Just to clear the air, I didn't do any "loaded brownies" in CO! Maybe some of you folks thought I was going to; I wasn't. It's sorta kinda interesting how much money the state of CO is making with the taxes on this new adventure. I bet other states will be copy cats. It's all about the money. Casinos (i.e. big form of income), legally taxed sale of drugs, maybe legally taxed prostitution will be next. Didn't the Romans do something like this?
JohnWayne said this after he had stopped making movies due to age and health--"The older you get, the further out you go and the more alone you are." That would appear to be from his soul, the real thoughts of his inner man. A man who had "everything" but as he aged, he said--"Now, all my earthly 'stuff' doesn't matter." Many folks who are senior or super seniors can resonate with this feeling I think. In many cases, God increases even as everything else shrinks, and yes, even as we diminish into obscurity and nothingness. MissPerfect says--Some folks can see the unseen it seems and others seem like they can't. PastorBruce said Sunday--Humility honors God and God lifts up those who do. Ego is hard to give up (i.e. surrender). But change happens when we loose our ego. Huh, interesting.
Hey listen folks! This stuff in this "It's Saturday" isn't that important (i.e. sorta kinda like 6 year olds playing soccer). It's just stuff that is running through my mind. Just stuff, everyday stuff that keeps bouncing back and forth in my mind (i.e. stuff of little or no significance). I'm just taking my brain for a walk. Soooo bare with me.
Must-haves! It appears that there are folks who are always anxious and unhappy 'cause they can't get all the "must-haves"! ItchieBitchie says--That is sorta kinda chasing your tail ain't it. It appears to me that my "must-haves" have really changed. Maybe because I'm older or more mature or lazy or don't care or I don't operate at a blazing fast speed anymore or I realize I can't win or I'm not as competitive anymore. "Know your enemy" is a famous phrase from Sun Tzu's sixth-century book, The Art of War. The exact quotation is: "If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle." I guess I have decided that I don't have to "outwit, outplay, outlast" anyone! It just doesn't matter. Such is life..
My opinion is that Jesus is the way, the truth and the light and.... (i.e. not everyone agrees with me on that). Soooo you might not agree with my opinion about education either. The speaker said at James' graduation that 1/3 of Americans have a bachelors degree and 10% have a masters degree. She also said that your degree might be half of your ticket to middle class with the other half being what you do with it (i.e. your attitude). My opinion is that education is important but does not guarantee success or happiness. I know folks with and without education who are successful and happy. But education is still good. I know jerks who are educated and not educated, financial wealthy and not, old and young, folks of high positions and not. But in many cases, a degree is necessary to open the door unless you are self employed or an entrepreneur. We were eating breakfast at the Blue Cow in Morrison. Little Jimmer was making some noise. Arlene said to me--erv, he is just like you when you don't get your way when you want it! Ouchy ouchy! I hate that when she sees right through me (i.e. I return to my vomit/slop). Maybe, we all can be jerks sometimes. What do you think. I maybe am a hypocrite at times when looking at others. Could be. Such is life.
SusieQ says--My husband, JoeTheHorse, can do most anything. He is one great man. I am soooo thankful for him. I show it to him and tell him that. He knows it alright. It is very clear by my body language and my tone of voice. He knows, believe me. In fact I'm around many other folks but the sign says it all! I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--A person’s head, heart, and hands should agree. Such unity of character is especially important for leaders. Billy Graham is universally admired because his life has matched his words. Don’t be swayed by the person's eloquence talk. Many speak pious words and do nutten; don't be fooled by appearances or mere words. That person seems a little harsh to me. I think there are a lot of good folks that back up their words. Maybe a few that don't. It doesn't take long to figure that out (e.g. DuaneTheWorm is one--he will tell you anything to make himself look good and does nutten for anyone else)! DunaeTheWorm wears a big cowboy hat but owns no cattle. Such is life.
FlipThePancake! My golf buddy did what he thought was right. Yes he did. He told us this story while playing the other day. My golf buddy retired from a business administration position. He decided he wanted to work on the floor of a casino. It was a snowstomy, cold, blusterous Iowa day but he went to work anyway (i.e. his IA work ethic). He was one of the few employees who showed up. There were very few gambler as well. He was dealing black jack on a table in the back corner. He had one player. He was a young man. He was winning some and they talked. My golf buddy asked him what he did for a living--I do snow removal--well, it's a great day you you then--no, the motor went out in my truck; that's why I'm here to win $850 to buy a new motor. He was lucky and was up $900. My golf buddy told him that he would not give him any more cards (i.e. he was done playing). How come the guy asked; I'm on a hot streak? If I let you continue to play, I will get all of the $900 and all your money you have in your pocket. The guy said, thank you and left. My golf buddy said his pit boss would not been happy with him if he knew he did that.
