissPerfect is saying is--It really shouldn't concern you!
A little one-on-one! He's as tough as a $2 steak let me tell ya! My friend Hank a.k.a Secretariat ran in the Bemidj Blue Ox Marathon two weeks ago Saturday in a time of 3:58:21 and then last Saturday ran in 4-Bridges Marathon in Chattanooga in 4:02. Both times are Boston Marathon qualifying times. Hank is 66. Wow! He's an animal folks. I was telling our adult growth group at church last Sunday that I have a tendency to do everything fast. MyFriendLyle said--
erv, you don't run fast! Heather and James ran in The Rock 'n' Roll Denver last Sunday. They ran the half marathon together and both finished with a time of 2:04 (i.e. with one potty stop of 3 minutes). I think that is neat that they can do that together. My81yearoldfriendMartha at church (i.e. has had some speed bumps) said--Being old, a person has to be brave. This gal last week made the food for our Wednesday night supper at church for maybe 40-60 folks. You don't learn this stuff unless you have a little one-on-one with folks. You have to have some concern for others in order to have relationships (i.e. my opinion). All 4 of these folks have PMA (i.e. positive mental attitude). Such is life. ~ Heather's most favorite signs that folks held to encourage runners were--You are running better than the government; Run as if someone called you a jogger; You are almost there....this was at the 1/2 mile mark.

A friend told me she shrunk 3 inches and is now 5 feet tall. A golf Buddie said he shrunk 1 to 2 inches. Life can be that way at times! It can shrink a person right up. We can almost end up looking like prunes! I have been told recently of two situation where folks had strokes and heart attacks. Folks close to them feel they were caused by tremendous stress. We all know that stress is a killer. We all know that we shouldn't let stuff concern us but that is sometimes hard to do. Life can be stressful alright. But don't get discouraged, their is magic in prunes!
Fillerup please! A golf buddy was telling me that he has two senior siblings that need financial help from his elderly father. His dad asked what he thought of that--it's your money dad, you can do with your money what ever you want. Another sibling doesn't feel that way. That is an age old problem a.k.a money. It has caused a lot of hurt and family erosion in many families let me tell ya. I have seen it a lot in my business. Yabut parents are trying to do the right thing (i.e. helping the kids who need help). Should it be a concern of the other siblings? Should problems of adult children be the concern of the senior parents? What do you think? MissPerfect says--Parents always care about their kids no matter what their age (i.e. they have a concern 'cause they love them sooooo much).

I saw an ad by a chiropractor that said--Take care of the problem before it starts. Good advice in a lot of areas of our lives. LuckieEddie says--Physically exercise, do something to improve your mental health, and do something to improve your spiritual life. PositiveToyna says--Now that is a muclemaximizer!
Looks like patchy fog to me. Jr calls home after the homecoming weekend. Tells his mom and dad that he had a date with the homecoming queen. Wow son, that's neat and impressive. She was soooo pretty, romantic, nice and sweet; I thought she was smokin' hot. Ya it was quite an experience all right. What's her name son. Stephen. Did you say Stephenie? No, I said Stephen! Jr's mom said--I'm confused Jr. I was confused toooooo mom let me tell ya. Like I said mom, it was quite an experience. And she looked soooo cute. Boy was I surprised dad. Holy Cow son. Folks, should this concern you and I? NewgenerationKatie says--It really shouldn't concern you seniors a.k.a. old fogies!. It's the new generation. You guys are just old fashion! And I thought Showdog DuaneTheWorm got the best of the show award! And Chester and Anna thought Elvis and the Beatles were wild and crazy and wacko!
Wet limp washrag! Joesixpack says--I think my spirit is growing faint! I'm getting tired about caring about others and our world. It seems like my caring just doesn't make any difference. It seems like it might be a lot easier if I didn't care (i.e. many don't care and seem to get along pretty good). They just don't make anything their concern. Don't care. What ever is, is okay with them. They're numb to everything; it's not their concern, they just don't care. They are just like a wet limp washrag! They don't worry about tomorrow, or future generations or their kids, or friends, or parents, or neighbors or fellow workers, or anyone. They just drink beer until they run out of money! Well, I'm not going to be like that Joesixpack. I'm not. I refuse to live a life of "I don't care"! I think there are times that we need to have concern and times when we should show concern (i.e. express it). I just hope I know when those times are! Is that called discernment?
I watched a little of the baseball playoffs while I multi task. I am doing the same with the world series. I am amazed how hard they can hit the ball and how good they are on defense. I heard one of the managers defend himself when asked why he has AverageJoe in the lineup. He said--I'm going with the folks with the hot hand (i.e. the guys who are smokin')! Ya gotta go with the folks who are hot now (i.e. in the moment--not the ones in the slump)! Makes sense to me. How about you? CadillacJack says--Some folks seem to carry a high career average and others carry a low career average and others are very cyclical! That can apply to batting averages and also stuff in life. YaBut CadillacJack, if you want to win the baseball game, ya gotta put the odds in your favor (i.e. it is your concern--there is a lot of money involved). Huh, interesting.
erv, it really shouldn't concern you! Is this gal any of your inlaws' extended family? Just checkin'!
I stopped at the library the other day to read the Des Moines paper. It was a cold, windy day. Perfect for reading the paper. I sat down in the reading area with an elderly lady who made crazy noises (i.e. they shouldn't concern me). ANYWAY I asked her if she was reading today's Des Moines paper--no no this is the Sunday paper--that's a few days old, that's old news--no it's not if you haven't read it!--I guess you have a point there! Her tone of voice was--it really shouldn't concern you!
More patchy fog! ItchieBitchie says--Some folks seem to have a special quality; they can put their mind in the moment when it matters. Others seem like they can't. Why is that ItchieBitchie? Some seem soooo focused on the moment that they sorta kinda don't care about other foolish worldly stimuli! Why is that ItchieBitchie? ItchieBitchie says--It shouldn't really concern you
erv. Or should it! ~ If a person is hitting their head against the wall time after time, is it my concern to tell them that if they would quite hitting their head against the wall their head would feel a lot better. Maybe
erv, but they are sooooo comfortable with their current pain that they don't want to change. That doesn't make much sense to me. Sooooo I should just let them flounder through life when they could really enjoy it much more, is that right? ItchieBitchie says--
erv, you are judging others. Maybe your standard a.k.a benchmark is wrong. Maybe you should just not make it your concern. Ok, could be. I'll let them alone. I just don't like to see them hit their head against the wall. It looks like it hurts. Such is life.

