CrazyMarvin seems to think I'm in the fog. I ain't folks. At least I don't think soooo but I could be and I don't know it!! A friend said to me after I told him he's a classy guy a.k.a. MagicSauce!--And it could be that you have just a touch of delusion developing. He has those new hearing aids that go in the canals of his ears. He actually can hear more than he lets on!!!! AnotherClassyGuy who I play some golf with said to me recently--erv, you catch on better than you act! Or was it--You catch on better than you look? Either way, I think he thinks I'm foggy tooooo! Such is life.
Martin Luther said, "It is not good works which make a good man, but a good man who does good works."
Things can be foggy until the court rules on it and then it's the law (i.e. law by precedent). GeorgeTheCrook says--I don't like the law. Maybe not GeorgeTheCrook but without law, we would be in a fix! GeorgeTheCrook says--erv, you don't know one end of a cow from the other (i.e. foggy). I do and we have way toooo much law. Way toooo much. I bet you don't like rules either then GeorgeTheCrook. No I don't. I like freedom. Sooooo GeorgeTheCrook, do you adhere to the Golden Rule? What's the Golden Rule. I figured you didn't know it!!!! You are a little foggy GeorgeTheCrook (i.e. my opinion).
Fog is magical (i.e. my opinion). It produces a lot of "oohs and aahs". Fog sorta kinda produces a atmosphere for me to figure out "what to do and what not to do"! At the end of life, does the bell go "ding-ding" or maybe just goes "clang"! ItchieBitchie says--I don't have a clear picture of how that will be. That is a little foggy to me. I tell you what ItchieBitchie, when the bonger bongs, you will know immediately. Bingo!
SusieQ says--MissPerfect acts like she is in a fog to me. Maybe she just has her "big girl panties in a bunch". Could be but something ain't right! She ain't in a fog SusieQ. Mary (i.e. there are all kinds of Marys let me tell ya) says--MissPerct's brain is just soooo full of information that it takes her longer time to process. She really knows a lot but she's in just a little slow finding what disc it's on or what department it's stored in. ANYWAY That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!! Such is life.

When there is wind there is not fog. MotorMouthOtto says--Sooooo I guess certain folks and certain towns don't have much fog then. The windiest city – city, not place – in the United States is Dodge City, Kan., with an average wind speed of 13.9 mph. Second is Amarillo, Texas, at 13.5 mph; Rochester, Minn., is third at 12.9 mph. Wow! I would have guessed TX and KS but not MN. But come to think of it, a friend, Hagen, lives in SW MN and it's windy there a lot. And another friend Jr. lives there as well and he can get windy when he drinks tooooo much (i.e. but he's not foggy let me tell ya, you know where he stands)! Such is life.
No foggy fog folks. I stopped and talked to a guy on the way home from the repair shop (i.e. my 86 Yamaha golf cart needed a new started solenoid). His title is "student liaison intervener". Soooo I asked him what that is--it's a position created to deal with troubled youth--sooo what is the problem you deal with most--PARENTS! I encouraged him to keep fighting the good fight of teaching kids what is right. He said--I just want to teach them a work ethic and teach them how to win and to loose. I said--I bet you need a break--yes I do. It appears to me that when a youth is troubled for many reasons, it's hard to straighten them out (i.e. particular when they have poor parenting). And some do folks. The ones who get through it and come to the top are the real heroes to me. Real heroes! It appears that they catch a break--maybe a mentor, maybe the military, maybe a church or maybe it was a magic mix or maybe it was luck and timing, or maybe it was being around the right folks or maybe it was a dream come true or maybe it was--God only knows! Some seem to see the big picture better than others. Why, I don't know folks. Such is life.

I was telling a friend John (i.e. everyone is a John about this story. He said--Usually if there is a will (i.e. a strong desire) there is a way. Some how some way. But, why do some have a stronger will than others John. He really didn't know but did say, those who feel they are entitled usually don't have as strong will. Huh, interesting.
I'm for the underdog many times maybe 'cause I was an underdog in a lot of ways (i.e. at least I though I was). AverageJoe says--Some seem to get an unfair advantage now don't they. Many of you guys were underdogs tooooo. I realize that. Some underdogs do well and some don't. Some overdogs do well and some overdogs don't. I read this in the paper soooo it must be right about what they say about California Chrome--Roger (i.e. anybody can be a Roger) estimates about 40 percent of a thoroughbred's potential can be predicted by genetics. After that, it's up to environment and then a roll of the dice. Huh, interesting. I root for California Chrome to win the Belmont Stakes today and be a triple crown winner. The paper also said--Roger (i.e. anybody can be a Roger) says between only about 3.5 percent of thoroughbreds born each year (i.e. last year 21,275 were born) are good enough to run in a stakes race. Only 20 can make it to the starting line at the Kentucky Derby. Wow! That is a long shot folks.
This stuff reminds me of something that happened maybe 30 years ago. I was at a lake and a guy says to me--erv, that young man driving that boat is the #2 craziest boat driver on the lake. Really! Who's the #1 craziest driver--his dad!
I think the foggy fog has cleared! I got this from a friend--In one of the devotionals I get emailed to me each day, it says today, " Be OBEDIENT to the opportunities to make a difference in the lives of people you connect with each day." Be obedient to the opportunities???............
I must have been a little foggy, then there were sparks, and then the trimmer didn't work anymore. Da! Ya, you got it figured out. If a guy doesn't pay attention...happens! I was talking to a friend in the insurance business. Actually we met for the first time during a golf outing in FL maybe 20 years ago. ANYWAY I asked him how business is going--same as usual, we have had a hail storm and some folks always seem to want more than that's fair. One guy had asphalt shingles and wants them replace with metal singles (i.e. probably about twice the cost). You get like kind, like quality. He said his attorney will get him steel shingles. He can hire the best attorney in DesMoines and he ain't going to get paid for steel shingles. Soooo probably what will happen is that the company will let the claim sit on the burner for awhile until the guy comes to his senses or that DesMoines attorney bills him $300 and tells him that is the way the policy reads. Then the company probably will cancel him; who wants to do business with unreasonable, crazy folks. That will clear the fog folks.
Bill (i.e. anyone can be a Bill) says I know folks who are obsessed with winning everything (i.e. especially winning the rat race). What a miserable life if that's all your goal is--to live to try to obtain something that is really not attainable. They better be living their life for other reasons, or it will eat their lunch!
I wonder if CO State U will serve "loaded" brownies at the graduation ceremony under a banner that says--Enjoy Mile High Denver being a mile high! I like experiences you know. And it's legal!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.
MyFriendJean says--The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
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