Disclaimer--This "It's Saturday" might be an "epistle of straw". Which means it is not worth much. That is what Luther called the book of James. But according to an expert/friend, many xns however disagree with Luther pointing out that if one is truly a xn, then the actions called for by James are right on target. CadillacJack says--Even xns disagree (i.e. have their own opinions). Sooooo maybe some of you might not think thatt this "It's Saturday" is an "epistle of straw"! Just maybe. This epistle is just a "post turkey rush" folks!
We are heading out from CO to AZ today (i.e. adventure ahead). IA is our home but when winter comes, AZ is where we roam! If you have never spent an extended time in the South during the winter, you really don't get it. It's a life style (i.e. different than a vacation). There is a difference. We get in a routine. It's sorta kinda like Moody said--
We walk in the wilderness today and in the Promised Land tomorrow. ~ Dwight L. Moody ~ I don't think Moody was talking about IA to AZ though. What do you think?
Dense! I know folks who appear to be dense. They just don't get it! They are surface folks. They don't capture the mood of folks or of the situation. They don't catch on. They say something stupid at the wrong time or try to be funny when the timing is way wrong. They just don't get it. Can't capture the feelings of folks. Much like not catching on to humor or understanding a profound statement (i.e. something that you have to add 2 + 2 to capture the situation). Some folks don't have that innate ability. They just don't. They just don't get it. Can't feel the emotions of a scene. Probably never will. Such is life.

Maybe there are times when we don't appreciate what others are thinking, feeling or expressing. We just don't get it. Spending Thanksgiving with our family, I wonder if sometimes I don't get it (i.e. how they feel nor understand what they are expressing with their words and with their actions). I wonder. I don't want to read tooooo much into it nor do I want to have it just "blow over my head" by being a poor observer or listener either. A friend tells me that I'm just a wimp--not very tough--I worry tooooo much about stuff that isn't important or has no bearing (i.e. tooooo sensitive). Now that could be. I know for sure that I'm a wimp! It's cold in IA!
It's sooooo much fun to be around children and their innocence. They just don't know what things mean. And they don't care what things mean. They just live life. What does that mean? SusieQ needs an explanation alright; she is always a step behind (i.e. in the dark). Then BINGO she gets it but it's toooooo late. She's had! Adult innocence is not always pretty folks!
I don't understand a lot. Like why goodness isn't honored and corruption is. Why folks can't see right from wrong. Why some folks have to handle such bad stuff. Why some have an easy life and other have a tough life. I can go on and on. I just don't understand. Never will. His understanding I cannot fathom. God is God. And that's just the way it is.

Our grand girls say--Adults confuse us sometimes! Are you ever confused (i.e. don't understand)? Some folks have common sense and some don't it seems! "
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." ~ Abraham Lincoln ~ SeemsToGetItDoug just has good common sense. He can feel the attitude of a group, boss, meeting, team, extended family, wife, kids, friends etc. He senses it immediately and acts appropriate. He knows how to react. What to say, what not to say and when to say nutten. It's a great gift. Some folks do not have this gift. They just don't catch on. I read this in the Book while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue. Do you ever think we try to say tooooo much when it would be better if we would just keep our mouth shut? I think that about myself some times. Such is life.
ItchieBitchie is just plain bad at flattery! And two wrongs don't make a right soooo after you screw up the first time, keep your mouth shut (i.e. it won't get any better). Sooo quit trying ItchieBitchie; you are just digging a deeper hole. Sue Wong marries Lee Wong. The next year, the Wongs have a new baby. The nurse brings out a lovely, healthy, bouncy, but definitely a Caucasian, WHITE baby boy. 'Congratulations,' says the nurse to the new parents. 'Well Mr. Wong, what are you and Mrs. Wong going to name the baby?' The puzzled father looks at his new baby boy and says, 'Well, two Wongs don't make a white, so I think we will name him...Sum Ting Wong!
Life manager! Joesixpack is a great life manager! And I tell you what folks, he's got a lot to manage. I can tell you that much. But folks, he gets it. He's in the upper echelon of life managers let me tell ya. When I gave blood recently, the gal who did my total blood giving told me that she has three kids and her husband has two--both divorced--ya--how old are your kids--34 to 21. My youngest finally caught on about life this last year; it seems like it takes soooo many years before it happens (i.e. live manager). He even is starting to call me some. I really like that when they call me. She then said--It took me some time to figure it out tooooo. I bet my parents wondered if I would ever get it. I was just "not a very nice person" growing up.
LuckieEddie says--You can say what you what about AZ, but no one retires there and moves up north for the winter! Huh, interesting. No one wants to go back and experience some "Nordic outbreaks".
Running the other day! I decided that the mind rules the body. Think about that folks. Sooooo folks, do you want your kids to be normal? The new normal that is? ItchieBitchie says--Listen folks, the new normal ain't workin'! I read that there might be 4 F's you children should be abnormal in: 1. Their faith. 2. Their choice of friends 3. Their finances. 4. Their commitment to the future. Folks, at some point, ya just got to decide what you are going to do and do it. Make the right decision. And remember, decisions have consequences. Before we left IA, I was multi tasking in front of a nice fire in the fireplace (i.e. I really enjoy an old wood burning fire). I forgot to put some wood in and the fire was just a smoldering glow. I put some more wood in and once it got to a certain temperature, poof, it just burst into flame. It had to get that hot before it flamed up. Well, sometimes we have to get to a certain temperature before we become a flame. Saturday question--At what temperature are you?
Folks in big city or big churches won't get this. Heather called me about what friendJudy said in last week's It's Saturday. She reminded me what friendJudy put in the Christmas Eve bulletin years ago when she was the church secretary. She put an announcement in it that everyone was invited to our house for a pancake breakfast Christmas morning. What!!! She made special bulletins just for our family. What a hoot. Good memories folks, good memories of good folks..

Oneeyedhousechecker! Old and young! I was with an employer and he was telling me that they have trouble with young employees who just want to get paid but don't want to work. We can't depend on them. They might show up and might not. Drives him crazy. They just don't get it! Old folks don't seem to be that way. They seem to get it. Why is that do you thing? Our 83 old neighbor Lila watches the temperature of our house while we are in AZ. Ya, we can depend on her. We put a thermometer in our window and give her our binoculars. Every morning with her one good eye, she checks the temperature in our house. We can depend on her. She is a sweetheart. She likes snowmen. She just bought enough plates with snowmen on it for all three tables for Christmas. She was as happy as some little 6 year old at Christmas. Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Success is simple--do what is right the right way at the right time.
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