Joesixpack says--I think SusieQ acts like a gum ball machine but it really shouldn't concern me. She thinks she acts more like a Norvex window washing cloth. Do any of you use them? I was doing a project with several folks (i.e. washing windows for someone). I'm a terrible window washer, yes I am. Actually after I got done washing my assigned windows, the women did them again. Sooooo I called the master window washer down in TX for help. The wizardwindowwasher said I had to get Norvex window cloths. I was coming home from golf the other day and stopped at my neighbor. Her girls were there washing her windows. I told them what the wizardwindowwasher said I should buy the Norvex window cloth. They showed me that is what they use. They are great they said. Sooooo what else can you help me with? They informed me about Mr. Clean miracle cleaning bars. It really works. They gave me one. It's good folks. Being clean might not concern you but if it does, check these products out.
I think he's wobbling a little here. GeorgeTheCrook might have a drinking problem. It really shouldn't concern you
erv. When should some one's actions, life styles, or habits be my concern? Never, sometimes, always? What do you think? We discussed this in our adult growth group. Many different opinions. It's hard to judge someone when we have our own ugly stuff to deal with. But, aren't we suppose to help each other (i.e. make each other accountable)? Cadillac Jack says--
erv, take care of yourself and let other take care of themselves. You aren't God! What do you think?

I was looking through an old file full of stuff while watching the first half of the Colts/Broncos game Sunday night. I ran across this clipping I saved maybe 30 years ago. Sooooo you are my concern. Yes you are. Rules # 9 and 12 I really like. They apply to me for my concern for you guys (i.e. my opinion). You might have to click on it to make it larger to read.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. ~Eleanor Roosevelt~ Saturday question--If that is true, where do you and I fit? Are we the problem or the solution to the problem? Do you just complain or do you have an idea to correct the situation? Or is it really none of our concern?

JoeBlow, don't make any more cow pies, you have stepped in enough already. You got enough poop on your boats.
erv, it really shouldn't concern you! Ok JoeBlow, I will give up on you. Show you no more concern or attention. I won't care about you any more. When you don't encourage (i.e. show any attentions to a person) that means you have given up on them. When you give up on someone, that means they are no longer on your radar. You just don't care about them any more. Physiologists say that is one of the worse feelings of all is when someone doesn't care about you any more and shows you no attention. Such is life.
erv's conclusion of the matter! These are suggestions (i.e. of course my opinions) sooooo....! If someone has concern for you, be thankful. You are fortunate. If you show concern for others, you are heading in the right direction. You are blessed to be a blessing.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.
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