Disclaimer: You might think what I write and what I think is "a full load of crap"! I'm warning you, it might be!
Sippin' the nector of life or ...! Hector's wife says he spends toooo much time down at the pub, Aa! Soooo Hector takes her along. He says--What will you have girl? Oh I don't know, the same as you I suppose. Well, Hector orders up a couple of whiskeys and he drank his in one gulp, Aa! His misses watched and took one little sip. Yuck! This is awful! Well, there you go girl, and all this time you thought every night I was out enjoying myself! Alittlebitofclass or alittlebitofcheapshot!
TheBear a.k.a. a classy guy said--Have been hosting "small group" at our house. Studying Jerry Sittser's book "The Will of God as a Way of Life". Know it? A good one. We got into the topic of forgiveness tonight. Jerry says "Forgiveness is a process, not an event. It is a decision of the will, not an emotion we feel." And further, that "bitterness can be...ruinous to the soul. The one who suffers the most from bitterness is the one who is bitter. The antibiotic used to treat the disease of bitterness is forgiveness." ItchieBitchie says--If you are referring to my bitterness, I don't want to change. I like to be bitter. I enjoy it. What! I think you are just taking a cheap shot ItchieBitchie. Be classy and get over it (i.e. even if you think that person who you are bitter at hits below the belt). But it's your decision and decisions have consequences.
A sneer is the weapon of the weak (i.e. alittlebitofacheapshot). A sneer is
to smile or laugh at someone or something with an expression on your face that shows dislike and a lack of respect. : to express dislike and a lack of respect for something. 
The other day I went and got another cup of coffee from the kitchen. Arlene was watching the Today Show. They were interviewing Kate Upton who is on the cover of the 2013 Sports Illustrated swim suit edition. It caught me eye sooooo I stopped and watched a few pictures. Sooooo were those pictures classy or a cheap shots? Joesixpack says--I don't know but they sure sell copies
erv! Soooo why did you stop and look
erv? Hamburgers, cars, medications, (i.e. ok almost everything) is advertised with some good looking gal or guy in good physical shape (i.e. many sexually slanted). We must be very susceptible to that. It must affect our subliminal mind or something (i.e. like cartoons do to kids). They wouldn't do it if it didn't work (i.e. make money). Sooooo are we easy to sell toooooo or what (i.e. we maybe like the cheap shot stuff instead of the classy stuff)! Such is life.

I don't know if it's necessarily classy but it's very effective let me tell ya. And cheap! I trimmed our trees the other day. I don't have a pickup or trailer sooooo I had to make dooooo! I pulled the limbs behind my golf cart to the tree dumb site. It took me I think 6 trips. Such is life in small town Iowa.
His talk reminds me of explosive diarrhea! I was getting a Mc Donald's senior cup of coffee and doing sudoku in the Des Moines paper. I was waiting for Arlene. I usually ride bike but it was snowing out (i.e. yes snowing in October). As I was sitting there, there were a table of retired guys sitting half way across the room. Seniors seem to talk loud as most of them can't hear, I think. ANYWAY one guy said--He makes me madder than hell! He's just a smart ass! Then one guys said, I am going to be gone next week, if the Lord is willing. Now there is a contrast alright. It made me laugh. Age can cause us to degenerate. In our adult growth group a gal was telling us that she gets shots in her eye as he has macular degeneration. Out of the maybe 15 there, I think about 6 said they get those shots. Ouchy ouchy! That's why I just looked with one eye at those pictures of those gals in Sports Illustrated swimming addition that were on TV!!!! Didn't want to take any chances!!!!
Maybe a littlebitofclass! We usually stop at DQ after the IA football games. It's tradition I guess. Besides we all have to go to the bathroom usually. There was a family there--dad, mom and four kids. The dad on a tee shirt that said on the back--What we do in life echoes eternity. Huh, interesting.
The gal that does Arlene's hair just plain makes her feel good. I have met her a couple of times but I don't really know here. I only now her by what Arlene tells me. Arlene says she's funny, crazy at times, expressive, open, exciting, personable, very nice, and fixes her hair! Arlene really likes her and says something nice about her to me every time she goes. Sooooo folks, what do you glean out of this conversation? It's a classic example of enjoying your job and folks enjoying her I think. I don't think she's a cheap shot artist! She's a pretty real person I think. Maybe she's not all real. I don't know. God only knows for sure! Such is life.

