Ya, he's good! There are folks who can see around corners (i.e. they are almost not human). Now that is a great innate ability. CadillacJack says--Those folks are uncommon. And there are other folks who can't see something when it's in broad view. Why is that? I don't think you can teach that (i.e. like you can't teach speed). What do you think? These folks who can see around corners can be great leaders. LuckieEddie is such a guy--He could
lead if he would get the
lead out! If he would throw those chips away and get his butt off the couch!
He's good folks! A golfer teed up his ball on the first tee, took a mighty swing and hit his ball into a clump of trees. He found his ball and saw an opening between 2 trees he thought he could hit through. Taking out his 3-wood, he took a mighty swing. The ball hit a tree, bounced back, hit him in the forehead and killed him. As he approached the gates of Heaven, St. Peter asked, "Are you a good golfer?" The man replied: "Got here in two, didn't I?
Calm down and stay within yourself Joesixpack! Stay poised! Don't get soooo excited that you aren't yourself. Don't try to become something you are not. Be real. If you are good, you are good. You don't need to add anything (i.e. don't try to exaggerate). My Daddy, Chester, would say to me--
erv, folks who are good don't have to tell folks they are good; folks know that. DuaneTheWorm (i.e. great at gaming the system) is always trying to tell folks how good he is. He's funny! Such is life.
I learned a new word this week. It's alchemy--a power or process of transforming something common into something special. There is hope for AverageJoe alright. Hope that he might become SpeicalJoe. Being special is not necessarily becoming financially rich or obtain a certain position of power or get to the top of the food chain. It might be but then it might be something way different! Why do folks change (i.e. mentally or physically). That always interests me. Fascinates me! I know a number of folks who have changed from AverageJoes to SpecialJoes. Yes I have. It's very apparent. Some of those folks are you guys.
Changing from proud to humble might be part of the process of becoming someone special. What do you think? WildWillie says--For believers (i.e. are you a believer?), the fear of God is the astonished reverence we feel as we gaze upon His majesty, contemplate His immensity, and recognize His infinite power. I wonder if that ingredient a.k.a adoration is sometimes missing in us. I'm just wondering folks, I don't know. GeorgeTheCrook says--Oh God, it's sooooo hard to be humble; Thank you God that I'm soooo humble. Such is life.