Government notice: Important Notice--Due to recent budget cuts, the market crash, and the rising cost of electricity, gas, and oil, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off. We apologize for the inconvenience. If legalizing drugs generate huge massive tax income and if we legalize prostitution with heavy taxation, we might turn it back on. Sincerely, The Government
Can't believe it. We left Chet and Jessicas' place on our way to Morrison, CO last Friday. We stopped at McDonald's before getting on the I-80 at the Jordon Creek exit for coffee (i.e. close to the Jordon Creek Mall and Des Moines Golf and Country Cub--pretty plush area). ANYWAY two senior coffees for 85 cents. I said to the super senior who waited on me if she had that right. Ya, she did she said!!! We celebrated James accomplishment at the Chop House down town Denver. The prices were a little different there folks. Oh ya! It is one of my most favorite places to eat.
Change my perspective! When I'm excited and jittery things look a lot different when I'm calm and relaxed. Things seem to just look differently. Sooooo why am I not always calm and relaxed then!!! We all know that as we get older--especially after we have children--time seems to speed up. It doesn't actually do so, but we perceive that it does. And at some point we all become increasingly aware of our mortality (i.e. that ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust thing). I get way toooo excited and need to relax more but I don't want to waste day light folks doing stuff that I shouldn't. I guess that all depends on a person's perspective now doesn't it as to what is wasting time! It's sooooo true. CadillacJack says--The sun--born to shine on only this particular day--will die this evening. Every day is special just as it is. Don't waste it.
I was on main street the other day. This gal came up to me who I'm just not around ever. I maybe don't have the best image of her for my own reasons (i.e. perceived). She was soooo nice to me and was concerned about a family concern. Very genuine and concerned. I was just blown away. She said I have thinking and praying for you and Arlene. What! She just plain amazed me. When departed, she shock me hand. My perception of her is way different. Wow! My socks were blown off! Unbelievable! You better believe it! She sorta kinda pulled a wabbit out of the hat! Saturday question--Are you a socks blownoffer or a wimpyweasel?
I feel sorry for her! We went and watched Erin's soccer game Saturday morning (i.e. this happens all over America every Saturday morning). One dad was a jerk a.k.a. a real train wreck, a huge massive idiot and he didn't even know it. It was more that just body language folks. I felt soooo sorry for his cute little 6 year old daughter. He made her cry and then hollered at her--Why are you crying? You don't try and aren't doing good (i.e. she could care less about soccer). You are suppose to have fun, sooooo have fun. I feel sorry for this little girl if her daddy doesn't realize how he is acting and she has to live with him. He needs to change folks or...! I pray that this guy sees what he is. But, I wonder if others look ant me and say the same thing. I wonder!!! It's sooooo easy to be critical of someone else now isn't it.
A SRP is a Silly Repeating Pattern. I wonder if I have SRPs and don't even know it. Self-evaluation is hard folks. If I don't know I have SRPs how can I change. Someone has to tell me or it has to get sooooo bad before I will change (i.e. I mean really really bad)! That is why businesses have annual personnel evaluations. If that soccer dad doesn't realize he is that way, how in the world will he ever change. Then maybe we have stuff ingrained in us soooooo deep that we have a very hard time changing (e.g. a criminal goes to jail for a crime but if he just does his time and does not reform, he will get out and just repeat his life style). He has to have a change of heart; has to recognize that he is wrong before he can be rehabilitated. If not...! A golf buddy says--Ya have admit you have a problem before you can fix it. GeorgeTheCrook says--If you do the same things the next 5 years that you did the last 5 years, why would you expect anything to change!
Positive feedback. If you remember anything or understand anything of this "It's Saturday" (i.e. 1%), remember this (i.e. I read it in the Blue magazine)--Not sure what to say to a loved one facing a serious diagnosis? Start the conversation with these simple sentences. "I'm not sure what to say, but I care and I'm here to support you." "I'm sorry this is happening to you." "If you feel like talking about this, I'm happy to listen." "If you need to cry, I'll be there with the tissues." "I love you, and I'll help you through all of this." Joesixpadk says--Pray for wisdom in doing what comes supernaturally more than naturally. LuckieEddie says--Quite your huffing and puffing and throw those chips away and get your butt of the couch and help someone. There are opportunities "out the wazoo" out there! You get to make the decision what you are going to do with them but remember, decisions have consequences! Oh ya!
It's Fathers Day tomorrow. Well dad, what does your body language tell your kids and others? MojoPete asks--erv, are your kids like you? I really don't know MojoPete. I always told them to copy what I do ok and not what I do wrong! My opinion is that non of us can change unless we change who/what our master is (i.e. to who or what we are a slave to). We all have different masters now don't we. Such is life.
Little-Red-Riding-Hood hasn't seen the wolf for a long time (i.e. how good you use to look Little-Red-Riding-Hood). TheBigBadWolf says--Her body language says something (i.e. it appears that she has spent tooooo much time with her hand in the cookie jar). To that Little-Red-Riding-Hood says--At my age, I really don't give a ...!
The National Institute of Health has just released the results of a $200 million research study completed under a grant to Johns Hopkins. The new study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as you go along.
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