MissPerfect says--I'm not afraid of heights. I'm afraid of widths. Ouchy ouchy! Women now days can affect their beauty but it ain't cheap folks. Some gals have their toe nails done, finger nails done. lips done, double chins removed, eye brows done, hair done, nose jobs, eye lashes fixed, things reduced, things enlarged, facial hair removed, warts removed, veins fixed and I don't know what else. I heard this true story about a dairyman the other day. He just bought some new cows--are they good cows--ya, they are registered with good pedigrees, average 82 pounds at 4% fat with the help of BST. But, one of them has only one good eye--why in the world did you you buy a cow with a bad eye anyway--well, it's like about the same as when I look at women, I look at their________ and their _________ and then their eyes; I just plain missed it! Oh!!! Do you think that is a classic statement or is it a cheap shot. SusieQ says--I think you know what I think!
He's legit! This guy is unique, classy and successful (i.e. my opinion)! I have known him for many years. He has helped folks out and I'm sure many many more than I know. He intrigues me. Soooo I went and talked to him the other day. Sooooo why do you help folks--I like to help (i.e. give opportunities) to down and outers! What do you look for in them--Sincerity, integrity, and honesty. I need to find out if they are hard workers and good managers (i.e. if they are married it really helps if the the spouse have those same qualities). I do a lot of research on their situation; I learn about them and their business; I learn exactly their financial situation. I ask a lot of crazy questions to find out who they really are (i.e. their character). I know their business. Many of those folks just got bad advice at some point. They just need an opportunity. A lot of folks don't want to put in the time to find out all this information. Soooo is it rewarding--VERY! Most folks have no idea how he helps folks. They just don't and probably never will! He does it sooooo nonchalantly it seems. I'm just fortunate to know it and know him. One other thing, don't take a cheap shot at him--The relationship will be OVER! The relationship will be toast!
Maybe a littlebitofcheapshot! Arlene and I went for a ride in an housing area along the river where the landscape is rolling and there are many many trees. We remember it as such a pretty place in the fall. It was just as pretty as we remembered it with all the color and all the other natural beauty of fall. BUT we haven't been there for maybe 20 years and the houses (i.e. we forgot) are also 20 years older. Most of the houses are maybe 40 to 50 years old now. They aren't nearly as classy as we remembered them. Soooo we built our house 39 years ago. Soooooo, probably folks say the same about our house even though I don't think that. Huh, interesting. BUT I really like our house. It fits me perfect. I'm very very content. I think guys seem to be more content than women anyway (i.e. my opinion). Seems to me that women compare more than men which makes them to quack more on the inside. Quack Quack and then they Yack Yack! ItchieBitchie says--That quackin' on the inside eventually becomes yackin' on the outside. Now that can become a cheap shot! AverageJoe says--Competition, envy, and greed are great for the economy folks, just great stimuli for spending.
Corrosive effect! Like the ad says--You like drama? Then put your Social Security # on the Internet! Obama Health Care also is producing a lot of drama (i.e. a lot of finger poinin' let me tell ya)!. How is it going to work out? The over-all goal seems good (i.e. I would like to see everyone have good healh care but I wish there wouldn't be wars toooooo). There seems to be some concern if it will work. Is it going to be a cheap shot or classy? Time will tell now won't it. It is very interesting to me. Will it be a success or a failure? I don't know. But I do think I know that ya gotta look at it from a business point and not from a Democrat or Republican point of view (i.e. open minded). My Daddy, Chester use to say--
erv, keep your emotions out of your business decisions. If we think we want everyone to have affordable health care, then someone has to pay the piper (i.e. that might make it not affordable for some). It ain't free folks. WildWillie says--At some point, money makes the decisions. I repeat--At some point! Come on folks, it's not that hard to figure out. Well, someone has to pay for the free ones (i.e. low income folks) and the ones with poor health! That's just the way it is. Ya either got to cut expenses (i.e. which 'free enterprise' does not want to do) or you got to increase the income (i.e. which 'the increase in premiums folks' don't want) or subsidise it by the government (i.e. which 'many are for') but that means an increase in taxes (i.e. which 'the folks who pay the taxes' don't want). Now we have a quandary alright. What do you think? Hey listen folks, I'm just posing questions that encourage development of critical thinking instead of imparting knowledge! Such is life.
Got to clean the bugs off the windshield! Need to press the refresh button! Need to press the reset button! CadillacJack says--Sometimes we need to do some fresh thinking as to what is alittlebitofclass and what is alittlebitofcheapshot! We need to be careful that we don't get full of ourselves with all our rings on our fingers and forget what is important. Saturday question--What is really important to you? Really? Do you act like "that" is the really an important issue to you? Really! Do others think that you act like "that" is really the most important thing to you? Really! Hopefully we aren't blowing smoke like DuaneTheWorm! Really!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJeans says--We are either leaving our mark on the world or the world is leaving its mark on us.
PS Is this a cheapshot or classy? This is from a 1992 bootleg concert, John Denver singing a parody of "16 Tons" called "18 Holes." It has never been released. It might make you laugh! It did me. Such is life.
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