I ran into an real estate client/friend from years past the other day. She was telling me about her husband and how she is his caregiver. I said--That has to be tough for you--no no I'm tough and I'm stubburn; I will not let it get to me. She is a tough old bird let me tell ya. Her husband should be soooo happy that she is in his camp. She is very good to him (i.e. someone special). My hat goes off to her. Yes it does.
Pet count! I read in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right) that a town in IA is considering a pet limit proposal -- Households would be restricted to a total of 4 dogs and cats combined. Huh, interesting! Soooo if you have 4 or less, you are good to go! Now that will create a new job. That town will have to have a pet census taker. The pet census taker will have to go around and ask folks how many pets they have and then verify it on their tax return or something. Sorta kinda like when folks are asked how many people they have in their household (i.e.. U.S. citizens of course and related some way such as step kids, half bothers, kids of what father, grand kids of which daughter and what their income is in order to get a free or discounted rate for Obama care). I'm sure all those folks will be honest as to how many pets they have Da! Really folks, do you think a 4 pet household limit is going to work? Really! Read between the lines folks. ItchieBitchie says--I think if you get free Obama care or reduced rates for Obama care, you should not be allowed to have any pets! Now that would create more jobs (i.e. it would have to be policed)! SusieQ says--What? That's not fair is it! That has to be unconstitutional or something! You can't get reelected with that attitude!
Tip of the day--(i.e. I read it in the paper soooo it must be right). Most CEOs come from the financial side (i.e. bean counters). MissPerfect says--Sooooo why is that? I don't get it. TyphoonBillie says--Real numbers never lie! Phantom numbers lie! That is why crooks have two set of books or make up numbers to fit the situation. Some folks are really good at fabricating the numbers (e.g. I have seen some farmers who had great yields to establish their yields and have low yields to work their MPCI claims). They are good. And it is very hard to monitor. For some, the attitude is--It's only the government sooooo who really cares! It greases my pocket sooooo...! Money is green no matter how I get it. MissPerfect says--There are folks in this world who are scoundrels. Oh ya! MissPerfect asks--Do you really think some day we will be made accountable for our actions? StickyfingersRalph says--I'm an universalist! Good plan huh!!!
RogerDodger is good! He says toooo himself--I'm good at cheating. Yes I am. Cheating is hard to cover and requires meticulous planning. I'm very good and successful at doing this. Very good. Doesn't that cheating bother you RogerDodger? No, ethics are determined by what they catch you doing. If you don't get caught, you haven't violated any ethics. I have it planned that I'm going to cheat the government and insurance companies (i.e. no one cares about them; they are only the government and insurance companies--I'm not really hurting anyone--seems like everyone does it). I'm going to do it for ten years. I talked to the local pastor where my wife goes to church and he assured me that all sins are the same (i.e. no big ones or little ones). That is good to hear. He also told me that if I ask for forgiveness, all the sins will be forgiven (i.e. slate washed clean, white as snow). I like to hear that tooooo. Soooo after ten years I will go to church, confess my sins, ask for forgiveness, give them $10,000 and everybody is happy (i.e. my insurance policy covering my back side). I'm good to go! The pastor asked RogerDodger--Wonder if you die first? He has a good point. Soooo I changed my plan a little. I will go to church every Easter and Christmas to confess my sins, ask for forgiveness and give $500. If I really do well with my cheating, I might bump up my giving (i.e. if I do well, the church will do well, sorta kinda a win win situation, everybody is a happy camper)! I'm good, huh!
Missperfect is good! She makes sure all the trains are running on time. She supports the organization with no personal agenda. Now that is one good wife folks. WorldClassLarry says--90% of a guy's happiness is who he marries. Such is life.
A heart jabber! My friend is good, folks! She can affect me alright. She is 92 and calls me and says--
erv, have I said something bad to you? No, why do you think that? You haven't come and seen for a while! Ouchy ouchy! A stab right in the heart folks! Gottcha!
He is good! JimmyTheJanitor says--Young Charlie from back home (i.e. Alberta, Canada) was in a big lecture hall writin' his final math exam, Aaa. The supervising professor was right grumpy. He was pacing around yelling out how much time there was left. Finally he yells, "Times up". Well everyone passes in their papers except Charlie, Aaa! He kept on writtin'. The professor just sat there glarin' at Charlie and stacking the papers in a big pile, Aaa! Finally one hour later charlie finishes and walks up to the desk. The professor says, "Sorry, you are one hour late; you have failed this test." Charlie says, "You know who I am?" "No I don't." "I didn't think so". With that Charlie lifted the stack of papers half way, stuck his paper in, dropped the rest on top and walked out! ~ James a.k.a. The Smoke that Thunders accomplished his goal. He, after taking courses on line for 4 years continuously from CO State, has received his BS degree in Business Management. He is 43, works full time and a father of two small kids. Not an easy accomplishment. James is our son-in-law. We are proud of him. I thought he got a B.A. but he said it was a B.S. He said--Heather said--I am full of BS so perhaps I should pursue a Masters Degree next!
Things aren't always black and white! AfriendMargret did the childrens' message last Sunday. She asked the kids is a zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes. Difficult question! AfriendGalene had this outfit on Sunday (i.e. make no mistake about it, I'm not saying she's a zebra). It was just sorta kinda a good example of black and white (i.e. believe me, she lives her life as a good example--as does Margret--both good gals with good hearts--real folks--my kind of folks). ~ I had a very good experience recently. I got to know a guy who I really didn't know before. I knew him but really didn't know him. Through a unique experience I got to do some one-on-one with him and found out that I like him a lot more (i.e. he's good). I got to know him deep inside. I felt soooo bad that I didn't get to know him before. Everyone has some good in them; it's just that we don't know about it most of the time (i.e. haven't had the opportunity). CadillacJack says--Sometimes we think we are tooo gooooood for some folks and then we find out we aren't sooooo goood ourselves. Our images of folks change when we get to know them (i.e. rub shoulders with them). Huh, interesting.
This is not good! I read this in the paper soooo it must be right. Hawkeye football player arrested on OWI charge. He was charged at 1:06 a.m. with operating while intoxicated and driving with a suspended or revoked license when a vehicle he was driving bumped into a police car at an intersection. Like I said--not a good thing but especially if you are under the influence. Influence of Jack Daniels. Jack is a terrible influence.

AfriendMarty, you're a good person Marty but your action was not sooooo good. She was telling us that the other night she was soaking her feet in hot water while watching TV. She had the remote in her hand and fell asleep. She dropped the clicker in the water. Not good folks. Not good!
Everyone smells money (i.e. sharpening their knifes for a slice of the pie)! This is not good. I read it in the paper soooo it must be right. Detroit filed for bankruptcy with debts of at least $18 billion. Legal fees could total $60 million plus various expenses such as $250,000 to price and sell some assets. A fee examiner has been hired to keep the expenses in line, but he charges $600 an hour. Huh, interesting but not good folks. Not good..
It's the rut season folks. The bucks are in a
rut to
rut! SusieQ says--The buck
does funny things when the
does are present! Is that good or not good for the bucks? That is a homograph I believe! Saturday question--Do you know any crazy bucks?
Putting a different spin on it! LuckieEddie says--If you're not good on defense than ya gotta be good on offense. You gotta improve on your weaknesses and use your strengths as good as you can. Sooooo be creative and innovative.
ItchieBithcie has a heart of gold, his own gold! Not good! Ouchy ouchy!
She knows I'm a "little shot" but she does it anyway. Oh ya, she reads papers for me and the marks the articles that she thinks I would like (i.e. big shots have that done for them). She's a neat gal alright (i.e. neighbor Lila). ANYWAY here is what I learned from an article she marked for me to read--When a person said to a less fortunate street person who looked like they needed some money--Do you need any help? The street person responded--Don't we all! Think about that folks. Don't we all!
I was running the other morning. It was about 8 I think and the temperature was lower 30s. I ran past a house where a boy of about 10 was out side with his hoody over his head throwing a football. I asked him if he's any good at football--I'm very good--good enough to make the NFL--Sure am! He's good folks. Maybe he has got hit in the head one to many times already!!!! To make sure, we would have to
subject the
subject to a series of tests!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Music washes away from the soul the dust of evryday life.

PS I hope you participate in this opportunity. It will just take a second. Send me your definition or example of what a turkey is--he's/she's a real turkey. I will use them anonymously. I will use some of them in my pre-Thanksgiving "It's Saturday" next week. I will pick the winners just like they do on Dancing With The Stars. This could be fun.