That's more than 15%? OneSmartGuy told me that all the schools in the Big Ten got about $20 million this year from the Big Ten TV Network. By adding Rutgers and Maryland to the conference (i.e. increasing the viewing audience substantially) next year each of the school's take will be about $50 million. Bingo. It's all about the money folks. Now that is a chunk of change folks; they didn't clunk it!
A vaqueros said--Don' let 'em pack your head in whiskey! Have you ever chunked something that ended up being a great big clunk? Have you ever made a few clunks and chunks that you know aren't good and you are heading down the wrong road (i.e. it's time to crawl out the window). You say--I got to change this pattern or I'm going to loose my head. In 1853, California state ranger scouting party led by Capt. Joaquin Murroeta caught the outlaw Joquin Martina and shot him dead. They cut off his head and packed it in whiskey for the long ride to Sacramento so Love could claim the thousand dollar reward the reward was paid, and Love bought a ranch. ItchieBitchie says--Tooooo many chunks and and clunks will do that folks. Such is life. Joaquin never chunked again!
Deep brain work! I read this in the paper soooooo it must be right--Understanding the way firing neurons in the brain affect depression or phychosis--how they are influenced by genetics and the environment--remains a black hole...when physical and mental issues are treated in collaboration, there are better outcomes. We are still just clunking along it appears with no great knowledge. The brain is soooooo hard to understand. CadillacJack says--That is why we chunk things sometimes (i.e. like the Packers did). They surely weren't thinking they were already in the Super Bowl, do you think? Chunk chunk and now a clunk!

New generation of influencers! Oh yes, every generation is a new generation of influnencers! I had the opportunity to get some 80+yearold"Free"advice from Little York, IL this week. Jim and Gladys are our daughter-in-law's grandparents who are snowbirds here in Mesa (i.e. their last names are Free). I asked Jim and Gladys if they gave their four boys a lot of "Free" advice. They said--We did but don't know if they listened to most of it! Jim told me when I asked him if he still farms--Farmers farm until they die or can't get in the tractor any more! Such is life.
Think through this a little! I was running up in 'em 'er mountains recently when I stopped to talk to a couple who had two dogs. I asked them if they walk their dogs every day--we sure try; it's good for the dogs. I suppose you buy the best dog food for them toooo--we sure do. Sooooooo I run some more and met a family. The parents were maybe 30 with 2 cute girls of maybe 7 and 6. They were maybe 3/4 of a mile from the trail head. I stopped and talked to them. Very nice family. Soooo you guys hike some. We try. We want to get our girls to think about exercising and being outside. ItchieBitchie says--Many times children learn their habits from their parents and many times they don't. Clunk! Huh, interesting.
I was clunkin' along (i.e. running up 'er in 'em mountains) when I heard this noise coming up behind me. It was a gal running. Running about twice as fast as me. She was in shape (i.e. her shape looked nice as she flew by). I thought--maybe I should run faster. Remember erv, my mind said--She is probably 50 years younger than you. ANYWAY I thought of something my kid sister said maybe 5 years ago to me. Soooo I changed my stride. It seems I can run 25% faster (i.e. my ego says that--reality is maybe 10% if that) with the same amount of energy and fatigue. Could it be. Maybe I won't clunk anymore! Maybe! Question--Why do I want to run faster anyway?
Muhammad Ali once said--If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can surely make something out of you. I always wonder how my life would have been different if I would have been more intelligent. It would for sure have been different. Don't know if it would have been better or worse. I will never know. I just wonder. WorldClassLarry says--Why would you want to be smarter, erv, you are already toooo smart for your britches! LuckieEddie says--There is a reason for everything. A basketball coach asks one of his players who just missed an important shot at a critical time of the game--why did you shoot that shot? Player--I was open. Coach--There is a reason why you were open? Ouchy ouchy!
I felt like a chunk and was just clunking along! I have a nasty, lousy cold. I usually just shake them in a couple of days but this one was a huge, massive one. It affected me physically and it drained my enthusiasm. I'm getting better, thank goodness but still not back to myself. I got up the other morning and was sitting on the couch and said to myself, I gotta go for a long hard run a.k.a. rev up the engine. I got out side in the beautiful, warm, sunny weather and did. I felt way better both physically and mentally. Bingo! But I still have to blow my nose. Such is life.
Phil Mickelson said--2014 was the worst year of his career. It was a completely forgettable 365-day chunk in one of the all-time great professional golf careers. Talk about potential clunks or chunks--Do you think Allenby, Belichick and Woods are telling the truth? They seem to know the drill? Chunk or clunk or...! Belichick kept saying over and over in his press conference--I don't have an explanation! Now that clears things right up folks!
It's funny what we will do for our kids! I was waiting in line at our little post office in our 55+ community. The guy behind me had two packages of fruit he was sending to his kids in MI. He said--It would be cheaper for them to just buy it there but they like me to pick it off the tree in our back yard. They probably think it's special 'cause it's from you. Could be sooooo I just send it. I have the time and the money soooo what the heck! It's funny what we will do for our kids! Such is life.
A positive clunk! Several years ago I wrote about my terrible experience giving blood with the Red Cross down here in the Valley (i.e. was treated like a slap of raw meat). I contacted the head person and told them that if they continue treating folks this way, there will no givers and no blood and no jobs. He was very receptive to me. Well, I gave blood last Sunday and was treated very well. 100% change. BUT I wondered at first (i.e. I didn't jump to a conclusion but I was sceptical--I tried to be open minded). The phlebotomist/technician was a short and very thick man of about 28. He had his hair slicked back over his head and had tattoos solid on both arms. His pants was 4 sizes to large hanging on his hips and about 6 inches toooo long. He was very professional with a very pleasant personality and fun. All of the staff treated me great and all thanked me for donating a couple of time. I did call Red Cross and tell them about my positive experience. Everyone likes to hear compliments.
Well, zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Life is wonderful, ain't it!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFreindJean says--An open mind leaves a chance for someone to drop a worthwhile thought in it.
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